"Teacher, I will certainly pay it back!" Wang an promised Ding Yu.

"And me? It's called Ding Yu, but my identity is a little bit more complicated. It's really too early to mention it to you now. It's not good for you to know too much. Moreover, I don't want you to show up so early. It's not good for your own growth. What's worse? My life

"Teacher, do you have many enemies?" Wang an asked Ding Yu with courage.

"Enemy? How should this be said? As I told you earlier, children pay attention to right and wrong. What about my enemies? What's more, it involves the struggle for interests and the difference of ideas. What about the general situation? Everyone will sit down, you have a cup of tea, I talk about a cup of tea, as for the back? It may kill each other. "

"I don't understand, do you? I didn't understand at the beginning, why is it like this? But what about this problem? I won't explain it to you, but I think you can figure it out! "

Looking at Ding Yu, Wang An is also using his own brain, "teacher, is this just like picking up garbage? In fact, every street? There are quite a number of people, we all have their own fixed routes and places! It's basically divided! But if someone stepped in, they would either be occupied or driven away! The so-called peaceful coexistence is only temporary! "

"If it were you, what would you do?"

"The garbage collectors are all the same people, but those who can get along with it can get along with it! Who's free to pick up trash? "

"Yes! But I stand in a different position from you, so the way to see the problem is also different! You just protect the things on your plate, but relatively speaking, you only see the things on the plate, or most people just see the things on the plate, but never think about how to make the things on the plate bigger? Let all the people who get involved in it have enough to eat

Yeah? Wang an really never thought about this problem. Even when Ding Yu mentioned it, he felt quite at a loss. How should we make this bigger?

"Big? We need to let ourselves see how big the overall scope is and how many interests there are in it? How much labor is repetitive? How much is wasted, and there is waste? How to do, in order to find more benefits and value? A waste TV can be recycled for 50 yuan or less, so what is the price of selling it? If it's sorted out and sold as second-hand, what's the price? "

"This is to make the whole cake bigger? Didn't you see it? It's because you don't have enough accumulation. It's not a bad thing to have an early understanding of the society. But if you only know the society and don't know how to accumulate yourself, then you will be gradually eliminated by the society! "

"Eliminated?" Wang an really did not think about this aspect of the matter!

"The development of modern society is very fast. Throughout the history of the whole world, it is not as fast as that of modern times. Under such circumstances, we need to move forward quickly. Do you think? I also want to, like you, you do not read, a step into the society! Your classmates still need quite a long time to enter the society, in a short time? You will pull them down quite a distance, because you have a very clear understanding of the society, but you just pull them down, and they will slowly follow up, because they have a considerable background and understand the rules of the game? Doesn't mean that you can perfect the game? Do you understand? "

"Just like playing chess!"

"The killing of chess is too fierce, and all of them are living children. At your age, I don't recommend you to play chess. What about me? Teach children to play go. What about go? It is also true that there is no regret in the ending, but it is also because of the difference in the so-called changes, which also involves some philosophical issues! For a child of your age, everything is good! Another important point, what about chess? What about go? More and more! "

"I haven't played weiqi, even if it's chess, I still got it back. I lost some pieces in it, and my grandfather made up for them!"

"I just told you the truth! There is also a kind of chess, called chess, but now the children at home are not so interested in playing chess, but 3D version of chess, which can stimulate your imagination and spatial thinking ability! It's not to show you anything, but to tell you that when you try hard, others' efforts will surpass you, and still far exceed you! "

Wang an didn't continue to speak, just nodded hard. "I knew the idiom of watching the sky from the well very early, but I don't understand what this word means until now! You can't just see the sky above your head, but when you jump out of the well head, you also need to be prepared! "

"Good! That's right. Jump out when you're not fully prepared. What about the time? If you can't go up or down, you will be wasted! Good time is also slowly wasted! So! Stick to your heart, there are too many, even more than you thinkDing Yu and Wang An said a lot of truth, has been waiting for Wang Xiaogang to wake up, just let two people play! As for what to play? I don't have much to do with myself! Until dinner in the evening, the two talented people still want to come back, but they are sweating all over. I'm afraid this road has not stopped!

"Wang an! I won't stay here for a long time. Because of my special identity, I can only leave some things for you. Usually, someone will contact you and guide you! "

"Teacher! I won't let you down! Never let you down

"Although I have considerable expectations for you, this is only my personal opinion. As for the question that you will not let me down, what about this? I think there are some biases. I am just a pusher on your way. Maybe one day in the future, you may resent it. Why should I drag you in? "

Waving his hand, Ding Yu continued to say, "there is no love or hatred for no reason. I don't attach importance to it. You can be worthy of yourself and this country, just as well."

"I'll leave later in the evening. I'll teach you a set of breathing methods, and I'll teach you a set of boxing techniques. It's not to make you competitive or to fight against injustice. Don't think that learning boxing is really invincible. It's impossible. It's just to adjust your body."

"I haven't seen much TV, but I've heard a lot of stories and learned a lot from books."

"It's just a romance novel! It's like a towel dipped in water. If it's twisted dry, there's plenty of water in it! So that you can keep fit and adjust at the same time. This is why so many things have been prepared for you in the past. When Johnson and Johnson are healthy, there must be a certain supplement, otherwise it will damage the foundation of itself! "

"So serious? It's like eating ginseng or elixir in the novel

"Bullshit, if you really eat ginseng at your age, it's not as simple as nosebleed. It's impossible to make up for it. You may even die directly. Originally, the regulation ability of the stomach and intestines is not good, and you still think about such a beautiful thing! More directly, there are a lot of toilets in these two days! Your grandfather has such a bad stomach! This is the most obvious performance, because there was not too much oil and water in the past. Suddenly I ate two good meals, and my stomach couldn't stand it at all! "

"So let you practice boxing, practice breathing, through their own internal adjustment, and then slowly transform into external supplement, complement each other? It's all in one line! by the way! It's not that you are not allowed to transmit it to other people. Boxing is OK, but how to breathe? No! Different from person to person! "

"I understand that what suits me doesn't necessarily suit other people!"

"Yes, I am determined to make it for you. As for whether it is suitable for other people, I really dare not make this guarantee. If there is any problem, don't find it on my head. I'm not responsible. The matter is made by yourself, so you can solve it by yourself!"

After dinner, Ding Yu is also a professor Wang an related things, Wang Xiaogang is also sitting next to the position, but he is a troublemaker, also because he is too young! However, Wang an looked at Ding Yu meticulously. When she left the court in person, she was a little stiff, but she quickly remembered the specific actions!

Because it's not so complicated. What about the method of breathing? It's even simpler! But without breathing for too long, Wang an felt something wrong. Ding Yu looked at Wang'an, and a little smile appeared on his face. "Do you feel it? How about breathing? It must be more important than your boxing! You can understand it's because I'm teaching by myself, but what about the others? No one to watch, you rely on your own half of the knowledge, really if there is a problem, it may be a lifetime! So pay special attention

Wang an also nodded with fear. It was really not a joke. As for Wang Xiaogang, he had already fallen asleep at this time! There is no intention of sticking to it! "When you leave? I won't say hello! Anyway, everything that should be arranged has already been arranged! I'll have you sent back! "

"Thank you, teacher!" Wang an did not have any hesitation, directly knelt in front of Ding Yu, kowtow! It's been a long time! Until later, Wang an knew that although he was intentional at that time, but this kowtow? It's quite a problem. It should be one-to-one. It's not like that the brain is finished when it touches the ground!

Then Ding Yu was sent back to Wang An. When Wang an came back, he looked at the unlocked door, and then saw his grandfather waiting in the yard. He also ran forward two steps, "grandfather, why haven't you laid down yet? It's so late? "

"Old? I can't sleep In fact, the old man is waiting for his grandson. If he doesn't come back, he is really worried! "Have you eaten yet? I'll keep you warm in the pot

"My master and I have already eaten it!" Wang an also helped his grandfather to go to the room. "The master may leave in two days! Some special things were passed on to me this evening, so the time is a little late! ""Mr. Ding is a good man. You must not fail Mr. Ding!"

"Grandfather, when I had dinner, I discussed with my master about one thing. What about the conditions at home? Although it is not so good, but there are not many problems in eating. I want to bring my sister back! "

"What?" The old man almost sat on the ground, "how dare you talk to your master like this?"

"Granddad, my sister's life is too hard! The last time I wanted to eat a bowl of instant noodles, I couldn't even eat it. What about when I was at home? It can only be leftover food, and even have not been to school! I'm a brother. I didn't have such conditions in my family before, but now I have such conditions, can't I ignore my sister? "

"Did your teacher agree?" The old man suppressed the shock in his heart. What about his granddaughter? I'm not as important as my grandson, but I'm also a piece of meat in my family! Don't you feel heartache, but you can't afford it! If she can afford it, she will never let her mother take it with her!

"The teacher didn't express any views. The teacher said that it was my own business. He didn't interfere with me to make any decisions, but the same things need to be paid! Only pay to have a return! So I may have a little more homework, but I have no problem! "

The old man thought for a long time, "Xiao an! What about this? It's your decision. Although you are a child, what about the family in the future? It's all up to you! If you let ya ya come back, you must support her. If you can support her, I'll throw out this face! "

Wang an nodded hard, but after finishing his words, he also sat there with his head down. The old man was also a little strange, "how? Is there anything else? If it's OK, have a rest earlier! School tomorrow

"Yes! But I don't know whether to say it or not Wang an looked up at her grandfather. "I think you should know about this, grandfather, but

"About your father?" The old man also snorted, "I care about him to die! Early death, early birth! "

"Master knows some information about my father. He is living a good life now. He has set up a new family and has another child. The master should know a lot, but I don't want to know the specific situation! So I didn't ask! "

"I don't want to hear the name of that evil son any more. You can deal with it as you like! But I don't want to see him again After saying that, the old man also stood up, "tomorrow you go to school, I will pick up your sister back!"

Looking at the grandfather who left, Wang an also hid there alone, and then went back to his room. There was not much in the room, because the master mentioned to himself that the house would be renovated in the next two days, so basically nothing was put here! Lying on the bed, Wang an did not know when to sleep in the past.

But Ding Yu in the hotel looked at the phone he remembered, and he couldn't help wrinkling his brow. The time on his watch was almost ten o'clock! Who called at this time? Look at the caller ID? Ding Yu also rubbed his finger.

"Dad, it's so late? Why haven't you had a rest? "

"I heard you had two surgeries in succession during this period?" Wang Changlin also said with a smile, "it seems to be quite successful!"

"It's so noisy!" Ding Yu also said with great interest, "but it seems that they are all passively coming to the door. They are all old comrades! Can you do me a favor or a favor? Sometimes it's more leisure! "

"We have discussed some things in the meeting. I think you need to know something about it!"

Ding Yu is such a smart person, plus his father is such a point, how can not understand it at all? So I also snorted, "I don't have so much spare time to take care of those sucking children."

"The problem is not whether you take care of it or not. It's that everyone is about to reach an agreement! In fact, you don't seem to take care of people from the first or second echelons. As long as you find the right direction, I think it's the right thing for them! "

"I'm not a member of the system!" Ding Yu's words are also direct, so they are blocked! I didn't have any identity. Now I want to tie myself up? For what? I'm so obedient? You really think of yourself as a puppet, don't you?

This also makes Wang Changlin so speechless. From the perspective of the family? That's a good thing, but the question is, what about your eldest son? There is no interest in this, and this time to leave 49 cities, to a certain extent, is the result of being forced, at least from the appearance.

Under such circumstances, do you still expect him to give everyone a good look? How can things be possible, and his eldest son's idea has always been more positive, other people's interference, for him, are all the same!

What about the first tier? Because of the third brother, what about the second echelon? It's because of Wang Li's wedding and other problems. Now I want to give him another third tier. I'm afraid we will lift the table!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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