But the old man is also quite stubborn, Wang An is obviously extremely reluctant, but finally fried an egg, but how reluctant that look, looking at the dishes on the table, the best? Maybe it's this scrambled egg! But not all of them are eggs. There are quite a few cabbages in them!

Ding Yu didn't sit on the top of the table, but when he sat down, he didn't feel any restraint and strangeness. Just sitting there, he didn't eat as much as he thought! "In fact, it is a kind of life. If you suddenly give you some delicious food, you will not be too used to it!"

After dinner, Ding Yu is still sitting in that position. Wang An is puzzled and looks at Ding Yu. The old man is the same! "Master, Wang an! I don't think I'll give you a new environment all of a sudden, because you haven't seen the right one. Oranges grow north and south. This is not just a change in taste! Even the nature has changed! Wang An is a good child. I really don't want to destroy him because of the pit moving! "

After hearing this, the old man's eyes were dim! Obviously, this is obviously different from my expectation! After all, the conditions here are really bad! Bad let oneself all have so some can't see to go!

"But what about living here? It doesn't mean that there will be any problems in life. It just needs a transitional period. How long can this transition period last? It depends on Wang An's own performance and efforts! " While talking, Ding Yu also stood up and said, "you should have a holiday tomorrow afternoon! I take your grandfather to have a physical examination in the morning, and you have a physical examination in the afternoon! Pay more attention to yourself! "

"Mr. Ding?"

Looking at the old man in a hurry, Ding Yu waved his hand, "let him send me off! I'll say a few words to him! " Looking at Wang an who went out with him, Ding Yu did not deliberately look at him, but looked into the distance, "do you know how you should do at this time?"

"I don't know!" Wang An's answer is very cold, but it also reveals a little warmth, because tomorrow's time is not only for their own physical examination, but also for their grandfather's physical examination, which makes Wang An's heart have a good impression! But his heart is still maintaining a considerable sense of vigilance!

"It's more important than anything to keep your original heart. I've seen too many people of all ages. Even I'm the same. Sometimes I act impulsive. Maybe I can figure it out afterwards. But how can I have a chance to do it again?"

Wang an looked at Ding Yu, "let me be the same as usual?! What's the special reason for that? "

"Don't be surprised! For you, the requirements are too much, even too much. I'm worried, so I didn't take your meaning. After all, I put you in that environment rashly, just like putting you in an oil pan! You can't stand such a hardening! No matter how good you are, it's no use! "

"I'm not afraid!" Wang An is also very small body!

"Are you not afraid? Ha ha Ding Yu said with a smile, "when the inspection is finished in the afternoon, I will let you know what the consequences will be. Although it is a short contact, I think you will understand what the result will be! Go first Ding Yu will not give Wang an any chance!

The next morning, Ding Yu also asked people to take the old man to the hospital. The examination time was a little longer. Looking at the results of the examination, Ding Yu also showed his teeth slightly. Then, he handed the report inside to Hou Tianliang. Hou Tianliang is not a doctor, but he knows the numbers above!

"Director, there are problems with all these indicators."

"Yes! There are quite a few problems! " Ding Yu sighed, "there are really some doubts. How did the old man persist? I don't know what kind of feeling the old man will feel after he knows it!"

Anyway, there was no other thing. After the inspection, Ding Yu took the old man to take a bath with him. There was a bubble in the wind bucket. The distance between them was not so far away! "Mr. Ding, how do I feel I am living in a dream!"

"Life! Rarely contented, most avoid greed! Of course. What about this? It sounds different when different people say it! When I was in the most difficult situation, I felt that the whole world had left me. I really felt that there was no way out of heaven and no door to the earth. I didn't even have the chance to drift with the wind! "

"Mr. Ding, you are not a mortal!"

The old man can't say anything. His words are very simple, and he just compliments Ding Yu. Hou Tianliang, not far away, is also soaking in the wind bucket, but he doesn't mean to speak. The longer he follows the director, the more he feels! Words will also have a considerable impact on themselves, and these will turn into their own experience!

In my own understanding, it seems that there is really no one who can follow the director so close, at least in my impression, so I can say that I am particularly cherish some!After a bath, the old man also felt refreshed and went to school to pick up Wang An! Then I went back to the hospital again. Some examinations can be done, but some examinations are not so convenient because of the time! However, from Ding Yu's point of view, Wang an does not have many problems and situations!

The dining time was so late, and the dining place was different. However, when entering the private room, the old man and Wang an also noticed that two people in police uniform stood not far away, and then stopped their own steps and looked at Ding Yu with some suspicious and uneasy eyes.

However, Hou Tianliang seems to have found something, "director, it should be from the security department!" When he saw Ding Yu looking at himself, Hou Tianliang also shook his head, "I dare not divulge your information to the director. It should be what notice they have received."

Although there was no expression on the director's face, Hou Tianliang also took the lead in walking forward, while Ding Yu took the lead with the old man and Wang An to walk into the private room. The dishes were ordered very early! And then they were sent one after another! There are many private rooms, but the table is not as big as you think!

In Ding Yu's opinion, too big a table can only alienate the relationship between themselves. It's better to be closer and deal with the relationship between each other better!

"Ignore them! Eat first. You're hungry! "

After waiting for Ding Yu to pick up the chopsticks, the old man and Wang an picked up the chopsticks beside the table. The dishes on the table were very exquisite. Both the master and Wang an did not dare to take chopsticks! Even in the dream, two people have never eaten such a good thing! What's more, in reality?

Ding Yu took the lead to clip things for the old man, and then gave Wang an a lot of things, but the things he picked up were very different! "Wang an! What about this meal? As a wake-up call, it's also a lesson to you! " As for the reason, Ding Yu really has no intention to explain!

After eating some food, Ding Yu also opened a bottle of wine and took the lead in pouring a glass of wine to the old man, "master, what about this glass of wine? I respect you. Wang An, a child who has undergone considerable tempering in the process of growing up, has not degenerated. This should be due to your great contribution! "

Looking at the old man to stand up, Ding Yu also pressed his hand and poured himself a glass of wine, but not as much as he imagined! "I'm not a person who likes to drink, but today, even if it's for Wang An, I'll make an exception!"

When Hou Tianliang came in, he saw this scene, and the expression on his face was also quite surprised. Of course, he had a good understanding of the director's living habits. When he saw such scenes, the director even took the initiative to drink wine, and it was still white wine. Don't talk about liquor at home! Red wine did not see the director touched!

After Ding Yu had drunk the wine, he handed the bottle to Wang an beside him. Wang An was stunned. The old man looked at his grandson and shook his head with a smile. Then he said something in a low voice. Wang an picked up the bottle and, after thinking about it, poured a slow glass of wine for his grandfather. When he came to Ding Yu's side, he lowered his head and filled it for Ding Yu!

"Good! I'll have a toast from you today. It's a chance Touch with the old man, Ding Yu is also a drink, but then Ding Yu also took away the wine cup, the old man himself to drink on the line! I really don't need this! Anyway, I explained it just now!

"What are they doing here?"

"It's from the security department. There's an old leader who needs surgery. The experts have already found it. But the conditions for the operation are not so mature, and the requirements for the operation are also some high. It seems that you have found the old Dean of your medical college, and someone recommended you. So you have come here and let you have a look if you have time!"

Ding Yu also blinked his own eyes, "what's the situation! Let me go? I managed to avoid the public's attention. Now let me show up directly. This joke seems to be so big

"The situation of the old leader may be more serious, the operation has begun to prepare! There is no way to go directly to the capital, so relevant experts have come here! " Hou Tianliang is also careful to explain! "Director? Shall I call the old headmaster? " When talking, Hou Tianliang is also carefully looking at his director!

"No! People have come to the door! That's what you say! I'd better go and have a look. " Rubbing his fingers, Ding Yu also looked at the old man and Wang An, "I may not be able to accompany you! You... "In the middle of the speech, Ding Yu suddenly closed his mouth!

"Dawn, let them get some snacks and snacks, Wang an! You come with me! Master

"Mr. Ding, I'll go back first! It's been a day's delay Although the old man said that his life was poor, it did not mean that he could not see through anything. He was interested in his grandson. This is very clear. However, Mr. Ding didn't take any tough measures, which has already explained the problem!If you really want to do it, what can you do then? Just an old guy! Maybe push it and fall! As for his grandson, although he is smart, he is still too young!

"In the morning, let someone send the old man back and pack everything! Master, something happened here. I don't know when I can send Wang an back at night! But don't worry, he won't have any problems with me! "

Ding Yu walked out quickly. Wang an hesitated for a moment, and said a few words to her grandfather. Then she followed Ding Yu carefully. Two people outside looked at Ding Yu and quickly saluted him. One of them was from the provincial department and didn't know Ding Yu's identity, but the other one came from the capital city Feather's identity can be said to have a considerable understanding, because of understanding, so particularly cautious!

After getting on the bus, Ding Yu opened the food box, not only himself, but also handed it to Hou Tianliang and Wang An, but he didn't mean to say anything. Ding Yu didn't eat much, but Hou Tianliang ate a lot. Wang an looked at Ding Yu and Hou Tianliang and said a low thank you in a low voice, and then began to eat with the food in his arms.

When he was about to get to the hospital, Ding Yu also handed Wang an two wet wipes and handkerchief, "morning, you take Wang an!" Hou Tianliang, who was sitting in front of him, wiped the corners of his mouth and nodded his head forcefully. "Director, you take this apprentice. I'm afraid that all aspects will be quite concerned by then."

Because it's on my own car, so I don't have much to worry about!

"He is not my apprentice yet!" Ding Yu's voice is very cold, "what's more, he has not passed many tests! Want to be my apprentice is not an easy thing, by the way, tell Xiao Gang, I have no time to accompany him! Let him play by himself! If you have time in the evening, eat together. If you don't have time, let him eat with Wang an! "

Ding Yu came more quietly, even if it is not quietly, there will not be too many people pay attention to Ding Yu, because no one knows Ding Yu! In the elevator, Wang an slightly trembled. He had never made a sealed elevator before, so he was very nervous! This is not fear, but a curiosity about the unknown!

Under the guidance of the people in front of him, Ding Yu also walked into an office. The people in the office were having a heated discussion. When they heard the sound of the door and wanted to move, they also looked at it curiously. When they saw Ding Yu, some people were puzzled, but when someone saw Ding Yu, their eyes were shining!

The meeting was terminated as soon as possible! "Yu Shao, it's a great time for you this time."

Looking at the outstretched hand, Ding Yu also immediately stretched out his own hand, "something happened at noon, so I came a little late! Excuse me A simple polite sentence, and Ding Yu shake hands with the person immediately also introduced to the public, everyone for Ding Yu can be said to be quite strange!

It's very polite for this young man to come to Beijing? It's absolutely extraordinary. However, when you shake hands with each other, you can clearly smell a little bit of wine. The taste is not so strong, so we are particularly curious!

After seeing each other, Ding Yu sat down again. Ding Yu also sat on one side of the computer, carefully looking at the medical records on the computer. However, someone nearby kept looking at Ding Yu. Relatively speaking, Ding Yu is too young! Young just like the intern who just came over!

Can such people come here? To know that the experts from Beijing and the province have all been in place! What about them now? Also feel that there are so many helpless, this young man came? Can we solve the problem? Or let him carry the black pot!

Think about it, it shouldn't be! If it is to let people carry the black pot, it will never be specially invited such a young person! But throughout the domestic experts, they really didn't hear much about the man in front of him. However, during the discussion, some people also took out their mobile phones and looked up Ding Yu's relevant information.

Some experts in the province, we soon also have a certain understanding of Ding Yu's relevant situation, and at the same time, they are surprised to press down their own hearts! I didn't expect that this young man should have such a big head! Harvard general hospital, but also a student of a certain magnate, but also the above also introduces some papers and surgery!

Then everyone looked at Ding Yu's eyes, which were quite different! How on earth did this guy get such a result when he was so young? What's more, he seems to have been temporarily found, not like deliberately rushed over!

But soon everyone joined in the discussion, and they really didn't show too much concern and curiosity. Now it's really not an implicit time. Ding Yu is attentively looking at the medical record, sliding the mouse inside his hand, watching for a period of time, but also slightly frowned on his brow!

This situation is not really difficult! Older? The body function originally has so some cannot bear, plus this disease hair position also has so some too special! Under such circumstances, the operation also needs to consider some of the patient's problems and conditions, it is not generally difficult!The operation time is long, and the control requirements in the operation are not general difficulties. If you are a little careless, the patient may not be able to get off the operating table! No wonder you found yourself through the security department!

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