Whether it's possible or not, Wesley is quite skeptical, just like Lucas, though he's dead! Now that the suspected seed has been planted, I don't know when it will sprout and grow branches!

Although he knows that this may be his own misunderstanding, but the guy Kim is really too powerful! Is a simple hint, but let oneself have such a reaction! Haven't you seen Ding Yu yet? Have suffered such setbacks, if you really face-to-face with Ding Yu, what kind of situation will it be? can make nothing of it!

After reading the document, Jensen was also furious, but still sent the document to the headquarters! As for Wesley's situation, he also made a detailed report to the headquarters, including the conversation after he came back. There was no reservation. It had nothing to do with whether his life was in suspense. He just did what he should do!

The British headquarters paid special attention to this incident. After all, they hinted that Jensen had a great opportunity at that time! Even though there were doubts and even some people's resistance, they still gave a hint to Jensen! Just point to Jensen's nose and let him do this!

But the consequences are really disappointing! I'm so disappointed! This is a trap, a conspiracy, Ding Yu put out the chessboard, is with you open and aboveboard, the British side drink poison to quench thirst!

And for Ding Yu, it's not just the British side to catch up! Even the relevant forces in the United States have been caught up! As for the results? Everybody saw it too! Although Dingyu's motorcade was destroyed and there were casualties, Ding Yu didn't even fall down!

But this time, it is not just a simple fall into the pit. If Ding Yu really takes advantage of this fight, the British intelligence department will bear the brunt. At that time, the domestic public will definitely be furious, so all the blame will fall on the intelligence department. Even if he wants to escape, he doesn't know how to escape!

It's been so long! To say that Ding Yu is not ready to fool two idiots, isn't he? Maybe Ding Yu will do it at the next moment. At that time, it was definitely the time when the Department of intelligence and governance disintegrated! But listening to Jiansen's report, people are also looking at each other. What does Ding Yu mean?

Isn't this the best time to start? Or what other plans does Ding Yu have? There are so many people do not understand! I really don't understand! Because now the situation is really too unreasonable!

Ding Yu's documents have been read! From the above requirements, it may be too much, but from the current situation of both sides, Ding Yu's request can even be said to be so trivial, whether to accept or not to accept, and even there is no need to add more comments!

But the people in the conference room really didn't want to take the lead in speaking, because what happened in the United States last night was so big that it would never be hidden for a long time. The senior government officials would certainly know about it, so someone would come forward and carry the blame!

Fortunately, at this time, it won't be on the surface for the time being, so as long as Ding Yu doesn't have too many actions, the final result may be that the thunder and rain are small! "Let's solve Ding Yu's problem first! This time can only be the first settlement, and then we may have the space to move around, otherwise we can only be trapped animals waiting to die! "

Someone's talking! Then the atmosphere is also broken! This is definitely not the time to divide the pot. As for who should be thrown out, it was doomed when Jensen failed last night! And now is the time for the whole intelligence department to live and die. If the so-called infighting starts again, it will be rejected by everyone!

"From this document, we can feel that Ding Yu didn't mean to do anything to us, but did he deliberately paralyze us? At this time, he has a good idea for our American counterparts. He can sit on the Diaoyutai and watch us fight there in vain

"Can we refuse? We can't refuse at all. Once Ding Yu starts to attack the whole UK, everyone can't bear it. At that time, we should bear the brunt of it. It's too cruel. It's reasonable to sacrifice us for the sake of the British Empire. However, it's completely destroying the foundation if it's consumed and cleaned up like this! "

The words are more beautiful than the songs, but actually there are some shameless things. Although the people in the office don't mean to be complacent, what they think in their hearts can still be figured out!

"What is Wesley doing?"

"Wesley is thinking about some things. According to Jensen's report, Wesley showed his ability very well during the conversation with king. However, due to the complexity of the situation in Boston, he needs to make a comprehensive consideration for the next thing. Without a clear consideration, he should not do too much response! ”

What about Lucas' death? I don't think he has much to do with Wesley, though he dug a hole for Lucas! But Lucas is really stupid. He fell into it. As for Wesley, who stepped on his feet at last, it's nothing. It's no surprise that he has seen so many things in the officialdom!"Wesley's handling is quite appropriate, but there are still some complications in Boston!"

Obviously, this is about to add sand to it! After all, Wesley can't take all the credit alone! Well, there's no one down there, Wesley? Should be able to deal with good, ready-made peaches, if not picked, then cheap others!

"Jensen is from the operations department. His ability in action is fair, but the ability gap in other aspects is too big. Although the loss last night was not as large as imagined, but the person he collected? How much more can be trusted remains to be discussed! "

"No! What about these people? After all, we still need to compete with our counterparts in the United States. Under such circumstances, if we rashly move them, we will be seriously understaffed! Ding Yu's three legged structure is a model, but it does not mean that Ding Yu will really let it go! "

People in the conference room are also talking about it. What's the opinion of the people? Some of them were hard to unify again. However, some people spoke enthusiastically, but others were silent. For example, the old man who supported Wesley didn't say anything. He just watched his colleagues perform indifferently!

Wesley didn't live up to his expectations. He not only took his place, but also made a wonderful performance, which can even be described as amazing. This was done without any support. As for Lucas? That's your own problem, it has nothing to do with Wesley!

Wei Sili came out of the road, he just gave some so-called help on the road, and had no other role. The old man still had a very clear understanding of this point! This time, if the matter is solved, it will play an important role in Wesley's future!

To know that his future enemy is not only Ding Yu, but also the royal family! Ding Yu is so hard to deal with, let alone the royal family!

And the old man had a feeling that Ding Yu didn't do it at this time, to a certain extent? I'm afraid it's also because of the royal family. If they don't unite with each other, Ding Yu will definitely take advantage of this opportunity to give the British intelligence department a so-called heavy blow, so that the intelligence department can not turn over!

But Ding Yu has been united with the royal family. At this time, if we do something to the intelligence department, it will touch the nerves of the royal family. I'm afraid Ding Yu is worried about this problem! Each other is a cooperative relationship, not a hostile relationship, so to turn over such a thing, there are still so some gains and losses!

What's more? Even if it's the emotional management department to the arch overturn! What are the so-called benefits for Ding Yu? Maybe Ding Yu has gained quite a reputation on the surface, but what about the reality? Ding Yu will bear all kinds of pressure, and this pressure is probably huge, for Ding Yu, there is no benefit!

Under such circumstances, why not sell people? At the same time, it can make friends with the royal family. It can be said that it is killing with one stone! Of course, this is just my own opinion. Whether it is right or wrong, I'm afraid there are some things that I can't say clearly at this time!

There is also a point, that is, the matter itself is absolutely not enough to say, how to say? Bring the royal family in. Maybe things will not be solved by then, and the whole intelligence department will collapse! Ding Yu doesn't do it because he has a lot of scruples. But the question is, does the royal family have the so-called scruples?

If the royal family really takes action, the intelligence department will definitely not leave any dross, so when you have the opportunity to have a good communication with Wesley! However, such opportunities are really rare, there are so some poor!

Wesley's in Boston now! Almost attracted the eyes of all people, I am afraid even when he sleeps, there are countless pairs of eyes staring at him! If I contact him at this time, who knows what kind of problems and conditions will appear, which may lead to the abandonment of all previous efforts in the arrangement!

So I can only take some more safe ways, such as letter delivery, or artificial communication, and so on. There are people who can be trusted under my hand, but there are still some risks to take such a way now! But at this moment, we must give Wesley a so-called greeting, so that he can understand the problems and the situation, for his overall view of the problem, there is a considerable help!

At the end of the meeting, the old man wrote a log. The log was not very long. It was in the form of e-mail. Of course, it would not be in his office or even in his home! Also will not use their own mobile phone, such action is to be able to avoid then exempt! No one knows if it will be investigated!

Although I am in a high position, the more I do, the more I should be careful.

What about the old Wesley guess? It seems like a fantasy, but I'm here in Boston! For the actual situation has a considerable understanding! And the old man's guess is really a light in the dark for himself! I didn't expect that Mr. Ding Yuding should pay such attention. It's really cruel!This is Yang Mou. No matter how you operate, the final result has been doomed. However, Ding Yu, no matter how the process is, as long as such a result, he has been busy for such a long time, and even in the whole process, there are still some wild ideas, but it is such a result!

After the examination, Wesley sat on the chair and began to think further. Mr. Ding didn't mean to kill the intelligence department in Britain, but he would never let go of the intelligence department in the United States. However, he would not do it himself, but let his own staff do it!

Once the two departments start to work, Mr. Ding will be able to sit on the Diaoyutai. And when the two departments start to work, they will naturally involve considerable human and material resources. At that time, Mr. Ding will have a great space!

What about the intelligence department here in the United States? They can mobilize people at will. After all, this is the United States, but what about Britain? How do they deal with it? Continue to mobilize people to come here. The more involved, how will the United States consider this matter?

It seems that it is necessary for him to have a so-called deal with his American counterparts and throw some pieces into this pit? There are not too many problems, but absolutely can not be involved too much! Otherwise, it's against the original intention!

But will the American counterparts listen to their own opinions? How to communicate the problems in this, and one more point, how will Mr. Ding deal with such communication? You want to hide from him? I don't think I have this ability!

What matters is who knows how many people Mr. Ding buried in the United States! Although Britain is the place where Mr. Ding started his career, his considerable foundation is still in the United States! And more and more stable, in such a place, it can not be said that the wind and grass can not be concealed from Mr. Ding, but it is almost the same! Even more exaggerated than the British side!

Difficult! It's really hard! Wesley felt a bit of a headache!

Looking at Jensen who pushed the door and walked in, Wesley raised his head to say hello! Jensen looked at Wesley. He seemed to be slightly depressed and upset. He just went to report the relevant situation. Is it because of this? There should be no such possibility!

"I've reported quite a bit. It seems that the meeting at the headquarters is over! Let you have full authority to deal with this matter, if there is anything, the supervisor there is! As for the terms mentioned by Ding Yu, further discussions may be needed, but on the whole, there won't be too many problems! "

"Mr. Ding's requirements are not so high. There are problems in this! We need to get in touch with our counterparts in the United States. Someone needs to come forward to solve this problem! "

"I'll go!"

"You Wesley directly shook his head and said, "forget it! You haven't waited. If you walk on the way, I'm afraid your life will be dangerous and too risky. What's my identity? Although it is said to be in charge of all the situations in Boston, this time is still not so suitable! Make a report with the headquarters! Let them send relevant personnel to come here, and some things still need to be handled by them in person! "

"From the headquarters?" There are so many people who don't quite understand why Janson wants the staff from the headquarters? Is there anything else in this? "Are they coming at this time? Want to know the situation here, they are not so understanding! If there is a problem, will it lead to other waves? "

"I also want to be able to control the situation, but now we need to face two aspects, one is? It's Mr. Ding's, on the other hand, the American counterparts. Now you and I, you can't face the American counterparts, but can you shoulder the situation with Mr. Ding? "

In the face of Wesley's inquiry, Jensen didn't even think about it! Directly shook his head! Don't make such a joke! Let yourself face Ding Yu, maybe even bones and dregs will not be left in the end! It's not that you are afraid! It has nothing to do with this. I am worried that facing Ding Yu will cause the whole situation to collapse and cause incalculable losses to the whole British Empire!

"I can't attack both sides! I feel powerless, and dealing with Mr. Ding alone is enough to make me exhausted. Wrong! Now it's hard for me to face Kim! Mr. Ding has not come forward yet! If Mr. Ding comes out again, ha ha! "

"I see! Do you want me to come? "

"No, it's still me. You're not in the right position to mention it? It will make people in the headquarters misunderstand! "

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