"Miss, some people peep. There are probably two teams. Some people have already sneaked in, but our protection is still complete. No one except you can enter the 20 meter range around the ambassador."

Tucker is very serious looking at Taylor. There are two teams. They should not attack directly. There is a strong sense of interview and warning here. After all, ambushing Ding Ding Yu is a thing. What about attacking the hospital? It's another thing!

Ambush Ding Yu, it's at the seaside! The surrounding shielded the signal not to say, but also vent the increasing rain bomb, at the same time, tightly sealed the surrounding, the contest between each other without any outside participation, but the hospital is not the same! This is a public place. If anyone gives up the attack in such a place, it will be a serious provocation to the whole country!

Even Tucker didn't dare to think like this. Even if the consortium asked him to do so, he had to think about it. It doesn't matter if he died, but if he provoked China, he should forget it! no end of trouble for the future.

"What's the situation over there, sir?" Taylor asked, worried!

"The driver and the security guard were seriously injured. Hou Tianliang fainted. Mr. Ding Yu's situation is unknown. However, on the surface, the situation is not very good. He has suffered considerable impact. There are quite a number of injuries outside. I don't know about other situations! We can't get any information. Mr. Ding's security is on the alert now! It's hard for our people to find out! "

"Guard the ambassador! I'll make a phone call! " Taylor's situation is a little excited now, but the phone call to Ding Yu is through! But it took a long time for someone to answer!

"I'm Tyler! Can I speak to you, sir? "

The person on the other side of the phone was silent for a moment. "Sir is dealing with the injury. I'm afraid I don't have the spare time. If you are free, I'll send your message to Miss Taylor!" Security didn't mean to be cold, but what about his words? It seems to be pressing down the anger in my heart!

These security guards around Ding Yu are relying on Ding Yu to eat. But now some people want to break this job. For everyone, there are some people who can't bear and tolerate. What about this? With Taylor's family must be involved in a considerable relationship, now there is no anger to face, has given a considerable face!

"I'm looking after the ambassador, who will leave tomorrow! I'll go back to see you then

There was nothing to say on the phone. Then he hung up. Ding Yu was dealing with his injury in the room. There were more bruises on his body. Fortunately, he had a bulletproof vest. If he didn't have a bullet proof vest, maybe now Ding Yu has become a broken sieve!

After dealing with some external injuries to the arms and legs, someone specially examined Ding Yu, and there was no problem with his body! People feel relieved. In fact, Ding Yu is very aware of his physical condition. Why should he do this examination? Also let everybody rest assured that they do not have any problems!

"How are the three of them?" I don't care much about myself, but what about drivers, security and Hou Tianliang? What about them? It can also be regarded as fighting side by side. Without them, I don't know what it will look like!

"Sir, they are still dealing with the injuries, but there are not too many fatal injuries on the body. Hou Tianliang was injured in the arm and was shot twice in the leg. However, it is not a big problem. There is a bone fracture in the ribs, but there are no other problems. If you take a rest for a period of time, you will not have any problems! Two guards, their injuries are serious! "

"They worked hard! Arrange for them to return to Beijing and give them the best treatment, as well as the treatment, including all the operation personnel tonight! I'm not a mean person, and I'm not a cold-blooded person at the same time! "

"Sir, will Hou Tianliang go back with him?"

"If he doesn't go back, it's not a fatal situation for him to stay here! Find a wheelchair for him when he wakes up tomorrow. If it wasn't for him this time, we might not have been so badly hit! "

The security guard next to me understood this time! Hou Tianliang is highly valued by his husband, but it is precisely because he is valued that his requirements for Hou Tianliang are particularly strict. However, his injury is not so serious, that is, his appearance may be slightly exaggerated! That's it!

Ding Yu's body is just a pair of shorts. Because of the more injuries, it's really troublesome to wear clothes. As for the hair on the head, it's also shaved off at this time. Previously, when the smoke was burning, it really had a lot of influence. Now it's angular, and it's very refreshing!

"Except for the necessary guards, go and rest! Ask the capital to send all the drugs here! "

"Yes, sir, have a good rest! We're on the left and right! "

Looking at the caller ID on the mobile phone, Ding Yu also chatted with you, still naked. But because of this, everything is clear at a glance. What about sun Yingnan, Li Fuzhen and Sasha? Looking at heartache, at the same time, this vision is sharp up.What about hort, Dashan and Tanaka? They are all holding their fists in their hands. It is a kind of incompetence for them to have such a situation! There are really so many too slap in the face! Although Mr. A did not have any blame, but for everyone, it is really better to scold a few words!

We all know that the emperor is strict, but what about the specific situation? For the public can be said to be quite preferential treatment, especially Dashan, Tanaka and Hote, their feelings can be said to be particularly profound! However, if it is not so reasonable, Ding Yu tries his best to do it!

But now Mr. Zhang has such a situation, we also feel that some can not tolerate! This is a challenge to the whole consortium! If we can tolerate such a situation, what will happen in the future?

"Today's spirit is pretty good, just taking advantage of this time? Have a little meeting! Sit down, everyone Ding Yu also said hello, but really did not show too much anger! After everyone sat down, Ding Yu also said slowly, "from the beginning of our layout to now, what about the consortium? That is just a little bit of improvement, and in this process? It's not just me, it's also everyone's joint effort! "

"What about today? It seems abrupt, but it also shows a considerable problem, that is, what about our power? It has already aroused the prying eyes of other forces. Our meat! It's already very tender and fat! "

"Sir, we have accumulated considerable capital!"

"I know that, but what am I going to say? Not enough, far from enough, our rise time is too short! Without such a thick foundation, this also leads us to the fact that if we trigger some wars, we will not be able to bear it to the end, so what about now? I'll still be in the front! "

"Sir Dashan knelt down on the ground, "the family is willing to lead the horse and whip for you, please give our family a chance! Please

"No! Dashan, I understand your wishes and thoughts, but what about your power now? That is just the recovery, not to mention the whole world, not to mention the whole Asia, even the whole Japan, there is not much confidence! I charge in front, can give you a good cover

Ding Yu's attitude is very resolute, "I hope in a hundred years? We can still sit together! What about the consortium? It's not for me personally, but for everyone. If we can work together, we will have a sky in the future, so we don't need to do anything to kill the chicken and get the eggs now! "

The meeting time was not very long. Ding Yu also explained the situation in detail with you. Due to Ding Yu's physical condition, we didn't insist for too long! But Ding Yu did not immediately go to rest, but to recuperate for quite a long period of time, his energy consumption today is really some big!

The next morning, the medicine from the capital had been sent over. Ding Yu had just played a set of Taijiquan. As for the prepared medicine, it had been sent to him very early. Looking at Taylor standing outside, Ding Yu nodded and came soon! There is no need for any other treatment!

"Sir Ding Yu drank the medicine and began to tease again. For about an hour, Tyler was still standing outside, "haven't you eaten yet! Together This invitation seems a little abrupt! But it seems to be in common sense again!

"You're surprised, sir!"

"It's not a big deal!" Ding Yu didn't have much thought about it. He sat down at the table and said, "the ambassador has already been sent away? You didn't go back with you? "

"Last night, there were two teams of people outside to explore, but in the end they did not find any chance, and after the ambassador got on the plane, they would not do it! In fact, last night was the last chance, and the ambassador has sobered up. He wanted to thank you personally, but he didn't find a good opportunity! "

"I'm just a doctor. It's common to treat patients and save people!" Filled a bowl of porridge, the first to Taylor, "what? Do you feel like you have a little bit of pressure? Not so! "

"Sir, there should be some problems in the family. The third emperor called me just now, and he told me quite a lot. Some people in the family still expressed considerable opposition, but my grandfather didn't speak up!"

"It's normal, old Peyton has already let go of power! Then we won't pay too much attention to him. If he is old enough and always holds this right, if something goes wrong, it will be like the same as now. What should be done then! If you don't give him a chance to experience, he will never grow up! "

"The third generation will come to the capital at an appropriate opportunity, and personally apologize to you, sir. You have paid a lot for the family, and the family aspect will make you bear such a risk. If we can't find out this matter, it will be an indelible shame for our whole family, even for the third generation!"Whether it's humiliation or something else, Ding Yu doesn't care much about it! Old Peyton! It's really cruel and heartless, just throw out the third generation, what about the third? Is a little wolf cub, if can stand up, then in the future, can become the first wolf, if can not become the first wolf? It will be a corpse.

If it becomes a corpse, at most, it is to select another person from the family. There are many wolf cubs below, which are worse than those of the third generation. What about the third generation now? It's just that he took the lead! As for whether you can sit firmly in this chair, I don't know!

"Are you so confident in the third generation?" Ding Yu was very casual to say a word, but there is no provocative meaning!

"I have confidence in him. I believe he can lead the family and the consortium well."

"Old Peyton, the old fox! The means are not very unusual, this time is a very opportunity, for the third generation, it is the best time to establish their own prestige, but also the best time to control power! If he succeeds this time, your family won't have too many problems in 50 years

"I think the third generation must be very happy to hear such comments!"

"And old Peyton? The control time is a little bit long, so the family has a little bit of tail end, this is a very normal thing! Old Peyton had no way to start, but for the third generation, there was no such consideration. For him, he was either his friend or his opponent! It's so simple! "

"Sir, no matter what happens, the family will give you a true account! Please believe it

"Wrong understanding! I don't mean to blame. Is it true that it is not so important to explain that even such a thing is only sooner or later! To be able to hide for such a long time, I feel that there are so many incredible, is this attack? It's a little bit out of place! "

"Sir, you are hurt! This is already the biggest problem

Originally, Ding Yu still wanted to talk, but the security guard came in with the phone and looked at the caller ID. Ding Yu nodded at Taylor. "This matter may have been revealed in some aspects, but it has nothing to do with you. I don't need too much self blame. I'll answer a phone call!"

After walking away for a while, Ding Yu answered the phone, "uncle, you got up so early!"

"I got a call last night! How dare you This saying is a bit murderous, "harmonious development in China, if this matter is not properly solved, there is no way for the country and the people to explain!"

"Understand!" Ding Yu admitted his fault honestly at this time, "last night, there were some problems on my side! I am willing to accept punishment! " After all, this is not a small thing!

"You seem to be prepared! But it's still quite a stir, you What about the last sentence? There are so many exclamations! After all, Ding Yu is not an active troublemaker, but a passive one. No matter whether it is active or passive, this matter has caused considerable influence on the country. Even if Ding Yu's contribution is great, he can't turn a blind eye to it! Merit is merit, fault is fault!

"Uncle, I've already admitted my mistake! And I still have a wound on my body! Or you'll get a lighter punishment? "

"What's wrong with it? Listen to your speech full of gas, no problem, this matter? It's not public! From now on to the Chinese new year, go and squat inside! A good reflection on your missing, I think your hometown there is good

"Yes! I know it Ding Yu didn't mean to bargain, "uncle, it's hard for you! This is my problem, I absolutely understand it! "

"You boy!" In fact, I don't want to punish Ding Yu, but this thing can't be started, even if it's Ding Yu! After all, the nature of things is different!

After hanging up with his third uncle, his uncle also called. After all, Su Hai is from the Department of emotion management. If such a thing happened, he would be really disgraced if he said he didn't know it! The Ministry has sent someone to investigate!

After all, it's not a trivial matter. What about yourself? It's from the European Department. It doesn't hang up, but it's his nephew after all! Last night's situation was still very dangerous! "Xiaoyu, how are you? I heard you were hurt? Is there any problem? " This is my uncle's concern!

"There's no big problem, it's just that there are more bruises and some skin on my body. There's no other big problem!" As a matter of fact, Ding Yu didn't mean to exaggerate, "uncle! My side of the situation is still good, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will squat over there! You can rest assured

"Squatting?" Su Hai was stunned for a moment, and then she understood, "you boy! It's time to squat down and have a good reflection. I haven't told them about it yet, so I won't tell them for the time being! ""I understand!"

After putting down the phone, Ding Yu changed his clothes again. When he came out, he found that Hou Tianliang had come, wrapped up and down. He was wearing a medical number suit. It looked like it was very serious, but actually it was all trauma! But there are still some drops hanging on the high bracket!

"Oh, isn't this secretary Hou? Why are you sitting? "

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