"Are you forcing me?"

"Force a wool! You really don't understand, or pretend to be! " Wang Jianguo was also a little angry, "because only you have a father behind me, there is no Laozi behind me, right? I can't move now. I've been nailed to death here. It's all caused by your boy. This time I don't step on your feet, I'll make amends to you! Grandson

When he left from the courtyard, Xia Yang was also thinking about things. However, he soon got the news that Ding Yu really left the capital. After all, the car was easy to recognize. Although there were many more such cars in Beijing in the past two years, on the whole, it was not as many as expected.

"Not yet clear?"

Zhong Yun is also slightly tired of shaking his head. What happened in the past two days made him have no time to do any response. Originally, he was just a little ant. But he thought that the elephant hiding under this was actually an elephant. Although he said that he did not trample himself to death, he had already made himself a little frightened.

"I mean to go home, but what about such a tiresome thing? It seems that he has never done it before, but what is the direction and what will happen? I've asked the people below to check it. It should be soon! "

If Zhong Yun had known it would be such a result, he would not have provoked Ding Yu. He just wanted to test the reaction and bottom line of the third brother, but he never thought it would be such a big pit. If the third brother didn't know the news and killed himself and didn't believe it, they were too bad.

At the beginning, I didn't see how powerful Ding Yu was! But now I understand that this guy is really disdainful and arrogant. He is not a pig with a green onion in his nose. This guy is an ancient giant elephant.

However, Xia Yang and Zhong Yun's influence was good. They quickly found out some problems and conditions. It was really Ding Yu's car that was too special. But what about the place where Ding Yu went? Two people are feeling that there are so some differences, where the birds do not poop? Something wrong?

When Ding Yu came to Wang Bing's house, he just parked the car there. After getting off the car, he did not immediately go forward. Instead, he took a cigarette for himself and lit it. But what about this action? However, the people who gather together in front of them feel that there are some differences. The car is very good!

After taking a puff of smoke, Ding Yu also called out to the distance, "Butler, come here!" Long tiger head tiger brain of the child is swinging his small head, holding the stick inside the hand is also looking back at his father. When Wang Bing saw Ding Yu, his heart was loose, and then he nodded to his son.

When Butler came to Ding Yu, Ding Yu also threw the cigarette in his hand. Then he threw Butler in the air. But what about Butler? He didn't mean to be afraid. After throwing it twice, Ding Yu went forward with bater in his arms and came to Wang Bing. He hammered his chest twice with his free hand. He didn't pay any attention to the people nearby.

"Did you laugh? Don't say hello when you come. Do a surprise inspection? "

Ding Yu looks at the people in the distance, and they are all hanging around. What about their hands? They were all carrying the so-called guy style. Ding Yu put bater down and then rubbed his head twice. He also made a comparison to the guy with a mountain knife in the distance, "come here, let me see, is that a knife or a toy?"

The little fat man with the knife hesitated for a moment, but also looked at his boss. Then he slowly walked up with his own knife. After all, the people who can drive such a luxury car are definitely not simple goods. They fight and scare people. This is nothing, but they are not Desperado.

Before waiting for the little fat man to react, what about the knife in his hand? It has already disappeared. Ding Yu has carried the so-called mountain knife in his own hand. After carrying it twice, Ding Yu is also laughing. This Dao is not even the most basic Shanzhai goods. It is too fake. It makes Ding Yu not know what to say.

Then Ding Yu also took the knife in his hand, with both hands exerting force, he directly broke off the tip of the knife in front of him. What did this move do to the small gangsters in the back? All of them were scared a little silly. Where did this guy come from? Ding Yu's right hand caught the tip of the knife and waved his hand to the head in the distance.

Seeing that this guy wanted to turn around, the chopper was also thrown out, and it was directly inserted into the car behind the guy. It was inserted into the car, and a handle was exposed.

"Sister Wang, I've heard that you can't bring me anything else. I've got something to eat, sister Wang?"

Bater hesitated for a moment, then nodded his head and called the people behind him. Then Ding Yu also came to the small head below. He looked up and down, and then his right hand also moved twice. Soon, the small head's upper body was bare. It was completely cut with a knife, but there was no scar. This technique can not be palmed by anyone Controlled.Dingyu also took a look at the blade tip, "yes, it is also very sharp!" When talking, he saw someone want to run. Ding Yu picked up a brick with his feet. He threw it out with no care. Then the guy who wanted to run fell there, and he didn't mean to get up at all.

"I was just cleaned up by the police. Now you guys want to bully me. It seems that my luck is really not so good!" After finishing, Dingyu also directly cut down a knife, no hesitation of a knife on the line, then blood water also left.

"Kill!" But this just called, see Ding Yu to deliver the eyes, is the first time to cover their mouth, and Ding Yu? After a look at the wound, a slight point of the head, even feel to pat the face of this guy, the head has been silly.

"It's OK, it's not going to die!" After finishing, Dingyu lifted his hand again, but without any action, this one fell down there suddenly. "Grandpa, I know it's wrong!"

Dingyu then squatted down, but then Dingyu's body was slightly to the side, and then he swung like a fish. The whole thing stood up like willows. But originally, he wanted to sneak on Dingyu's little mischief, and hit his boss' head directly. He hammered the guy to death and passed away 。

Ding Yu went back to God, and looked at the baseball bat in his hand. "Well, if you are lighter, you have a slight concussion. If you rest for ten days and a half months, there will be no problem. If you are more serious, you will not be able to say anything, and you may have paralysis, stupidity and other symptoms. Congratulations at that time. You have a father to raise it!"

"I wipe!" This words just finished, then also stumbled two times, mouth also spit out a few white bright crystal things, then fell on the ground, Dingyu also blinked his eyes, for his own control of the force is very satisfied, is to drop a few teeth, people have no too big problems.

There are still some guys who are eager to try, but after a few people come up, then they all fall there. At this time, all the others are honest, and then they squat there with the old and honest.

Wang Bing on one side saw this situation, but also laughed bitterly. He received Dingyu's cigarette, which was also a bite. Half of it went down. "What is the situation, a few little muddles come to find your trouble?"

"Business is big, everyone will be red eyed!" Wang Bing also has some feelings, "what about the family? Some relatives also see the so-called interests, so there are small disputes in all aspects! " Wang Bing really regarded Dingyu as a brother, so what about that? And there is not much to take into account.

After finishing, Wang Bing also looked at Dingyu's cheek, "what's the matter?"

"Just back, was beaten by the police, home, just the way to see you! It's like Ding Ding said a little bit, and those dried beef are not for nothing! "

"Police?" Wang Bing was also stunned. "Nothing?"

"It's a bit of a problem, but I don't think there will be any big problem. I'm going abroad to stay here. But you don't have anyone to take care of it? This has been hit, isn't it too much? You are just a farming professional, even if there is oil and water, it is not so! "

"Hunger and no food? What other reasons can be, of course, there are still some? Because I want to get it without work! "

Looking at the little hunch squatting there, Dingyu shook his head. These guys said they were poor and pitiful. There were those who didn't have the next meal in the last meal, even many of them were hungry and greedy. What about their hate? It is also quite hateful, sometimes it is to do something for the tiger, so it is not too much to give them a little education.

"The police?"

Wang Bing also took out his mobile phone to see, "the police have been two hours, so far there is no movement, sometimes also quite helpless!" Dingyu nodded. "I played. This matter has nothing to do with you. When the police come, push it on me!"

"What? Look down on me? " Wang Bing also did not like it, but Dingyu smiled, "I will carry this thing. You can't resist it. And if I come to carry this, there may be unexpected benefits!"

After finishing, Dingyu also patted the shoulder of the king soldier, and then the two men were also ready to go to the Wang Bing's house, but thought, Ding Yu also walked to those small hunkers who squatted there. "Would someone like to call the police? At will, but without me, I will be honest here squatting. If something is important, ha ha, you will know what the consequences are! "

Squatting there, you look at me, I see you, what is this young master! Such a big Mercedes Benz, they have not seen this place, and this is really fierce, after down, three fists and feet to give them more than 10 people to press down, almost no resistance.Run now? It's really the feeling that there are some fear in my heart. What about this method? It's really shocking. Even if the knife is a piece of iron, it won't be broken by hand, right? There is also driving such a car, either rich or expensive, to a certain extent, can not be provoked.

Although they are all gangsters, they are not idiots. Look at me and I look at you. Of course, there are still some guys lying on the ground, but the problem is not very big. The situation of the eldest brother is a bit miserable. He is knocked on the head by the guy of Xiaodong. He is such a big bag. I don't know what the situation is.

After Ding Yu goes far away, those guys who squat there also directly sit on the ground, run? No one dares to look at the ruthlessness of the attack just now. If you really run away, the consequences may be really serious, "if you don't go, if you don't go, I'll go first!"

There are two guys, who also carry the guy lying on the ground to the car, and then they also drive away. They don't mean to stop at all. What can I do? But there were still a few people squatting on the ground.

After waiting for about an hour, I almost smoked almost all the cigarettes in my pockets, but then I saw a driving car coming straight up and looking at this direction? It seems to have come to them. The brothers who had been sitting on the ground all stood up.

The sea above the car, looking at the Mercedes Benz cross-country outside, also slightly curled his mouth, this place can be said to be his own sad place! At the beginning, I was in a car accident here, but fortunately, I also met Ding Yu. Of course, the sea also saw a few scumbags squatting there outside.

But the sea really did not want to care about the meaning, and then also came down from the car, and a few cars behind it? Some people came down one after another, "little sea!" The sea also slightly waved his hand, "don't make a fuss, Lao Gao, and set a place for everyone to be lively and lively."

Although the words are so said, but who dares to move easily in the back! They are also agreeable with a smile, saying that the sea is less approachable. What about the sea? It's also a special flight. What about the back? Zhong Yun is also following. What if it is Xia Yang and Zhong Yun? The sea really doesn't care, but the problem is that when someone talks, he needs to be honest.

This is also the reason why I came here at the first time. Looking at those people who are not far away, the sea doesn't mean to ask questions. However, if the sea doesn't care, it doesn't mean that the people who follow do not have any interest. It must be very important to know that Hai Shao has come in person.

Wang Bing is familiar with the sea. After all, he has seen it, but there is no connection with it. He comes to his home with great momentum. If he doesn't show up, it will be too unsound! After seeing Wang Bing, the sea was also the first to stretch out his hand, "remember me! Hai Hai, you and Ding Yu saved me

"Remember, remember! Just now I told Ding Yu about you! " With that, Ding Yu made an invitation gesture to the sea. Ding Yu had been sitting in the room, and had no intention of coming out. What about the sea and Zhong Yun? Also did not want to get up, the sea saw Ding Yu, is also a smile, immediately also came to Ding Yu's side to sit down.

"Don't look at me like this. I don't know how it happened, and then I was sent to the plane."

After a look at the wound on Ding Yu's face, the sea shook his head, but he took up the cigarette on the table top, smoked one out of it, and ordered it to himself, "Uncle Wang told me the task, so I can only be brave. Things have nothing to do with me. Don't rely on my head!"

"What can I do for you?" This is not to the sea, but to Zhong Yun over there.

"Brother Ding, I was a little sister at the beginning, and I didn't know anything about it!" When talking, Zhong Yun also pays attention to Ding Yu's expression, but what about Ding Yu's expression? There is no change. This also makes Zhong Yun feel that there is no bottom in her heart. "You have a lot of adults. Please don't blame me. If you have any anger in your heart, I will fight and punish you!"

After Zhong Yun said this, Ding Yu also looked at the sea over there, but the sea only looked at his feet. He didn't mean to raise his head at all, and he didn't give Ding Yu any chance. Ding Yu also laughed. What about the smile? A little bit of scorn.

"Sit down! I can't do anything to you The tone of speaking should be more insipid. However, the sea, which has always bowed its head, suddenly lifted up his head. Some doubted him and looked at Ding Yu. When did he come? The third brother told himself that he was not afraid that Ding Yu would be angry, or even behave very angry. He was afraid that Ding Yu would behave indifferent. That would be really bad food.

"Ding Yu, the third elder brother originally wanted to come in person, but he was held up by his family. The same is true of Xia Yang. So let's play a front-end. This time, you have been wronged. Everyone knows. If there is anything, you can say that if I can resist, there is absolutely no problem!""What do you want me to do? Can she afford to beat her or scold her or beat her? In other words, if a man beats a woman, it's nice to say, but what if he scolds her? Let's call it a day! " After that, Ding Yu also shook his head, and then took a look at the sea beside him.

Seeing Ding Yu's expression, he wants to say something, but after the words seem to reach the mouth, he swallows them back. The sea hopes that Ding Yu can say the words, but seeing the meaning, Ding Yu can resist.

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