After dinner, the children did not immediately go to rest, but wanted to put forward the farm to visit, after all, the time is still early! Immediately back to the room, it seems that there are some idle for them.

"Break them up and let them make the decision on their own!"

"Break them up?" Hou Tianliang couldn't help asking, and then nodded his head slightly. He could hear what the director really meant. The director didn't want them to be a whole. How did he think about it? He didn't know it, but he could feel it. The director had already expressed considerable interest in some children!

What about the children of Dashan and Tanaka? Soon, they were divided into two teams, one of which was from Dashan family, and the other was from Tanaka family. It was obvious that they adopted a family style group! For this, Hou Tianliang slightly shakes his head, but for children, this seems to be the most appropriate choice!

In this process, no one else came forward. Although it may seem to be quite united and cooperative, on the other hand, it suppresses some aspects of nature! Not the most appropriate choice! From Hou Tianliang's understanding of his own director, he should now see everything in his eyes!

"When they come back, check all of them! Let the instructor over there take full responsibility What about the children? They came alone. Dashan and Tanaka's family didn't send anyone else, but there were still two people in charge of other things, such as communication and so on!

But what about these two people? When I came, I heard quite a lot of things, so I saw Hou Tianliang and bowed to the end, trying to show their respect! However, Hou Tianliang was not moved by it at all, but simply expressed the director's opinions and ideas.

"What about everything? All try to satisfy them, come here to learn, not to be constrained! I hope you can cherish this opportunity! " In the end, Hou Tianliang also expressed something, then turned around and left! I didn't give the two people over there any chance to thank you! I don't need it!

After the children of Dashan and Tanaka families entered the farm, they felt that this place was different from Japan. The first thing was that it was big, very, very big. Maybe it was not as clean as expected. But what about the farm? However, it is slightly different, and even some places obviously surpass the Japanese mainland, which is a little unimaginable.

Now we haven't completely entered the farm, it's just the periphery! But they have been subject to the most stringent inspection, even their children are within the scope, not to mention the farm staff!

We should know that although they are all from Dashan and Tanaka family, it does not mean that their life is really superior. In the early years, because of Dashan's reason, the family aspect can be said to tighten their own trousers and belts, almost all of which are provided to Dashan. As for the situation of the family, you can imagine!

Now the situation has changed a lot, but after coming here, I suddenly found that life in such a place is much better than that in Japan! Even people have a difficult sense of happiness, this contrast is really difficult for people to adapt to, especially their children, the impact is particularly big!

Ding Yu came to have a look on the first day. In the next two days, Ding Yu didn't come over in person, but the situation about these children has been recorded in detail. Through the daily records, we can make a considerable analysis! Such a test may be a little biased, but to a certain extent, it is quite fair!

"Tell the people over there, don't let them stay on the farm all the time! Let them go out to have activities and feel the life here. Since they have come here, they need to be integrated into the life here. In the fixed environment, it will cause their panic and make them fall into the fixed mode at the same time! "

"Director, what do you think of these children? There are some that are different! " Because the director does not have too much work, all Hou Tianliang also does not have too many taboos, "feel their next generation? In quality education, it is really excellent. Although I don't want to admit it, it is displayed in front of us, so we can't deny it! "

"It's normal. What about the family? Have special expectations! But what about Japan? Maybe it's a little bit special. After they form a new family, if they have children, women will basically become housewives, because in this way, the government will encourage them to pay less taxes, and there will be other subsidies? "

Ah? Hou Tianliang was so confused that he said, "what's the reason? Let them take care of their children at home? "

"What about Japan? To encourage childbirth, if two people go to work after childbirth, the tax payment will be very exaggerated, and even ordinary families can't afford it. It's better to go to work alone. In other words, what about our country? Do you have a special sense of happiness when two people go to work and their parents take care of their children? ""What else?" Hou Tianliang really doesn't understand this very well. If it is placed in China, basically both of them will work. Although we all pay attention to the education of the next generation, what about this education? A lot of times, they are snatched away by grandparents!

"Relatively speaking? Chinese women are still very happy and have considerable rights. What about those countries outside China? Especially in Japan and South Korea, what about the status of women? " Speaking of this, Ding Yu also slightly shook his head, "I think you'd better not understand something, a history of suffering!"

"Director! This kind of behavior is able to communicate with children very well, but it seems to bind children, which has advantages and disadvantages! However, it can be seen from the children's accomplishment that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, is that true? "

"From the perspective of personal understanding, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, but what about the whole limitation? Besides improving their quality, what about other aspects? It is too rigid and even quite repressive. To some extent, it also destroys a child's nature, but this is Japanese education! "

When talking about this, Ding Yu seems to suddenly think of something, "Dashan called me earlier, specifically mentioned some of your things, and expressed my gratitude to you. You have paid a lot for these children in this period of time, so I sent some things to you. I hope you don't mind!"

"No! Director, this seems to touch on some clauses. You want me to make mistakes! " Hou Tianliang also laughed, "I think I am a..."

"All right! Stop boasting! I have already reported it to you! Don't think about other beautiful things. It has nothing to do with you. This is their style of doing things, their country! For public relations such things or very good, always can scratch the itch of others, this? It's really impressive

"Director, I don't seem to have done anything?"

"What about Dashan and Tanaka? There was no chance before, but now it's just an opportunity. For these children? Whether it's effort or not, you've reached out! Maybe in your opinion? It is a trivial matter, but for Dashan and Tanaka, it is a matter of killing with one stone! Do you understand? "

"You want to kill with one arrow?" Hou Tianliang also slightly hummed, "but this hole is drilled! Director, don't you care? At least it's from your side too! "

"Why? This is their nature. Why suppress it? For the internal, this itself is a process of mutual promotion! It doesn't seem to do any harm. In your words? The advantages outweigh the disadvantages! In fact, everything is like this. The problem is how to balance it! "

"Director, song Tianren has called, he wants to recruit a person!"

Ding Yu tapped the table in front of him with his hand. "The security guard mentioned this to me earlier. I have never made any statement. What about you? What do you think of this time? "

"There is no precedent! Song Tianren is a pioneer. He has a little bit of courage! " Hou Tianliang also expressed this very directly, "but this matter also has two sides. If it is not handled well, it is easy to have other problems and situations! Obviously, he is a little bit too much to carry now

"He has given me a problem: whether to open the gap, if not, how to cultivate it, and how to restrict it? These are the problems. At least they have never encountered such problems in the past. When this guy comes here, he is full of trouble

"I've learned something about it, and the candidates he wants to recruit are quite interesting!" Seeing the director's expression, Hou Tianliang also laughed, "in fact, I have read the briefing, so I have a good understanding. What's more, if I want to investigate, it will be more convenient!"

Ding Yu snorted, "this is also true, but I have some interest. What about song Tianren? A little bit bad, but also belong to the arrogant Lord, can he see in the eyes of the people? It should be quite special, but I really want to examine what it looks like! "

"His name is Zhan Zhao!"

"Oh, still a royal cat!" This name makes Ding Yu feel a little intimate. After all, Bao Qingtian saw a lot of TV and books when he was a child! "Who gave the name?"

"It seems to be his father! But his father had already passed away! The problem about this aspect has not been confirmed in any way. The police are born with rich front-line experience. Their personality is a little bit weird. The specific performance is a little bit violent! Once competent for the position of the leader, he was later delegated to manage the registered residence. That's what the information says

"how do we manage the registered residence and how to deal with Song Tianren?"

"Isn't song Tianren a forensic assistant? Some things need him to run in person, for the victim's situation needs to have a considerable understanding, so that is to contact! Judging from Song Tianren's performance, he is very optimistic, but what does he mean? There should be other intentions! ""The intention is too obvious! He's very opportunistic Ding Yu moved his chin! What about the so-called opportunism? Is it true that song Tianren and Zhan Zhao were wronged? It's the police and the experienced criminal police, which means he's seen too much! And what about these? Enough to let song Tianren in a lot of things, can easily deal with.

"The question is, what about such things? To a certain extent, it is the hidden rules, and no one will directly get it on the surface. But now? He has completely opened this precedent. If such a situation occurs again in the future, how should we deal with it? "

"He is! On the one hand, it's on display, on the other hand? How many are so angry! That's why I got such a hand. It's a kind of provocation! But what about this provocation? Not too much meaning! Even to a certain extent, there are still some Pediatrics! If he wants to, then give him some material! "

"Add some ingredients, director. Is it spicy, like garlic?"

"If he causes trouble by himself, he will solve it by himself." Ding Yu was very decisive and said, "since he found the man, he will be responsible for the specific solution. What about all the things? He did it himself

"Self completion?" Hou Tianliang was stunned for a moment, and then he also laughed, "got it!"

When song Tianren got to know the news, the expression on his face was like a blooming chrysanthemum. He thought about countless possibilities, but he didn't think of this one. The director even had any objection. Instead, he let himself solve the problem himself. What about this? Still really is hit in own vital point above!

Let yourself do it by yourself, that is to say, you can't rely on the name of the director. At the same time? Also can not rely on their own behind the force, even including the family relationship! What if all this? If you don't rely on it, how should you deal with it? Director, are you so cruel? Is he just making a little joke?

But what about this? It has happened. Can't I give up halfway? But just relying on their own small body, can you deceive Zhan Zhao? Is this really a problem? In other words, I want to recruit Zhan Zhao with a piece of cake. Why do people follow you? Are you kidding?

The place to have dinner in the evening is in a small restaurant. Wei Hou is a companion! But most of the time, that is to sit with the security, there is no meaning to disturb! What about Zhan Zhao? It's not really a royal cat. It's quite different. There's no flesh on the face, but it's black enough!

"Cat brother!" Then song Tianren also personally started to pour a glass of wine!

"I thought you guys were always big fish and meat. I didn't think you could still sit in such a fly house? It's a little strange! " Zhan Zhao's voice is a little rough, but his voice is not so loud, and there is not much irony in this speech!

"What about any business? There are both elites and elites, and there are remnants of evil. It's quite normal, relatively speaking? I'm just in the middle! No further depravity, but no climb to the top

"This one has not yet reached the peak. It has entered the forensic medicine department with special bodyguards and drivers. In the past, it can be said that people who stabbed at me have never heard of it. It's not that no one has come to practice. There are too many interns here! But after coming, they are all low-key enough! "

"Bodyguards and drivers?" Looking at Wei Hou and security, song Tianren sighed, "what about six brothers? It's not a bodyguard. He doesn't accompany me here. It can only be said that it's just a contact with a new environment! As for the driver? Hehe, maybe you don't believe me. He should be ready to shoot me at any time

"What?" Holding up the glass of Zhan Zhao can not help is a Leng, "I did not hear wrong?"

"No mistake. I should be ready to shoot me at any time. My internship here is actually a process of experience. However, brother cat, if you know such a thing, it seems that it is not good for you. What about your file now? It should be placed in front of a lot of people! " When speaking, song Tianren also smiles.

"I am a small registered residence policeman! As for such a big fight? It's a little exaggerated! "

"Not now! It's not just brother Mao's file. To put it bluntly, what is the identity of your eight generations? Now it has been investigated very clearly, and there is still no other person looking for it? I said you have no problems with the political trial, brother cat! "

Listening to song Tianren's words, Zhan Zhao also put down the glass in his hand, "I seem to be in trouble! That's it

"Exactly? It's me who got in trouble, and you, brother cat Fill the glass again. Song Tianren also narrowed his eyes, "what about you, brother cat? The identity is very simple. When I came here, there were really not many people contacting me. To be frank, although I have different positions, there are not many people who can make me see them. What about you, brother cat? Although registered residence police, it's really with special respect. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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