"Sir, the United States has shown considerable interest in the preliminary election of the new president of South Korea."

Ding Yu shook his head. "I don't mean to intervene too much. Who will be the new president? Now there are only a few candidates! You can even know who it is! Who do you think is the most suitable from your point of view

"There are probably a few candidates now, but really there are only three candidates left. What about one? It's the successor of the Korean woman president. What about the other? I'm not a party member! But what about technology and business? But this kind of outstanding is too small, which can attract considerable attention and maintain a certain degree of attention. But if you are really engaged in politics, it is not the best choice. As for another candidate? With the current woman president? It can be said that it is in dire straits. It can even be traced back to the last century! "

"It seems that you already have the answer? Isn't it? "

"Generally speaking, the answer has been confirmed. What about him? Is also relatively optimistic, first of all, has a very good appearance image, at least in line with the image of the United States! What's more, I have considerable experience. I can say that the internal operation is very clear and clear! "

"But want to make this investment? It's really not a simple thing. Now it's a big stick and a sweet jujube. Let's see what your means are! Personally, I will keep a rather wait-and-see attitude towards this! " For this matter, Ding Yu is also somewhat loose. Let's have a look at the means of the third generation!

He is not so interested in the New South Korean President. It can be seen that everyone is also interested in the female president? Have given up the so-called hope, she took a wrong step, the result is irreparable! As for the results? It is also self-evident!

No matter how excellent she has been, since she is allowed to carry this black pot, there are too many reasons! Even if she had been a saint, she could be overturned! So what about the president? The end is expected! Although there is still quite a long time, but it is of no use!

"Sir, although there is such a rush of time, we still warmly welcome the arrival of you!"

Ding Yu waved his hand, "this is not necessary! I'm not a person who likes to be lively. Everything has been discussed! I'll meet Bruno and elder martial brother Dongfang! I'm afraid the Boston consortium has been waiting in a hurry! Wait a second, and they'll really come to the door! "

The third emperor nodded to understand, "Sir, sometimes I really hope to be like you. I don't want to pay attention to the facts, and I don't need to put a mask on my face every day!"

"Is that a mockery of me? Or praise? " Ding Yu didn't express any prejudice about the third generation's words, "people are different. I understand your meaning more or less! Now that we have reached this point! What kind of person are you going to be in the future? Let's hear what you don't mind

"Sir, I've thought about it. I want to be a grandfather, and I've wanted to be a gentleman. But after thinking about it, I still think it's good to be good at myself." Looking at Ding Yu with a wry smile, the third generation was helpless. "In everyone's eyes, my future is promising. I feel the same way myself. But as time goes on, I find out how painful it is to sit on this position!"

"Maybe from the outside, this one seems to be more or less affectable, but from the insiders' point of view, this position is! It's really the crater. If the consortium has any problems, it will find your head. If there is any disturbance in the outside world, it will also find your head! I don't know what your luck will be? "

"What do you think of my luck, sir?"

Ding Yu also looked askance at the third world's question. "I don't like to make such an evaluation. It doesn't have much meaning, and it involves too many problems and situations. These are not what I'm willing to bear!"

"Understand!" The third generation saluted Ding Yu respectfully. His family also had a good understanding of the Han culture, as well as the inside information. The so-called natural secrets should not be disclosed. It is not so simple to say. What about people like Mr. Lian? Are not willing to undertake!

In the heart of the third generation, Mr. Chen is really at the level of God and man. However, whenever there is a trace of possibility, I will not want to stand on the opposite side of Mr. Li. Even when my grandfather is facing Mr. Li, he feels powerless. Is there really no way? It doesn't have much to do with whether the handle of the family is pinched by the husband!

I didn't get much advice from my husband, but what about my sister? But he is very valued by his husband. If he put it in the present situation, maybe he will give up the position of the head of the family to his sister. But also, he is very clear that he is going to take up the position of his sister? Never better than my sister!

"Three, say a little more, when you haven't made a decision? Don't be too forced! People say I'm ruthless, and I admit that, but in many ways? I didn't show you so extreme, which is not a good thing, at least for you personally! ""Is this a warning, sir?"

"It's up to you to understand? If you want to listen to it, you can take it as a warning. If you don't want to, you can take it as a joke Ding Yu or the previous attitude, the third generation did not regard this as a joke, but deeply recorded it in his heart!

"It's not necessary to see you off! No need for old Peyton! If he comes, he will certainly turn my plane upside down for me. I'll keep some of them and I need to entertain other guests. "

"I'll make you laugh, sir!" In fact, the third generation has prepared some things here, but what can we do! My grandfather is really loveless. How can you say that you can't get it? Maybe the best! At least, there are not many people who can get the cigar in your hand. Basically, it depends on the gift of your husband. Or you can go to the production place and watch in person, and then prepare to snatch food from the mouth of the tiger! Otherwise, what can we do?

Taixi and the children go to the airport directly, but there are not many things on their hands. But the three xiaomingxian are so lazy. What is the cause? Ding Yu can guess some of them. It seems impossible to let them play with Taixi! You know, they can't play with themselves!

They always let them go to activities by themselves. What would they like to play? Let them make their own choice! If they are forced to tie each other together, they will not be comfortable at the same time, they will also make themselves extremely uncomfortable!

So back on the plane, Ding Yu also quietly mentioned this matter with Tai Xi! Taixi was staring at his own eyes, "no wonder I took them to any place, can not mention any interest! It's all because of you This can be regarded as explaining the doubts in his heart!

I thought the children didn't like to be with themselves, but I didn't think it was because of this!

"Isn't it too irresponsible to let the animals be raised like this?" Taixi also opened his own notes, on which a lot of notes were written. Obviously, in order to take care of the three children, it can be said that he learned a lot. But he didn't expect that such a big Oolong would appear before it started!

Ding Yu was interested in looking at Taixi's notes. "There are a lot of things recorded above, but in actual operation, you will find that there are not too many functions. You can tell them some so-called truth! What's left? It's good to stand on the sidelines, too much care will be counterproductive! "

"I am a mother, OK? I find that you are a father who is not responsible for your duties."

"What about Xiao Gang? Do not need too much to ask for what, they have more or less their own outlook on life and values! In other words, we don't need our comfort and encouragement to accompany them! Since they are willing to grow, don't interfere too much! Too much interference will affect their growth! "

"But is that really good?"

"Trust them! It's better than we think, so keep a good distance! Sometimes they will take the initiative to come to the door, then you will think that they will have such a time

Back in Boston, Ding Yu and Tai Xi two people float away, directly to throw down the three small! There is no need to pay attention to the meaning, at the beginning of the three small still have some surprise, but soon began to sheep! Especially the two children! They are the tyrants here!

"Did you see that people's lives are more chic than ours, and they know that the nanny should clean up their rooms for them first. The three of them even went to eat, and they are still reserved restaurants! With us two old guys only know to go home to eat, not a bit of fun

Taixi also felt that he couldn't laugh or cry. The three children didn't have any fear at all, and they didn't have any worries and fears. He led the bear to leave the airport happily and ordered a place to eat. Even before this, he even had time to find a place to rest for a period of time!

"These little heartless people, I wonder if they will not adapt? It's good that they let me worry so much! If we find a place to play, we even order a restaurant. We are not as comfortable and chic as they are! "

"Whatever they want! There may be unexpected surprises Back home, I don't know why. I relaxed and took a bath, and dinner was almost ready! When the three children are away, Ding Yu and Tai Xi have a leisurely mood. They have a candlelight dinner, which is that Ding Yu's food is a little bit big, which is not beautiful!

When you hear the sound, Ding Yu does not really have any action, just deal with your own files! Taixi has been sleeping in the past, and now the so-called sound is sure to be three small back! Sure enough, it didn't take long for the door to be opened! The big hairy head first poked in!

Small four eyes is very reluctant to look, and then three small also slowly walked out, "Dad! Uncle

Looking at the appearance of the three children and the things in their hands, Ding Yu also nodded and looked at the time on the watch, "OK! Take a bath, and then take a rest! It's getting late! ""Dad, are we a little late?"

"I've told your grandparents about going home. They still have some worries about you!" Ding Yu didn't want to criticize them. It's normal to go out to eat or play. But they forgot to report peace with the old man. This can't be forgiven!

Therefore, Ding Yu chose to educate them in this way. The third primary school has grown up with his own mouth. Originally, he thought that they would go out to eat, drink and have fun, but he forgot his parents. But he didn't think that the old people at home were still worried about them. This is really a bit too much! Can't be forgiven!

Three small get up early to have a rest! The next morning when I got up, it was a busy meal. Taixi got up very early! However, without any words, I decided to calm down and see what the three children were going to do!

Breakfast preparation, of course, there are family attendants, if you let the three children to prepare by themselves, then at most it is full, as for the birth? Or cooked? It's hard to tell if it's half cooked.

When he thought of this place, Taixi seemed to think of something. To say that the things they made were half cooked, it seemed that it was not right. They could really make things, and the things they made were quite delicious. For example, noodles, mutton, and so on, they really had some doubts. How did they make them? At this age?

After the breakfast was ready, the three children began to go to the video with the elders at home! Although there is time difference, the time is just right. It's just the evening in China, and even just the beginning of dinner.

It's true that Ding Yu and his family had sent a message earlier, but when the three little new videos came over, the feeling was naturally different, especially Wang Yang and Lin Qiuyan. They couldn't control themselves at all! The son left home, went to the United States, who knows what will be the situation, they are also worried about this side!

After breakfast, Ding Yu and Tai Xi also sat on their chairs. The three primary schools apologized in turn. Yesterday, they were a little bit too high, and they were forgetful for a moment. Ding Yu looked at Taixi. Did you see them, they could quickly realize their mistakes and mistakes, as long as you give some advice! There's no need to talk about it.

Seeing that the children are so clever, Taixi also knows that he can't criticize any more! But also dissatisfied with a look at the child's father, not to say that this kind of education is not good, but their own side is really so some not adapt to!

"Bruno will come in the morning, and if you have time, you can accompany them. If you don't have this interest, forget it! Let them follow the security guard and the nanny by themselves

"I'll follow! I'm not worried about them, but what about Xiao Gang? After all, I just came to the United States, and there are still some problems in this exchange. I'm afraid I can't get used to it for a while. Are you an uncle? I don't know how to care and care. I just throw the child to one side. I don't know what I think of it

"Company? Not necessarily the best care! Let Xiaogang adapt quickly by himself, so that he will quickly integrate into the environment. What about our care? It can only slow down the process! " At this point, Ding Yu seems to have some inhuman taste!

Taixi is not good to say anything! But as for what I think in my heart, this is another thing!

Ding Yu also entertained Bruno who came uninvited here. Looking at his dress and dressing up, Ding Yu frowned slightly, "it's not like your usual style. When I called me earlier, it seemed that it was in Las Vegas! Such a straight suit gives people the feeling that the business negotiation has just been completed! Or just attended the party! "

"You can see it all?" Bruno also gave a bad smile. "I heard that your wife and children are here. I think it's better to be neat. It's not good to stay. It's not good to visit in the future."

"Go to the grave and burn the paper Ding Yu was very dissatisfied and said, "Tai Xi took the children out, mainly to discuss the school affairs. This time he brought my nephew here, and he still needs to adapt to it."

While talking, the two also went into the room! "I brought some gifts and put them below. I don't know what the children like, so I prepared some by myself." After saying that, he looked at Ding Yu for a moment, "I said you should have prepared quite a return gift?"

"No wonder you came so early. I'm still surprised."

"If you don't come earlier, when the East comes, who knows if I'll have the rest. Besides, old Peyton, the old bastard, is not shameless. He's not a group. He has to move forward. There are not so many things. He still wants to come in and step on the plate. He can't be easy enough!"

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