"Secretary Hou, what should be the so-called catastrophic disaster?" Song Tianren seems to be puzzled about this!

"We shouldn't know, if we do! It's not that the director is afraid to disclose the information, but whether we can keep the secret ourselves. If we can't bear it, we should die and keep it? Do you think there is a possibility in this respect? " Hou Tianliang can be said to be quite aware of this, so he also told song Tianren with a warning tone!

"I see!" This time, song Tianren really understood! Should or should not know? We should stop a little, silence is golden. This is absolutely not a lie. It is not harmful to seal your mouth, but what is called no harm? To a certain extent, it is good!

"Wei Hou!" Ding Yu called out, let Wei Hou come to his side! "Did you feel quite different when you came here on the first day? After all, this is a detention center, not your training ground. What are the training standards for the armed police? It's quite different from you, so it can't be compared with you! "

"Director, I feel quite different!" Wei Hou didn't talk much. When he spoke, he could see the heat coming out of his body! "Although not so adapted, but I will slowly improve!"

"You know what? Your nerves are too tight now! When they came to my side, it was similar to your situation. Your nerves were extremely sharp. If you put a little pressure on me, you would be broken at any time. This is only spiritual. If you take into account the physical problems, I really have some doubts about how you are going to live in the future! Even the most basic things can't be done by themselves

"I haven't thought about it, and I won't think about it!"

"I was like this at the beginning, but later I was not strong enough! Of course, this is not the reason why I retired. There are some things I can't help myself. But since you have come here, I need to be responsible for you to a certain extent. Go and check your body! Today! Someone will take you there! "

"Director, I'm in good health!" Wei Hou is also watching Ding Yu!

"your body is healthy, it's not really what you has the final say. Although I am a doctor, it is not what I say, but only after scientific examination can it be diagnosed." Ding Yu's voice was very calm, "you should have read some of my information, and you should know me? I have studied quite a lot of traditional Chinese medicine. What kind of problems are involved in your body? Although I did not have a direct examination, I believe my eyes! "

"Yes, director. I'll go back and clean up right away."

"What's more, get rid of some of your habits. Although you are old enough to support your needs, this is not fundamental. Do you want to avoid other problems and situations in the future, but also to ensure your future? Also can play a little role, I will make some mandatory changes! The reason why I mention it now is that I don't want to cause misunderstanding between each other! "

Ding Yu's explanation is very clear and clear. There is nothing that can be understood or understood. Unless Wei Hou deliberately pretends to be confused, otherwise, he will know exactly what happened!

It seems that Wei hou can't understand some of them. It's the second day since he came here! Although it is not the first day to talk to himself, but Ding Yu's personal conversation with himself can still explain quite a problem!

"Director Ding, I feel that I can't think of it. At least, as far as I know, it's quite different from what I'm experiencing now!" When Wei Hou came here, he had been told quite a lot, that is, he came to work as a security guard and could communicate with each other by the way. But judging from the meaning of director Ding Yu Ding, it seems that this is not the case!

"Do you think a lot?" Ding Yu was not angry and said, "when you want to come here, some people have explained to you a lot of problems and situations. However, depending on your situation, the time that you should go in is not very long, at least on your body? It still retains a strong flavor, and what about this? There are very few people inside them! "

With a sigh of relief, Ding Yu also looked at the distance, "what about me and the problem above? It has nothing to do with your coming here. Whether your future is a bond or a seed is entirely up to you. Why should I be such a villain? What's more! If you can grow up, I will also become a bole

Wei Hou didn't show any attitude. He was very clear about the purpose of his coming here, so he would never be bribed for it. However, Ding Yu didn't mean to tell Wei Hou, "check your body. I don't want you to have any problems and conditions here, but let's talk about it! It's still too stingy! "

As for what the so-called "too stingy" is, Wei Hou understands that Ding Yu is also very clear and clear. To a certain extent, Wei Hou is just a rag, which is sent to Ding Yu? It seems to be to protect Ding Yu's safety, but in fact, it's what makes Ding Yu blocked! Because Ding Yu needs to make him stand up with all his eyes.But if we go on with Wei Hou's condition, I'm afraid it won't take two and a half days to fall down and never stand up. Ding Yu is a doctor himself. How can he not understand? It is because I understand very well that I told Wei Hou something, but Wei Hou! With a sigh, Ding Yu snorted twice in his heart.

After washing and changing clothes, someone drove Wei hou to have a physical examination. What about these two days? Basically will pass in the inspection process, Wei Hou does not need to exercise! But song Tianren is definitely not listed here!

"The environment of the hotel is very good." Under the leadership of Hou Tianliang, song Tianren also followed him to the hotel. You should know that although it is the hometown of the director, it is only a small city of county-level city after all. Seeing such a hotel in such a small city, I really feel quite different!

Hou Tianliang didn't say anything, but asked the hotel manager on duty, "Hello, manager. What about the evening?"? Mr. A may have guests staying, so I hope to clean the room again and keep it clean and tidy! "

"Mr. Ding's guest?" The manager was stunned!

"Yes, sir's guest, very important!" Hou Tianliang said solemnly, "Sir, I don't want to have any problems and situations here, so let me and assistant song come to inquire in person! It was a little too sudden! So there may be some tedious things. I hope you can understand them! "

Although he said that he was the Secretary of the director, Hou Tianliang really did not mean to bully others. There was no need for this, OK? Hello, Hello, everyone, Hou Tianliang has always been adhering to such a principle!

Naturally, the hotel will not find Ding Yu's trouble. As a joke, this is definitely a senior VIP of the hotel. It's not only the senior level of the hotel, but also the city. It can be said that he pays close attention to it. It's just that he doesn't come to wait every day.

What's more, when people pay the bill, they are happy and not bad. If they open a shop and do business here, they naturally need to satisfy the customers. Therefore, the manager of the hotel cheered up. All the staff moved to check and clean the room again. There was no fingerprint in the room, no residue, no air freshness and so on Must reach the highest standard!

Of course, this may also be a lot of money, but for the hotel side, it is really not a big problem, this feather less? Almost every year, when I come back, I will cover one floor and two floors. Together with other expenses, it is definitely a considerable amount. Of course, the hotel can't rely on Ding Yu to make money alone!

The main reason is that Yu Shao lives here, and the influence brought by him is absolutely beyond anyone else's ability to compare! In the city, it doesn't mean that there is only one hotel in the city, and even there are hotels that are comparable to their own. However, the problem is that Yu Shao has always lived here, and the hall does not change, then this influence always exists!

But what about preventing other hotels? Will do some things, as long as their own standards, then feather less will always live here! And now feather less some of the requirements, for the hotel, overjoyed! Feather less came here, but rarely such things happen!

"It feels like you're not used to it!"

Facing Hou secretary's question, song Tianren also slightly nodded, "director Ding, is there so some too..." How to say this, to give their own feeling, director Ding is absolutely decisive, but now look at director Ding's style of doing things, I don't know why, there are some weak meaning!

It's just a guest. It's not so bad. It should make the guests feel comfortable and stay at ease, but it seems that there is no need to make such a big fuss! And I came with Secretary Hou! What kind of a thing is this?

"It seems that you still don't understand what I said to you earlier!" Hou Tianliang also felt quite helpless about this, "I don't know what you think in your head. Anyway, it's definitely not on the step point now! So I'll tell you again, what does the director want you to know? I will never hide you, but what the director doesn't want you to know? Don't try to make trouble for yourself. Do you understand

Song Tianren was originally very boring, but after hearing Hou Tianliang's explanation, the whole person was stunned! No way! Things seem to have a considerable deviation! There's a problem in this, and it's one of the big problems!

"Secretary Hou, do you mean that the director sent us here on purpose?" When he said this, song Tianren was also cautious. Compared with the previous time, he was much more calm.

Hou Tianliang checked carefully, but he didn't look at Song Tianren's meaning. "After all, you just came here. You don't know the director's situation. Things are never as simple as you imagine. What are you thinking in your heart, and what is in the director's heart? You need to look at it separately! ""Secretary Hou, there is nothing in my heart!" In this regard, song Tianren felt that there were some grievances!

"Just to make an analogy, if you can see through all the thoughts in the director's mind, then you can know where you should stand now, and where the director should stand, how much appetite and how much rice to eat! You! Now it's a bit out of control! "

This is a very severe criticism! Song Tianren's reaction, even if it is dull, can be heard.

"Secretary Hou, I feel that there are some things that I can't understand. I really don't mean anything else!"

"It's not a bad thing to think more about it. You should be more open-minded, and don't always be rigid. That would be very bad! It is better to think more than to think less. Sun Tzu has at least seen the art of war! I don't want to mention the content, but I think you should think about it carefully! "

"Secretary Hou, I have never experienced such a thing before, but I can learn with an open mind. If there is anything wrong, please give me more advice!" Song Tianren's attitude has also changed a lot!

"I don't have any opinions about you personally, and I don't have any idea. What happened after I left? You will take over the position. Although there are two secretaries, what about the two of them? More importantly, we will deal with some administrative problems. As for private affairs, we will certainly not interfere, and the director will not allow them to intervene! "

"I see!" Song Tianren said in a positive tone, "I believe I can be competent for this position!"

"Did the director come to you? For you personally, it's definitely an opportunity, but I'm really not sure whether you can get this opportunity. I have the right to recommend, but I'm not very optimistic about you now, because you haven't seen such obvious problems, so you lack of considerable sensitivity! "

"Secretary Hou, I think I probably know why I am an assistant, but you are a secretary!"

"It's the best thing to understand yourself! Relatively speaking, you have less contact with the director now, and you don't know as much as you think. There are considerable opportunities, but it also means that you need to have considerable commitment. To be more frank, what is behind the opportunities? Risk! The greater the opportunity, the higher the risk! "

"Secretary Hou, if it was earlier, I think this may be a joke, but why do I feel a little bit chilly on my back now?" Song Tianren looks a little bitter looking at Hou Tianliang!

"As for the previous situation, it's just that nothing happened to you, but it's not the same thing! The tiger has appeared in front of you! The question is whether you can still sit still. This is a little bit of a test! "

"Secretary Hou, is this test too much? Is that what they do? "

"What's the matter! The earth left everyone is the same rotation, this position away from you is also the same, I had not been on the battlefield, really encountered? Why don't I have to tell my opponent that I haven't been to the battlefield, so I have to be killed by bullets

This is the most real experience of Hou Tianliang. Although it seems a little tasteless when it is mentioned now, it is just that other people sound tasteless, but for Hou Tianliang, every time is a wake-up call to himself!

"It seems that it is not an easy thing to get mixed up under the director's hand. It does not mean that no one will stay, but many people have been eliminated! It's not that the director eliminated them, but that they were eliminated by themselves! "

"There is still a lot of skill in saying this!" Hou Tianliang also took a high look at Song Tianren, "a lot of times, the director does not need to start, we have automatically eliminated! Not at all. Stay? It can only be a drag. It's not good enough. Although the director is under strict control, his treatment and results are still good! "

"I'm expecting a lot from you, but I don't expect much from you, but I don't expect much from you."

"There is motivation and pressure. I think the director will be very happy to hear about such a thing!" Hou Tianliang said with a smile, "by the way, you need to go to the hospital for an examination tomorrow morning. Wei Hou has already started to do some tests. Your situation is similar. So what happened after 10 o'clock this evening? Pay attention to your diet and keep an empty stomach tomorrow morning

"No! I need it, too. I have nothing wrong with me! " Song Tianren argued that since he came here, he could not have any problems and conditions!

"Routine! Whether you have a problem or not, whether you say it or not, can be determined after the hospital inspection. It is a guarantee for you, and it is also a guarantee for the director, security and other staff. It is just a normal procedure! You don't have to pay attention to itFor song Tianren, Hou Tianliang still has considerable patience! It's not that he is really optimistic about song Tianren, but because song Tianren still has a good advantage. At least, the director is very good at him? Is selected, has the quite expectation!

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