Provincial capital is really not so much time to care about Ding Yu now! Because the work of the investigation group and the inspection group has already achieved initial results, some things have been put on the surface. How many problems will be involved in this? It's really not easy to say, although it's not dangerous for people, but what about some people? You can't sit on your butt!

This is also the reason why Luo Ji is so popular now. For so many years, how about Luo Ji? Has been circulating in the province of this circle, we have a considerable understanding of his situation!

This guy is very smart, doing things is also quite related, this is how many years to achieve the reputation! It is impossible to grasp him! Because he never gets involved in specific things! But it is also he did not get involved in the matter, so we can say that he is particularly assured!

Consulting company! Now is also finally played a considerable effect! But Luo Jique didn't mean to eat a lot! Even now, they are very picky. What do I want to eat and how do I want to eat? Need to see mine! You have no choice!

As for the popularity of Luo Zhu in these two days, the provincial government does not pay much attention to it. Now let Luo zhe go to Ding Yu, what kind of conditions will he open up? Do you want to know Ding Yu and Luo Zhu? There is no practical contradiction. Previously, Ding Yu could be targeted, but now? Do you need to do that?

People sit at home, money comes from the sky! What's more, Luo can also look down on people's dishes. Instead of making such simple money, why do you have to do those challenging but risky things? No one is a fool! Hard to their own scalp to rush, but also can not get any benefits, why bother to it?

Someone else? People who know Ding Yu's identity know that Ding Yu is absolutely not easy to offend. At the beginning, everyone wanted to sell Luo Zhuo, but he was smart enough to think of Luo Zhuo. He didn't fall for it. After stabilizing the situation, he ran away!

Can those who go again have the standard of Luo Ji? It seems that no one dare to do this aspect of the guarantee, once Ding Yu did not settle down, make other things come out, ha ha! Now the provinces and cities have been like this! The whole house will be destroyed if it rains at night! At that time, it will not be as simple as crying without tears!

Now Ding Yu does not take the initiative to do things, is already burning high incense! But what happened to the four of them who were busy by Luo Zhuo? It still has a considerable effect. If you don't eat the fruit thrown out, you can't do it. But the problem is, can you eat it with such a large belly? It seems that this is impossible!

How about doing this? There are so many people who drink poison to quench their thirst, but what can we do? We can't lose a lot because of small things, can we? But I have to admit that Luo Ji is a little bad grandson! And there are so many bad morals smoking! How could he have thought of such an attention? How does the brain grow?

Even though all the people in the investigation team are busy, they are not all in the team! Think carefully, Luo's consulting company still has a considerable role!

Yangzi, in particular, now has other considerations. If Xiaoni is on the top, can she play the role of Luo Zhu? If you can't play the role of Luo Zhu, I'm afraid it will harm others and yourself! You should know that such a thing has appeared here in the provincial capital! What about that one? This is also the case!

But is it really appropriate to give up Xiao Ni like this? It seems that there are some difficult choices! Because it involves a considerable interest, and this interest is still very difficult to choose the one!

What's more, Xiao Ni has replaced Luo Zhuo's position, can it succeed? Luo Zhuo has been wandering in the provincial capital for so many years. Although his father has a bad relationship with him, he is after all his own father. There is no way to erase this relationship! Is it not necessary to consider such a problem?

What about Xiao Ni? There are considerable advantages, but there is considerable uncertainty. What about using Luo Zhu? There are quite constraints, but it can be quite reassuring. It really makes people have so many difficult choices at one time!

The reason why I care about this matter now is mainly because when the matter has reached such a point, it is necessary to make a decision in order to seize the interests of the future. After seeing this, it is really exciting!

"Are you Luo Ji?" Back home, Luo Jiong opened the door just now. Looking at the people sitting there, he was also scared to jump. However, the people sitting on the sofa in the living room stood up and bowed down to apologize, "I'm sorry, the way of coming is a little bit special, but it's safer! Let me see you, sir

"Sir? I don't know which gentleman it is! " Although the words are so said, but Luo Xuan's heart has already had quite a feeling.

"My husband Ding Yu asked me to tell Mr. Luo that some people have fixed their eyes on your position. It is still unknown what kind of way they will take. There may be some risks, so I may stay with you temporarily and take charge of your safety problems! Come here rashly today, excuse me! If you come back and come in again, it's too easy to expose! "Hearing this, Luo's face was pretty good-looking, but then he was stunned, "no! There are security guards and monitors in the community. There is no such thing as theft or intrusion! Moreover, the security team is still in contact with the provincial military region, which has a fairly high standard! "

"It's a thing to have a standard, but we all have our own specialties, so we can't use points to cover areas." The visitors are also straightforward, "what if they are placed on the battlefield? We may not be opponents of these security, but if it is pure security, they are still far from each other! So I can come in without much surprise! "

"By the way, this is Mr. Chen's phone!"

"There's no need to call! Let me ask you something! Who is the lady who is coming? I have investigated a lot, but I haven't got any direction, which makes me very curious! "

"I don't need to hide too much, Li Fuzhen!"

"Li Fu Zhen? How can this name sound so familiar, but I still can't remember who it is! "

"The eldest princess of Samsung is now the Asia Regional Director of the consortium! Come and talk to your husband about something. " This thing is really not so secret, even many people know, but what happened? It's just a small person, maybe a big one here, but relative to the whole country and the world, it's really small and can't be any smaller!

The big Princess of Samsung? Do you remember? Then Luo Zhu also felt that he had some toothache, and he was not so suspicious about it. But the problem is that Li Fuzhen is in charge of the Asian region, and he is also a member of the consortium. What is the situation? It seems that he slowly unfolds a picture in front of himself!

"The head of Asia, that is to say, the head of America and even Europe?"

The visitor looked at Luo Zhu and said with a smile, "Sir, let me protect Mr. Luo. It's feasible to disclose some information to Mr. Luo a little bit, but if you disclose too much, Mr. Luo has not been able to bear it!"

"So it is!" Luo Zhuo soon also aftertaste come over, "in the past, I have heard of the big Princess of Samsung, but the news is so poor! I didn't expect her to come! And still see feather less, it seems that before the time is really ignorant! I'm sorry that I don't know enough! "

"Zong Taiping, the four of them are playing around by you, and even Hou Tianliang is the same. This is very happy for Mr. Zong. It also proves your ability, so Mr. Zong really doesn't want to see you wither! Of course, there is also a problem in this, that is, the one over there! Let me ask you, sir, what will he do with it

"He has nothing to do with it?" Luo Ji also felt a little nervous, "although he has so many assholes, he really didn't do anything against the law and discipline. At most, he just ate and drank with me! There is so much surplus in my hand, but not so much! "

"Mr. Luo seems to have misunderstood! You don't need to be too nervous, sir. Would you like to ask if he stays in the port city? Or come back? This matter needs to be paid attention to! The delay is too long, there are always some not so good! Sir, I leave it to you! "

"Can I contact Yu Shao?"

"Yes!" The visitor put the mobile phone on the desktop, and then left the living room. Luo Zhuo took the mobile phone, looked at the phone number above, and immediately called in the past! The call didn't take long to get through!

However, although the phone was connected, there was no news, "hello?" Luo Zhu said tentatively, "is feather little excuse me? I'm Luo Zhuo

"Just a moment, please." The voice over the phone is not Ding Yu's voice, and this sound sounds a little bit mechanical, but soon a familiar voice came, "Hello, I'm Ding Yu!"

"Yu Shao, Hello, I'm Luo Zhu!" Luo Zhuo is also in a hurry to accept a! This one! I really can't afford to offend my previous identity? Already let oneself have so some cannot bear! Others cheat themselves, but their father will never cheat themselves! What's more, now there is a big three-star princess with a big head!

"What? Feeling a little confused? Or do you have any other ideas? "

"Yes! Just now your people told me something about it. I feel dizzy now! " Is really dizzy, not pretending to be silly, "feather less, I don't know how to say this, but the shock to me is really too big! In the past, I felt that I was very good here in the provincial capital. Although I didn't give everyone three points, my insight was not too little. But today I know that I am just watching the sky from the well! "

"There's no need to belittle yourself. It's not easy for you to be calm! However, the situation in the province has been so special recently. I need to give an account to Uncle Luo. I can't make him too sad! I'm afraid it will be very difficult for Robert to explain it then! "

"No! Even if they do something to me, they will just throw me out of office at most? Or send it to me. If you want my life, I'm afraid it will be a big trouble! Do they dare to commit crimes against the wind? ""It's hard to say!" Ding Yu is not so sure about this either. "But I have found out something. The situation in the province is very special. Although it will not rot from the root, there are still quite a lot of people who have problems. I have a look at the feedback from the investigation group and the supervision group! Not so good! "

"That's true, especially in recent years. These guys are so brave! Even there are so many unscrupulous, should be a good control of some! Otherwise, the people below are really going to curse their mother! Even started to scold for a long time

"And you? Although not involved in specific things, but a lot of things or matchmaking, with your wisdom, it is impossible to be a little bit of this aspect of the mind is not moving, not to mention the attitude of everyone to you during this period of time? There are so many different! So some people have moved their minds. This is also a normal thing! "

"I'm sorry! Oh! I've been a bit careless lately Luo Zhuo has already understood why Yu Shao will let people come to see him today! I've been sitting on the top of the crater, but I don't have this feeling. It's too bad!

"In normal business, it's the same with other people. I heard that your secretary seems to be someone else?"

"Well! On the surface, they are from Yangzi! However, there seems to be some connection between Yangzi and the capital. I can't say exactly what the connection is. But the root is the capital. I sent two groups of people to the capital, but like Shi Chenhai, I didn't bring back any information from you. This is quite abnormal in itself! "

"There's Gong Shaoqing over there in the capital, but he's just a person who's been put on the front desk! The power behind is very strong! " When talking about this, Ding Yu also hums with great interest, "but a lot of time? We will not put things on the surface, that would be too eye-catching! "

"Little feather, what can I do?"

"Take care of your own safety! The water in the provincial capital has been mixed. Many people can't see the problems and conditions clearly. They always feel that they are lucky. If so, don't let the common people suffer! We eat and drink well, but we can't let the common people look at it so eagerly! "

"I see!" However, when Luo Zhuo was ready to hang up the phone, he suddenly remembered something about PI Luan, "Yu Shao, PI Luan was so reckless at the beginning, but he usually had such a virtue. Is it really bad? I don't think so! Still not growing up! "

"Willful and mischievous! This I know, I have also encountered a lot, so I just broke his two legs, it will not take too long to walk again! Give him two sweets after a long lesson? It will let him know more about the taste of it, and you will see to it that it is done! "

"Thank you, Yu Shao!" Put down the phone, Luo Zhu is also a long breath, his own hair small ah! It's really time to catch up, otherwise it will be more than just breaking two legs?

But this is also very good, save him in the future is furtive, now his fault to correct? It's a good thing! Yu Shao's hand is so cruel, but it is understandable! But what about Xiao Ni? How should she deal with it? Luo Zhen didn't think about it for a while!

After waiting for someone from home to sit next to him again, Luo Zhuo woke up and said, "I'm sorry, I think about some things. I'm so fascinated. What can I drink? There are not many other things in my home. I live alone. I really don't have much preparation! If you don't mind, feel free! "

"No more! I'm in the neighborhood with the team! You have our tracking device on your phone, and this one! " The visitor also handed Luo Zhuo a key chain. "If there is something special and urgent, just press this button. Only your fingerprint can unlock it! Although we can at any time in your side, but after all, there is a distance! And we are only responsible for your safety, as for the rest, you have to rely on yourself

"So I cherish animals, too?"

"No! After all, what about assassinations? Too much highlight, when the time comes, all the eyes will be focused! If there is any possibility, they will not do so, even the alternative is not counted! At most, it is to get you in. As for the way to take, it's hard to say! We are just in case

"Play it? It seems that they are really going to get me down! "

"Who knows? It's good to be on guard Someone touched his ear, until this time Luo Zhuo noticed that there was an earphone inside his ear. "It seems that someone came straight to you. I'll go first."

"You know all that?"

"Go first! However, you can rest assured that there is no problem with your safety. If even this point can go wrong, then we really have no need to exist! "

"Do you want me to deliver it? By the way, I remember there was surveillance at the door! Would that be a problem? ""The surveillance at the door has changed! We have special people who don't even have their own alarm procedures. There are really some doubts about whether they are decoration or not! Don't make complaints about the little Tucao. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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