After a look at the sunshine outside, the weather is still very good, but it doesn't make Ding Yu's mind much better. After nearly two days and a night's hard work, he is a little tired. Especially his head, he has a feeling of bursting. He is also a bit old. When he thinks of this, Ding Yu is also a bit bitter.

My parents told me that it was better to have a family, but the problem was that I was not so sure about my body. It took two years for my injury to get better. It was not that I had not contacted a girl. But after hearing about my own situation, I turned around and left. I didn't even leave my back for myself, let alone others.

What's more, parents have paid so much for themselves, and they don't want their parents to work too hard. But the more you think about it, the more you think about it, the more you feel headache, and even have some uncontrollable feelings. Over the years, I don't know what's going on. The headache is getting worse and worse. I even worry about whether I can't get up all of a sudden.

However, numerous examinations have been carried out, and none of the problems have been found out. A lot of medicine has been taken, a lot of local prescriptions have been tried, and even messy things have been tried. It is useless. The pain was so unbearable that Ding Yu got up from the chair and staggered to the bedside. Then he fell over the bed and never got up again.

All the colleagues in and out of the duty room thought that Ding Yu had already gone to sleep, and his work was relatively busy, so no one took it as a matter. When he found out, his body was already cold, and the leaders from all aspects of the hospital rushed over at the first time. This is a big problem. The condemnation is in the heart, the commendation is above the surface, but with Ding Feather has no relationship, people have no more.

Efforts to open their eyes, but the eyes are a trance, do not know whether their eyes have problems? The situation is almost the same as when I wake up every morning. What's more, my hands and feet are also out of control and completely numb. In my own mind, my body's function has further deteriorated.

I can't even rub my eyes at once. In that case, maybe I'll be more sober. If I can, I can rub my head. My head feels like a burst at this time.

The buzz is so strong that it feels like waking up after a hangover. It's true that I haven't drunk wine for many years. But I can't forget this feeling. It's even more painful than this. My body seems to be not under control. I don't know what's going on. Can't it be over?

Anyway, it's a relief. It's a good thing for family, relatives and friends. I'm really dragging them down too much, because I know very well that some feelings are not clear at all.

However, after a while, Ding Yu felt that his body seemed to have some recovery, and then slightly shook his head, trying to make himself sober up. However, it seemed that there were countless mosquitoes flying around in his ears, and the buzzing sound was always ringing. This feeling was really bad, and he had some vomiting, which seemed to be true Some of them are bad.

Because he was lying there, Ding Yu subconsciously lowered his head. In the slightly moist soil, he adjusted his breathing, and his consciousness began to recover slowly. Until this time, Ding Yu realized that the situation around him seemed a little different! It's very different. I try my best to lift my head, but I still feel faint. It's definitely not on my bed. It's not like this feeling on my bed. What's going on?

Before he wakes up completely, Ding Yu's buzzing in his ear hasn't dissipated. He seems to have heard something special, which has appeared in his sleep, and has appeared more than once for many years. How can he hear this sound? And it's so real. Really? Fake? What are these and what are they? Dreams are not so real. What happened?

When I was still in doubt, I suddenly felt as if something rubbed my arm and flew out. I even drove my arm. When I turned my head, I watched the red blood dripping down my arm. I felt as if I was suddenly stimulated. Adrenaline burst up in an instant and burst into the air To the kind of pain, Ding Yu even can't help shouting, and his whole consciousness seems to recover in an instant.

Taking a deep breath, the smell of the soil turned over, the smell of dead branches and rotten leaves in the forest, and the unique fresh smell of the forest suddenly integrated into his nose.

And the gunfire that followed also made Ding Yu wake up quickly. The injury on his arm has explained everything. If he is still in his dream, he will never feel such pain. He can't worry about where he is now. Fortunately, his body has begun to respond. Looking at the log not far away, he feels the function of his body Taking two deep breaths, Ding Yu's limbs move together.Maybe the goal is too obvious! Before I could hide myself, I heard the sound of popping constantly. What made me even more annoyed was that the debris fell like rain, and I was bathed under the log. I am your second uncle's, but fortunately, the stake is thick enough, and the surface is covered with soil, so my life is safe for the time being, Then Ding Yu can also breathe a little relief.

Until this time, Ding Yu began to look around. Where is this! Feel as if there are so some familiar, but if you do not remember the wrong words, I seem to be in a good sleep at the moment.

I was on duty yesterday. I was on duty in the evening. I was busy with some things in the morning. So after lunch, I also went to the duty room. I looked at the stock market. I didn't seem to have much success. Then I looked at the lottery website. Besides my own fixed number, I studied how to buy a group of numbers?

After watching all the routine things, some boring Ding Yu also played the call of duty, which was in response to the words on the Internet. What he played was not a game, but to find out what he had felt.

After feeling headache, oneself also fell on the bed, how to wake up is like this?

However, before he could fully understand the matter, several figures suddenly flashed out in the distance, and they were slowly approaching their own direction. Looking at these figures, Ding Yu suddenly felt that these figures were beginning to coincide with those in his memory. It was just like a replica of 20 years ago, but he could not see them clearly.

He looked at his clothes again, and then touched his body. It was very textural. Everything seemed to be real. For a moment, Ding Yu was confused. Is this real or unreal? If it's illusory, why are all your feelings true? If it's true, but you seem to be playing games in the past few minutes! What happened?

At this time, a figure also quickly rushed to his side, lying down there, looking at Ding Yu's eyes, stretching out his two fingers, swaying in front of Ding Yu for two times, and then bent over to check Ding Yu's condition. After seeing that there was no serious injury on Ding Yu, he took a long breath But he didn't say anything. He just hammered on Ding Yu's body.

"How about it?" The voice was deep and powerful.

"No problem. I was hit by the air wave just now. My head may still be dizzy. I didn't respond to it for a moment. I have checked it just now. There is no big problem. There is no big problem. There is no sign of injury in other aspects. The viscera and head are not affected too much."

Ding Yu doesn't know if there is a problem with his head? At least for the time being, there are not many problems. I don't know whether I was living in a dream or I am reborn now. I can't say clearly. I don't have any time and space for my thinking. Just muddle along for the time being! Life matters.

After hearing this, the middle-aged man lying not far away had no expression on his face. He just made a simple gesture. He saw the man who had just checked Ding Yu. When the middle-aged man's gunshot rang out, he also jumped to his feet. The two men ran back with their backs scattered on their backs. However, Ding Yu's pace was slightly staggered. If he had any intention, he would jump up If you observe, you will find that Ding Yu's movements are very awkward.

In the next period of time, although Ding Yu seemed to feel something, it was always out of a state of disbelief. His eyes were so wonderful. Ding Yu was running along with the team. The sky was getting dark, and Ding Yu's consciousness began to recover slowly. Now, he seems to have realized it What happened.

There was no light around, and even the sound of breathing could not be heard. Only the sound of the wind came from the ear, as well as the sound of some small insects or animals. At this time, Ding Yu's consciousness began to wake up. No matter the events, characters, and other things began to coincide with his own memory. Now he can't say what happened, because he didn't know and couldn't explain clearly.

After coma, one's consciousness is ahead of time, and there is a dream in classical mythology, or is there overlap because of space. In a more popular sense, it is rebirth. In scientific sense, it is the fusion of multidimensional space and the present space. I really don't know.

Fortunately, it's night now, and because Ding Yu is impacted by the air waves, we are only concerned about his disorder. There is no other doubt. He is leaning against a tree, eating in small mouthfuls, chewing very carefully, and even a little bit of grinding teeth. Although there is a lot of water in the kettle, Ding Yu just sips it out of habit He did not eat too much, and then Ding Yu put the things away.

Whether it's a rebirth or a dream, it's not the time to think about these things. Now that you have made this decision, don't hesitate. After checking the equipment on his body, he opened the contents of his backpack and took out the things placed in it one by one. He became familiar with it gradually. However, he was a middle-aged man in the distance. After seeing Ding Yu's action, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.At the beginning, I thought there was something wrong with him. You should know that after being stun by the air wave, it is easy to have sequelae, especially the brain. If it is really damaged, I'm afraid that the whole life will be basically a gray life. I know and see too much of this scene. Fortunately, the boy reacted.

Ding Yu didn't want to care too much at this time. There were two long guns, six magazine clips, nearly 200 bullets, one short gun, two clips, fifty bullets, two white phosphorus grenades, one mine, one first-aid kit, and some other fragmentary items, but most of them were related to emergency medicine. In fact, I am not the most serious doctor, at least not graduated from that medical school, but I still know something about medical science, because my father is a doctor.

As for the knowledge of first aid, I learned it from the army. To be exact, I learned it from the battlefield. The battlefield is the best school. In fact, I am good at the machinery. You should know that I have been trained in the only ordnance Sergeant school in China, and I am the best among the best.

After the things are cleaned up, first the tactical vest, water bag, and then the backpack. Don't be too tight. If it is too tight, your body reaction will not be too coordinated, but you can't relax too much, otherwise you will be implicated when you run. If everything is true, if there is nothing wrong with your memory, then in the next two days, I won't have too much time to stop and rest. It's just that I'm tired. If I'm more careful, it won't matter. This is the only thing I feel happy about when I wake up.

And then everything was as expected. Although Ding Yu and his party were in a bit of a mess, they did not have any accidents. They met with the receiving troops smoothly and returned to the barracks safely. However, Ding Yu's first thing back is to be examined. Everything is consistent with his memory. Even his girlfriend is the same as the memory. However, she is not here at this time. She is the doctor here.

Lying on the hospital bed, Ding Yu looks at the ceiling above his head. The warm sunshine is shining on his body, which is very warm. The coincidence of a point may be a coincidence, and the coincidence of two points forming a line is not unacceptable. However, the three-dimensional space composed of three lines, plus time, the four-dimensional space formed by these four factors are the same. Ding Yu has no way but to choose to believe.

Once I didn't understand. In my opinion, love can defeat everything. But when I really stepped out of the barracks and entered the society, I realized that love could not be defeated, but the adhesive in the middle must be firm. Time, space, distance, money, power and status are all parts of the adhesive. I think of it here When, Ding Yu's mouth edge also emerged a small arc, some bitter.

If everything is true, you will accept a task after a month. The task is not smooth, but you are even more unfortunate. In the process of performing the task, your back is seriously injured, resulting in spinal cord injury to a certain extent.

After that, it was very simple and clear. Due to the failure of the mission and the serious injury, I could only accept the result of being forced to retire. Although there seems to be a lot of pension for retirement, it seems that all of them are used on their own body. It seems that it is not enough, and even there are a lot of upside down posts at home.

Later, although I got better, I couldn't do any heavy physical work, and even couldn't hold on to standing for a long time. So I didn't think about the mechanical work. Fortunately, I inherited some medical skills from my father. In addition, I learned from the army, and I could barely make a living. After all, it was my adoptive father and adoptive mother After paying too much for themselves, they can not continue to drag them down.

When I got better, I was almost middle-aged, or my adoptive father came forward to find a hospital job for myself. Anyway, it was a more formal job. At that time, I had quite rich experience in this aspect. After all, I had to deal with some invisible injuries for a long time, although the operation was not It's very big, but I can't stand it. I'm still very good at exercising myself.

As for his own waist injury can be good, it is also in this period of time to cure a Taoist priest, it is my good luck! I can only say that. When I think of this, when I was lying on the bed, unconsciously shaking his arm under the sun, Ding Yu's body couldn't help being tight. Then the hand swayed in the air again. I could see the shape of my hand vaguely on the wall. Until now, I suddenly understood that there was no worry. Lying under the sun was so beautiful It's just that I haven't felt it for a long time.

Although I live in the sun, I never care about it. I'm afraid it has a lot to do with my situation. Before high school, I was too young to think about this problem. After graduation from high school, I didn't have much time. Even if I had that time, I also lacked that insight. Where would I be Like now, you can lie on the bed so blandly.While Ding Yu was enjoying the sunshine, there was a deep and rapid footstep in his ear. Then the door of the room was pushed open. The people who came in looked at Ding Yu lying on the bed. Especially after seeing his action, everyone looked at each other. How could this happen?

I have asked the doctor just now. Didn't the doctor say that he didn't have any questions? But what is Ding Yu doing now? How is it like a child? Just when everyone was still hesitating, Ding Yu sat down suddenly and blinked his eyes at his teammates at the door, "what's the matter? I don't have flowers on my face! I said that you came here to see me. You can't just bring such a little fruit

Shhh... Looking at Ding Yu who is very normal, all of them rush in and let you frighten people. It's also a devastation to press Ding Yu on the bed. Fortunately, it's only short hair. If it's long hair, I'm afraid we can raise birds now. But even if it's like this, Ding Yu is not too good. At this time, a middle-aged man in the rank of major came in from the outside.

When he saw the major, all the other people except Ding Yu stood up and solemnly called out the captain. Because Ding Yu was on the bed, he could only sit there and salute, "Captain!" The major nodded to the crowd and looked at Ding Yu, who was sitting on the bed. "OK, I've already asked the doctor. There's no big problem. I'll give you two days to cultivate yourself. By the way, Xiaoying is not here? You two are not going to quarrel, are you? "

Ding Yu was smiling and didn't say anything. However, three of them standing next to him changed their faces. Others didn't know what was going on. However, they saw the truth in the front-end time. However, because of the task, they didn't say it. But now the team leader suddenly asked about this matter. This is OK How good! Now Ding Yu doesn't know about it!

Xiaoding is the youngest in the whole team. He has been in the army for a long time. He has been in the army for six years. But this does not mean that he is really old. Now he is only in his early twenties. If he is suddenly attacked, he will not be able to react for a long time.

"I don't know. I just woke up. I didn't contact Xiaoying since I came back! Something may be busy. " Ding Yu's answer is very casual. It seems that he knows nothing about other situations. This makes the three people standing beside him look gloomy. The later he knows, the greater the blow to Ding Yu.

We should know that Xiaoding is one of the few non commissioned officers who have received professional training and higher education in the brigade. His future can not be destroyed because of this matter! Otherwise, it would be a pity, and the feeling is most sad.

But at this time, it seems that there are so many things that don't agree with each other. What's more, Ding Yu is still lying on the hospital bed, and there are so many people in the room. So it's better to go back and have a private discussion.

After all of his comrades in arms left, Ding Yu was also thinking about his girlfriend. He knew Guan Ying's affairs a little. This understanding was in his vague impression. The relationship between himself and her can only be said to be a vague good feeling. It should not have risen to the height of the relationship between men and women, let alone intimacy Contact, even if it's a handle, is very limited.

We are attracted to each other, but Guan Ying's family background is incomparable to her. Later, she didn't know some of the general situation until she left the army. Moreover, the failure of her mission seems to have something to do with it. To use a relatively popular idiom to describe it, it's beyond one's ability to fall in love with Guan Ying now There is a little bit of toad eating swan meat.

Now he is just a sergeant, and Guan Ying is! I'm already a technical lieutenant. The bigger difference comes from family background. I only have foster father and mother. As for the matter of biological parents? Let's forget it! It doesn't mean much. What about this? Ding Yu has some vague feelings.

Foster father and adoptive mother, a doctor in an ordinary county-level city hospital, a teacher, how can such a family be compared with Guan family? How can different people walk a road? Even if they come together, most of them end in tragedy, not to mention Guan Ying's attitude towards himself? It's more about curiosity. Now I think I'm really a little young, frivolous and ignorant. With such an end, maybe I don't blame other people. All of them are on their own. This is not their own timidity, nor say that they are cowardly, but because of their character, whether that is a dream, or really back to reality, let themselves very feeling. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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