Ma Yunhao felt a little depressed, but for Ma Chuang, it was a little bit sad. Things were far away from his imagination, and even made him feel unbelievable. Is all this true? I'm not dreaming, am I? I've always been bullied by myself. When is it my turn to ride on my head?

"Uncle, I haven't finished my studies yet? It won't take much time for this one! " Ma Chuang looks at his uncle with extremely sad eyes. When he wants to come, his uncle has already come, so the matter should be solved. How can he go back directly?

Ma Chuang has been in custody for such a long time. He has been in custody for such a long time. It's good to have some food. Don't mention taking a bath and changing clothes. Ma Yunhao also looked at his nephew with a plain expression and said, "stay, but no one will guarantee that there will be other problems. You can consider it yourself!"

"My father! Where's my dad? " Ma Chuang seems to remember something, "uncle, I'm going to call my dad!"

"Oh, I think of your father now." Ma Yunhao's heart inside how many have so some irritable feeling, "the telephone is there, tomorrow time we go back together!" After that, Ma Yunhao left. The reason why he wanted to take Ma Chuang with him was that he was worried about other aspects of the situation.

It's not that there is no possibility in this respect. At least Ma Yunhao doesn't dare to make a guarantee in this respect. He has already called the third elder brother and described the situation in detail. He didn't add any embellishments. It's not that I didn't try my best, but I've been trapped. What else do you want?

Ma Chuang called his father and found out what the result was. Then someone helped him to go through the formalities. Sitting on the plane back, Ma Chuang's expression was a bit ferocious. At this time, Ma Yunhao said aloud, "you think this is a shame to you. You even have the intention to eat Ding Yu raw !”

"Uncle, it's just a joke. As for it?"

"Have you ever heard the story of a mantis being a chariot? In front of Ding Yu, you think he is a mantis, but what about the actual situation? The mantis is is not adapted to your identity! Now Ding Yu is not the same as Ding Yu in those years. You must make clear about this matter. "

Ma Yunhao warned his nephew that his relationship with his third brother was not bad, so he said more. I hope Ma Chuang can see clearly and don't let himself get into it. Judging from Ding Yu's performance in Britain, it is not a good thing for the whole Ma family to continue to have a bad relationship.

"Uncle, Ding Yu's family is very ordinary!" Ma Chuang is very puzzled about this, "is this guy and the British side have some shady deal?"

"No!" Ma Yunhao also shook his head. "I have read his files. The only strange thing is that he has served for a little longer, maybe some special troops. But even this is not enough for the British side to attach such importance. You have been in the UK for several years, so you should know more about their temperament!"

"Damn it!" Ma Chuang is still quite young after all. Some of his emotions can't be controlled. However, Ma Yunhao is also very curious, "Xiaochuang, what are some things? I haven't asked you all the time. Even if Xiaojian once told you about this matter, it's all years ago. It's almost impossible for you to remember it. But it's because of this that you and Ding Yu are in conflict. I feel quite surprised! "

"No problem, uncle?"

"No, it's a big problem. I've thought about it carefully. Ding Yu's influence in Britain is invisible. Of course, it's also because of the lack of information. But have you heard about this in your circle? What's more, I listen to what you mean. The party is also courting Ding Yu. This is a signal! "

"Uncle, you mean to tell me that someone has done something wrong behind this matter!"

Ma Yunhao is also smiling at his nephew. He has done so much bedding, but it is not in vain. "Yes, don't put your eyes on Ding Yu's body. He does not deny that he has a bad relationship with your cousin and uncle, but this has not been extended to the Ma family, let alone he is standing on the surface!"

No matter whether his nephew understood it or not, Ma Yunhao has made it very clear that Ding Yu is not the main contradiction of the Ma family. The enemy standing on the surface does not need to worry too much. The one who worries is the one who stands behind is the most terrible existence, just like it is now.

What kind of existence is the person standing behind this event? Even Ding Yu's old rotten millet things have been turned out. This is a little bit terrible. You should know that the things happened almost ten years ago, and they have been silent at the bottom of the sea, but they are still taken out. The intention is sinister and shocking.

Relatively speaking, in this matter, Ding Yu's situation is not so important. But Ma Yunhao really had some worries. If Ding Yu really put his eyes on the horse family, what kind of consequences would it be? What kind of power can he make the British police system and the legal system sell his face!At least I know that the Ma family can't do this. It's more or less like that. In less than ten years, Ding Yu can become so afraid. I really doubt how his brother thought about it at the beginning.

What about kids fighting? Then the parents were involved, this is a little bit too careless about their own face, although said to be his brother, but he still want to say so. At the beginning, there was no need to make such a situation, leaving a line of work, don't give yourself any chance.

Ding Yu hasn't touched the Ma family all the time. He may feel that the time is not right. He may also feel that things are not worth mentioning for him. However, for the horse family, it is a big trouble and a big trouble!

"Uncle, I don't know why they want to woo Ding Yu from the association. However, judging from their performance, it seems that they don't attach great importance to Ding Yu. Besides, Ding Yu has been in England for two years."

Two years? Ma Yunhao is slightly stunned. He has been here for two years, but he has not been attracted to Ding Yu by the student union. Now, he suddenly pulls in Ding Yu. This is not normal!

After coming to the UK, the fraternity should pay attention to it. It's common sense. Even if it's not concerned, it has been two years. If Ding Yu is really outstanding, there will be other signs, but nothing. This is really strange. What happened?

After getting off the plane, Ma Yunhao also started the investigation in this aspect. Soon, Ma Yunhao figured out some things. Ding Yu even joined the European and American student union, and all the procedures have been handled properly. Compared with the whole student union, is it a fraternity? There are some things that are not worth mentioning.

Where's the fraternity? It's something about Pediatrics, but what about the school reunion? It has been put on the table. It's easy to join a fraternity. Although there are three or six grades, what about people going abroad? Basically, you can join in, but the student union is not the same. With so many international students every year, a few can join the student union, and very few of them can.

Looking back on Ding Yu, who I saw earlier, what about her clothes? Simple and neat, but I don't know why, his impression appeared in his mind at the first time. His indifference to things and his indifference to himself made his impression really impressive.

That kind of good temperament, even with a deep sense of precipitation, so that they even have some doubts, this guy is in which family? Anyway, the general family is not able to train such children, at least their own horse family is no one can match.

But the problem is that Ding Yu's information has been read countless times. He is just an ordinary child. He was adopted and grew up. After graduating from high school, he went to serve as a soldier, and then appeared in England. The process has some illusory feelings. What kind of growth does this guy have!

Ding Yu didn't pay attention to Ma Chuang, but did he treat Ma Jian? I can't say that there is no feeling in this aspect, on the contrary, the deep memory is particularly profound! In the past, I didn't think about this aspect, but now I think about it. It turns out that the wound is so deep. Now I sprinkle some salt and it really hurts.

How many years has it been? Ten years since I was young! Originally, when I saw song Qiaoqiao, I didn't feel such pain, but now I suddenly heard of Ma Jian, I really feel that there are so many uncontrollable hatred in my heart.

For a few days, Ding Yu did not calm himself down, but also used a lot of methods. In the past two days, Ding Yu did not go to the school. It was quite abnormal for Ding Yu to put this situation on his body. Everyone also had some doubts. What happened to Ding Yu?

After three days, Ding Yu finally calmed down his mind. This time, for himself, it was a big blow. However, he also had some doubts. Who was responsible for this matter, Ma Jian?

The possibility is not very big, to know how many years have not had any contact with each other, the relationship between each other? It can't be said to be the enemy of life and death, but it seems that they are almost the same, but they do not know each other's situation, and they do not even know what Ma Jian is doing now.

Since it is not Ma Jian's reason, can it be Ma Chuang? It's not likely. This guy didn't have hair when it happened! So what about this thing? There must be a leader behind. Who is it? Ding Yu is not very clear about it. But he turned this thing over. It's a bit bad!

"You've been out of shape these two days!" Charlie is not gossip, but this thing really aroused Ding Yu's interest. Ding Yu also looked at Charlie thoughtfully.

"It's not something you made up. Now many people have begun to pay attention to me, and some wonderful things happened earlier. I have some doubts about it!" Then Ding Yu also put his eyes on Charlie's body, "I think this matter has something to do with you. What do you think?""That's all right?" Charlie didn't think of this as a thing at all. "Come on! You recommend a person to me. You don't need to have your level, but at least you have the direction of your efforts. I'll help you to ask about it! "

"It sounds like there is a sense of inequality in this request!"

"The market is different, so the value is also different!" Charlie is very disapproving of that. Ding Yu is also involved in the consideration, and immediately shook his head. "From my personal point of view, although I hope to know who is behind it, I don't think the main target will be me!"

"Are you so sure?"

"It's not a question of affirmation or uncertainty. I've been trapped in hatred in the past two days. Don't look at me like that. I'm a normal person!"

"No, in my opinion, you are a little bit abnormal. Now I'm very curious about what kind of hatred can make you depressed for three days. It's scary to think of it!"

Ding Yu looked at it with disapproval, "now I think about it. It's a bit late for me to ask about it!" Then Ding Yu also laughed, "if it was three days ago, many people had such a chance. I'm not a stagnant person, so now I can only say I'm sorry, isn't it?"

Looking at Ding Yu's appearance, Charlie also took a deep breath, "so say it! This time, the aspects involved are not from the British side. I think you should have feelings about this aspect. I won't say anything redundant! "

"Is it?" Ding Yu said thoughtfully, "OK! Since this is the case, then I give you a wake-up call, sometimes don't look too long-term, we have a special word to describe, the light is black! When we created the word, we used kerosene lamps. "

What about their attitude? Both of them are slightly vague, but they have understood the meaning. Ding Yu has already known who is going to fight. But what is the purpose of these guys? Want to test themselves, or just have a contradiction with the horse family, so I brought myself out.

What about this kind of movement? Let Ding Yu feel more or less uncomfortable. If there is any contradiction, then you can solve it by yourself and pull yourself out. What kind of behavior? It's really too unsound. Ding Yu doesn't feel anxious to solve this problem at this time. He doesn't think it's necessary.

After all, at this time, there must be someone who is more anxious than himself. That is the horse family. Even a little boy can figure out the situation. Can the horse family think about it? Is the Ma family, who wants to understand something that is impossible, ignore it? It's impossible.

If you say it's your previous life, you will certainly be unable to control this emotion. After all, you are young and vigorous. When you are overcast, your first reaction is to find this place. First of all, face will be recovered. As for other aspects? That was the problem and situation after the event, but now? Ding Yu would not do this.

What about Ding Yu's reaction? It really makes the people behind him feel that there is some wax. In everyone's opinion, Ding Yu is very proud and proud. At this time, even if he does not ignore everything, he will not be any better. Therefore, he just takes advantage of the contradiction between him and the Ma family to make some other noises.

If Ding Yu and the Ma family are in trouble together, then there is still time to pay attention to who picked up the matter behind this? There is that mind, and there is no idle one.

The plan is good, and there is no problem in the initial implementation. Even Ma Yunhao also came. I heard that Ma Yunhao was beaten in the face, but immediately? Things seem to be out of track. Ding Yu doesn't mean to pursue the victory, but what about Ma Yunhao? The attitude towards this matter is not so indignant as imagined.

This is not the result you want. In anticipation, at this time, Ding Yu and the Ma family should be in a very bad mood! How come all of a sudden there is no movement at all? Is it hard for Ding Yu to be able to bear it? At the beginning, he suffered from all kinds of things, and he really had no feelings? Some people do not believe it!

The important thing is that if both sides calm down, it will be very bad for the instigators of this incident. If everyone calms down, the people behind the scenes will surely be pulled out. What's the matter this time? It's not as close as you can imagine, at least it's not so difficult to investigate.

Soon, the Ma family investigated the people behind them. It was a very simple thing. However, the Ma family was also a little strange. In this matter, Ding Yu never expressed his attitude and opinions. It seems that the child's tolerance is beyond imagination.

This time, Ma family did not have any impulse, and Ding Yu did not. The Ma family doesn't have such an impulse. It's very easy to understand. After all, after all, it's understandable to have experienced for many years. But what about Ding Yu? It's just a fledgling kid. Why can he live calmly? Some are hard to understand.Ma Yunhao mentioned this matter with his father. After all, it also involved his elder brother and the great grandson of the old man. How should the matter be handled? Master, make an idea! In here? Ma Yunhao is also a skilful, of course, there are some impatient.

Although it is said that they are brothers, there are some differences between their ideas, and the relationship is not as good as expected. In addition, this time he has been cheated. Ma Yunhao feels quite unhappy about this matter, but he really does not have much decision-making power. Let's see the old man's decision-making! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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