"I can't say that you open the conditions. It's disrespectful to business, and it's really crazy! I'm not in this style! But I have informed the following, I believe you will be satisfied with the specific document signing! " Chen Huai is also pressure his excited mood, is very grateful to Ding Yu said.

After asking for so many people, why don't we all want to reach out? It's really no money. It's just because of the influence of other aspects that we retreat! Think about it, they are a bunch of snobbish guys!

"Brother Jiu, you can't earn enough money! You know, I also know, it's just different ways and methods! If I really value interests, I may be blushing now! Not peace of mind

However, when Ding Yu was talking, the security guard outside also knocked. He hesitated to come in, and then quickly walked to Ding Yu's side. "Sir, chief Ding, come here!"

Yeah? Ding Yu is also unable to help a Leng, and Chen Huai is obviously so some puzzled, is there something wrong? I don't seem to have any problems here. Since I dare to come over to Ding Yu, there is no problem with all the things. I can guarantee this!

Looking at the security guard who left, Chen Huai couldn't help but poke her body forward. The expression on Ding Yu's face was also pinched. Looking at Ding Yu who stood up, Chen Huai also stood up, and immediately saw Ding Lin burst in. However, after seeing the situation inside, he was stunned, because it was different from his own imagination !

"Dad! Why are you here? " Then Ding Yu quickly met him, "Dad! Let me introduce you to you. This is Chen Huai. He came here from the capital city on purpose. He is discussing things. "

Chen Huai still has a good understanding of Ding Yu's situation. After hearing this, he also tidied up his clothes, "Hello uncle Ding! I'm Chen Huai. I came in a hurry and didn't go to see you! Please forgive me Having said that, he also bows down, which is not only to give Ding Yu face so simple! But respect the elders!

At this time, Ding Lin also noticed that although the conference room nearby was not full of people, it was also busy going back and forth. We really didn't mean to be idle! "Hello, Hello!" Ding Lin also hastened to help, "I don't know you are busy here!"

"What's up, dad?" Looking at his father, Ding Yu also apologized to Chen Huai, and then walked to one side of the position, "Dad, how to return to the matter? Why did you come in person? Is something wrong? "

"Do you have any cash in your hand? Cash, not bank transfer! "

"Yes!" Ding Yu's reply was very happy. Since his father didn't mean to say it, he would not ask, "how much do you want? I'll take it for you now!"

"Two hundred thousand to three hundred thousand." Ding Lin didn't say that he didn't have money in his hand, but now there is really so much time to go to the bank. "And give me a car later. I want to go out. It's best to have a driver!"

"Yes Ding Yu immediately called the security guard over. After a short time, the security guard took 300000 cash and said, "I have arranged the car for you! You've got a driver and security. What else can I do for you? "

"I must not be able to come back at night! I already said it to your mother! Her work here needs to be explained, and it will be over tomorrow! Your phone can be turned on at any time, and you may be used at that time! Go first

"What's the matter! Are you in such a hurry? "

"Something happened to my teacher's house! You don't have to know the details. We'll talk about it later! I'll go first

In a hurry to come and go in a hurry, Ding Yu also felt a little dumbfounded. He didn't even come to say hello to Ding Yu, "sorry, nine brother! My father's side has so many anxieties! So go first

Chen Huai watched all the way. It was only 300000 yuan. It was not a big money for him. However, if he thought about it, if it was not a business house, who would have nothing to do to put three and a half million yuan in the home, isn't it bullshit? My family doesn't seem to have a million dollars in cash!

But now it's mostly money transfer! It's really rare to use cash, but it's not enough for one day's interest compared with one billion dollars? It's a long way off! "Uncle Ding is very popular."

"Nine elder brother, you go to have a look, I go to call my mother, ask how a matter? If there's no problem, we'll go out for dinner later! I don't think there is any big problem! "

Chen Huai also did not leave to add to disturb the meaning, after all, now such a time to disturb, it seems too redundant!

"Mother! My father there in such a hurry, did not explain clearly left! I sent a car here, and the driver, and took all the money with me! He said you will be there tomorrow! In such a hurry? "

"I know, he told me earlier! Something happened to his teacher's house! We saw it years ago! The house leaks to meet even the night rain, since something happened, we also help! It's in our superior city! When your father was studying, he went to his teacher's house to eat when he was free! At that time, the grain was so expensive! It's enough for a week for so many men and women to have a meal, and they don't dislike it! ""I understand that there is nothing wrong with gratitude! It doesn't have much to do with money, and we don't lack it! That's not what I asked! I look at my father's appearance, it seems that I am worried about him? Is there anything I can help you with? " Ding Yu also explained patiently!

"I don't know the specific situation. I'm busy here and I can't go back now. Let's have a look at it in the evening! If it's early, drive there! If it's not suitable, I'll go there tomorrow. Anyway, there's a place to live there. Ding Ding's house is always empty there, and she often goes to clean it! "

"Yes! If you are willing to move in the evening, I'll send someone to send you there. If you don't want to, tomorrow, I think mom, you're still worried about my father. There's nothing wrong with him. He's not a child of seven or eight years old! "

"I'm worried about the old man! How old are you! Hum Zhao Shuying was so angry that she immediately hung up the phone. Since she didn't have too many problems, she didn't have so many worries!

What about the staff? I can't leave! They need to discuss it in detail, but Ding Yu, Li Fuzhen and Chen Huai, who are in charge, went to Chen Ming's place by car, which can be regarded as Chen Huai's family!

"Today is definitely the time to come. Things are absolutely fat during this period of time. They are not as big as farmed ones, but they are all good things!" Chen Ming obviously also opened, Ding Yu brought over the guests are not ordinary, so also deliberately introduced some, "but also a few kinds! Other things really can't be put on this table, and my father is here today, and his old man cooks himself today. This is not what ordinary people can eat! "

"Well, I'll go and say hello later, otherwise the old man will scold me for being a jerk!"

Ding Yu says hello to Chen Ming without any estrangement. Chen Huai looks at it with some envy. As for Li Fu Zhen? In South Korea, there is no such perception? The classification of grades is too strict! In their own body portrayed too deep influence, and the impact is really not a moment and a half can be eliminated.

What about the style of the private room? Compared with Chen Huaihe and Li Fuzhen who have seen the world, there are some things that are not worth mentioning. However, it seems that Ding Yu has a different feeling here!

After greeting, Ding Yu also went to see the old man, at least to express his gratitude. Although he often came, he was really not familiar with him. After talking for two words, he returned to the private room again. It seems that Chen Huai and Li Fu Zhen talked about something. Ding Yu didn't mean to ask about the inside information. Two old friends just chatted about it!

"Brother nine, I haven't thank you for taking care of the rich in the capital city!"

"That's too much to say! Should I be so polite when I see my sister-in-law in the future? "

Do you really deny that Li Dingyu is calling a woman? The outside world does not know much, but it seems that there are many, Chen Huai is definitely one of them! "Since nine elder brother doesn't see outside? Then I'm not polite! What about some things in China? I'm not so convenient to show up. Please take care of Fu Zhen

Although Fu Zhen said that he now has a considerable status, including CITIC and other aspects of the post, but this? How much or with a considerable ambiguity, want to thoroughly integrate into it, even more difficult than imagination! This is more difficult than sun Yingnan and Sasha!

And relatively speaking, Chen Huai is really Ding Yutou a person to ask for help, directly mentioned! Ding Yu gave Chen Huai such a big face, but what about the reverse? Relatively speaking, there are so many not worth mentioning!

In fact, Chen Huai has also considered how to repay Ding Yu's favor, but he really didn't expect it to be like this! Is it because his network of relations is more broadcasting than Ding Yu, or is his power more profound than Ding Yu? This is not the case!

"I can't say that there are four or nine cities walking horizontally. That's too exaggerated, even I don't believe it. But as long as it's something I can do, I'll try my best." Chen Huai did not make any guarantee, of course, he would not talk freely, but it is precisely because of this that what he said is worth believing!

The process of eating for three people is not so lengthy. After leaving the hotel, they are also separated. Ding Yu and Li Fuzhen walked together on the street. Although they are two people, Li Fuzhen is still quite unable to let go because of being outside. This is an extremely sharp contrast with Taixi!

However, there is really not much strange about this point. What about your origin? It seems unusual, but his growth is in such a small county, and Li Fu Zhen? She was born in the family of a plutocracy, even in the world is quite well-known that kind!

But relatively speaking, Ding Yu feels his life is more happy, at least in the process of growth is good, and Li Fu Zhen? In this respect can not be described with a history of blood and tears, but it does not seem to be much better!

"I feel like you are in a normal mood!"Li Fu Zhen took Ding Yu's arm and thought for a while. Then he also gave a wry smile, "what about such a plain life? Once I was most yearning for, but after a period of careful taste, I felt that I couldn't get into it at all! Is this the so-called affectation? I can't tell you! It's the smell and feeling! "

"Anyway? It's just like living on the top of the mountain. If you go to live at the foot of the mountain for a while, there is no problem. But if you live in the upper foot for a long time, you will show a lot of discomfort, which is a normal situation! "

"And you?" Li Fu Zhen also suddenly asked.

"Me?" Ding Yu also felt that Li Fu Zhen took his arm as if suddenly added a force, "what about me? I grew up at the foot of the mountain, which is understandable. Now I see the top of the mountain, but I don't have much nostalgia. I can still keep my mood quite calm! When you really see the scenery, you will feel that whether it is at the foot of the mountain or at the top of the mountain, there are their own unique scenery! "

"That is to say, I can still see through it, and I can't reach the so-called great insight!"

"When did you begin to learn these things! What about the Enlightenment of life? It's really not a matter of simple opinion. Even I dare not judge it like this, because it's too much trouble! " Ding Yu also knocked on his head with his free hand, "can only say that he has experienced life and death? Let yourself see through a little bit! "

"I don't believe it!"

"There's nothing I can't believe about this!" Ding Yu also felt a little funny, "different experiences, so there are so many different insights, as if different people have experienced the same thing, may have different results! In other words, there are no two leaves the same in the world! What's more, everyone's pursuit is different! "

"It gives me the feeling that you can roam for nine days and be silent on the vast land. At least in my life, you can hardly see or even hear of such people!"

"It's nothing. At least I don't think I'm so great. I can feel different tastes from the ordinary. That's the real life. How about the two of us? Are still in the bustle, and even have so many linger, OK! I don't talk about me, I don't talk about you! But we are walking on the street like this. What kind of eyes do you think other people will look at us? "

"Whatever they want! Anyway, I don't mind myself! "

The outside world is very suspicious of Chen Huai's arrival! Now Ding Yu and Li Fu Zhen are swaggering on the street. What do you want to do! Is this a demonstration? Look at the situation, there are so many not very similar?

Is it intended to show you, this seems to have a little bit of pull!

All aspects are so concerned, you two so show love, really good?

What about hou Tianliang? Don't count on it! He is now completely limited in a state, even the so-called ginseng freedom has no more! It is not impossible to open the so-called breakthrough from Chen Huai, but can we probe into it? The possibility will never be as big as you think!

Chen Huai will never go to see the scenery when he goes to Ding Yu. Everyone knows that! But what is Chen Huai's purpose? We haven't found out whether it is exploratory or whether there is any other connection. No one dares to make a final conclusion in this respect without getting the exact information!

Ding Yu and Li Fuzhen spent a little bit of time strolling around. They had been waiting for their mother to call. They came out of a cake shop with a small tea room, which was very quiet! It's hard for ordinary people to find out!

"Mom, where are you?"

"I have come back! I don't have to pack anything. I'll drive by myself! Don't bother like that! Anyway, it doesn't take two hours, your dad! Although I'm older, I'm still too hairy sometimes. I'm really worried about some of them! "

Although the previous time of their father have so some disdain, but to this time? I don't care what I said before! What about the relationship between their husband and wife? No one can intervene, and it has no effect! It belongs to their old couple and their unique!

"Stop driving! If anything else happens, I don't know what the situation is? I'll find a driver for you. I'll just drive the car over there. My dad drove my car away when he went there! Do you think you can bring something by the way? If there is no one at home, I have a lot of them on my side! "

"You don't have to. There are a lot of things in the house. Let the driver come here! I'll pack it up and leave immediately! "

Ding Yu is quite familiar with her mother's temper, but she doesn't have much consolation. She's always in hot weather. Ding Ding Ding has this inheritance!"Pay attention on the road. Call me if you have any problems. There are people on my phone 24 hours a day."

"You should pay attention to me, too. You're old enough! There are already two children! Don't make a mess for me, I tell you, don't look old! When it's time to beat you, I'll never be vague! "

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