"The situation is so serious! Is there no way to recover it? What is the thinking of the Congress, including the senior management? " Jensen realized the problem!

"No way, it's already started! Now I think some people should have understood! Why is Ding Yu unable to move! He's not saying there's no action, he's waiting! Waiting for a so-called opportunity! What about all the previous actions against him? It's just that he made the fog! Is to attract everyone's attention! And Ding Yu has indeed done this. He has attracted the attention of all the people to him, and even we are so involuntarily

Jensen clenched his fist. "Did he fool all of us? What's more, it's still playing with the stock market? "

It is a stupid act to fight with Ding Yu, but Wesley will never say it! "The question is what the outcome of the referendum in China will be, whether it is for brexit or against brexit! If they are in favor of brexit, then what about Ding Yu? Maybe it's not as simple as making a fortune! What if it is against brexit? Ding Yu's layout will really be in vain, there is no significance! "

"Is brexit so serious?"

"Is it not a serious or not serious problem, brexit? Is an inevitable choice! All the people concerned understand this When it comes to explaining, it's not right to be patient! These guys in China! Pig teammate! For the sake of the so-called political interests, we ignore the others at all! "

Jensen is not stupid. Naturally, she understands the truth. For the whole UK, brexit is an inevitable choice. However, how to leave Europe and what kind of way it needs to be adopted is a very serious problem! But what about this in China? There are quite a few problems in the way we take it!

"What should we do?" Jensen didn't pay any attention. This is not his specialty!

"What to do?" Wesley gave a wry smile. "What can we do? We are here to stare at Ding Yu, but the problem is that Ding Yu has nothing to do. What's more, it is still a tripartite situation. What can we do? "

To be exact, it is not to say that there is no movement, there is really quite a movement, but how to say this? It would be better if there is no movement. In this situation, there is no way to move, because the initiative is not in their hands!

What are the main reasons for this situation? It's not because the leaders of the above command blindly and see Ding Yu, just like mosquitoes see blood, they don't care about anything else at all! In their opinion, if Ding Yu is solved, all problems will be solved? But how could it be so simple?

But now their hair is not long Qi, and on the current situation! Their side is not to play any role, want the so-called involvement? Think of yourself as a little too high! Now he can be equal with Ding Yu, that is just because Ding Yu doesn't pay attention to this matter! Otherwise, why hasn't he shown up yet?

Even Ding Yu's safety supervisor didn't show up? At most, it is because song Tianren and his several are not so mature, so give me some advice! Under such circumstances, what else do you want to do if you can stabilize the so-called situation? What else? Do you really regard yourself as capable people?

"That is to say, we can't do anything, we can only watch and watch Jensen was very dissatisfied. "We are in Boston, but similarly, Ding Yu seems not to be in England any more! Let's report the situation to the top! "

"You don't think there's anything on the headquarters side? This problem is not as simple as you think! It also involves many problems! " Wesley couldn't help shaking his head, Jensen! There are still some too tender!

"Headquarters detected it? Why do we still have such problems? "

"The headquarters felt that Ding Yu was a problem many years ago, so what?" Wesley asked, standing in his own position, should not say such a thing, but how could he be so frustrated! You, Jensen, are also in action. If you can't kill people! At least a little bit of thinking, right?

Don't mention that Jensen was really tied to the south wall by Wesley's words. Britain recognized the problem in this respect from a long time ago, or made preparations in this respect. But how could the United States intervene in it, which made the relationship between Britain and Ding Yu extremely deteriorated!

And the United States is good! Between now and Ding Yu, it's called hot in the dark. Why is it so? It is not because of their interests that they have thrown Britain out. Since there are people who are trying to stop the harm, why do they still want to go forward? Isn't it better to hide behind the scenes? So Britain is very sad now!

The so-called one careless loss, is such a situation!

"Or not?" Jensen said tentatively!"Do you want to talk to song Tianren?" Wesley snorted slightly. "It's useless. It's not that we can't afford it. It doesn't have anything to do with it! But there is no role, Ding Yu played a considerable role, you know, we even found Mr. Ding Yu Ding? What about the others? "

Yeah! What can be done? Maybe kidnapping Ding Yu is a good choice!

But what about the ferocious security under his hand? I have dealt with them, so many people go to fill in the pit, but in the end, there is no way? Of course, the weapons and equipment between each other are very different, but there is no place to reason with such things!

"We are just waiting here, watching domestic problems without saying a word?"

"Now it's a good opportunity to do something to Ding Yu!" Wesley said sarcastically, "but the question is, do you want to unite with the United States? The current situation has become a tripartite structure. We can't move, nor can the United States. Can Ding Yu move us? Will it affect the US side? It's impossible! "

Jensen felt a little upset that the situation was even more difficult than she had imagined? Did you move before? But if you look at it in reverse, it's too bold! Even wasted the best opportunity! If there is action at this time, then the situation will absolutely change!

"Do you want us to do something else?" Jensen is still making the last effort!

"If you make a report at this time, I'm sure it's not such a simple scolding!" Wesley said confidently, "at such a critical moment, let's fight against Ding Yu again! To put it mildly, the whole department of intelligence and management is up against the difficulties, but on the contrary, it's your own death! And it's pulling everybody to die together! "

"If you want to die, you have to wait for death!"

"You don't understand me! Our intelligence department can no longer bear this black pot! Although Ding Yu didn't mean to pick up the matter, someone will remember that he attacked Ding Yu earlier. If Ding Yu's plan succeeds this time, it's hard to say whether our intelligence department will bear the brunt! If it is better, then it is cleaning. As for the bad result? It may be a split, or even a final reorganization! "

"No! The whole intelligence department has been reorganized? " Jensen's pupils are beginning to dilate! Obviously, Wesley's prediction made him a little shocked! Is this really going to happen? Can't you?

"You haven't been to that position, at least not so much! Ding Yu had a good time in England, but some people deliberately made bad use of it! As a result, the relationship between the British Empire and Ding Yu was extremely tense. Ding Yu was originally a character who was ready to report his revenge. Could he tolerate such anger? It's impossible. In the years of confrontation with Ding Yu, I don't think you don't know what happened to the intelligence department! "

"How many actions have been taken against Ding Yu? The others don't know that much! "

"You know what you don't know. Ding Yu doesn't mean that he has no friends in Britain. Even though the weight is not generally large, there has not been too many voices. Why? We just see the surface, but what about the actual surface? There are too many things, but there is no way to say them! "

Of course, Wesley could not tell Jensen that there was even Royal involvement. Otherwise, Ding Yu's actions would never be so secret, and even the domestic situation would not be so erosive? But the question is you and Jensen? It's not completely in sync. It's OK to pass on the attitude of some aspects through him, but absolutely can't disclose it!

What's more, the old man behind him has transmitted a lot of things to himself. Look at this situation? It seems that there are some things to explain later. Is it because of Bruno? The headquarters has always been investigating this matter, and has never given up. It seems that the person behind him can not bear the pressure!

Maybe even when, it will be cleared up! It's just Lucas? It's not so important, but the question is how much the royal family occupies. If the royal family has a considerable proportion, the one behind him is! It's not going to be too good! Not even a good reputation in the end!

Leave yourself some things, but these things can play a big role, I really don't know, and there is something that I told myself, can I really do it? Now I don't mean that I'm frustrated, but I feel really sleepy! This kind of difficulty even has so some can not see the end feeling!

Looking at the dull Wesley, Jensen didn't mean to disturb him too much. He went to his own office soon, but after pondering for a while, he reported some news! Jason also hopes to see some opinions and opinions from the headquarters!

Is Wesley right or wrong? I have a tendency, but my tendency doesn't play any role at all. In other words, I'm in action. If I want to get involved in other things, I don't want to die fast enough, so I deliberately take risks?There is no concern from the British headquarters for Wesley and Jensen, but now it seems that other hints are no longer useful? What can be done? No one is a fool to continue to let Jensen take the so-called action. The intelligence department will be the first to bear the brunt, and then it will be the enemy of all intelligence officers!

Now there is a referendum in Britain. What can the intelligence and governance department do? stop? How to stop it? Don't stop? Just watching? It seems that there is quite something wrong, but now we are in a dilemma! We'll know what Jensen reported! Wesley still has considerable insight!

After such a long time with Ding Yu, it's not for nothing! There's something real under my hand! He was supposed to be in charge of Boston in the first place, Lucas and Jensen? Now, there is no problem in implementing the intention, but in other aspects, it is far from satisfactory! It's not a class at all!

But what about regret now? It's no big deal to be cheated by Ding Yu, because this is a common thing, and has been getting used to it! But what about the fact that the United States has made a dent in it? We should have cooperated with each other and understood each other. But what's your conscience about us?

As long as we are just getting better, what about your "ally"? Either it's not a stab in the back, or it's a stumbling block. Then there's such an ally! Even the opponent is not so!

"Jensen? What's up with Wesley? "

Wesley has been depressed for such a long time without any inquiry. Now I think of it, there are some problems. Whether it is the special information from the headquarters or outside, it can be said that there are thousands of horses in silence. What about Wesley? It seems that it is not brilliant, but it is more because of the pressure from the headquarters, not because of the ability!

"I'm quite upset. I'm still very distressed and even worried about this matter. But I don't know how to deal with it now. I suggest we go to find song Tianren, but from the current situation, we haven't seen any so-called results, and the situation is so difficult to handle!" The last word? It expresses his own meaning and has nothing to do with Wesley!

"Let Wesley have a simple communication! Although it doesn't play a very important role, I think it should be able to alleviate the rigid relationship between each other. There are too few channels of communication now! "

The headquarters side also implicitly expressed the opinions and ideas among them. Sasha couldn't find it at all, but what about Charlie? There has never been any so-called contact with the intelligence department. What's more, people are also those who rely on the royal family. Really, if we say that their background and power are not as good as those of the emotion management department, they will not kill you at all!

So what's the channel to get in touch with Ding Yu? Basically, only Wesley from Boston is left! At least they can talk with Ding Yu now. Although they have not had a fight with Ding Yu, what about that? At least during the period of Ding Yu's return, not many people have such treatment!

But Ding Yu and Jin in the apartment are a little calm at this time!

"Sir, there seem to be so many people who can't sit down in England!" Jin Ruo looks at the scenery outside! "It is said that Wesley's personal spirit has suffered considerable setbacks. Obviously, the referendum in Britain still has a considerable impact on him, and I'm afraid this influence can not be eliminated in a moment and a half!"

"Wesley felt the problem of the referendum! Although their action is very big, even has the quite influence, but inside already is empty! It's not only that they didn't have any effect, but also brought the royal family in. Now the enemy we are facing is not only disgusting, but also simple! "

If the British royal family really rises, it will not be a big blow to all aspects. How will we face it then? You know, in order to give up the royal family and the aristocracy, paid too much, but now, all of the things may be in vain!

If this really happened, then the urgent need to put the contradiction between Ding Yu and a little let go! The contradiction with Ding Yu? Although very big! But after all, it's just a matter of interest and face. But what about the royal family? It's not just about interests and faces! Ding Yu this guy! It's definitely a pit.

You fall into the pit yourself, that's all! Why do you have to drag us in? If you drag it in, it's okay? Why should we bring out the royal family, which should be the old vinegar from the history museum? Smoke everyone?

Let Ding Yu put it on! The problem now is how to prevent the royal family from reviving again. If the royal family really revives, the problem is really too big! Will let a lot of people have so some can not bear!

But how to prevent a resurgence of royalty? You know, you really don't think about this aspect of the problem! Because in the past, this is impossible, not only the retrogression of history is so simple, ordinary people can not accept it! But now this problem has come out! And the timing is so good!Grasp the so-called handle? How to catch it? Who's going to leave a clue like this for you to catch?

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