"Did you cross the line? I think it should be between two things! " Su Quan watched the video again, "but the news is enough! We can't get involved in some things. If we do, it will be troublesome in the future! It's not just Xiaoyu, we are more troublesome and can't explain clearly! "

"Don't explain it to me! I have no interest in it at all Wang Changlin did not express any concern about this, although the party involved is his own son!

Su Quan was looking at the expression on Wang Changlin's face, which was a little black, "I won't tell you about this matter. There are quite a few reasons in it. You can ask about it when your boss comes back in the future! He said that there was no problem, but if I said it, there would be a lot of involvement in it, so don't let me be too hard for it! "

Also did not say hello to his sister, Su Quan soon left! Su Yuan looked at his brother who had left, and then he also looked at her husband. He had not been involved in the matter just now, but Suquan came to the house. This situation was a bit abrupt! You know, his work is very busy, nothing is absolutely not going to come home!

"Because of the boss?"

"Something happened in Boston, boss? It's not easy for him to make a direct call, so he also deliberately ran over to ask about some things, but how could our family know? Is that all right? "

"Is there something wrong with the boss?"

"God knows!" Wang Changlin also spread out his hands, "you ask me, I ask who? You think it's impossible for the boss to mention this to us, even if the old man called us! But just now, he also passed the video. As long as there is nothing wrong with him, everything will be OK! "

Su Yuan looked at her husband and didn't really feel anything. Although she was puzzled, this explanation left her speechless, so she complained, "boss! It's really not a general toss, but I talked to Xiao Gang about the video before, but they are very free of themselves

"Is it? Just now, Su Quan also mentioned this matter. He said that the teacher he was looking for was extraordinary, and he didn't know what the boss meant. His family background seemed extraordinary, but his personal background was very deep! "

"This is not mentioned by the three children. I don't know the specific situation. I can't get in touch with the boss." Su Yuan complained about this, but what could he do? The eldest brother was born of them, but anyway, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying were the two who provided for him. This is what he can only say!

"What about Wang Yang? After all, he was a father, so he didn't call to ask? "

"Although it's not every day's video with Xiaogang, you can basically see it, but you can hardly get in touch with the boss. You don't know about the situation of the boss. He has always contacted Wang Yang. When did you see Wang Yang contact him! Unless the sun comes out from the West

After saying this, Su Yuan also looked at her husband, "the third brother just came! You're in such a tone now. What's going on? Isn't that a lot of things are going on in Boston

"He wants to know some specific news from Boston, but he can't call the boss directly. Whether it's the boss or his identity, it's very sensitive. If it's really involved, it's hard to say clearly. So he came home to inquire about some information, but it's also a little disappointed in the result."

"Third brother, do you want to know? Is this putting the cart before the horse? "

"I'm afraid I'm going to ask Mr. Zhou for information. I don't know what's going on. But I've heard that there seems to be some noise from Wang Li, and the children are all thrown here. I don't know what's going on! And it's all at this point? Why hasn't she come back? "

There are also some who don't talk about it. Soon, there is a sound of footsteps coming from the door. Then, Wang Li rushes into the room. As soon as she throws a big bag and a small bag, she will go to see the child. She is also dragged by Su Yuan, who is quick-sighted and easy-going.

"You just came back, don't say you don't have any smell on your body? Even if it is the dust brought back from the outside, you can't infect the children! Do you want to have a wash? Have you eaten yet

Wang Li was expelled from the room! When she cleaned up and changed her clothes again, she got close to her two children and put them in the house? It is the babysitter to take care of, but really there are so some are not at ease, so it is better to put it in the mother's place, after all, these two days their own side will be very busy!

"I said you can't eat slowly, and no one will rob you! And it's so late? How did you get back? The children are already asleep! How on earth do you become a mother On the one hand, she loves her daughter, but on the other side, she has become a mother? Still so unstable!

"Something's going on in the yard!" She simply ate some food. Although she was a little hungry, it was really late, so Wang Li didn't eat too much. But when she looked at her parents, she seemed to realize something, "Mom and Dad, it's so late. Why haven't you had a rest?""Your third uncle has just been here, have you heard?"

"Well? Third uncle? " Wang Li slightly a Leng, "because of the things in the hospital, shouldn't it! It seems that this matter has nothing to do with my uncle? by the way! I heard that there seems to be something wrong with Boston. I contacted Tianren and the three of them, but I didn't reply. I don't know how to deal with it? "

"Can you contact song Tianren and them?" Wang Changlin really didn't know that his daughter was so capable. It can be said that after Song Tianren and several of them went to the boss, the news was very close. No matter who you are, it is absolutely forbidden to contact in private. This can be said to be the consensus of the big family!

"It's not a mess. Previously, they sent a piece of cultural relics, mainly from the UK, and didn't mention the reason. Anyway, it was sent by someone. It was a large batch. The hospital was in charge of cleaning up, and the number was a little bit large. I knew about this. Tianren contacted me deliberately!"

"Ah? Tianren deliberately contacted you, this matter has something to do with Tianren? "

"The specific thing is not so clear. It is said that it is for Tianren and their elegant use. I see! It's the same as before. It's all robbery. Big brother can't be unaware of this. After all, it's not the first time! If there was no big brother, I would not dare to do so with their courage! "

Wang Changlin and Su Yuan looked at each other, this is not the first time! In other words, I didn't know how many times I did it before? They are even familiar with their own cars! The problem is, why don't the family know about these things? If my daughter doesn't say it this time, I'm afraid they will still be kept in the bone!

"Are you in touch with your big brother? Not much of it? "

"Big brother? Can he contact me? Pie in the sky! Don't think about such a good thing! I can get through the phone, but I can't get through basically. " Wang Li was also very dissatisfied and said, "but the British side really sent a lot of things back in the name of return. However, the Palace Museum has announced some things here, and some have not been announced. At this stage, there are still many things that have not been cleaned up! Anyway, it's useless for big brother to stay at home, and he doesn't like it so much! "

Su Yuan is very dissatisfied to stare at his eldest daughter, "you go to the courtyard again! Although your elder brother says he doesn't care about it, you can't always dig the corner of your brother's wall! I don't know how many things in the house are turned out by you! It's your brother's business whether he likes it or not. What kind of thing is it when you make trouble? "

"Mom, I don't do much with big brother's things any more! What's more, I didn't snatch the things in the courtyard from my elder brother. It was all donated by my elder brother. Otherwise, why is the decoration, water, trees, flowers and plants in my house arranged like this now? If there are no people in the courtyard, I don't know what will happen! "

"You girl, you will always have you!" Su Yuan is also complaining of a stare!

"Hey, mom, this matter really has nothing to do with me. Elder brother is not so interested in those things. I used to do some, but now what about steward Deng? It's very close to me. I've been to the courtyard before. If I don't get angry with my elder brother, maybe it's over? "

"What's the matter?" Wang Changlin found that he really underestimated his daughter!

"One of my younger apprentices, Lu's apprentice, was injured! There is no way to operate. If you do, you will lose your vitality and your future achievements will be limited! So I went to the courtyard to ask for two kinds of medicine. It's not a big deal, so I didn't say it! "

"Over at the pharmacy?" Su Yuan knows a lot about siheyuan. Not only does his father, father-in-law and mother-in-law take drugs from small pharmacies. Sometimes, he will come to see him in other aspects. This may be related to the eldest brother when he is a doctor. After all, what's the common family? I really would not have prepared these things!

Of course, there is another important reason for the boss to have this small pharmacy, that is, the root is relatively thick. The so-called root is thick, which mainly means that the eldest's money is very thick. Even if other people's families have such ideas, they have no such confidence in their pockets!

You know, although it's a small pharmacy, its contents are not generally complete. I went to see it and was secretly shocked. I didn't know what kind of person was getting so many things for the boss, but I didn't really hear what happened in the process!

If you think about it, the boss has experienced many things in the forest for so many years. But if you want to say that the boss is arrogant and despotic, it doesn't mean that there is no such thing. There are really some things that must be reported. However, we should say that the boss acts recklessly, bullies the market, and even acts tyrannically!

Even a lot of people who have dealt with the boss have a very good relationship with him. They are also full of praise for the boss. But the same people basically don't mention anything about the boss on the surface. It's so ridiculous! However, this may also have a considerable relationship with the boss's behavior, not to say whether it is good or not!"It's the pharmacy! Steward Deng is watching too much! It's just like the old man in Shanxi! Even after a long time, steward Deng didn't agree. Later, he still contacted Jin. Big brother said something! To get things out! After that, he asked Xiao Yuan to write an IOU, or let him go into the courtyard and take it away, or take the same amount of articles to take the IOU. It didn't mention the time, but it was quite in line with the style of big brother! "

Wang Li has an absolute say in this regard! After all, he often goes in and out of the courtyard! I'm getting used to appellation!

"That's your big brother! It is in line with his conduct and style. If you do, I'm afraid the small pharmacy over there in Siheyuan will be really yellow in two and a half days! Not even a shred of it

"So the siheyuan is still in charge! If I go to be the head of the family, who knows what the result will be. But the small pharmacy of big brother really needs elder brother and steward Deng. If there is no elder brother and housekeeper Deng, I'm afraid all the people in 49 cities will like to focus on it! I'm afraid there will be nothing left then! "

"I wish you knew that!" Su Yuan white one eye, "let you interrupt, forget the business! Benevolence is to send them back! It's just a kind of artlessness? Nothing else? "

"I'm really not so clear. Things over there seem to be more busy. Anyway, I sent a message earlier, but I haven't got any reply. Who knows what they are busy with? I don't have much contact with each other at ordinary times, but this time I brought back a lot of things, so that the inheritance in the hospital can be complete a lot! "

"Come on, you won't listen to me. Let's have a rest earlier! Don't have two children who can't find anyone when they get up tomorrow morning

Wang Li didn't immediately respond, "Dad, mom, what's wrong with the big brother? I didn't contact Tianren before? As for the elder brother, there is no contact, otherwise I can contact with the elder brother. After all, the hospital still wants to thank the elder brother. I say it's just right! "

Looking at her parents have no words, Wang Li also took out her mobile phone, dial the phone is true, but the interval time is a little bit longer, "Hello, Hello!"

"Hello! I'm Wang Li. Is big brother in? "

"Just a moment, please." Although it was Ding Yu's call, it was not Ding Yu himself who connected the call. "Sir, I'll inform you about it." Wang Li can't help but pout at her parents!

Almost two minutes later, Ding Yu's voice rang up, "it's me. What's the matter?" The voice is still as cold as ever, not too much warm gas, but fortunately, Wang Li has been used to it! Also did not put in the heart above the meaning!

"Tianren and their things have already arrived in the hospital. Now they are being checked. They have done some good things. We must say thank you! Yes, but I can't get in touch with you in the hospital. I'll have to think about it! "

"I see! Is there anything else? "

"Brother, are you so busy? I just heard something happened in Boston! My sister needs to ask after all! Who knows what happened there? Am I not worried about this? "

"Nothing's wrong. Everything's OK! I am very busy here. If I have nothing to do, I will hang up! "

"I said big brother, I'm concerned about you, and Xiao Gang? Is his skin itching these two days? Don't give me a call to come over, is it not to take me as an aunt in mind

"They are out! I found a teacher for them. Everything is OK with me. You don't have to inquire! That's it

Also did not wait for Wang Li to do other reactions, Ding Yu also hung up the phone, not polite at all, Wang Li also felt that her hair was about to stand up! I'm kind, but I got such a reply. I'm not happy at all!

Wang Changlin and Su Yuan looked at each other, but they were helpless. They heard the elder son's words! It's the same as before. I don't know if his heart is made of ice. You should know that Wang Li is his sister! Speaking like this, I'm not afraid of being a sister?

But look at Wang Li's appearance, two people are also sigh at her heartless, your elder brother's speech like this, you unexpectedly have not the feeling of this aspect, after all long heart!

Words to the mouth, but there is no way to say it, it can only be let it go!

When she saw her parents go to have a rest, Wang Li also spat out her tongue, and then went to have a look at her two sons. It's better for her two babies to have pimples at home! I hope that when they grow up, they can learn more from their uncle. Of course, they can learn more from other aspects, but this cold face is not enough!

Ordinary people are really difficult to accept, do not know the elder brother's two children, as well as Xiao Gang how to bear, anyway, he encountered big brother? After all, I feel so guilty! I didn't do anything wrong, but what does big brother look like! It's really just... How should this word be described?!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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