From Ding Yu's words, old Peyton can clearly feel it. What about Ding Yu's way? It doesn't matter whether you agree or disagree, it's in the whole process? Maybe a little bit bloody, that's all!

Now that everything has been settled, we can start now! What about Ding Yu for the people lying on the hospital bed? Really didn't express what too much concern, oneself now? Is it the executioner? Is it really important? What's more, it's not what you want to do. If you have this ability, you can go to old Peyton and find yourself?

When Ding Yu started, he also paid attention to the situation inside the syringe. Good guy! Nearby Taylor is also really no matter three seven twenty-one, a tube directly to the injection into, scared Ding Yu also nearly jump three feet high? You have a lot of research on medicine. How can you do that?

At the next moment, what about the one on the bed? Just like the mummy that was touched suddenly, the whole person also rose in a circle out of thin air. Even if there are many instruments nearby, they are used to guide Qi and blood, and even Ding Yu is behind? Also opened a big hole, but did not play any role at all!

Although the whole person did not like the balloon as direct explosion, but the end is definitely not as good as imagined! Ding Yu looked at the blood Hula on his body, and also gave Taylor a look of hate! She obviously did it on purpose!

But compared with the past, there are so many things taken out from the back, but what about the one on the bed? Already dead! There are people who have never experienced such a scene. Although they didn't vomit at that time, they obviously couldn't afford it.

Ding Yu took a look at Taylor, but also out of the operating room, it is clear that the operating room situation is not so appropriate! Although it is said to have a mask, but the taste is also a little too strong! When she changed the operating room again, Ding Yu took a look at Taylor!

Taylor really did not dare to respond to Ding Yu. He stood beside him honestly. Just now, it can be said that he was a little too excited, even a little excited. But what about this situation? Really can't go on like this for a long time! Mr. A has clearly expressed his dissatisfaction.

Although he didn't mention it, couldn't he feel it? So now don't say anything, just admit your fault honestly! Of course. What about the fault? It's just a mistake! I will never make the same mistake again!

But what about Taylor's heart? Or do you feel a little bit of a pity, the guy who lay down before? Dead too fast! I just injected the drug directly, but I thought there would be such a reaction? As for the one lying on the bed now! Absolutely can't be so happy!

"One milliliter, push it slowly!" Taylor is still the operator, but this time? Ding Yu indicated that, so it was not easy for Taylor to inject all the tubes directly. However, after a milliliter dose was injected into it, the people on the bed almost came to a carp fight. Fortunately, there are quite fixed devices. Otherwise, I don't know what will happen?

The people around Ding Yu are also carefully collecting the things taken from the patient's body. Compared with the past, the dosage is much larger, but the color is so different! Looking at the reaction of the patient on the bed, Taylor also looked at Ding Yu carefully, and then pushed another milliliter!

Ding Yu is careful to control the acupuncture needle on the patient's body, but in the second push, what about this one on the hospital bed? I'm afraid it's just the physiological reaction! What's more, Qiqiao has begun to bleed, but what about people? There is no real death yet! But after ordinary people see, I'm afraid there are some really difficult to adapt to!

Ding Yu didn't show too much concern for the life and death of this one on the bed. What about the whole process? I'm just a knife. As for where the knife is going to stick, it's not really up to me to decide what to do with it!

As for the third push? The one on the bed exploded just like before, but the people on the scene didn't show any accident. We should do our best!

How about two people in a row? Ding Yu's state is not too many problems, but look at his appearance? It seems a little tired! After all, lying on the bed? It's also a living person, not an animal? Although he has never been a good man, or even some cold-blooded, but such behavior? I really don't know how to say it!

Is the third patient because of the data collection? Need to wait for quite a while, Ding Yu took the lead to come to the room, looking at the person lying on the bed, but also slightly stunned, and then narrowed his eyes! It was Ge Huai!

What might Ge Huai feel? Also looked back at Ding Yu, two people looked at each other, "old Peyton is really cruel enough, directly sent you to the guillotine above!""Sir Ge Huai doesn't know what to say at this time! Fate to oneself, seem to have so some cruelty, oneself? There are some relations with Mr. Ding Yuding, but who can think of this chain? Still can not be broken free!

"What about the first two? But they all died suddenly! How do you choose? "

Ding Yu also sat down at this time, "don't look at me, what about me? It's just a doctor. I don't have any way to do it, but from now on? There is still so much time. Do you have any requirements and preparations? I'm free anyway! "

"There is no requirement, and certainly no preparation! Can you live? Better! "

"Alive?" Ding Yu also slightly nodded, "yes! It's good to be alive! But who knows? " When talking, Ding Yu also shook his head, "but what about you? After all, I'm still a child. If I can't stand it, I'll prepare a coffin for you. It's a good coffin. If there's a word to say, it's safe to be buried! "

The light in Ge Huai's eyes can be said to be quite complicated. Her body also can't help shaking for two times. She hasn't calmed down for a long time. Ding Yu really has no reaction! However, at the next moment, Ge Huai's eyes were closed uncontrollably!

Ding Yu glanced at the instrument nearby, and the anesthetic had already begun to watch! However, Ding Yu just took a look at it. He really didn't show any attitude. Relatively speaking, he was so pitiful, but Ding Yu was not a warm-hearted person! Anyway, it's old Peyton's arrangement. I'll watch it myself!

When Taylor came in, he looked at Ding Yu who was sitting there. When he saw the man on the hospital bed, the whole person even stepped back one step. How could it be? Why is Ge Huai lying on the bed!

When Taylor hesitated, other staff came in one after another. For them, it doesn't matter who is lying on the hospital bed. It's just a patient! As for the previous two? They're older, but is Gervais now? A little bit smaller, that's all!

"Sir Looking at Ding Yu standing up, Taylor can't help but shout out!

Ding Yu snorted, "start injection, 0.1 ml!"

"Sir Taylor called out again, but when the people next to him looked at Tyler without any action, he directly started the machine. Ding Yu has already started to start at this time! Closely watching the movement of Ge Huai on the bed, the reaction of the whole person is so violent. After all, what about GE Huai? It's just a child!

While watching the video, old Peyton also bit his back teeth. What about him? Also really did not expect Ding Yu to start so merciless! So fast! Although the relationship between GE Huai and Ding Yu is not as close as Taylor and III, Ding Yu seems to be optimistic about GE Huai!

But when GE Huai was lying on the bed, Ding Yu didn't have any hesitation at all. He was too calm and even made people feel chilly! To send Ge Huai to the hospital bed is the temporary decision of old Peyton. He just wants to test Ding Yu! Let's see what kind of reaction Ding Yu will make!

But there think of Ding Yu so quickly started! It's like he never knew Ge Huai! What's more, how about moving your hand up here? But let old Peyton have nothing to say. What should I say now? Stop? It's not a matter of shame! It involves some other aspects of the problem!

Ding Yu attaches great importance to Taylor, which we all know. At the beginning, he made a wrong move, which caused Taylor to lose this opportunity. What about the relationship between the third generation and Ding Yu? Even if it's good? It seems impossible to achieve so familiar, so this time? Directly pushed Ge Huai to the front.

But I think of Ding Yu there! If you dare to reach out, then I dare to do it. As for the final result, what will happen? This question? Really no one dares to do this aspect guarantee!

When GE Yu looks at the upper part of the bed, it doesn't seem to have the same effect as the normal operation of geyu's blood guiding device? There are not too many differences, and more importantly, the flow of things is not so much! This is obviously different from the previous two.

"What do you think? Is it because there is not enough medicine? "

Old Peyton also asked the people next to him for the first time. The people standing next to him carefully watched Ding Yu's movements, and then shook his head slightly. "I think it has something to do with the amount of medicine, but it's not as big as you think. Taylor used it at the beginning, but relatively speaking? They are all people who have been treated, so what about their performance in this respect? It may not be so strong and exciting! "

When the two people were talking, Ding Yu called for pushing and shooting again, and this time it was the kind of increasing measurement. Previously, 0.1 ml was directly reached 0.2 ml this time. The person next to him also pressed the number. Would he take any responsibility? This has nothing to do with himself. He just did what he should do That's all!And Ge Huai on the bed has begun to twitch, the situation is too obvious! Taylor has been standing behind some silly eyes, looking at GE Huai lying on the bed, this time is also uncontrollable feelings, tears are also along to stay down, because his heart has been cold! Even the whole person was cold, but seeing gewai lying on the bed, Taylor suddenly found that his heart seemed to be still hot!

At this time, the equipment beside the bed began to sound. It was obvious that GE Huai's situation was not so good, otherwise the instrument would not give such an alarm. But the problem is that Ding Yu just paid attention to the silver needle in his hand. As for GE Huai on the hospital bed, it seems that he did not do anything at all!

When the old Peyton heard the alarm, he also turned his head to look at the screen and bit his teeth slightly. Ding Yu is a cruel one. He knew he was merciless, but he didn't expect that Ding Yu would be so cruel. How about lying on the bed? But a child! A serious child!

"Keep pushing, 0.3 ml!"

Push again? Tyler felt like he couldn't stand it! This is no longer a matter of hard work! It's a dead hand! If you push and shoot again, Ge Huai on the bed can't bear it! After hesitating for quite a while, Taylor didn't know whether he should stand up or keep calm!

"Dr. Ding, there are not so many doses! There is only less than 0.2 ml left! "

"Push and shoot!" Ding Yu said without any hesitation. When he spoke, he was also cold, which made people feel that his back spine was a little chilly. The staff hesitated for a moment, but he still chose to continue pushing and shooting. All the things in the bottle were pushed into it all the time, and Ge Huai's reaction on the bed became more intense.

Nose began to bleed a lot, even the corner of the mouth can see a lot of blood, the bedside machine called again, even some values have reached the so-called peak? Ding Yu is cold observation, at most in the head of Ge Huai inserted a few acupuncture needles.

Taylor is also holding his fist, looking at the side of the instrument, the internal pressure is too big, now this time the blood vessels have begun to spray out! It's like a broken tap, it can't stop at all! Even if the artery is broken, it will not have such an effect? Too much infiltration!

What's more, Ding Yu even pierced several holes in Ge Huai's body, which could not be covered by his mother's cover. If it goes on like this, it won't take too long. I'm afraid the whole person will bleed to death? How could anyone do that?

But what's the good news? Blood is not as direct as just now to spray out, the speed of bleeding obviously began to slow down! I don't know if it's under control, or is the blood running dry? But what about the whole bed? It's all blood. Ge Huai has become a blood man at this time. The whole person is almost immersed in blood!

Ding Yu is looking at the next instrument, the problem is not as big as imagined, at least now the blood can start to transport! What about other drugs? You can also start conveying. That's it! Otherwise, what else do you want?

The old Peyton, who is thousands of miles away, also leans his whole body to the back of his chair at this time. Although the whole person does not collapse, he is also very nervous in spirit. Ding Yu's ruthlessness has been learned by himself again!

If it's not that he still left a little bit of backhand, if all of them were injected into Ge Huai, I'm afraid the child's life would have been crying! But even if there is no whining, lost so much blood, follow-up problems? I'm afraid it's quite troublesome! This is not a day or two days can mediate over!

Ding Yu, this guy, how can he have no pity at all? You know, Ge Huai is just a child. You can't bear such a heavy hand for a child. What about this child? It has a certain origin with Ding Yu!

Don't deny that in the whole thing? I have some other ideas, but I don't need to be like this! Old Peyton also felt quite regretful and lost a Ge Huai? He is not so in the heart of the above, but this matter will cause a considerable blow to Taylor, is not so clear!

You know, Taylor is by Ding Yu's side now! I know a lot about the relevant situation. What about Taylor after she went to the courtyard? Ding Yu did not reveal any attitude problems, but he was still very attentive, and even introduced his uncle to Taylor? Can also explain quite a problem!

So at this time, old Peyton is also feeling his own thoughts? A little bit more!

Mainly Ding Yu's way? Let yourself have so many no way to deal with, at least not fully prepared for this aspect. After so many years of communication with Ding Yu, what about his temperament? How much do you know! This guy! Never play cards according to common sense!

And the end result? It also makes people speechless. Can he blame Ding Yu? make fun of! Not only can not blame, but also need to sell Ding Yu, after all, Ding Yu can be said to be impeccable!This is Ding Yu! What a terrible fellow! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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