"Liu Daochang, Fusheng infinite heaven!" When he heard this, the old man who was lying on the bed was slightly shocked. He looked at Ding Yu for a long time and then shook his head, "I don't have any impression of you!"

"I have been told that if I had met you earlier, I might have been lucky! I always doubt it, but at the same time? There are so many not so confident! I don't know if I should come to see you, and I don't know what the situation will be after meeting you

"I am a dying old man!" After saying that, he was also slightly helpless to smile at Ding Yu, but after that, the old man on the bed seemed to suddenly realize what he was saying, "are you a local?" This question has some doubts and disbelief, because I have lived here for decades, and I still have some confidence in the local accent.

"I am a native of the city. My father is a doctor in the municipal hospital, and my mother is a teacher and a sister." What about the real situation? Ding Yu didn't hide anything. There was no need for this aspect. Obviously, in front of the Taoist priest? Through this conversation, Ding Yu opened some of his own knots.

Then the old man closed his eyes and said something. He felt a little tired. Then Ding Yu put out his hand and touched the old man's wrist. After a while, he took it back and said, "go to the city! The medical conditions here are not very good, and the longer this situation is delayed, the more unfavorable it will be for you! "

"Should I believe you?" After saying that, the old man also gave a bitter smile, "it seems that the old man I am has not much value to use! At least that's what I think. "

Then Ding Yu also laughed. It didn't take long for him to go through the formalities. It wasn't a very troublesome thing. Soon the taxi came back. The driver took a look at the old man who was slightly staggered and then looked at Ding Yu. He didn't say anything. On the contrary, it was just a job for him.

When I came to the hospital, I could only hang up for emergency treatment. However, the doctor who looked at the emergency department saw Ding Yu and immediately stood up, "Dr. Ding, how did you come and when did you come back? I don't want to say hello to everyone. It's too much! I have to talk to the director

"Come back and have a look. I'm about to practice. I don't know if I have this time, so I'll stay with my parents for a while." Then he sat down beside him and said, "one of my teachers just found it! This is the history of disease. You can take a look at it. "

Although Ding Yu is also a doctor, it does not mean that he can be unscrupulous. This is a hidden rule. Ding Yu has capital, but as a person who has come over, Ding Yu will not be unscrupulous. His attitude towards life is different.

Then the doctor also inquired about Mr. Liu's condition. He didn't despise him because of his clothes and clothes. After all, this is brought by Ding Yu. As long as there is Ding Yu, it is enough to attract his attention. After checking, he also called a nurse on duty to let her go through the formalities.

These are the benefits brought about by Ding Yu's identity. After all, Ding Yu's influence is extraordinary now. Then he personally sent Mr. Liu to the inpatient department. What about the inspection? Now can not imagine so much, there are still some need to be able to carry out tomorrow, such as blood tests and so on.

Because he was already weak and had been driving for a period of time, when he was lying on the hospital bed, Master Liu had already gone to bed. Ding Yu also found a nurse to come over. After explaining some things, Ding Yu also went to see his father. When he saw his son, Ding Lin was very strange.

What about the son? Ding Lin didn't mean to interfere too much. In the evening, Mr. Liu woke up. After all, he came to the city hospital. The medical conditions were different, and the living environment was also different. After waking up for a short time, Ding Yu also took a lunch box.

"My mother has prepared some things, which are not bad. Try them!" Ding Yu didn't mean anything false or polite. When Liu looked at Ding Yu, he didn't show much politeness. He had never tasted this kind of taste for a long time.

After eating, he wiped his mouth with his hand. Ding Yu didn't mean to dislike him. He also handed the paper towel to him. Then he realized that he took over the paper towel and said, "do you know me?"

"Yes!" Ding Yu is very sure, these are all known in previous life, "at that time, China was a disaster, so you left there, came back here, settled here, but because of the special situation, coupled with the married life is not very satisfactory, roughly that's what you know!"

"That's enough!" Mr. Liu also sighed. What about his son? I don't mean to complain too much. After all, I'm just an adoptive father. Especially after my wife died, the relationship was not so close, so now I'm estranged, and there's nothing difficult to understand."The first half of my life has been bumpy and the second half has been exiled. My life seems to be very hard. However, whenever there is a problem, there will be a so-called turning point. It was like this several decades ago, and now it seems to be like this. I don't know how the fate is. This time when I was sick, I always thought about this problem."

"Life and destiny?" Ding Yu also asked tentatively.

The old man shook his head and said, "I don't have much knowledge, or some things I learned later in the mountains. So the life and destiny you mentioned may be a bit high-end for me, but in fact, it comes down to it? In fact, to put it simply? It's two words, life and death! A lot of thinking about it! "

"Master, from what I know, you are not very old!"

"Oh, my child! Forced by life, I don't want to break my oath. That's the only self-esteem I have left. If I even discard this, then the whole person really has no meaning! "

Ding Yu certainly understood what the old man meant by saying this. He had Kung Fu in his body. Ding Yu was very clear about this. Although he said that life was forced, he never used his kung fu to covet anything. It was a spiritual wealth, at least Ding Yu felt that he had some shame.

"I admire you Ding Yu also said from the bottom of his heart, "I feel inferior to myself at this point, or I may experience something complicated! So you can't compare it with you at this point

Ding Yu is very frank on this issue, but it involves the most secret thing in his heart? He still has no way to tray out, even if said, in front of the old man will believe it? What are the consequences of not believing? Ding Yu really dare not make any guarantee.

After talking with the old man for a period of time, he also asked the most direct words, "Xiaoding, you know my situation very well, so I want to know your apprentice?"

For the question asked by the master, Ding Yu also considered for a period of time, "I learned some things from Taoism, but who is my master? I'm afraid I can't answer the question. Can I find you? If possible, I hope I can learn something from you

For Ding Yu's words, the old man was also silent for a period of time, "if you don't mention this problem to me, I'll even forget my identity. I used to stay on the mountain. Now I think of it, it's also a wonderful life, which is worth remembering! I never forget it. "

Soon, the old man lay down to have a rest. Even if Ding Yu left, he didn't mean to open his eyes. He was thinking in his heart. When Ding Yu came the next morning, he also sat on the bed. Although it was one night, his spirit seemed to be very good.

"Coming?" After seeing Ding Yu, the old man also took the lead to say hello. It can be seen that the old man is in a good mood. He did not wait for Ding Yu to speak. The old man also opened his mouth and said, "last night, my head was very sober. I have never been more sober these two days. I also think about a lot of problems!"

It was Ding Yu's turn to feel that there were some differences. "You are the descendant of Taoism. There is no doubt about it. I have felt it since you touched my pulse yesterday. This feeling difference is still very obvious. The familiar feeling makes me even lose control of my feelings!"

"Mr. Liu, I feel too abrupt. I didn't even prepare for this aspect, although I was eager to find you. But after I found you, what about this feeling? I became so afraid and worried, especially after you told me about this matter, I even felt a little hesitation! "

What about Ding Yu's remarks? Liu Daochang also had some accidents. Ding Yu's performance was not a surprise. This was quite different from his own imagination. He heard Ding Yu continue to say, "do I know how to get this kind of fortune? I may become a little different, but the process is too complicated for me personally

"Then you must understand it yourself! What about things? I stayed at home! " When talking, Liu Daochang also paid attention to Ding Yu. "At that time, the situation was more complicated. I put things in the pillars of the beam, and all the things I brought back were placed inside. You can take them!"

Just after finishing this sentence, Ding Yu shook his head. "On the ground of us, there is a saying that is very clear. It is almost taboo to move people's house beams and ancestral graves. I'd better wait for you to do it yourself!" What about Ding Yu? It is not to give up the meaning, but also adhere to the bottom line.

The old man also laughed, "it's an old house. At the beginning, it was very solid. Now? I'm afraid it will collapse if you kick it! " For this matter, the old man seemed to really have no intention to put it in his heart. "You have such a good mind. It's hard for me to endure so many years!"Ding Yu also laughed, "master, what do I know about you? It's just one-sided. At the beginning, I heard something from other people's mouth, but I just heard some, but I didn't understand it very well! Don't be a stranger, my family said it was here, but what about me? It's really rare to go home now! "

"Are you a doctor?" Mr. Liu knew it yesterday. From the attitude of outpatient doctors to nurses, one or two of them can be seen. What about other patients? There are several people living in a room, even some people still live in the corridor, but what about themselves? Single family, this treatment gap is slightly larger.

"It's impossible to say YES now!" Ding Yu simply said his own situation, "how about this time back? I want to see my parents, because there is not much leisure during the internship. There is no doubt that my father is also a doctor. He has also gone through this process. Moreover, he got your message! "

"I'm lucky to say so!"

Ding Yu smiles and nods. Obviously, he agrees with this point. When he speaks, someone knocks on the door, and then he pushes the door and comes in. "Director Zhang, Hello!" The chief director of the Department heard that an elder of Ding Yu lived in the hospital, so when he came in the morning, he also deliberately came over. Is there any relationship between human relations? It's about walking around each other, and lots of meat.

After chatting with Ding Yu and the Taoist priest Liu for a while, he reluctantly left. Although he said that he had some affectation, he still had this attitude, which was enough. Then Ding Yu also called out the nurse, "after the inspection in the morning, he took the old man to take a bath and clean it up. Yesterday, there was too much time up there!"

In fact, Mr. Liu understood how things happened. Yesterday's situation was not suitable. He was so weak that Ding Yu couldn't drag himself into the bathhouse. After the instructions, Ding Yu said to him, "master, I have other things to deal with today. I may come here a little later. I'm sorry!"

When Ding Yu said this, Master Liu would not force him to do so. He could feel that Ding Yu could find himself. It was definitely the relationship above. However, he could not tell which one he was. At the beginning, the situation was too dangerous. In a popular word, he was the one who cares about his head and ignores his head. Now I think about it, it was too hasty at that time.

But at that time, they were too young to care about so much. Moreover, under the circumstances at that time, many teachers and even their brothers were wandering and bumpy. When they got older, they also stopped thinking about this aspect. In fact, I really miss them, and they always appear in their dreams.

After leaving the hospital, Ding Yu went back to clean it up. Then he called Hai Hai Hai and came to Chen Ming's hotel. When he came, Chen Ming was packing things there. After seeing Ding Yu, he also gave Ding Yu a blow, a special welcome way. "If it's a big doctor, it seems that people will take care of life, death and death in the future."

"That's, even if you have a son, I'll do it!" A joke, with Chen Ming said two words, Ding Yu also called the sea, into the back, the place is different from the so-called private room, is the place of their own.

For the sea, what about the delicacies? Basically, I have tasted everything that should be tasted and eaten. But it is the first time that I have come to such a small county to eat such things and still use such a large table. The so-called chopsticks are not very useful here, and they are often used directly.

There are a lot of things, and there are many styles. Ding Yu is just a little tasted. After all, he lived here and ate everything he should eat. What about the sea? I didn't mean to ask wolf to swallow, but I tasted everything, and then I took a sip of local Shaojiu. "Good stuff, my own brewing is different. It's much stronger than those brands."

Ding Yu didn't mean to drink at all, let alone the sea. Even if he was the third brother, Ding Yu would not be perfunctory. He was a doctor. If he could not control his mouth, his hands would not be controlled by his own hands. The sea has been used to this for a long time.

"Small places have the characteristics of small places. They are different in nature. Are they brands? It's an effect

For Ding Yu's hospitality, Haihai is still very satisfied. What about Ding Yu's attitude towards himself? The effect is still good. What happened in the capital city before made the third brother feel a little worried. This is also the main reason why he followed Ding Yu. Otherwise, he would have eaten and supported himself?

And what about Ding Yu? It's also quite boring, at least for myself, but it can't be denied that I was very satisfied with my own food. I treated myself attentively and the food was very good.

After about two hours, Hai Hai Hai left with satisfaction. Ding Yu stayed and chatted with his old classmates. After dinner, Chen Ming also brought some things to eat. He could only eat after dinner. This is a common thing and has been used to it."Your friend? It's very personal! " Hearing what Chen Ming said, Ding Yu also took a look at the cigarette that Chen Ming handed over and said with a smile, "it's a little bit of a small personality. After all, it's grown up in a big family in the gate. How about it? How's business in the past two years? "

"It's OK. It's a small and distinctive hotel." Chen Ming is his junior high school classmate, the relationship between the two can be said to be very good, so in front of Ding Yu, Chen Ming also did not have too much courtesy, "but can't compare with you such a big doctor! By the way, my third aunt had some problems earlier, but I still delayed your father's help

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