When PI Luan wakes up again, she is already lying in the hospital here in port city! What about treatment? You don't need to talk about it yourself. Is someone going to handle all this for yourself, even the police? Also let oneself sign, oneself belong to the hit that one! Everything has been done for yourself!

It's a lawyer and a nurse. It really makes people feel dizzy. When they wake up again, the operation has been finished! "Mr. PI, your operation has been very successful. Now it's only for recuperation! By the way, your cell phone is ringing all the time, we didn't answer! This is private, because you are a foreign tourist, and you have not found your guardian, so sorry! "

PI Luan looked at the nurse, she just mentioned two words to herself, and then she also walked out of the room, looked at the phone that rang again, PI Luan was helpless to take the phone in his hand! "Hello, who is it?"

"Where the hell have you been, Pieron? Do you know we're all going crazy here? "

"Don't mention it. There are still free people in the house. Find two to come to my side?"

"What do you mean?" The voice of doubt came from the phone! "Where are you? Is it not a crime? "

"Video chat! Don't worry about it. You will know what happened when you see the video? " The video was quickly connected, and so on to see the situation of PI Luan, only to find that Pi Luan was lying on the hospital bed, "see how a thing? Nima, I was in a car accident, and my legs were broken! My hand and face are injured. I have a nurse, but it's not convenient. Please find two people who can take care of me! "

"I wipe it!" After the people in the video see clearly the situation of PI Luan, I don't know what to say! PI Luan's leg was dropped and hung there. One hand was helped by thick gauze. What about the other hand? It's better, but there's a lot of gauze on it, and there's not too much on the face, but hair? It's almost bald.

"Pieron, you're a little over the top?"

"By the way, if it's feasible, find a doctor for me. I'm not sure about the doctor here. I feel strange about this matter. I walk on the road well, and I'm suddenly hit!" PI Luan seems to have no intention, but in fact, he said intentionally.

"All right, what about me? It's not very convenient, but I'll arrange someone to arrive before the latest evening. You can rest assured! "

After putting down the phone, the young man who talked with piluan also made a few phone calls. Piluan was suddenly involved in a car accident, and even his two legs had been broken. This seems to be some exaggeration? And what do you mean by pilun? This seems to have some intention of revenge! It seems to have a little bit of fun!

Did he know about the situation of pilun, even the previous arrangement? It's also the rumor that you've revealed faintly, but how long has it been! PI Luan was involved in a car accident, although the situation seems not so serious, but PI Luan's two legs were broken? What is the meaning of this warning? It's too thick!

What about yourself? If you want to warn Ding Yu a little, it can be considered that he has come to the local area? He just said hello, but who could have thought that Ding Yu's backhand would give him a heavy hammer, or? It's straight, or what? Who can play in private? Horizontal afraid of Leng, Leng? It's really a little bit scared to death!

What about Ding Yu? Different from Zong Taiping, he didn't have the identity above his face. He just wanted to warn him, but what about now? He seems to have taken a move stinky chess, he was able to use the shortest time to find out the identity of PI Luan, but also directly gave his own considerable response!

What about the response? It really makes me feel helpless. Where did the incident happen? It's in the port city. What's the specific situation? I'm afraid I have to wait for his own people to know, but look at the situation of PI Luan, he seems to have some feelings! Why didn't you answer your phone before? There should also be complaints.

But there seems to be something wrong with it! I just want to tell Ding Yu that he is coming! Is let PI Luan pass, but is to tell a exchange for PI Luan leg broken? As for such revenge? Can't it be pylon who did something stupid?

After thinking about it, the young man also called his secretary in, "go check, where is Ding Yu now?"

"Mr. Luo? Shall we visit him? "

"What about checking it out? It can also be regarded as a preparation for us. We can't find anyone in time. What's more? Zong Taiping is staring at us very closely now, these guys! Really can't underestimate? Means play can be said to be quite a flower, my insurance can play a role, can play how much role, it is difficult to say! "

The reason why Luo Zhen knew about Ding Yu was mainly because of the capital? Some people are angry with themselves! Although the relationship between each other? It's a little bit common, but what about the one who is obviously ventilated? The relationship with Ding Yu will never be too good!If you have a good relationship with Ding Yu, you will never have such a good relationship with yourself, so it's inside! There are a lot of articles to do. The problem is how to do it. This is what I care about.

"Xiao Ni, how about Ding Yu's investigation?"

"It's hard to find out anything useful like a running account, but he is a doctor, and he is also a powerful doctor!" The Secretary didn't mean to read the information at all. He had already investigated Ding Yu's relevant situation, "what about some of them? When it comes to other aspects, the people who went to the capital have not come back yet! "

"What about the capital? No, the situation is different here. What can we get? Of course, it's not the same in Beijing? We belong to the outside, but here? Ding Yu and Zong Taiping belong to foreign countries. Their positions have changed and changed! It depends! By the way, does Ding Yu like anything? "

"I don't see it!" The Secretary thought for a while, but also slightly shook his head, "I took a child, went to the scenic spot for a stroll, and then took the child to eat some food, as for others? It seems that there are not too many, but I have let people walk into Ding Yu's side. The watch on his hand is very valuable, and it is also very good to take a string of bracelets! "

"Watch string?"

"Yes! Watch string Xiaoni nodded heavily, "what about the style of the watch? There is no circulation on the market. I asked people to inquire about it. It belongs to the kind that can't be asked. The climate here is worse, so there are not so many people playing hand string! It's really hard to do it! "

"A watch that doesn't circulate? What's that saying? "

"It has a considerable historical added value, and it has been snapped up by many collectors. Even when the watches came out at that time, there were few faces in the world, which did not belong to the level of trading. Therefore, there is no trace to find now. From this point of view, the taste of Yu Shao is very different. At the same time, this" inside story "is also very rich, using the capital If you want to evaluate the value of the Second Ring Road, maybe two suites in the second ring road! "

"How much?" Luo Zhuo didn't stand up! Even deliberately put his hand out, pointing to his wrist watch, the meaning is very clear, his own this? Don't mention a suite in the Fifth Ring Road, half a suite is not worth, but Ding Yu's is worth two suites in the second ring road. Is this gap too big?

"What about the so-called two suites within the second ring road? It's just my personal estimation. If it's placed in the auction house, I'm afraid it's not just the price. How much will it appreciate? It's hard to say! I found a special watchmaker, so I knew it! I don't think he'll lie to me! And he is also an estimator, because he is not a real watchmaker! Too high historical value! "

Luo Zhuo also slightly nodded his head, "so to speak, this feather less wealth must be not poor? Want to take care of him? It's worth a lot of money? "

"The value must be high. What about the average? I'm afraid it's very difficult to be placed in the eyes of this Yu Shao! "

"What about Rolex and the rest of the world? I'm afraid it's hard to be valued by Yu Shao! What's more, our country's emphasis on watches is not so high, so there is a lack of detailed information. This also causes a certain vacancy in the market, even if there is demand? It's hard to find! "

"Can't be found, or is it hard to find?"

"The so-called poor play car, rich play watch, this market needs time to cultivate slowly, and what about this investment? It's different from other investments! It's easy to make a loss. It's better to invest directly in oil painting, antiques and so on! So what about the people who really have the goods? No shipment. What about the shipment? It's not a good thing

"That is to say, putting the target on the watch is time-consuming and laborious, and it may be useless! So we can only put the target on the hand string when it appears? "

"Although the hand string is not so popular here, I have learned something about it. There are many kinds of products in this market, but they are basically stir fried. What about serious and good things? There is no hand string. How about making it? Basically, they are scraps or scraps. What about the small and valuable things? Although it has been stir fried, but actually what about it? There are still some who can't do it! "

Have you made it so clear? How can Luo Zhu not be clear, if only from the angle of hand string? Even if it is not ordinary, but what is the value of that thing? Too low again! So this also caused quite a problem! It's something you can't ask for, or what? It's something too common for the public! How to choose?

What about things you can't ask for? It's not that you really need the money. If you can get through this relationship, no matter how much money you have, there is no problem. But what about those things? It's not that you can get it with money! There is a saying how to say, money is not everything! That's right!

What about things that are too popular? Even if Ding Yu can follow, but will he send it? Are there some too much slapping in the face? At that time, if the outside world really mentioned it, I'm afraid that I will really have no face to be a man!"I didn't expect that. What about this gift? There's no place to talk about it! "

What about Xiao Ni, the secretary? Obviously, it's not an outsider, but he didn't mean to sit down. Instead, he thought for a while, "this Yu Shao is very strange, and even gives people a feeling of being a little weird. If other people don't support each other, they won't be so insipid. What about him? The food is not bad, but the places where you go in and out are really

"Who knows how to eat? When I come to a strange place, I will never go to any luxury hotel or restaurant, but to the market place. I am a relatively delicious person, so I know something about it. What about luxury hotels and restaurants? It's just that the environment is better. There are not so many things that I think are really good at. What about these things? It's just the sublimation and deep processing of some things in the market! "

Speaking of this, Luo Zhuo seemed to suddenly wake up to something, even reached out to touch his chin, "if so? It's really interesting! It seems that I really need to find this feather to eat less

"Now? General manager Luo? We seem to be under Zong Taiping's surveillance now? Although we don't have any problems, there are still some restrictions! "

"You said that we were just under the surveillance of Zong Taiping? What's more, do we really have any problems? " Luo Zhuo also slightly shakes his head, "really if say? We just played a few fringes, crossing bridges, middlemen and so on! What about breaking the law? I don't think so! "

"How to solve the problem of pilun?" Xiao Ni also asked, "now that he has broken his leg? It shows that Yu Shao has already known quite a lot. This revenge comes too fast, even some of them are too fierce. If we are a little careless, will we directly hit the reef? also? What would the rest of you think of it? "

"Just a meal!" Luo Zhuo also snorted! "Find the place where Yu Shao is staying and tell me!"

Ding Yu these two days is very relaxed, after sending PI Luan, there is really no other people to look for themselves! Since no one came to the door, Ding Yu could not take the initiative to find other people's trouble! As for Wang Xiaogang? He is very free now, and even a little fat!

"Hello, Yu Shao!" When Ding Yu was eating with Wang Xiaogang, Luo Zhen also went to Ding Yu's table, but he didn't mean to sit down. Ding Yu looked up and nodded slightly, then reached out to do an invitation to clean up! "Hello, please have a seat."

"Excuse me?"

Ding Yu also played Wang Xiaogang with his hand. Soon, Wang Xiaogang was picked up by the nanny next to him. However, when he left, he bowed slightly. Although he didn't know him, what about his behavior? Also let Luo Zhuo not from pick their eyebrows, their pillow side people have not? Not to mention dolls!

"Little feather children are very obedient?"

Yeah? Ding Yu was stunned for a moment, and then shook his head, "that is not my son, just my nephew!" At this time, Ding Yu's things were also sent over, but Luo Zhuo was stunned for a moment. Good guy, he thought it was Ding Yu's son. He didn't expect that there would be such a big oolong. This is not so wonderful! Work is still not home!

"Mr. Luo has something to do with me?"

As soon as Ding Yu's words came out, Luo Zhu couldn't help being stunned. What he came to could be said to be more abrupt. But Ding Yu didn't have any surprise, and even pointed out himself directly. What's in Luo's heart? I really don't have much preparation. They all say that they know each other well and are invincible in a hundred battles, but I seem to be a little bit smart!

"Yu Shao, let you laugh!" Luo Zhuo turned two circles in his heart, and then apologized and said, "I didn't expect that pilun would make such a thing. Although he is in the port city now, I still need to express my apology to Yu Shao." After saying that, also stands up, bows deeply!

"Sit down and say it." Ding Yu didn't really mean to embarrass Luo Zhu, "what about me? It's not a good person. What about doing things? Sometimes, I like to report my revenge. What about the elders in my family? This is also a lot of reprimand. They all say that my attack is too cruel and merciless. What does Mr. Luo say? "

Hiss..., Luo Zhuo also moved his body slightly back. Looking at Ding Yu in an uncertain look, he came to find Ding Yu to have a meal. He just wanted to get acquainted with each other's relationship. But he never thought that Ding Yu gave himself such a power. Although he didn't take pictures of himself, he still had some trembling in his heart!

"Yu Shao looks very approachable

"Approachable?" Ding Yu murmured to himself, "maybe." Sighing, Ding Yu also shook his head, "Zong Taiping, how about the four of them? Still too young and immature! How about this time? It's just to learn some experience. As long as you don't get beaten down, what about the bloody and disheartened? It doesn't matter! ""Mr. Ding, are you kidding Luo Zhu also changed his address. Since it is equal to discuss conditions, he needs to show his fangs, regardless of what you are and what you want to do. Since it is a negotiation of conditions, what are you going to do? We need to sit together, there is nothing you say up and down!

"No, it's not funny. You're a smart man! What about things within the system? It seems to be a part of the game, but what about the reality? Even the edge is not counted, but there is a sentence how to say, often walk by the river, where not wet shoes! I think you need to pay attention to it better! "

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