"Mr. king, are you in charge of this time?"

Sitting beside Jin, Yanu also felt a little curious. Did Mr. Ding Yuding not come here because of the last attack? Should not be like this, in his understanding, Mr. Ding has never been a coward!

"Sir, I have other things to do. I'm more idle, so come and have a look! I don't know if the two groups will give a surprise. I hope there will be! "

"It's a pity that I haven't had much time to visit you all the time."

Jin took a look at Yanu. "I can see that you finally restrained a little bit!"

"Can you tell? As far as I know, you should not have so much time to pay attention to me these two days! "

"I don't have so much spare time to pay attention to you! Look at the condition on your face! And the smell on your body is a little bit strong As he spoke, Jin sniffed his nose. "It should be processed medicine! But I don't know so much about this aspect. Sir, I do have a lot of research on it! "

"I went to find someone. The theory of traditional Chinese medicine is too complicated and some people can't understand it. Jackson is quite curious in this respect. He once studied in China and stayed for a period of time! But in his words, it's just a half baked, half understood! "

"This exercise is a long time, not a short time to see the effect! The so-called "poor literature and rich military" is definitely not in vain! Be prepared for this! Just on the way

"I have exercised before, but the trainer is very expensive. Now I find that the cost of training in this way is not affordable for ordinary people. I asked people to find some so-called people, but now it is not so obvious!"

"Sir, I don't have so much free time, but if you are really free, I can recommend someone for you? But I'm only responsible for recommending. Can you get into the eye of the law? I won't make any guarantee about this matter? "

"Who is it?! How can you make your supervisor so cautious? " Yanu also expressed considerable interest!

"Sir's senior brother, Dongfang Jingdong, elder martial brother! He is a master of this field! "

"I've heard of it, but I'm a little bit far away, at least quite far away."

Kim also smile, this words have so many too modest! I just pointed out one of the directions. As for how Yanu will handle this matter, it is not for me to worry about it! He naturally has his own way and idea! What's more, there are Sanchez behind him!

I don't have to worry about those messy things! It's not about whether it's beneficial to you. There will be some involvement in it. What's more, Dongfang Jing has a good communication with Mr. Dong, but what about himself? It's a lot worse?

"They're in!"

Jin didn't have any words, and Yanu also understood how it happened. Therefore, there was no more topic in this aspect. People have provided quite a way. As for whether he can do it or not, he has no relationship with Jin!

"Such a place? So many people? It looks like we're going to have a good fight! "

"Director of gold? Would you like a bet? See who wins? "

"It doesn't matter who wins. If the British win, the back pot of the big killer is from the United States. If the United States wins, the black pot of the big killer is from the British side. In fact, do these people here know the problems? Kung Fu is out of the court! Maybe now both sides are sitting on the negotiation table! "

"I've got quite a bit of news, but what will be the result? I don't know! "

The site is an abandoned factory, and the place is not as large as you imagine. All of a sudden, so many people crowded in, and soon there was quite a stir! However, there was no gunshot, and everything seemed to be covered by the night! But this seems to have given you a considerable opportunity!

Kim was sitting there all the time. He didn't have to enter in person. Judging from the time, it was almost dawn! For such a long time, Jin has been sitting there. Judging from his state, he seems to pay more attention to the field, but does the actual situation hate it?

"The British won!" When Yanu came back, he just said, "it's been cleared up! There are not so many people left, but most of them should be cannon fodder! Even at the end of the day, there are still quite a lot of support staff in the United States! It's really not that you can tolerate it in general! "

Gold tiny bares teeth! "Now that we have made a choice, we should be thorough."

After hearing this, Yanu was stunned. He didn't expect that Jin would say such a thing. If you think about it, it seems to be normal to listen to it! "Then there is really no winner! It's really an unexpected thingI didn't wait for Kim to say anything! Yanu also informed the following people to clear the scene, since both sides have reservations, then let them have nothing to reserve! It's not a big deal! As for Jin, he didn't stop at all and left directly!

By the time the British and American sides know the news, there is no grass left! All the people are ashes! As for whether there will be any so-called clues and handles left, this point is really not so important!

Now Britain and the United States really know how Ding Yu's ruthlessness is! This NIMA! It's too cruel?! Previously, I offended you and raided you. But is your revenge too much?

The following has been a fight, is to give Ding Yu equivalent face, but this is not enough! Ding Yu directly solved all the people, and none of them stayed! All the problems have been solved!

Although on the surface is Yanu's hand, he is just a knife in Ding Yu's hand! Although the knife killed people, it had nothing to do with it. Whether it was the British side or the American side, we all know how it happened, so we really didn't mean to go to Yanu!

Freddie was a little dull when he knew about it! Yigela is so gone! Although he and he have quite different ideas, and even there are other hints above, but I really did not think that Ding Yu's attack is so cruel and merciless, and even has no reason to speak!

Now people have been cleaned up! What's the use of going to find Ding Yu? Whether it's the British side or the US side, they can only eat the dumb loser. The British side should be so lucky at this time, because Ding Yu clearly refuses to investigate the big killer. At least it has nothing to do with them!

But what about America? What can I do now except eat this dumb loser? Do you want to settle with Ding Yu? How to settle the bill? Now I don't know how many forces are supporting Ding Yu, but it's also very good. At least at this time, there won't be too many people blocking their door!

When Wesley knew the news, he was also shocked for quite a long time. He knew that the consequences would not be too good! But did not expect Ding Yu to be so reckless! He really dares to do this! How dare you! Even some of them are too reckless? He really doesn't care about worldly vision?

Jensen watched Wesley, who was sitting there! Now I feel that my scalp is numb! I didn't attend because of special reasons, so the headquarters deployed a considerable number of personnel to come over!

But no matter Lucas, or himself, or even the later ones, they are all thrown here. The reason lies in Ding Yu's body! There is no denying it!

Ding Yu is really a tiger. Can't he touch his butt? Jensen is now in deep doubt! Ding Yu's response to you is too much of a burst!

"Wesley, I suddenly feel a little confused now!"

Wei Sili, sitting on the chair, was stunned for a moment, and then he also gave a sound. Obviously, he was the same. He fell into confusion and took a long time to react. The news given by Ding Yu was a little too shocking! My head is still buzzing!

"I kept you mainly because I was worried that the United States would do it for you! Then we put the big killer thing on our heads, but I didn't expect that Ding Yu would behave like this. Everyone was clear about it. Wrong! "

"Wrong? What's wrong? "

"Ding Yu didn't show up at the scene!" Wesley said with a wry smile!

"Even if he didn't show up at the scene, we all know that he did it! Without his sign, did Jin dare to do it, or did Yanu dare to do it? What's the difference? The devil

"Quite different, of course! Ding Yu did not appear in the so-called scene, which shows that he is not very concerned about this matter. For him, this is just a so-called dispensing product! Revenge? Not at all

"That's not much?"

"Does it count?" Wesley asked, "if this is the so-called revenge, then it is too underestimated Ding Yu! This is not where he is really cruel! This is only a warning! "

"We have made a considerable sacrifice! But is this such a play in Ding Yu

"Offending Ding Ding Yu is not a very good choice! He is more insidious and ruthless than he imagined. What's more, he is more tolerant than he imagined. What's the reaction from the headquarters? " Speaking of this, Wesley couldn't help shaking his head! Although can't imagine, but still have quite feeling!

Everyone in the UK headquarters is sluggish! They will have considerable losses, because this itself is in the plan! What's the use of so much gunpowder under Jensen's hand? Isn't it used to bear the loss? But who could have thought that Ding Yu killed both of them! Not at all!Ding Yu showed his attitude directly! As for what you are not satisfied with, it is not important for Ding Yu, or even completely ignore it! Now that you're the first to do it! So why should I talk about the so-called "love side"? It's not my style!

After realizing Ding Yu's cruelty, although everyone gathered at the headquarters, there was no movement. Everyone felt powerless. Ding Yu made a move! It's also a good thing. At least it proves that Ding Yu is not so concerned about the big killer! What else can we do?

Can't you continue to take any so-called actions against Ding Yu? Don't be kidding! Now even if the arrangement goes on, I'm afraid there will be countless people back out! Everyone's heart has begun to fear!

This guy's style is really unpredictable! At the same time, the timing of this shot is really silent, but I really have some small admiration! At this time, no one can say anything! what did you say?

What's the so-called mouth gun with Ding Yu? It's strange that Ding Yu cares about you! If it wasn't for him to take the lead, would Ding Yu adopt such a way? Not at all, but the problem is that we just made a little move, but what's your approach? Are there some that are too fierce, or even so inhumane?

"What's going on in America? What's the reaction from our peers? "

"There was no movement, as if acquiescence in such a thing!"

The atmosphere of the room is very dull, as if it is covered with dark clouds! The news came too suddenly, so that everyone's heart did not have any preparation! But what's the good news? Wesley's still here. Jason's still here! And some of them stayed in Boston!

Judging from the current situation, Wesley's original choice is probably the most correct. Don't have any so-called actions. Keep a considerable distance from Ding Yu and adopt a positive way! Because what dark means to take, for Ding Yu, not only can not play any effect, and even may appear quite big contrast!

"Let Wesley meet song Tianren! This may be one of the few channels! " The old man also started a topic. Now, don't talk about other issues! It doesn't make any sense! There is no value, Ding Yu gave them the most serious blow, but we can not continue to work because of this?

"I'm going to see song Tianren at this time. Wesley may be a little better. What should I do with Jensen?"

The old man didn't have any words. Wesley is now firmly in his position, so don't take over everything! What's more, his starting point is just to make Wesley better. No matter in the open or in the dark, he can't find any problems!

After thinking about it, the man next to him said in a low voice, "let Jensen stay in the United States! The previous thing is over! Under such circumstances, the power there is too thin! I'm afraid Wesley alone will not be able to support the overall situation! Jensen still has the guts. As for the others? Hum

In other words, now that Jensen has become a subordinate of Wesley, we should know that he was indifferent to Wesley at the beginning, but now the situation has changed fundamentally. As for whether Jensen will be convinced by Wesley, such a matter is not so important! He just needs to be obedient!

"It is still unknown whether Wesley can see song Tianren now. Unfortunately, he has not been able to find out any sign of Ding Yu. He is too calm and too cunning at the same time." The old man said faintly, "all our eyes are attracted by this contest! But at the end of the day, I found that it was nothing

In a word, people's faces are also a burst of embarrassment, why? Because they ignored the most fundamental thing, Ding Yu has not been too much action, why? He just wants to fight against Britain, and once he does, the damage to Britain may be overwhelming!

But now, what are you doing? Ding Yu completely blinded his own eyes, but it was aimed at Ding Yu, but such a move has no meaning, nor any value to speak of! It's even like a kid's Prank!

From the beginning to the end, Ding Yu has carried out his ideas very well. What should be done and what should not be done? All of the things are in control, but the British side really have so many fall into the lower class, and even some are led by Ding Yu's nose and pulled back and forth!

But the intelligence department here in Britain is really taken in! There are not even too many complaints. What is the cause? Is it because of too much concern for Ding Yu, or too much fear for Ding Yu?

And at this time in the office, Ding Yu also received a call! When receiving the phone call, Ding Yu's hand was shaking! "Xiaoyu, do you have time? Can you come back if it's convenient? "Listening to his father's words, Ding Yu knew that things must be bad! "Grandfather's condition is not very good?"

"Well! The hospital has given an ultimatum! And also to find experts carefully read! Maybe it's the last few days! If you can come back, you may be able to catch up! "

"I see!" Ding Yu also sighed!

Some things are inevitable, it is not really human control, grandfather's body has reached the limit! Even if his ability is extraordinary, there is no way to control! As for whether this time is appropriate, it is not so important!

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