"Xiaoyu, I'm in charge of European affairs! This time, you will make quite a lot of things against Britain! In emotion and reason, I need to show considerable concern! Even now the British side is in a mess, and all kinds of people have come forward! "

Ding Yu frowned, and his right hand knocked on the tea table beside him. After a while, he shook his head slightly, "uncle, I can believe you, but I don't believe the headquarters there! Or the problem is too big, if you know it personally, you will be black pot in the future! I don't want to be condemned by my grandfather! Although my grandfather is dead! But I can't let the old man down

Hiss!!!! Su Quan couldn't help leaning back on his body, and his pupils were also extremely constricted! It's obvious that I realized something! "So much fun in here?"

"I have had a lot of contact with the intelligence department. I know you can believe it, but the problem is too big. Even what I say to my third uncle, it's better not to spread it out. It's not my own problem, because once people from the intelligence department get involved, it will be too much trouble in the future."

"On the British side? Or the United States? "

"Both sides!" Ding Yu also had a choice and said, "the third uncle called me earlier. I can communicate with him. What's the matter? If you know it personally! Come or not, uncle! But this is an opportunity. I can give my uncle some support! "

"I've heard that Ding Ding Ding and Zhuang Dongliang have accumulated considerable funds."

"And Ding Ding? She is my sister. She suffered a lot because of my personal reasons when I was young! Since we have to manage it, we will manage it for a lifetime. And Zhuang Dongliang has helped a lot since I started my family, and he has been very helpful to Ding Ding Ding for so many years. He is a pure businessman. In this regard, his performance is much better than many people! "

"It's hard for me to make a decision about it!" Su Quan is very embarrassed to say!

"I don't need you to make a decision! The main reason is that there are quite a number of vacancies in the United States. Since there are such vacancies, we can't afford foreigners cheap, can we? I can do the accounts here! No problem! "

"This is a way! I'll go back and sum it up! "

"No way!" Ding Yu was also very resolute in his opposition, "just make up your mind now, and if you can't, you can't. what's the matter? Except for you and me, no more than three people know that if there is any difference, all the things are not counted! That's all I can do

"It seems that the British side will have a big problem!" Su Quan knows his nephew. What does he say? Still have quite guarantee! It's not like saying no two, but basically there is not too much room!

"Uncle, you have to make the decision! I have mentioned my conditions, and I do not ask the intelligence department to do anything. If possible, keep a considerable distance as far as possible! After all, if you are involved with me, some things are difficult to explain clearly in the future! I don't think it's time to get involved. Trouble

"If it's just trouble, there shouldn't be too many problems!"

"Uncle, don't try my bottom line! What about the so-called trouble? There will be quite a lot of things. I can't explain anything to you now, so it's still that sentence. I only need my third uncle to say yes or no! "

"It's simple, but you know what's involved?" Su Quan sighed helplessly!

"I don't care. It's your third uncle's business. What's more, you talked to me about this time, and I didn't talk to you about it, so there's no room for discussion about this matter!"

Looking at his nephew, "I agree, but you should know that my so-called consent is of no effect, so I still need to report this time. I promise that no more than three people other than you and I will know this matter!"

"The third uncle will come tomorrow! But I don't know when! It depends on the situation! I'll stay here all night! "

"You boy, this spectrum is a little big!" Su Quan snorted, "I asked Tao Jin to come here. Anyway, you were your health care doctor at the beginning, and they were quite familiar with each other! Or let Lisa sun come here! "

"Such an ancient man? It's still there Ding Yu's words are so ironic!

"Still can play a considerable role! Tao Jin is now working in the hospital and has learned a lot of things around you! Sun Lisa has also gained considerable experience in these years. Don't look down on her, OK Suquan also has so many do not want to let!

"I'm still in the spotlight. There are not too few people around me! Third uncle, you can think about it yourself. "

"You've been so cruel in your previous attacks! No wonder people are staring at you! I'm afraid everyone needs to think about it carefully! " What about my nephew in Boston? I really don't know how to judge!Attacked, but what about the backhand? The United States and Britain's counterparts are destroyed, and before the extinction? Also played their hand, let everyone is quite speechless! Can you just kill it? As for that? Waste feelings and time!

But now there are no more people! It doesn't seem to be much use to say this! "I hear Bruno's coming along too? No wonder the fighter escort was a little bit big in the previous time

"In the end, we need to ensure the interests of some aspects. I entered the stadium a little early, so we are all interested in it! It's too late to enter now! The British side also takes care of it very closely. After all, it is their own thing! Do you think so? "

"No more gossiping! You have to talk to Su Yu! A little lighter, after all, is also his own brother, the original time has also given him to the whole enough choke! Now back! His sister-in-law found him a daughter-in-law, just like a little pepper. It's said that Su Yu was beaten several times! "

"It's not easy!" Ding Yu snorted softly!

"Yes! It's not easy! People always change. What about Su Yu? When I was little, I was still very cute! Even if my sister-in-law is a little bit spoiled, you are still in charge at home. It's a good thing, isn't it? Although your grandfather died! But everyone is a family! Can Suchen be alone? "

"Say it again! Who can say clearly what will happen in the future! "

Su Quan is very indifferent to this smile, his nephew has always been like this, this has been used to! So there is no other feeling, soon also get up to leave, there are other things to do, now I really have so many delays!

Just a couple of sentences! Care about everything, I can't do it myself!

Ding Yu has been in the room all the time. Now it's better! There's no one else! However, it is not appropriate for him to occupy this place. At this point, Ding Yu can be said to pay special attention to it. After all, his uncle is the eldest son of my grandfather. What kind of thing is it to occupy here by himself? Where to put uncle?

So Ding Yu also went out of the room. When he saw his uncle, he nodded slightly. Su Hai looked at his nephew and sighed. Although it was only a detail, this detail represented a lot of things! If placed on his son's body, can he notice these so-called details?

Blinking at Su Yu, Ding Yu goes to the wing room next to him! Su Yu's expression is so twisted! Han Ying behind looked at Su Yu, but also directly grabbed Su Yu's arm, almost dragging Su Yu forward! Su Hai has so many want to laugh, but also have quite sigh!

This daughter-in-law is still good. At least she can distinguish the priorities of things and know how to deal with them. She is not like her own son. There are so many twists and turns. If she doesn't dare to face such things, how can she support this family in the future?! Still need to find someone to watch him!

"Big brother!" Knock on the door with a cry!

Looking at the two people who came in, Ding Yu nodded his head and casually pointed to the position beside him. Han Ying sat down in a big and square way. As for Su Yu, he was a little nervous. Even when he sat down, he was half buttocks. When he looked at Ding Yu, he felt like he had to report his work!

"What are you going to do when you come back?"

"My father's gone! It's cool to walk away with tea Su Yu has so many complaints to say!

"So?" Ding Yu's attitude is still not salty! It's not like questioning, but it's not like caring. Anyway, it gives Han Ying a strange feeling! What's more, it's weird!

Moreover, Han Ying also noticed that, I don't know when, this big brother also took out a string of hands, and it was turning back and forth there. Moreover, the bracelet did not seem to be too expensive. It was not Chen Xiang or nanmu, or a string of common string. However, a small gourd the size of a nail looked good!

"Big brother! I don't know what to do? Now wait to get married! "

Ding Yu Er a, and then looked at Han Ying, from top to bottom to see a period of time, "you call small shadow?"

"Yes, big brother, I'm Han Ying!"

"Well! Fortune is not bad, in the future, I will restrain my temper and mood, and my liver will be hurt by fire! It hurts my lungs Ding Yu said, "I heard you two have been engaged?"

"It was to be engaged! I'm glad to hear that. I didn't expect such a thing to happen, so it was delayed

"The old man is dead! But we also need life! You can't stop! What happened then? Although it is said to be in the past! But it also made Su Yu suffer! He didn't tell you about it? "

"Not so much?" Han Ying said it simply!

"If you have a chance, let him speak for himself! In the end, it's just some stupid things! Young and frivolous, there are so some do not love themselves, from the The tone of his voice was not a lesson, but some consolation, "since you are ready to be engaged! As a big brother, I need to show something. Both of you can say something. What do you want? "Ah? What would you like? Han Ying feels abnormal difference! This tone is a little bit big?! I don't seem to have heard much about this elder brother, but it seems that Su Yu's appearance is so real!

"This courtyard?" Su Yu didn't even dare to look at Ding Yu, but said in a low voice!

Han Ying wanted to shout, but after a moment's hesitation, he took back the words he had said. If he said it, he would really not give Su Yu the face! Although two people's affairs have become! But it's not engaged yet! Right?

"This courtyard is not good. I have discussed with my uncle and uncle three before! In the future, the daily gathering at home will be here! At the same time, it's also a time for me to come and have a look when I miss my grandfather. There is always a place like that! You can pick one yourself! Just let me know when you're engaged

After saying that, he also looked at Han Ying. Su Yu, this guy, has so much no insight. He is too lazy to say anything, "what about you? What are you going to order? "

"Brother, I'm still an outsider. How can I open my mouth? Not in love and in reason! Anyway? Thank you, big brother! Su Yu and I will take care of what you give to Su Yu and me

"A little insight! That's it Then Ding Yu also took up the tea cup in his hand. Seeing this action, Su Yu didn't react much. However, Han Ying immediately stood up and even stepped on Su Yu secretly. "Big brother, there are things to be busy outside. Let's go out and have a look first."

Su Hai and Hua Xiaoying are both outside! Seeing Su Yu and Han Ying come out, their eyes are also so urgent. However, both of them are surprised. In terms of time, is it too short! What can we talk about in such a time?

"Uncle, aunt!" Han Ying first called out, but also looked at Su Yu. Seeing that he didn't speak, he said something in a low voice! That is to say, Han Ying just finished, Su Hai is also dead to bite his teeth, now he would like a slap in his face! This son of a bitch!

Hua Xiaoying is also feeling so helpless, his son! Siheyuan is even more expensive? What can we do? It's nothing more than some so-called money. Ding Yu, the child, opens his mouth. Is money a problem? The important thing is this human relationship. With this human relationship? More important than anything!

Or small shadow this child is more intimate, know what scene should say what words! Su Yu spoke! But Han Ying didn't open his mouth, which should give Ding Yu a good impression! Although the daughter-in-law has some problems, but there is no problem in the festival! He is a good boy!

"You son of a bitch?" Because there were other people around, so Su Hai suppressed his anger, and could only say in a low voice, "do you know how many people want to ask for such an opportunity? You can really open your mouth! Yes? When you go home, do you eat, you lack what you wear, or do you lack what you live in

But Han Ying seems to understand something at this time! But he stood on one side and thought for a while, then he comforted him and said, "uncle, auntie, you can't blame Su Yu for this matter. The appearance of elder brother makes people feel guilty and afraid. I don't know how it happened. I was also confused at that time! Don't know what to say? If I don't follow in, it may not be like this today! "

"Xiaoying, you did a good job, thanks to you for today's work!" Sighed a sentence, Su Hai also turned to leave! I need to find a place to calm down a little, my son is really not striving for success! Good opportunities are wasted! What can I do? Let him go in and change his words. It's not as simple as losing this man!

Hua Xiaoying also nodded to Han Ying, "Xiaoying, you have to work hard at night, so you'll stay here first! Su Yu, a child with so many impulses, can be more tolerant! What's the matter? Also wronged you first, I go to see your uncle, things a little bit more! I'm a little worried about his health! "

Looking at the leaving Su Hai and Hua Xiao Ying, Han Ying turns to look at Su Yu suspiciously, "go!"

"Why?" Su Yu did not have a good breath of hum, did not want to understand before, but now? How many already understood come over, oneself also really did not think big brother unexpectedly has set up a set for oneself, but oneself also really have nothing to say!

"Tell me about the big brother? I didn't hear you talk about it! And how did you meet big brother like a quail? Don't you dare to move? What was the first thing about it? "

"I'd like to move, but dare I? The lesson was profound enough! I don't want to do it again! " Although the matter is very humiliating, but Su Yu said it again. Of course, there are so many embellishments in this, but Han Ying is also dumbfounded!

"I'll go. You still have such a brave time, don't you see it?"

Su Yu is not stupid. Naturally, he heard the irony in the words. But now he really takes this girl. It's helpless, but really don't say, with her? I really feel a different taste!Damn it, I don't know if I'm really a masochist. I can stand such a woman!

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