"The others out!" Su Quan also roared loudly! How much appears some not quite calm! Under Ding Yu's sign, the other people in the room also followed him out. "Boss, do you know who the person you rescued is? Do you know how much contribution they have made to our country for three generations?"

"His father is my teacher, and I was brought in by him. His grandfather is a respected elder of our intelligence department. The whole family has sacrificed several for our country, and some are even dolls. I don't care what kind of method you use, you must save him for me! It's cured

"Third uncle, from the perspective of ordinary people, I understand your feelings, but from the perspective of a doctor, you are a tough and even unrealistic thing. I am a doctor. Please don't doubt my professional ethics. I will give everything I have, but it is impossible to say that I am absolutely sure. From the current situation, it is impossible to come from the capital Staff! By the way, bring your family with you. "

Su Quan's mouth twitched and growled, "I need you to make sure he's alive. It seems that I've never asked you for anything else. I don't care about other things, but I must let him live. I can't let the children have no father, the old man has no grandchildren. Their family has sacrificed too much for our country! If you can't save him, I don't have the face to enter the door of their house, this is my request

At this time, Ding Yu took up the small notebook in his pocket and took out the ball point pen from the upper pocket. "No one knows if it can be saved. It can only be as far as possible. I have tried my best to hang their lives. This is the list. You are responsible for pulling people. I ask Deng Rongshun to give the medicine conveniently Send it

"Xiaoyu He handed the list to the guard at the door, and then he grabbed Ding Yu and went to the ward with him, "if possible, how far can it be recovered?"

Ding Yu's feet also slightly pause for a while, "can recover to what extent? Three, how hard can you send me a piece of meat? What do you want me to say? I have called Deng Rong earlier, the plane over there is ready, let the experts follow me together! I'm still saying that, as far as I can, I dare not say anything else

"That's not rotten meat, that's a man!" Su Quan is very persistent in this matter!

"Uncle, do you think I haven't been to war?" Ding Yu snorted, "I have experienced many battles, your third uncle, you have too much time on the battlefield, but fortunately, the follow-up battlefield treatment is still good, and it is his life to delay until now, but it is no longer suitable for continuous transportation. Now it can only be here!"

"I'm sure people will be there before noon!"

Ding Yu looked at the time, "I don't know, but I can only show that I can help here. I'm a doctor, but I'm not the most versatile. Fortunately, I have some research on traditional Chinese medicine, and also have considerable power in surgery, so that I can maintain life temporarily, but that's all!"

Two people came to the ward. What about the one on the bed? It's full of pipes. Now we're waiting for experts to come! It's not that Ding Yu didn't save him, but that there was no way to cure him. If he did it, he needed to do it in an all-round way. If he did it by himself, there would be other abnormal conditions, and the one on the bed would really die!

Su Hai couldn't stop looking at his wrist watch, "let them hurry up, this side can't last too long!"

"There won't be too many problems for him to insist on. I still have this point. If there is no special problem, what about it? Don't stimulate him for the moment Ding Yu also euphemistically said a word.

Su Quan looked at his nephew, he just heard it! His nephew told himself that if there was any special situation, he would let the patient wake up temporarily, but Su Quan could not be so selfish. He needed information, but he could not take such means and methods!

Seeing his uncle's emotion gradually calmed down, Ding Yu also shook his head for a moment, "the situation is quite special, so I can only do emergency treatment now. The next situation needs the patient's own willpower, and I have made considerable preparations. After the doctor arrives, we can do the next treatment!"

Su Quan took two deep breaths. "I was so excited just now."

"It's a rare sight to be able to make you so excited!" Ding Yu's tone is still the same as before. Su Quan looks back and resists the intention of slapping him. Must he speak like this?

"I know you've been on the battlefield, but the battlefield is different from each other!"

"Uncle, it was just a moment of anger! The battlefield between each other is not the same, for me personally, there is no significance and value, I am now a doctor! That's it! As for the patient's condition, someone will specially inform you. Do you have anything else you don't know? "Looking at his nephew, Su Quan also turned his head and looked at the people on the hospital bed. At noon, the plane had taken experts from the capital city, and there were also family members on the way. When the experts were on the plane, they had already discussed the specific situation. So when they arrived, they didn't even have much rest. After finishing, they were also straight Then he entered the operating room, and the patient's condition really did not allow any delay!

Previously, we didn't say that there was no action and it was impossible, such as the dredging of blood vessels. This is also quite time-consuming and energy-consuming. To a certain extent, it is either amputation or dredging. Make a choice!

But these things, Ding Yu really did not want to communicate with his uncle, it is not necessary, at most the operation time is a little longer! Really, there won't be too many problems! At least from Ding Yu's point of view, it is like this!

And in the operating room, the situation is more lively than expected. The experts and Ding Yu are all smiling and greeting each other. Although we are usually more serious, it is not the case in the operating room. It is just a lively market!

All year round is in this kind of operating room, if you don't find some fun for yourself, it's really a machine! Even a lot of words, in our opinion, are so ugly, but the actual situation is like this. If the patient on the hospital bed is sober, he may doubt whether he is really a doctor?

"Dr. Ding, have you heard that Harvard is recruiting new people? You director, you can't show that you don't have any! " The old doctor with a little white hair also joked with Ding Yu. Some of them even deliberately asked everyone to follow him and yell, "every year, you are the doctor in the capital hospital, even if you give us some leftovers!"

Ding Yu, who was holding the forceps and scalpel, didn't mean to look up at all! However, the old president simply does not give this opportunity, OK? With so many places every year, I have made great efforts! Not to mention two people were pried away earlier! Angry old courtyard grownup scolds the son of a rabbit! White eyed wolf

"The old Dean is eating alone, which makes people angry." People laughed and said, in fact, the competition in the hospital? It's even more intense than expected. Here we're talking about people aged 35 to 45, who are experienced, have a lot of surgical experience, and have passed various examinations.

To put it in a more practical way, if it's a little bit less, the starting price is 5 million. For a young and experienced doctor like Ding Yu, the starting price is at least 10 million, which is more expensive than expected! You can think of it as transfer fee, where everyone digs for each other, but equally, what about each other? It's mutual cooperation again!

Of course, Ding Yu is a special case. We all want to dig Ding Yu, but we can't dig it at all!

After all, it is unrealistic for a hospital not to be proficient in everything. Some specialties are leading the whole world, while others are leading the whole country. All these need to be focused on training, and some? Can only say relatively good, training can, but tilt the strength is absolutely not leading the world and leading the country professional so big!

But my own hospital is not good, does not mean that other hospitals are also not! So we all tried our best, and it was not only simple to dig corners, but also to a certain extent, we also wanted to wave his small hoe to Ding Yu, but Ding Yu was too difficult to contact!

However, we are also very clear that it is easy to ask Ding Yu to come for an operation, but it is not so realistic to dig Ding Yu away. The reason is very simple. Although Ding Yu was not trained by Beijing hospital, it provided him with the best environment at the beginning!

And what did backhand Ding Yu do? A new hospital building has been built for the capital hospital, and there are even other aspects of support. This powerful force makes everyone in the system red eyed, but red eyes are useless! Who let Ding Yu come out of their capital hospital at that time? I envy my luck!

"What about the old Dean? It's just such a big wish! Take good care of your children, but relatively speaking? There are still some problems in our training system, which can't be denied! "

Ding Yu avoided the previous digression. After all, it involves some internal affairs of the industry. Ding Yu's position in the industry may be relatively high, but he is not willing to get involved in this aspect, and he does not want to disturb the relationship between them. That would not be wonderful!

"Xiaoding, where are our old friends? I don't need to study! But it needs to be admitted that we are still lagging behind the foreign countries in some aspects. I heard that you have a considerable relationship in Cuba. If... "

"Mr. Xu, you are really going to let the old Dean peel my skin!" Ding Yu was also slightly depressed and said, "if he knows about this, I can guarantee that there will be people blocking the door in my courtyard every day! But your old news is really not very clever! It's really not known to many people! ""How about it? Xiaoding, you give us these old guys a few places! We'll take it as if nothing has happened. When we come, we have already discussed it! "

In front of Ding Yu, there is no shame. To say that, they are all systematic people. To a certain extent, they just bullied Ding Yu a little. "Moreover, we went to see Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng, the old Dean. What's the baby like, but too much love! It needs a good training

Ding Yu shook his head helplessly. After all, Guo Li and Shen Ming are their own disciples, "old Xu, you are old, but you are an elder. Is it really good to do this? What's more, let them go to Cuba? Just go and have a look. What do you really want to learn? In a short period of time, it is not so realistic. After all, the national conditions are different and the system is not the same, so... "

"You really don't see rabbits and scatter Eagles! My son-in-law is from the Ministry of foreign affairs. He mentioned it to me when he came to eat at home. Previously, I didn't really take it as a matter. He thought it was from our medical system, so he mentioned it to me. Later, I thought, it's not right! "

"No wonder!" Ding Yu called out a hemostatic forceps, so he continued to say, "about two years of study time, after all, I still have some teaching tasks in the school side, but the teaching time is too short, there are many things, and there is no time, so we can only find some other convenient way for him!"

"Do you hear that, everyone, Xiaoding is deliberately giving us a problem! He doesn't want to go to class! "

People are also a burst of coax, to medical school there for a few classes, it is not difficult, to exchange for a few places, this is still appropriate, to know that they also take students, their own students? There are quite a lot of things taught! What's more, learning can be done at any time, but the opportunities to communicate are not as many as you can imagine!

"Xiaoding, how about four of us, each with a quota?"

"Mr. Xu, you are really a lion Ding Yu put down the scalpel in his hand, "good guy, my uncle bullied me before. When he came, he didn't give me a political lesson. He gave me a good reprimand, but he almost said that I was inhuman. The whole person was cold-blooded and merciless. Now it's your turn to crush me again!"

Although everyone said this, but it really did not cause any other impact on the patients on the hospital bed. The rescue is still in progress, and it is still in an orderly state. However, the assistant nearby watched Ding Yu chat with the magnate of the industry, and felt that the whole person was so dull!

Usually, I used to look at you with a vision, but now? Ding Yu is so chatting that we can't help but open some brain holes! Even TV plays are not so wonderful!

The ward is more lively inside, but there are some restlessness outside. The lights in the operating room have not been turned off. It's time to have dinner since noon! There is still no one out, Su Quan has been standing there, the hand is also dead holding!

"Sue, don't be too nervous!" The old man looked at Su Quan, but his eyes were still staring at the door of the operating room. Not far away, the woman and the child were sitting there. The expression on his face was very sad and sad!

"Old chief, I was brought in by you. My father said that I would be relieved if I was handed over to you! And what about him? I brought him in. You said the same thing back then, but I didn't protect him well! "

"When you were in the hospital, I looked at general Su with the same feeling. I could understand that he was for the sake of the country, for the people, and on this front, everything was not his own!" The old man also closed his eyes, and then patted Su Quan on the shoulder, "when I came, the doctor has already explained the situation!"

Su Quan looked back at the woman and the child, "Ding Yu is my nephew. Although sometimes I feel angry and angry, she is really outstanding in medicine. Now I am worried and afraid! He said that if he could save it, there would be considerable hope! "

"My dad is going to be OK!"

When the two people were talking, the child suddenly rushed to the two people's bodies, and the voice was very clear. Su Quan looked at the child and touched his head. He wanted to say something, but when he got to his mouth, he didn't know what to say! Just keep silent!

"Tong Tong, go to your mother's place!" The old man called out, but the voice was not severe, even a little tired. After all, what about the people lying in the operating room? It's my son. I'm a father. How can I not care? But now I can't show any cowardice!

Su Quan is also looking at the operating room, now he is particularly want to know the situation inside, but he can not rush in, the same room people can not come out, but Suquan also have some blame his nephew, do not know the waiting outside is very anxious? You can't come out. Can't you get the nurse out?At least let the people waiting outside feel at ease!

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