"Have you eaten yet?"

Received a call from his father Wang Changlin, Ding Yu also looked at the caller ID, not the recorded phone number? I don't know where it came from! It's a little weird! "Here comes a friend! Prepare to have a meal together at noon! At home anyway! Everything is more convenient! "

"What about the capital? The atmosphere is a little bit calm, but it's just the situation above the surface, and hidden under this? There are two opinions. One is to let you delay this position when you come back. The third echelon still needs to be handed over to you! What about the other one? It's to choose someone else to take the position. What about you? I've finished the beginning. I believe other people have the same ability! "

"I really haven't heard of this situation. I've done so much preparatory work, so it's a must for the third echelon!" Ding Yu slightly hummed, "but I may not have so much time recently, and I need to learn more! There are too many things pulled down from medicine! I need to find this time to supplement it! "

"Can you study hard there?"

"It's great. Everything can be done through the Internet! No problem! What about surgery? The hospital here can also be fully implemented! After all, the vast majority of families are still ordinary families. If you can provide some help, I will try my best! As for what can't be done, it's another matter! "

Zhao Hongyang, sitting not far from Ding Yu, is puzzled. Who is it! Yu Shao's speech is really not easy, but to give his own feeling, this must be an extraordinary identity, at least should be the elders and so on! Otherwise, it would not have been ordered for such a long time!

"In that case, I can rest assured! What's more, they've all gone back! Take care of your foster father and mother as much as possible But in the middle of Wang Changlin's words, Ding Yu interrupted him! "I will deal with it by myself, so we don't have to worry about it! If there is nothing else, let's do it first! "

The busy tone in the phone also makes Wang Changlin very helpless. You should know that this is just yourself! If someone else mentioned the eldest brother's adoptive father and mother, what would it be like? I would not even dare to make this assumption.

Although the boss doesn't say anything at this time, people who know him know that he just doesn't want to say it, which doesn't mean he won't say it. What if he said it? It's true that not many people will be his opponent! Absolutely extraordinary!

Although he said he was a father, what about this father and his adoptive father? There is really no comparability! When I'm free, I'll go to his adoptive father to hide. I'm carefree. Even other people don't dare to disturb me. If I disturb you! He may be hard to control himself!

Do you want to disclose this information to him now? It is also out of the care of a father! It can only be said like this! What about the knot between each other? Say it's untied! It's really untied! But not untied? It's really not untied! And what do you mean? What about this life? That's enough!

"Yu Shao, what would you like to eat at noon? Shall I reserve a table for you

"Forget it! I always eat at noon is not so much, also need not so waste! Just find a place to deal with it! Call dawn and ask him if he has eaten? He's been working with our food these two days! And only like the fork! If you eat too much, you won't be afraid of problems! "

"There is no such thing in other places, absolutely coarse grain! Also on the news, said it is a kind of coarse grain! It's corn, and it's not mixed with other things. In fact, it's the original Manchu Diet, and it's gradually evolving. If you really go back to the root, there really aren't many people who can say it! But as long as you've eaten it? It's not bad, it's just like noodles. It can be said that fried food, soup, stone pot, all kinds of things

"When I was in grandma's house, I used to make soup! Rarely fried! What about the stone pot? I really haven't eaten it, but what do you say? I'm really greedy! Where are we at noon? Just find a place to eat the fork! By the way, bring the morning. You are a local villain. You have a say

Three people make do together, perhaps in others want to come, this is completely impossible, even if it is not big fish and meat, should also find a high-end luxury on the grade of the place! I thought it was just a simple restaurant! It seems that I dare to be in the rush hour!

"Director, isn't it exaggerated?" Hou Tianliang is also looking at the basin not far away, the basin may not be deep enough, but absolutely enough size! Put children in, at least you can take a bath! I haven't seen it in the canteen before!

Looking at the students dressed in school uniform, Ding Yu also felt inexplicable nostalgia, but Zhao Hongyang found the place inside, and there was no so-called private room. At most, it was just hanging a curtain! But the curtain is very white! It's very comfortable to look at!"Director, that big pot? I had a look just now. It seems that the cooking is still going on in the back kitchen

"Is that a big deal? What about this thing? It's coarse grain, and it's fried with clams and meat. It's delicious! And not too much oil! One meal and one plate is enough! Of course, big bellied men come out, but what about big bellies? Buy two full heads, and a fork soup is enough! "

"Good business! It looks very clean! There are so many people

"I've been in business for so many years. What kind of business is the best! Students and children's business is the best to do! If you don't believe it, you can watch it. Did you come over at noon and at night? They are basically students. What are their requirements for diet? Cheap and clean, as long as these two can get the positioning in their hearts, it is enough! "

"When I was in high school, apart from the canteen? Basically, it was ramen. At that time, there was no fast food. Even the so-called box lunch did not appear! If I remember correctly, there was even one kind of ramen at that time. There was no such thing as "two thin", "capillary" and "wide noodles"! As for fried noodles? At that time, there were not too many people to eat, mainly because it was too expensive! "

"Eat this every day? Director? Are you tired of eating this

"No way! What about the canteen stuff? At that time, there were three steamed stuffed buns with a dollar. They were fist sized buns and they were all filled with vegetable stuffing! Now think about it. Where can you buy such steamed buns? At that time, the canteen was not outsourcing. I still remember seeing fried dishes again. Good guy! Shovel! I'm almost dumbfounded! I haven't seen it before

"Our situation seems to be the same. At that time, the canteen was not open to the public! Two or three dishes a day! The food is called a greasy crook! But there is no way! The things outside are almost like that. Later I went to university to be better! High school that call a bitter! At that time, almost all the children were the same, there was not much difference

"And you, Lao Zhao? I don't think so? "

"What do you think? After two and a half days of high school, I don't want to study! It was time to go home for dinner! As for high school, I have never been there. I know where high school is, but the problem is that I know high school, high school doesn't know me! It is expected that our punk can study well, anyway, from now on, did not develop any bad habits! What about this place? Or he told me, he said the food in this place is delicious, and he often comes here! "

"No! You don't look very big! The kids are already in high school? "

"I didn't work hard for a few days when I was a freshman in senior high school! What about Lao Zhao's family? Just come out of such a species?! So the whole family is also very important, my wife personally came to try, but also personally saw! Otherwise it's really worrying! And brought me here for two meals

"No wonder you said that! But think about it? Now the student money is really easy to earn! Needless to say, go to high school, even if it is junior high school graduation, the cost is absolutely shocking a number! If you have a hobby at ordinary times, buy some messy things, OK! You just wait

"No, especially the students now? There are mobile phones! People have begun to learn to shop online! We usually buy things that people don't look up to! You just have to reach out for the money! What about the others? You don't have to worry about it! It seems that there are some times to keep up with! "

When he spoke, Zhao Hongyang also looked at the outside, and Ding Yu also looked at the past. He was a bold boy with hair inch and eyebrows. There was something like Zhao Hongyang. Looking at Zhao Hongyang, Ding Yu also raised his chin at Zhao Hongyang. "Lao Zhao, this is your son. It's really good for women! ”

"this son of a bitch! I asked him to go to high school to study, and he fucked me up While talking, he was also ready to pat the table. Ding Yu just pressed with his hand, "forget it! Just don't go too far? That's it! What about me? From when did you come here to talk about love? It's really a little too much. At most, it's just that there are so many hazy good feelings between each other! "

"It won't work either! What an impact on learning Zhao Hongyang is a little anxious and pale faced. After all, he is his own son. There is only such a reading thing at home!

"Have a good communication! Don't make other things come out, as for the contact between each other, there is no big deal! To look at the problem rationally! Today's children are not the same as you and our times! They are all children of the new era! They also have quite different views on society! "

"No! Less feathers Zhao Hongyang seems to suddenly think of what came to him. His face changed slightly. What happened to Yu Shao high school? Although I can't say that I can't remember clearly, at least there are some understandings. I didn't expect Yu Shao to look at the problem with such an eye now!

Looking at Zhao Hongyang, Ding Yu also took the things that he had sent and placed them in front of him, "what is or is not, in fact, the truth? They are all the same. What happened when I was in school? Everyone's emotional problems are quite hazy. At that time, no matter the school or the family, they were strictly against sticking to it! ""It's the same now!"

"What do you think? Can't is to strictly guard against, blocking is better than sparse! It's just that we don't understand this problem correctly! My father was quite enlightened at that time, but what about this problem? There are still considerable obstacles! Even if we mention it to him now, he still can't understand it! "

"Soldier, come here for me!"

Zhao Hongyang also suddenly called out a voice, Hou Tianliang is a look at his own director, for Zhao Hongyang is really have so many different meaning, this guy? He has his own way of life! Are there some unique farmers who are cunning, good or bad? Another one!

Zhao Xiaobing suddenly heard the shouts, but also stupefied for a moment. This shout seems to have some familiarity, and listen to this meaning? It seems that there is still some anger. I look around and I'll go! Zhao Xiaoming also twisted his mouth, looked at the girl students beside him, and whispered two sentences, which just dawdled to the inside!

"Dad! Why are you here? " Although was caught by his father, but Zhao Xiaobing did not really how to do a thing? Just come and have a meal with my classmates! It's not a big deal! Right?

Zhao Hongyang bit his teeth and said, "please, this is your uncle Ding Yu and this is uncle Hou Tianliang."

"Hello, uncle Ding! Hello, uncle Hou

Ding Yu touched his own body, but he was really worried. He didn't bring anything else on his body. After thinking about it, he took down the string of hands on his hands. "For the first time, I didn't have any other preparation! It's like a gift to meet you! "

"Little feather, this thing is too expensive!"

When Zhao Xiaobing hears his father speak, can't help but be a Leng, feather little? What's the name? If you're not watching TV dramas or novels, what's more, how can you come to such a place to eat? But on second thought, isn't his father here?

"What is valuable or not is to give the child an appointment! It's just children. They have a good feeling for each other. In fact, it's no big deal. Who has not thought about it yet. When Lao Zhao went to school, he didn't have any reverie about the opposite sex. But what about some things? We can't cross the boundary. As long as we keep it, there won't be too many problems! "

"Thank you, uncle Ding!"

"I came out to have a meal, but I didn't expect to be caught by your father! I graduated here, relatively speaking, or you are more happy now, when you still eat fried fork? It's strange to eat a bowl of noodles

"Uncle Ding, are you a local?" Zhao Xiaobing seems to have some interest!

"Yes! It's just that it doesn't grow back! Sit down and have a meal! But before that? Or say hello to your girl classmate. If you like, you can have a meal together. No one can swallow her into your stomach and bring some drinks along with you! "

Zhao Xiaobing took a look at his father. When he found that his father didn't show any sign, he also turned around and left. Hou Tianliang also said with a smile, "Lao Zhao, the children in the family are good! Still quite clever! Whether you want to make a bet or not, whether you are seeing your daughter-in-law or not, let's just say who will invite you for lunch today! "

"The place I'm looking for, of course, I invited it!"

"Well! If you guys pull the girl students over! What about this meal? Just me! What if it doesn't work? This is your Zhao's! Let me be fair

"Yes! Bet! If this punk dares to bring someone over to me, he will know why the flowers are so red at night

It was not long before Zhao Xiaobing showed up at the door with the girl. Hou Tianliang also beckoned his hand to the waiter nearby, "what good things do we have in the store? Give us two kinds of them first!"

in fact, there are not many valuable things in such a small restaurant. So doing is totally teased Zhao Hongyang. Who can think of awesome children? She really pulled the girl over!

"Now that you are here? Don't mention it! Lao Zhao, let me say something! "

Zhao Hongyang is also a stuffy hum, and then glared at his son, you son of a rabbit for me to wait!

"And the two of you? Are just in high school, now between each other? Maybe they have some good feelings for each other, but can we say that they are in love, I personally think? Not yet. From my personal point of view? How about keeping a good distance? It's quite good for both of you! "

"Uncle Ding, we are not in love! Really not! "

"The boundary is very vague. What about taking a step back? Is the classmate, walks forward one step, is to fall in love! And what about you now? Is in such an impulsive grade, so ah! It's really hard to deal with it! ""I see! He deserves to be beaten! If you don't study hard when you're free, you start to curse other girls! If he doesn't know what it's like to stir fry pork with bamboo shoots, he won't remember it! "

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