Hou Tianliang knew Wang An's news, but also deliberately made a phone call in the past, the plan really did not change fast, his side has something, otherwise he really want to go to Wang an there to have a look! This child! It's really quite amazing. No wonder he can get into the director's eye and be looked at as a treasure by the director!

After all, Wang Ancai is so old that he can have such an understanding. Now I have discussed this issue with the director, but I really don't want to beat him. Wang An can regain his identity and collect waste and garbage. It's just a behavior, but it really makes me sigh! Perhaps it is because of this extraordinary, so the director just look at it differently!

It's not to say that the director is really high-profile, but there are really not many people who can be so valued by the director. Wang An has such an opportunity, which is a considerable reason, but in such a short period of time, there must be a considerable reason!

But what about the military? It's really not good to interfere too much with what, why say so? Wang an occupies a considerable position in Ding Yu's mind to a certain extent, and now the people who know it are absolutely a few of the minority. If you don't want to be contaminated, no one will bear the consequences.

After all, Wang An is only the future, and Hou Tianliang is now! Now hou Tianliang can be said to be particularly valued by everyone, because Wang An, let Hou Tianliang fall in, at that time may be picking sesame seeds, losing watermelon, even sesame can not see! Such a scene is absolutely not what the military, especially the intelligence and governance departments, would like to see!

So it is to exert some influence in some aspects. If it is really possible in the future, let Wang an exercise in the military. No matter what, the passion is there! As for the future, things will be easy to handle!

But still need to say a bit, Wang An this child is still too young! Even if some influence has been exerted, it is really difficult to say whether it can achieve any so-called effect. From the perspective of Hou Tianliang, it is really difficult to say? Wang An's growth has made people feel terrible, but the problem is that they can see it, but can others see it?

Because I'm very close to the director, I can find out a lot of other news, such as Wang An's, of course, because my relationship with Wang An is OK! But if the director really wants to strangle this channel, I'm afraid he will not have this opportunity at that time!

Don't think that the director can't do it, and don't think that the director will do it, just because he wants or doesn't want to do it!

Wang An made a phone call, is to comfort a few words, but also praise a lot, Hou Tianliang is busy with their own things to go! Since it is the security borrowed from the director, there is no need to hide this matter from the director. However, it seems that the director is not so related to it!

Even the seconded security personnel are not so concerned about this, just tell them what to do! As for the others? I really don't have any meaning to ask! But Hou Tianliang's heart is also very clear, these security are personally trained by the director, extraordinary!

Although they don't ask, it doesn't mean they don't really see anything!

"I heard that you are more leisurely these two days!"

Ding Yu is sitting on the chair, talking to his third uncle on the phone. The first time he called for such a long time, he was obviously deliberately hanging out Ding Yu. He made such a big thing. Do you really think it's over quietly? How could it be? It's not as simple as you can imagine!

"Uncle, I have already asked for punishment! Don't you worry about it, old man. It makes people feel helpless Ding Yu also deliberately said, "I know that it was my responsibility before, so I was honest and upright here to watch the guard squat, after all, the small county is so big!"

"You will make excuses for yourself! Is it just so light and easy to push things over? "

"Uncle, I have been so honest!" Ding Yu is also very wrongly said, "I know this matter has caused considerable influence, but...."

"No, but! Now we are all so curious. You are not a quiet master The middle-aged man quickly interrupted Ding Yu, "tell me your plan!"

Get it! Come up directly to enlarge the move! What do you mean? Is want to direct a stick to give Ding Yu knock dizzy dish!

"Uncle, I'm not easy to calm down. I can't sit still if you talk like this!" Ding Yu was helpless and said, "but if you have any opinions and ideas, I can report my work. Anyway, I have never been cheap when I meet you!"

"You're still playing with me, aren't you?" The middle-aged man also said to Ding Yu in a deep voice, "the previous things are a kind of provocation for the whole country, but what about you personally? No matter standing in that position, we do not deny the impact on this matter, but also the negative impact! ""Third uncle!" Ding Yu also called out, "I know that I am wrong about this matter! I'm willing to admit that no one thought that these guys would be so bold and reckless. I can make a profound review, and there have been considerable achievements in this period of time! "

"Do you still have a profound review?" The middle-aged man obviously has a tone of disbelief, "but what about your performance now? It's a certain problem, but boss! If this is the case, do you think it is appropriate to recognize your own fault? "

"Third uncle, I'm still a junior. Are you really good like this?" Ding Yu is quite speechless. Is his third uncle too cruel? He has already looked like this, and now he has given himself such a hand. What can he do?

"What are you talking about?" The middle-aged man snorted, "I think Hou Tianliang's performance is not bad, how do you plan to arrange it?"

"Ah?" Ding Yu couldn't help but cry bitterly, "third uncle, is this too cruel? I'm going to America after the new year. It's definitely not suitable to take it with me at dawn. I'm going to let him study for a period of time. What about my teaching him? After all, they are all wild. After all, they are not so systematic. What about him? It will take quite some time to be quiet for a while

"What about hou Tianliang's performance? We all saw it in our eyes, ha ha! "

Hearing the third uncle's words, Ding Yu seems to understand what, how could he encounter such a thing? "Uncle, I really don't have so much free time! Even if it's dawn, I don't pay much attention to it. Everyone knows the problems in it! "

"So you think it's enough to make such a big thing happen? Can others agree? Are you finished eating? And then you want to run? What are you thinking of? " The tone of middle-aged people is also suddenly serious, more important reason? Or because of the comparative understanding of Ding Yu! He! Still need to continue with the hammer to hit!

Get it! Don't make any excuses! Even if you want to find a reason, there won't be any results. Ding Yu is very happy to choose to accept. After all, such a big thing has come out. His third uncle must have been under considerable pressure. Ding Yu still sees this matter very clearly!

"Uncle, I'm going abroad after the new year. Is that right?" Ding Yu or very worried asked a!

Yeah! Ding Yu is still sensible! He didn't get tough in the end, which is a good thing. "Things are not as troublesome as you imagine. Three people, I will be your secretary for a period of time! What about the identities of the three of them? No problem! "

"Uncle, you can kill me! three people? Even if it's bone marrow sucking, it's not so cruel. We all see that Hou Tianliang seems to be at ease around me, but what about the actual situation? The expense is not general big, you give me three people, I will not drink vegetable soup! No, absolutely not! I can't bear it! "

"Only three people, you still bargain with me?! It's not like words

"Third uncle, this is not a matter of shame. Here comes the man! I can't fool! It's bad for my own reputation, don't you think? Besides, how can I know what they look like? How much effort does it take and how much effort I need to put in, and so on. I need to expend my energy. This is definitely not something that is right but not something. Do you think so? I really don't have so much free time! "

"In another way, two people plus a security guard!"

"Uncle, can I say anything else?" Ding Yu asked tentatively. After hearing his third uncle hum, he also said with emotion, "uncle, I'm your nephew at least! You're just holding on to a hole like me, okay? Why don't I find the right person for you? Are you going to talk? "

"Don't look at what you've done, let people say something!" The middle-aged man has already known the meaning of Ding Yu's heart, "what about the personnel's information? I'll have it handed over to you. You can choose it yourself! After all, what about the selection? It's what you feel is right. It's not so appropriate to push people to you alone! "

"All right." Ding Yu also agreed, "by the way, uncle, is it convenient for you? A few digressions? " Hearing the middle-aged man's promise, Ding Yucai then said, "I investigated the previous things and got some eyebrows!"

"Tell me what you think!"

"What about the forces behind it? It's sure to be more secretive. What's the purpose of it? I don't know. But if you take it like this, it doesn't seem to have much significance. What do I mean? Let this force grow a little bit! There may be unexpected results

"Are you so sure? You know, this is not a trivial matter. The previous action has had a rather bad impact on the whole country, but the domestic investigation has never given up! "

"Domestic affairs have nothing to do with me! But these guys are hiding deep. They must be quite a disaster. I mean it's not a bad thing to force them out and let them make trouble outside. I'm very interested in it. I don't know when they will come out. I'm looking forward to it. ""What about you? We all know this, but we need to pay attention to the propriety. In addition, I went to the farm for an investigation and received a warm reception. I also had two meals there. The development is good. However, I didn't see Li Fu Zhen. You should be well prepared! "

"Third uncle, you are deliberately lifting my old man! ok So I'll tell you! Mainly involved in some aspects of mechanical manufacturing, including high-precision electronics and so on! However, this requires a considerable process. Before the farm has fully entered the formal stage, it has already started to make specific adjustments, and now it has begun to move forward slowly! "

"You're a good man, but such a good thing needs a lot of trouble! If you have any questions, discuss with your family. I went to see Mr. Wang earlier. What's going on at home? Be more tolerant

"Uncle, I know it!" This answer is a little stiff, middle-aged people are quite helpless and sigh about it. Other things are easy to talk about, but only this matter has not had too many good results. What can I do?

After putting down the phone, Ding Yu sat there in a dull way. After thinking about it, he made a phone call to his grandfather, grandfather and grandmother. It was a simple greeting. What about some things? With the development of time, will be slowly diluted, but some things? Always in the memory of the place, there is no way to forget!

Mr. Su, Mr. Wang and Mrs. Ding Yu's phone call made them very happy? What is the situation? Ding Yu even took the initiative to call over, this is too much to let people surprise! So the three old men began to mutter!

But what about listening to Ding Yu, the eldest grandson? Obviously, there is no other problem or situation. What about the rest of the family? It's impossible to talk about the grandson. As for the grandson's own understanding, it seems that there are some bullshit and real things, so there is only one situation left!

It must be the third person who called Ding Yu. Now, the only one who can tell Ding Yu? May be the third! The relationship between the two is very good! Earlier, the third son also came to the house and watched TV. He seems to have visited the farm for investigation. I heard that the effect is very good! Put forward quite praise!

"Old man, it seems that there is something wrong with this matter!" Although the old lady is old, she is still full of spirit. What about this? Su bochen obviously can't catch up, and Wang Pu is also the same, "the third ran to us, Xiaoyu called again, can't something happen?"

"What can happen to that son of a bitch? I heard that he has always been in his hometown! Didn't the three kids say it when they came? I don't know how that son of a bitch is a father, so he left the child at home, ignoring him! I look at him! It's a little too much! "

"It's like how good you are. When you were working, you were in charge of family affairs."

The old lady hummed. The movement was a little bit big. The staff next to her also pursed her mouth and laughed. The old couple were already so old! Sometimes it's so fun!

Wang Pu's face was also black, but he didn't say anything. He waved his hand to the steward, and then looked at the old lady and said, "these bastards at home didn't mention anything, but since Xiaoyu can call, it shouldn't be a big thing. I heard that someone from the third echelon has already taken office!"

"I heard that, too! Previously, rowdy is more fierce, but Xiaoyu still knows things well! What about this? There's nothing wrong with mixing once or twice, but if there are too many things, people will criticize them and there will be big problems in the future! "

However, before waiting for two days, Wang Yang went directly to Wang Pu and the old lady. He picked up the tea and poured it into his stomach. "Did you hear about it, granddad?"

"What did you hear?" Wang Pu is very dissatisfied with a glance! How old are they? How can you still be so unstable! I'm dying! Wang Yang is now a successor! But still like this!

"Don't you know about it?" Wang Yang also patted his thigh, "good thing! Although it is still in a small range, some people have already known the specific situation. Is Hou Tianliang over there? May come out after the year, big brother there need to choose two secretaries! Anyway, it's so popular now

Wang Pu and the old lady were both surprised and looked at each other. No wonder Xiaoyu called and United. The third one came to the house and went to the farm again! The things in this have been quite illustrative!

Obviously, what about Lao San and Ding Yu? Together, we have already said hello to this matter earlier, but due to some reasons, we did not directly disclose this matter. This is an obvious thing!What's the meaning of this call? One is to greet the three old people. On the other hand? Maybe it is to reveal some aspects of the meaning! This bastard is not so smart! Although it doesn't seem to be the right word for him, what about now? Can only be so to think!

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