"Dean Ding, can I ask you abruptly? Who is director Ding? " On the way back, Liao Hai also endured for quite a long time. After Dean Ding sent his relatives home, Liao Hai asked.

"What about this? It's really not what you should ask. I know more or less, but I can't tell you something about it. You are too young to know. It's not good to know too much! " Ding Lin also pointed out two sentences, "I heard that your hand has some problems. Is it serious?"

Obviously, Ding Lin didn't want to mention the meaning of this topic. Instead, he changed the topic. What about Liao Hai? We should understand the meaning. After all, what about his origin? Should be able to contact quite a thing!

"Let me go back to take a film and check it carefully. At the same time, let me take advantage of this period of time to have a rest and let me go back to see my grandfather. I didn't expect that Dr. Ding had listened to my grandfather's lecture! It's incredible

"Not bad! At least can say two words, and you are also into his eyes! But Liao Hai! In fact, although you can enter his eyes now, it does not mean that you are admitted by him! I know you must have other ideas in your heart, but from now on, it's still too much to be desired! "

"Dean, why?"

"The eldest brother has two students, one is Guo Li and the other is Shen Mingzheng. I have seen both of them. They are really extraordinary. Just from the appearance? Can not see that there are too many problems and conditions, to see inside! What about their studies? Let's not talk about it! At least now your gap is not very big, but in a few years time, it is really not necessarily! Don't boast that I still have great confidence in the boss

"Dean, you have confidence, but I am really about to lose confidence!" Liao Hai's deep resentment has always been? He is very high-spirited, but met Ding Yu several sides, he is about to be hit and can't get up!

"It must be reasonable for him to arrange like this. After going back, take a picture and have a look first. Even if our hospital can't see it, I'm sure it can be solved by the provincial capital. You've been here for a while! Just go back and adjust it a little bit! "

Ding Yu knows why his father is so interested. There is no right or wrong in doing so. What about himself? Of course, it is impossible for his father to follow his busy life, and it doesn't matter what help. There is no such statement and problem between father and son, which does not exist at all!

"Director, I heard that director Sun was so overjoyed! Dig out a lot of things! " Hou Tianliang's expression is slightly excited. After all, this is a good thing for the country and the people. If some people are allowed to hide, the impact on the whole country will be huge!

Ding Yu looked up and said, "what bad water are you going to take? You can get involved in this matter, but I can't get involved. The identity between each other is limited. What's more, don't you know that I'm squatting here? I also hope to be able to go back home for the new year, saving everyone's heart feel uneasy

"Director, can you borrow two people to use one? I promise to return it on time!"

"Let's meet the security guard." Ding Yu did not want to ask about the inside information. Hou Tianliang must have his own meaning in doing so. He did not want to interfere with Hou Tianliang's development. "But you should know that they are very expensive!"

"Understand!" Hou Tianliang is also overjoyed to have a salute with Ding Yu! "By the way, director, Wang Anxian called me. I answered. His grandfather had some physical problems. Although the situation was not so dangerous, it was also relatively serious. It was mainly because of years of hard work and suffering that caused the file situation!"

"I had a diagnosis and treatment at the beginning. There should be no such problem!"

Hou Tianliang slightly scratched his head, because he knew it would be such a result. The director himself is a doctor. It seems that it is not a general difficulty to hide from his eyes in this respect!

However, he did not wait for dawn to speak. Ding Yu leaned back on his body and said, "Wang An's father is back?" In addition, Ding Yu really can't think of any other reasons and reasons!

"Yes Since the director has mentioned it, don't hide it! "After I came back, I had a fierce conflict with Wang An's grandfather, almost smashed my home! Wang An's sister was also injured! It was Wang an who made the decision. He didn't tell Mr. Wang if his grandfather's body was not in trouble! "

"In this way, it is deliberately playing a rogue!" Ding Yu also slightly shook his head, "but it's hard for honest and upright officials to break the housework. It seems that I'm not suitable to be involved in such a thing. Wang an... Forget it. I'll contact him about this matter! Just do your own thing Ding Yu waved his hand!

What about Wang An's father's treatment? In fact, it is a very simple thing, but how to deal with it? Ding Yu needs to observe Wang An's attitude, because it concerns Wang An's growth to a certain extent! After all, he is still young now. If he has any problems and problems, it will be a lifelong thing!So Ding Yu also called Wang An's nanny, "Wei Wei An, I'm Ding Yu!"

"Hello, sir." When Wei Wei an answered the phone, she also stood up. Although Ding Yu was not by his side, no matter whether it was out of respect or admiration, Wei Wei An could not help standing up, "is it for Wang An's business?"

"I've heard that the situation over there is quite serious!"

"Wang an didn't let us talk about it. He said that he had the ability to deal with this time, that is, the old man's affairs were out of expectation, but now the old man's condition has been tending to be stable, and Wang An has not relaxed his own requirements. Although his father and his parents will come to make trouble sometimes, the problem is not big anymore."

"Why come back! There has been no news for years! " Ding Yu slightly puzzled asked a, want to know Wang An's father is aware of, have already set up a family, but now suddenly back! There is something wrong with it!

"As far as I know, Wang An's father got the news from his family. He should have heard from his fellow countrymen. In addition, his condition was not so good. After he came back, Wang an didn't express much, but there was a fierce collision with the old man! Exactly? It was Wang An's father who deliberately picked up the matter! "

"When Wang an comes back in the evening, ask him to give me a call and ask Wang An's father to calm down. It's not easy for Wang An to deal with this matter. In this case, you can handle it!"

"I see! Sir

In fact, Ding Yu is not willing to get involved in such a thing, but Wang An is his own student and has great expectations for this student. It is absolutely not easy for him to have any problems and situations!

But not until the evening, his father took the lead to call over, "Xiaoyu! Liao Hai's hand has already photographed the video data. There are quite a few problems. Experts from the provincial capital have already called, because the operation was a little improper when he was a child, so his fingers have certain deformities! "

"The problem is not very big, just adjust it a little bit! I had a look at his previous operation, but the flexibility was ok, but the coordination was not so good. At that time, I thought it was a problem of basic skills. Now it seems that this is not the case. Fortunately, it was discovered early. If it was two years earlier, I'm afraid it would be a big problem! "

"Mr. Heng just called me and expressed my great thanks."

"Thank you no more! I once mentioned this matter to Liao Hai, and let him stay here for three years. Where is his hand? I need a little operation. It's not a big problem. I need to adjust it again. I can recover from the bottom a year ago. I know something about him. I can take it for a while. "

"Then I'll give Evergrande a reply so that he won't worry about it."

"Although I've heard Heng Lao talk about two classes, I've benefited a lot, so I think I've done my best. However, my father can tell you the truth and take him for a period of time. If you accept him as a student, the space that can be controlled is not as large as imagined, and there are too many things involved!"

"You have two students with you now, and you don't see how much attention you have!" Ding Lin also said jokingly.

"Daddy! Guo Li is the first student I said, and he has got all the recognition. What about Shen Mingzheng? It's also my students. Although they have made a reservation, due to other reasons, they need to wait for quite some time. What about the two of them? It can be said that it has placed the greatest expectations of the school and the hospital, involving all aspects of power and relations. It is definitely not a simple thing. At the beginning, there was a girl, but I later introduced a colleague. What about their family? It should be regarded as a family of Xinglin family. Liao Hai has nothing to compare with her! "

"Can you make up for the gap?"

"Yes!" For this matter, Ding Yu really didn't mean to refuse, "what about our small county? There are not many famous teachers, but there are many opportunities to get started. That is to say, there are quite a lot of practices. I can provide quite a platform here. As long as he has this motivation, he is not afraid that he will not work hard? He can't hold on to it

Eh? Ding Lin also has some language barriers. What about his eldest son's hardworking? I'm afraid ordinary people have no way to adapt, although they are his father, but also feel inappropriate, ordinary people simply can not adhere to it!

"Boss! Liao Hai's situation is different from that of you. He has this potential and confidence, but you are a hammer! It's too fierce! It's really easy for him to smash at once

"No one is going to force him, just his own choice! It's the same for Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng, and the same for Liao Hai. There won't be any difference! " Ding Yu is very clear expression said!

"Ah! You Ding Lin is not good to say what, the eldest son can give such a big cut is quite not easy! Liao Hai is right here in the county-level city hospital? Is not able to absorb too much nutrients, even if his home to provide him with considerable, is not enough, so he found his eldest son.What about the current conditions? It's all set! It depends on whether Liao Hai can earn a breath! If the future development is good! However, there is the possibility of this aspect. If the development is not good, it will be another matter! Anyway, I have tried my best! But for all aspects, we have a clear conscience!

"Are you free these two days? Come back for dinner if you have time! What happened to your brother-in-law has basically come to an end, and they can understand it now! Xiao Long has seen quite a lot of things he said! Part of it is because of myself, and part of it? It's also a family relationship! "

"Dad, I didn't regulate. No wonder my brother-in-law meant that it was really unnecessary. If they could realize it, they could say a few thanks. If they didn't, I didn't expect anything. We just did something proper! Isn't that what you and my mother often taught us? Isn't it? "

"You boy! okay! I don't talk nonsense

After hanging up the phone, Ding Yu also felt so funny, his father! It's really a good old man, but it's also very good. Although sometimes there are some soft hearted people, there are principles in doing things, so now we all respect them very much. Isn't it OK?

Wang Yu just picked up some of her lips. Did you like to have a phone call from Ding Yu? The palm print on the face is still there! It's a bit too heavy to do! "

"How are you?" Wang an touched her face. "My grandfather was angry and went to the hospital! Now it's stabilized! "

"I've dealt with it! What about the process? You may feel a lot, but I don't need you to have too many opinions and ideas about this matter. At least you can't take the responsibility now! "

Wang an didn't speak for a long time. He wanted to reason with his father. However, his father didn't talk about the so-called truth at all. He pushed himself to the ground two or three times. As for his sister, he was pushed to the table because of this matter! Grandfather is not to mention!

I can't tell why my father has become like this. I haven't seen him for many years! Now all of a sudden, it just comes out! But Wang an really didn't mean what to do!

But what about his father's style at home? Let oneself is really too too speechless! What could such a father do on his own? We can't just let this family go! At least grandfather and sister are still, now barely maintain it!

"What about your father? It's easier to solve, but what about your problem? How about being kind and filial? This is a scene that everyone expects, but what about your father! There are a few questions about this. What about your father? I have told Vivian that you can get some judgment from her! "

"Teacher, you are worried!"

"What about my problems with your family? It's not so worried, just concerned about whether it will affect your growth. After all, you are only a child. If there is any shadow left, it is extremely inappropriate! "

Ding Yu didn't mean to break it off for Wang An, but the meaning in this speech was extremely clear! If you can solve it, you can solve it by yourself. But what do you mean? You should not be able to solve, since you can not solve it, then this matter is up to me to solve it!

"Teacher, why is it like this?" Wang An is so safe.

"Do you mean to say that it is better to see others in the dark?" Although Wang an didn't say it in person, Ding Yu already understood the meaning of the words! "It's quite normal. What about your father? The relationship with your mother broke down, left the family and started a new family. But what about the new family? There are other situations, so we have to find a place to vent! "

"Where to vent?" Wang an Leng for a moment, then also understand, "a little did not think of it!"

"Vivian didn't give you the information, not to say that she wanted to hide it from you, but worried that it would have a considerable impact on your growth. You already know the relevant situation now! So what about the specific treatment? It's up to you! "

"Teacher, I know! I want to talk to him about it! "

"That's good!"

In the evening, Wang An was sitting on a table with his father, looking at his father's eating. There was no expression on his face. He ate a meal blandly. His action was very light and he didn't make any sound! Not like my own father! Food is everywhere!

Although there are so many look down on, but Wang an did not say to stop the meaning, has been waiting for their own to eat! Wang an Cai looked at his father and said, "father, your anger is almost over the past two days! Interesting and boring, what should be done should not be done, you have already done it! For once, never again! ""If I wipe it, do you have any hair on it? How dare you talk to me like that Then he picked up the beer bottle in his hand and said, "when I go out to mix, are you a hair?"

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