"It's easy to say, but it's not easy to do it!"

"What about this? He is my teacher, so what about this? I may not speak well, old man! I always think that is my son, and I can't let go. What about my master? Also grasp this handle, make a fuss! Unless one side completely stops! "

Ding Yu can be said to be quite unhappy about this. Shigong, it's not the first time that your father has experienced such a thing. It's just as if he had come out for him this time. What about Aunt Chen chuchen? Is a good partner, but it is difficult to achieve no other partners, Chen Chu, Aunt Chen one?

From the business point of view, I didn't get any benefits, but I lost a lot of things. Of course, I am also willing to do this. After all, when the old man paid a lot for his father, so I should share these things, but you can't always be so confused!

Even if we have time to spend with you, but what about you? I'm so old, and I'm not in good health. I'm afraid I'll go to see Marx in two days! What's more, what about your father? It's not a son, is it? The other sons are good!

What's more, they have already separated from each other for a long time! What about now? It's the old man's property. What about this thing? The old man has the final say to himself, even if he is in a hurry. I wonder what I think!

But what about these words? Ding Yu thought about it in his heart! If you really dare to speak out in front of his father, maybe his father will give himself two big slaps, so forget it! At most, I can't stand it. I'll just complain! That's it!

"Things still need to be solved! But even now, your teacher still doesn't have a correct word. Yesterday, he wanted to write a will. Today? I don't want to write again! But think about it is also, are their own children, how can you distinguish one another? Or the old man! Or expect their children to be better! You are also a parent because of the difficulties in the world. Do you still separate the two children from each other? Impossible

"Ah Ding Yu sighed, "Daddy! Do you think this is possible? I don't know if you have contacted with my master, but I have contact with people! Always greedy! We two said, I'm not distressed. What have I paid? It doesn't matter! I didn't expect him to bring me any return, he! If it goes on like this, it will be gradually eliminated by the society! It's just a matter of time! "

"Didn't you hear something? What's more! Did he do it right? It's his business. You don't have to

"Dad, where do you want to go? If I did, would I wait until now? It was done for him earlier! What about Shigong? I still owe you a favor. No matter what the relationship is, I can't do it like this. We can help. There is no problem. We can do what we can. But if he wants to die by himself, no one can do it, right? We! It's just a little bit of your heart! "

Wang Changlin is also a burst of silence, yes! The eldest son is right! After the eldest son came, he directly drew a full stop to the Chen family's affairs. Even the old man had no way to solve this problem before. From this, we can see the son's attitude, but then? Then the question really can't mention!

If the eldest son really wants to do something, what is he! It's been knocked down in the dust for a long time! And let him yell in the hospital? He called one to try? You really think everyone's eating him, don't you?

"Strive for these two days to solve the problem! What's the matter with you? "

"Li Fu Zhen is back in Beijing! The matter temporarily came to an end, as for the rest of the situation? They are trivial things, but they don't need to be so concerned about! I think in the afternoon, if my mother is OK, I will accompany my mother to go out for a walk, and you can watch more! "

"Yes! Your mother can't help you here! " Wang Changlin also felt a little impatient, but other people can go, but he absolutely can not go, even if the teacher is indecisive, but after all is his own teacher.

Then Ding Yu went to pick up his mother in person. Looking at her angry mother, Ding Yu comforted her and said, "Mom, do you want to find a place to sit down or go shopping?"

"Your father! Good old man, suffer a loss, your teacher! Old fool! I don't know if it's really confused or fake confused! People are really speechless Zhao Shuying also said that she was not satisfied.

"Mom, if you are angry about our own affairs, you can understand, but if you are angry about this matter, you are really worthless! I also told my father earlier that it was not that we were cold hearted, we did all the things we should do! But there are some things we can't help, aren't they? ""It makes people angry, you know? What did you think? " Zhao Shuying then also looked at her son, and then seized Ding Yu's ear, no matter how old he is now! No matter how old he is, he will have to suffer if he is not happy. He has to listen, "I said why you didn't show up these two days. Be careful

"Mom, be light, your ears are going to fall off!" Ding Yu also argued. "It's not that I don't show up, but there are other things that I have there. It's really inconvenient! What's more, I have no place to speak, so don't be obnoxious! Do what you can

"You've learned to cheat and cheat!" Zhao Shuying is also a rare smile, "your father this old thing! I have to pull you over. Forget it. Don't talk about him! He hasn't even changed his shirt these two days. Find a place to buy him a suit of clothes! Change it from the inside to the outside. It's going to be rotten on your body! "

"Mom, you are a typical duplicity

To amuse his mother is what Ding Yu should do. For things like shopping malls, Ding Yu accompanies Taixi and Fu. However, he does not have much memory when he goes shopping with his mother! Ding Ding Ding's preference may be more at this point, but what about that time? More for fun, for food, for shopping? There is really not much!

"Boss! How about this one? " Zhao Shuying is also calling her son, where is the shopping mall? It is the most luxurious shopping mall in the three northern provinces. If it had been placed ten years ago, Zhao Shuying would not have dared to come. But in recent years? I also want to open a lot, what's more, I'm not really the first time to come, the original time Ding Ding took himself to many times.

After the conditions in the home are good, the vision is naturally higher, and the cognition of some things is completely different! If it wasn't for this rush, I really didn't plan to buy things here. It doesn't mean that I'm reluctant to give up money. It really has nothing to do with this. The things at home are much better than those in the shops!

But now things are not brought back, that is to buy emergency!

"Mom, if you ask ding ding ding or Tai Xi, there's absolutely no problem. Do you ask me? This is really a waste of time for the blind to light a lamp, in this field! You can think of me as a mallet! There is no problem for me to be a doctor, but to be a shopping guide, ha ha

"What? What kind of stick or not? You are already a big doctor! What's more, there are so many industries in our hands, so we can't be a little civilized and disrespectful at all! "

"What it should be is what it should be. There is nothing to argue about." Ding Yu doesn't think so. "I may be picky about dressing, but I really don't understand all kinds of things here." Then Ding Yu also called to the shopping guide, "my mother wants to buy two shirts for my father to use for washing! With the suit, tie and socks, don't go too far ahead, and don't jump too much! "

"Mom, what size is my dad? This really needs you to come!"

Looking at the credit card handed over by Ding Yu, the shopping guide's eyes can't help brightening. They don't need to bring any colored eyes to work here, but they need to have abnormal cognition. For example, the clothes and clothes on the young man in front of him are different from those of the clothes in the store, and they are even higher than one grade.

What is the brand, there are really so some unclear! Even if I read more magazines and read more materials, I can't tell. There is the lady beside me, especially the coat she wears on her body. It's absolutely cashmere coat, and it should be cashmere!

I even want to touch it, but the price is really unbearable. Even the store manager has not been able to bear it. Even if you want to buy, the channel is relatively narrow!

What about mother and son? If you are rich or expensive, in other words, how about people coming here? Just care about a quality, there is no relationship with other, so try to let them feel the best service!

"Hello Looking at the caller ID, Ding Yu nodded with his mother first, then walked to the corner next to him, and even apologized to the waiter next to him, "what's the matter? Are you in the capital? I accompanied my mother to buy some things. My father stayed here for a few days, and the clothes were changed and washed! "

"I've taken it with me! But the two children are not at home! Only Wang Xiaogang accompanied me, he always wanted to ask about some of your situation, press can not hold Li Fuzhen also spoke with Wang Xiaogang at this time.

"Let this bastard be honest with me, or I will go back to deal with him!"

"All right, don't scare the kids!" Li Fuzhen also patted Wang Xiaogang and asked him to say two words to Ding Yu. Then he let him leave. "There are quite a lot of people here in the capital city. There are a lot of door stickers and phone calls."

"I don't care. You can handle it yourself!" Ding Yu is a relaxed, "since the matter has been handed over to you, it is up to you to handle it. Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, we will have a meeting together!""Well! I knew you would be lazy Li Fu Zhen is also very helpless, "they two called me, I have told them, if you leave, what will be the price, hang up!"

Before Ding Yu could speak, Li Fuzhen had already hung up the phone. Ding Yu also had some gnashing teeth. When he came back, the store manager and the shopping guide had already pushed several shelves and placed them in front of him. He carefully matched them for his mother. When Ding Yu came over, he looked patiently, without any more words and words.

"Boss, what do you think? I think it would be nice if your dad wore it! Color does not need to be so bright, but also can not be too old-fashioned into autumn

"I think so. Besides, ma'am, your eyes are absolutely second to none in our family! It's OK for me to wear it. If I choose it, I will become a clown on the stage and make a fool of myself! "

"Poor mouth!" Zhao Shuying also said with a smile, "that's all, pack it up!"

Ding Yu paid the bill like a dog's leg. He didn't need his mother to do it at all. Then he took everything in his hands. "Mom, find a place to sit down. Now even if he goes back, Dad won't have any free time. Who knows what kind of situation there is, don't you think?"

"You! Don't do any tricks! I don't know what you have in your stomach. Your father is there alone. Where are your uncles? It's not good to get involved too much. Although I'm a woman's family, there are still some things that can be said. You can't just let your father carry it there alone! "

"Well! I'll be with you, right? "

Mom has already spoken! If Ding Yu pretended not to know it again, it would be too wrong!

Back to the hospital, Ding Yu also followed to the room, but most of the people are not at this time, but the room is still full, the father's children have all come! But the room is really quiet!

After Ding Yu and his mother came in, they didn't have any words. Just standing on one side, his teacher's uncle was still chattering. Obviously, he was dissatisfied with the distribution. What about the old man on the bed? This time is also furious, with the previous indecision is really formed a considerable difference.

It is obvious that the master once again angered the old man, and what happened in the past few days together also made the old man have a considerable feeling. The indisputable children always take care of themselves, take care of themselves, and do not have too many requirements. What about the children who are fighting for? Don't talk about taking care of yourself! However, if you can not make yourself angry, you will feel that there are some burning incense!

There are also their own students, one by one are not young people! They are all family members, and they have been circling around themselves for so many days. Can't you see all this? Even if you are blind again, you can't really just ignore and hear!

As for the boy of Xiaoding's family, he didn't contact much. After he came, he showed a few faces, but then disappeared! It's a greasy little guy. He's neat and doesn't drag his feet. But the same thing has a considerable sense of propriety, should do, to do, should not do their own, there will be no attention.

My own son! How old are you! Even a nephew can't catch up with him. I'm really ashamed!

The old man's heart is really cold, so he also called the lawyer to do quite fair, he is not confused to the point of complete mental retardation, he can still be this family, and with the justice of the lawyer, everything else is not a problem! I'll let you earn it?!

Ding Yu is in the back of the position to watch, the old man's performance before and after? Losing points? It seems that there is a considerable loss of points, but also have their own lifetime experience, and these experiences? It is also a thorough play of some people in the applause, are people old spirit, ghost old spirit, is really so.

But Ding Yu didn't care about it? From the beginning to the end, I didn't take part in too much. Even though my father seemed to be busy, he didn't even count as a "help" in fact! That is to indulge the children's performance, and then the final word!

This is a good lesson for Ding Yu. Watching the sun rise and set, it's really a different taste!

After the notarization, no matter what the situation is, he directly expelled all the children out, and at the same time, he called his students in, "we have seen the situation these days! Oh! I am an old fool! To the end of the game or a game of life, it is implicated you with the involvement! But anyway? At present, the matter has been solved! "

"Teacher, you guarantee that the body is the greatest comfort for us. Do you think so?"

"You do! OK, Ding Lin and Xiao Yu, you two are responsible for it. Since everyone is here, there is no problem with your mother's operation. All the things on my side have been solved! Sit down to have a good meal, and come to these days also did not have a good rest, since come, also is happy! I don't know when the next time we get together. Since we have a chance this time, we can't waste itwww.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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