At noon, Ding Yu had lunch alone. On the way to the study after lunch, Ding Yu seemed to suddenly think of something. He also dialed Wang An's phone with his mobile phone! "At school or at home?"

"Reading at home, so is my sister! But she's playing games! Not in this room! " Received this teacher's telephone, Wang An is quite surprised, has quite a long time has not contacted! I didn't expect that the teacher could make this call, "I heard about you! I've been working too hard lately

"Teacher, you praise me! I'm not a smart man. I only know how to work hard before! But now there is a certain direction, but also a considerable way, as well as the resources provided by teachers. If you don't work hard, some of them will feel sorry for themselves! " Although Wang An is young, but this speech, still really is the head and the road!

"There's nothing wrong with trying. It's also important to find your own way and method. But what's the first thing? It's better to set your own direction and make adjustments at an appropriate time. Try to be a bit more stupid than to be a so-called smart person, especially at your age! "

"Why?" Wang An is very puzzled to ask a!

"At your age? Will always show considerable ideas, always thinking that can go beyond, smart children? They will take some so-called opportunism. Is this right or wrong? Maybe it's right at this age, but in my opinion, it's not good for the growth of the whole future if we don't lay a good foundation at this age, but just show it on the surface! "

"I seem to understand a little bit!"

"It's best to understand. If you don't understand, it's no big deal!"

Wang An can't help but feel a tight back, the teacher's words like this, is not a good omen! "Teacher! I will be careful! I won't let you down! "

"Did you disappoint me? It's not important for you and your sister to disappoint your grandfather and sister? Is there any problem? "

"My sister's side is better. She is young after all, but my grandfather's side is sometimes good and bad!"

"Keep company with some old people. Sometimes they are old! The lack of affection is always family! See what I mean

"Yes, teacher, I'll take care of it."

Did Wang an listen? For Ding Yu, it's really important. What about some things? It's better not to leave any regrets! Hope Wang An can understand this truth, no matter how deep things, Ding Yu is not easy to say!

"Teacher, are you in China?" Wang an seems to suddenly wake up to something!

"I know a lot, that's all! But I will be very busy this time, if there is any problem, then you know how to deal with it! Housekeeper is a good choice! okay! That's it

Put down the phone, Ding Yu is also a little sigh! Some things! It's not as simple as you can imagine! I think it's right now, but it's wrong for Wang An. Maybe ten years later, Wang An will be another idea, but who knows? Sometimes I can't get out of the horn?

In the afternoon, Ding Yu received a notice, so when having dinner, Ding Yu didn't go to grandfather's courtyard! The children are back! However, one by one looks so withered, even children are the same! Taixi did not have any bias! Take good care of Tong Tong!

"Eat at home in the evening?"

"Yes! But you don't have to prepare! They'll be ready! " Ding Yu did not explain too much, but I believe that Taixi can understand the meaning of his words, "they did not make trouble today? Look at their faces? Doesn't seem to have too many states? "

"As soon as I didn't pay attention, I went to fight again!" Also did not deliberately point to who, anyway is pouts one's own mouth!

"Fighting again?" Ding Yu slightly lost his mind, and then Ding Yu also rubbed his fingers, "they seem to be in the grandfather and grandmother, at most go to the grandfather there, now this time to fight?"

"Ask your eldest daughter! She made a fuss about it! You can't pull it

"Did you admit you were wrong?" Ding Yu didn't really mean to blame, and even didn't mean to get angry too much. "There's a reason to fight for something! They will not fight for no reason, they are all children, there is nothing right or wrong

"Ask! I really don't know how to say it! " After that, Tai Xi also took a deep look at Ding Yu, which made Ding Yu feel at a loss. What happened? Why is Tai Xi such an expression? Does this matter have anything to do with myself?

Looking at the four children standing in front of him, Ding Yu didn't mean to punish them, but let them sit down! "I heard that just now! Fight? Because of what? After all, we need to talk about it and listen to it! It takes a process to judge right and wrong. I am not a result oriented person! "Looking at her father, she didn't seem to be angry. The little girl also pouted her mouth, "Dad, we went to our grandparents' place, but the children there said that dad was a wild species, and that he wanted to covet the quadrangle! Even the things of my ancestors are greedy down! We were angry, so we went to reason with them. They also started to push Tong Tong and Xiao Gang to the ground! In that case, we started! "

Ding Yu blinked his eyes. It was for his own reputation that he suffered such a thing! However, the details will not be as simple as imagined. How can my son and daughter not understand it at all!

Why did the two of them not fall down, but Tongtong and Xiaogang were pushed? But Ding Yu didn't really mean to go into details! Two little guys have their own considerations? This is something to be happy about!

I can't understand the reason, so we also began to use fists to solve the problem! Children are more intuitive!

"Now I should be criticizing you? Or should you be praised? Praise words, after all, is the family's children, in other people's eyes, I have some deliberately spoiled you! But what about criticism? It seems that there are so many unreasonable ah! Because you are to give me a face, so I really have some embarrassment

"Dad, we'll have beef sauce in the evening!" The little girl said with her little face!

Ding Yu's face also showed a little smile, "how? Let me cut you beef? " Ding Yu also did not mention whether the previous thing was right or wrong. Ding Yu also stood up and looked at the four children who were still sitting there. Ding Yu looked back and said, "let's go! I have something else to do in the evening, but I have time now! "

Wow, the four children also cried, even Tong Tong was the same, almost to keep Ding Yu's thigh! One year old and four children came to the kitchen. The steward was still puzzled. However, after knowing the situation, he took the beef as soon as possible!

Ding Yu took up the kitchen knife and pulled a knife flower in his hand. Then the meat was cut manually. It was not thick. It could be said that it was very thin. After cutting, Ding Yu put the beef on the plate! But this time Ding Yu also noticed that the four little guys had already washed their hands!

Ding Yu has such a habit, the children also inherited such a good habit!

No chopsticks, no knives and forks, direct to start! Ding Yu is also shaking his head, but before leaving, he also carried two pieces and put them in his mouth! As a pleasure, seeing Tai Xi in the room, Ding Yu also smiles, "OK! Don't be angry! I heard that! Take it as a kid's joke! Take care of it! It seems too serious and careful, as if nothing knows

"Some are too bullying!" Tai Xi is still very dissatisfied with the said! "You can say anything like that!"

"The third uncle must not be here. Where's mother? Wang Yang, Xiao Bao and Su Chen, including Su Yu, should not be here. They have already gone to rest at this time! But my uncle and aunt are not here either? "

Tai Xi was a little puzzled, but still shook his head. "Uncle and aunt are not here. My mother is busy with some things about my grandfather. My uncle and aunt are out there! I didn't ask what it was! I didn't come back when I left anyway! "

"Too big a family? There are all kinds of birds. The question is whether my uncle can keep things down now, but what if we talk about them? Too much good and bad are intermingled! That's why we've come up with such a result, and we'll see them from the same perspective? There are really some who can't make it and can't make it. Because of this, give them two slaps in the face? "

"I'm afraid you're upset in your heart!" Taixi also has some worries about it! "If you do something? I don't have anything to say about this, but you didn't do anything and even paid a lot to get such a result? What do you mean, people are good at being bullied, and horses are good at being ridden? "

"You don't have to be so extreme, they are! Just want to make a fuss on purpose, and me? Is the most suitable target, people! When it comes to self-interest? After all, I can't be myself. Everyone is the same, including me! But you don't need to worry about it. If you have to put such things in your mind, I'm afraid it's already smoking! "

"Not really angry?"

"Why are you angry? The mouth is on other people's bodies. There is nothing we can do about it! What people are willing to say! How to say, is behind or in front of people and so on! We can't interfere, at the same time, I don't want to do too much interference, just say it! Did they say that! What can be done? "

"But it is harmful to your reputation. I dare to say so now. Who knows what to say in the future?"

"Fame! Say it is valuable or very valuable, but say it is not worth it? It's nothing at all Ding Yu didn't really mean, "so there's no need to worry about anything. Things will be solved in the end. Don't worry! It's not as serious as you thinkWhen suhai and his wife came back, they had not heard of it. However, after Su Yu and his little couple arrived, the news was passed on to the suhai couple's ears! After hearing this, Su Hai also patted the table heavily! There was so much anger in the whole man!

However, it is not aimed at his own son. Although he said that his son was not so strong, he had spoken to him not long ago. Even when Su Yu and his younger couple asked for it, Ding Yu did not hesitate! But this thing is more secret, now no one else knows!

As for why Su Yu could know such a thing? The reason is too simple! I didn't expect it! This group of people in the family are so unbearable. What's wrong with saying that the boss is a wild species? what do you mean? If the Wang family knew this, what would they think?

What else do you want to say? This courtyard is the boss, OK? It's just to let my father have a good rest, so I gave it to my father! Even the boss didn't want to take it back. He stayed in memory of his father, but the rest of the family came up with such rumors!

There are so many people in the family. Besides, Ding Yu doesn't like to deal with the family! We really don't know much about each other. We should know that even if we are our own uncle, we haven't been able to meet Ding Yu several times in a year, let alone others!

But really want to say Ding Yu this child does not have the affection at all, it seems that is not such a thing? It's just that the expression of this child is a little different! Like Suchen? The relationship between him and Ding Yu is very unusual!

As for why such things have been circulated, do you still need to say? This courtyard is not as big as Ding Yu's! But after all, it's also inside the capital, and what about this location? Also extraordinary! If really hang out, it is an astronomical number, can we not be envious?

What a pity! Besides, Su Hai really doesn't know what to say! They just saw the interests in front of them. Even for such a small profit, they deliberately splashed dirty water on Ding Yu's body! It's really hard enough to do, even deliberately through children to promote this matter!

If they can apply all these so-called careful thoughts to the right path, what will happen? Su Hai is also quite emotional about this! Next to the big aunt's face is also so some embarrassed! Su Yu and his little couple made a slight wink, so that they could not be impatient. What about this matter? They can't care!

What if it was other times? Su Hai will press a little, but at this time, Su Hai is also very tough! The parents of these children have been called over, at this time of mischief! It's to smear the face of the whole Su family. If anyone doesn't want to, go quickly! There's no one left here!

Su Yuan was shivering when he knew about it! It's no big deal to say that the eldest brother is greedy for quadrangles. At least it's understandable. But when you say that your son is a wild animal, you can't accept it emotionally. The boss is just lost. What's the relationship with his mother's wild seed?

"Little sister, please calm down. I'm dealing with this matter. Although it's my father's war, it can't happen at home. It's not as simple as a child's fighting a bad battle. I want to see who is so shameless!"

"Brother, I'm a married girl from the truth. I shouldn't talk much about family affairs, but what about this? It's involved in the Wang family. It's hard to hear. No one knows whether this matter will be passed on with such a bad taste now! " Although Su Yuan is very angry, but now still maintain quite reasonable!

"I'm not with the third, and you are not, even the younger generation at home? Most of them are not. Under such circumstances, the news spread out really has some meaning! "

"I'm going to call the boss. What about things like that? I don't know what he thinks

He didn't worry about his brother and sister-in-law. Su Yuan took out his mobile phone directly. However, Ding Yu's mobile phone was not connected at all. There was not much difference from the previous time. However, the landline phone got through at the first time! Answer the phone is not an outsider, but their own granddaughter, listen to her voice seems to be no big obstacle!

"Go back?! I heard you had a fight today! " Su Yuan is also very concerned about that!

"Hee hee!" The little girl was also embarrassed and said, "I've already told my father! Dad is not too unhappy, let us realize some of the problems, we also reflect on the previous mistakes! I was eating, grandma. Are you coming? There are a lot of good things in the house. They are delicious

"I will not go there! There are other things, dad? Let him answer the phone

"Grandma, wait a minute!" The little girl didn't call her father. She was a little far away, and then she transferred the phone to her father's room! Wait for the phone over there! The little girl also hung up the phone the first time!"Mother! Why did you call? "

"Cell phone doesn't work! So it's just a landline! "

"I heard that when the four of them came back! It's no big deal , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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