After Ding Yu came out, Lei Ming didn't let him continue to find other excuses. He Li and he Li directly took him to the Bureau. What's the main reason? Or because Ding Yu's reexamination is over, the attending doctors have said that the recovery is good.

Sitting in the interrogation room, looking at the layout inside, Ding Yu suddenly laughed. Is the environment here very good? It's much better than the confined place in the army. When I think about it, the door suddenly opens. Looking at Thunder, he Li and a clerk sitting there, Ding Yu cocked his mouth.

did not wait for him to make the table. Ding Yu said directly, "Ding Yu, male, Han nationality, ID number XXXX, ZS University senior student, 1.83 meter height, 72 kilograms weight, use spare time to do odd jobs in the drugstore."

Listening to Ding Yu's remarks, Lei Ming and he Li are both stupid. Although Ding Yu had handed in his wallet and keys when he came in just now, he was in a preconceived attitude, which made both Lei Ming and he Li dare not believe each other. How could this guy cooperate so well?

This is either a recidivist who is very clear about the procedure here, or he is his own. There are only two possibilities. But this Ding Yu just when very clear to explain, this in the end is what mean, intentional? College students? What and what! If you know this is the case, if you say nothing to bring him back, it is trouble to bring him back. Now he Li also wants to hit the wall with his head.

And the clerk next to is the pen flying in the air, such things or do not record, the situation will be very troublesome. But there are other ideas in my heart. It's really strange every year, especially this year. I haven't seen such a person. Don't mention, this guy is really a little handsome.

After simply finishing talking about his own situation, Ding Yu explained the things of last night in a simple and clear way, without any cover up or any loss. After that, Ding Yu naturally looked at Lei Ming and had no strength. "That's what I've been through. Any questions?"

Lei Ming looked at the clerk's record, his eyebrows jumped twice, and then he also glared at the clerk. The guy was playing tricks. And he Li is puzzled to look at Ding Yu, as if thinking of something, the atmosphere of the whole room suddenly quiet down.

Ding Yu is still the same as just now, with his hands on the chair in an orderly way, looking up and down at the thunder, looking at the quality and workmanship of her casual clothes, as well as the pair of Italian exquisite leather shoes on her feet. Her eyes are a little contemptuous.

It's not that I have research on this, but when I was looking at the impurities of Zhang Xuexue, a black sheep, I was so impressed by the excitement that I saw, so I had a little impression.

After reading these, Ding Yu slowly and leisurely said: "two police officers, I just assist in the investigation, should you give me a certain conclusion! I still need to get back to school. "

"What's the matter? Even if you are assisting in the investigation, you have the right to deal with you. "

"Ha ha, you have confused the two questions." Ding Yu looked at Lei Ming, "I'm just assisting in the investigation. It doesn't mean that I have problems. Preconceived thinking is not a good thing, and your shoes are good."

Lei Ming feels his anger is coming up again, but he Li is not. Both of them are from roughly the same family. Lei Fangtian, the director of the Public Security Bureau in different cities of the province, is also a senior official in politics and law. His father is not here, but his second uncle is the mayor here.

He is listening to Ding Yu's words carefully, and he is still trying to figure out the meaning of his words. He thinks about the authenticity of Ding Yu's words and. Don't mention that he really tasted some together. It's not thunder, or a belly full of rice bran waste, but she has been completely confused by Ding Yu.

At this time, Lei Ming also hit Ding Yu's fixed chair with a fist. He Li got up quickly and almost trotted over. How could Lei Ming go in a trance? He pulled the thunder to one side and said in a low voice: "thunder, thunder, you are a policeman. This is the police station."

Thunder looks at He Li, that look seems to say you are an idiot! He Li looked at the clerk and didn't say anything to him. He just turned his head. The clerk was very clear and went out and took the door with him. At this time, he Li Cai pulled thunder to one side of the position, while looking at Ding Yu, he said in a low voice: "I found that Ding Yu is very problematic. Think about it carefully. In the morning, he fooled the two of us. When I was in the hospital, I was turned around by him. However, when he came to the Bureau, he was like a changed person, but he did not Tease me, but tease you in turn. Don't you think there is a problem in this one? "

Looking at Lei Ming as if he understood something, he lichai said with deep meaning: "another point, you were a little too anxious just now, so you didn't want to understand. Look at the tone of his speech and the style of his work, don't you think there is a big problem in this?"When the two men were still discussing in a low voice, they saw that the clerk just now came in with a water cup. At the same time, there was a piece of paper in his hand. After putting the water cup on the table, he directly handed the paper to Lei Ming's hand. After looking at the paper, Lei Ming was stunned and looked at Ding Yu and eyebrow who were sitting leisurely The paper inside the tight wrinkled handle was handed to the hand of He Li.

He Li looked at the thunder unexpectedly, and then went to his desk and looked through the light. There were not many things on the paper, but after reading, he felt that the back of his hand was so cool. In fact, there are not many things above, but the situation revealed has already made he Li feel powerless.

This guy is a year younger than himself, but this bastard used to be a third class sergeant. My God! I've just seen his age. When did this guy start serving?

No wonder this guy is so arrogant. If you leave yourself alone, I'm afraid he will walk like a crab. Well, this guy is really a hedgehog. He can't bite. Fortunately, for the sake of thunder today, in order to maintain the demeanor in front of her, he didn't move his hands when he came up. He was really lucky.

Originally, I planned to throw him into the detention center tonight, so that the guys in the detention center could teach him a good lesson. It seems that this plan is now in vain.

But as soon as he saw Ding Yu's appearance, Lei Ming felt that he didn't hit a place. After patting the paper on the table, he said happily to He Li: "there are still some things that I don't understand clearly. Let him sign and send them to him." It doesn't matter how hard he tries to fight with himself.

Just as Lei Ming was ready to go out, Ding Yu coughed and began to tap his fixed desk and chair with his hand. "I'm afraid you will change your attention. If I'm not wrong, there are lawyers waiting outside. I don't want to have a good rest tonight. Although it's not my lawyer, some lawyers are willing to help

He Li listened to this, two eyes closed, the heart called out, "finished, these two people on, this can have a good look."

Sure enough, Lei Ming, who has already stepped out with half a foot, slowly takes back the leg that has already gone out, and finds that Lei Ming looks at Ding Yu calmly.

Just as thunder was ready to speak, he Li came over in a big stride, then pushed the thunder out of the room and brought the door with him.

Thunder this time is really angry, face is very cold looking at He Li, "I said what do you want to do? Yes? You're afraid, but it's also true. You didn't have much courage? If you don't dare, get out of my way. I'll go in and see what he's like

He Li chuckled, then sighed and sympathetically said: "thunder, I thought you were a smart man, but now it doesn't seem to be so. Since it's like this, I don't need to hide anything. I'll tell you the truth directly. Who's inside? Have you ever thought about it in your head? If something goes wrong, don't talk about you. Even your father can't hold on, college students

While saying that, he Li took out a cigarette box from his trouser pocket, directly lit it for himself, and then said, "if I remember correctly, you seem to have a reward on you! You can't understand how it came from. I'll say it here. You can do it yourself. "

This is a very heavy saying, which is quite different from the previous He Li. Thunder fell into a period of meditation. No matter it was shocked or thinking, he Li left.

After saying that, he Li went into the room directly, took the clerk's record and flipped it slightly. He handed both the pen and the record to Ding Yu at the same time. In fact, there was not much written on it.

"If you have a look, please sign if there is no problem, because there are still a lot of trouble for you in this matter, so please keep in touch with your mobile phone and phone in the near future, so as to facilitate our contact at any time, and you can't go out at will, which I think you also understand."

Originally he Li thought Ding Yu would be very happy to sign this, but he did not expect that after receiving this, Ding Yu carefully reviewed it, almost word by word, and finally began to sign his own name on it. Before going out, Ding Yu suddenly looked back at He Li, and then took a meaningful look at his eyes.

After he Li came out again, he found that Ding Yu had already gone far away, and his head thunder was leaning against the wall with his hands holding his chest, and he gently knocked against the wall with his back skull. Maybe he heard the sound and turned his head around.

Looking at the eyes that can kill people, he Li smiles awkwardly. Just now, he had some impulse, so he said something heavy. Now I think it's too much. When he was ready to please thunder, he found that thunder was charming to him.When he walked in, he heard thunder and said in a beautiful voice, "He Li, I really looked down on you before. You dare to yell at me. But just now I wanted to come. I was really a little wrong. If it wasn't for your stop, I really didn't know what would happen. Let's go! How can I thank you? "

Although Lei Ming said it was beautiful, he Li could still find that when she spoke, the cherry mouth was shaking. I think she was trying to suppress her anger! Heaven! Why does the female tiger want to find herself? At this time, he has also forgotten how he begged to follow others' buttocks.

But this is not the time to lose the chain. I'd better cross the crisis in front of me. Otherwise, if I follow the usual practice, I won't go home tonight, and I'll break the tiger girl into eight pieces.

But when his words just reached his throat, he saw that thunder was very charming and moving. He Li, I had already called uncle he and aunt he just now. You don't have to think about other things this evening. Dinner can wait

He Li, almost paralyzed on the ground, finished, this can be regarded as a real end, the girl must be dragging himself to practice Sanda. Can oneself beat this wench this matter two say, but how can oneself under this hand? How dare you do this? I hope that when I come out later, someone will recognize him. He Li, who has already recognized his fate, looks like an eggplant hit by frost, following the thunder.

Li Xuexue sits in the room, although her face is still the same, but familiar people can see that there is a trace of sadness between her eyebrows. What happened in the morning is still entangled in her heart. Although she said that she still had a little resentment towards Ding Yu, her heart was filled with strange thoughts. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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