Not to mention, Wesley still has two brushes, at least his guess still has a certain direction, but Wesley also has considerable doubts! Ding Yu is suddenly up now. What is the reason for this evil taste? Never for no reason!

As far as I know, Ding Yu has always been reluctant to deal with these so-called troublesome things. Although he has been attacked, he has not paid much attention to it and even tolerated it. Under such circumstances, Ding Yu has suddenly become so free. Is it possible that he has really become so idle?

In other words, Ding Yu's work has already been completed! At this time, Ding Yu is a little too idle! Since there is nothing, then find something for yourself to do, not to say there is no such possibility! And the possibility of this aspect is very big!

Wesley felt his head was a little big, and it was about to turn into paste! I know that Ding Yu is difficult to deal with, but I never thought that this guy is so difficult to deal with, so he can't stop?

It's not right. He's been quite quiet recently!

"Jason, we seem to be in trouble!" With a sigh of relief, Wesley said seriously!

"We've never had less trouble? How about that? " Jensen make complaints about it, don't you know this?

Sometimes, Jensen would like to run directly into the apartment, directly shoot Ding Yu's head, and then fire another shot in his head. Everything is done and all the problems are solved. Would it be better?

"I misunderstood what I mean. Previously, we went all out to find Mr. Ding's troubles, but Mr. Ding didn't pay any attention to our meaning. Now Mr. Ding seems to be interested in something! It's just that Mr. Ding is not looking for trouble with us, but directly looking for trouble in the headquarters. That's why I said the problem is serious! "

Wesley, who has spoken, also solemnly nodded his head. Judging from his appearance, it seems that he is very sure?!

But for Jensen, it felt like a thunderclap in her head! What? What do you say? Did Ding Yu come to their trouble? This is not a joke, is it? Although they find a lot of trouble Ding Yu, but does not mean that the reverse can also be!

Because they're not of the same magnitude, OK? I'm not even a featherweight! And Ding Yu? It's just the heavyweight type. Maybe you'll become paste after one punch!

It's true that he is not angry with Ding Yu, and even has a certain intention to kill him. However, Jensen still understands the gap between them. It is because she understands it now! So Jensen felt as if her back had become a flowing river!

For Jensen's performance, Wesley felt very strange. As far as he knew, this guy had always been rebellious. At that time, he said he would have started! There is no hesitation at all. How can he say two words now? Is it hard for him to be frightened by Ding Yu?

"Doesn't he have a job of his own?" Jensen didn't know how to say it!

"What if the work is done?" Wesley also asked a question, and then looked at Jensen with an idiot's eyes!

"Mr. Ding didn't have so much time before, but it doesn't mean he doesn't have any time at all! China has given Mr. Ding a lot of assists. Why doesn't he take advantage of such a chance? "

“WTF!” Jensen scolded fiercely!

"It's no use swearing, or think about how to operate Next!" Wesley seems to have some old gods at this time! "However, I would like to say that it is absolutely inappropriate to go to Mr. Ding Yuding's trouble at this time. At least I doubt it seriously."

"What about the headquarters? Can't they give any support? "

For a long time, Jensen always obeyed the orders of the headquarters and gave no answer to Wesley. But what about his own fate? It was Wesley who brought it back, and now Wesley is in charge of the British forces in Boston. He is in charge, so he needs to give considerable face. That's all! I really am not afraid of him!

"Over at headquarters?" Wesley couldn't help shaking his head. "There's no need to think about the headquarters! They are also very contradictory now! "

Because Ding Yu does not have any certainty, there is no way to guess Ding Yu's actions and behaviors. Under such circumstances, what actions can they have? Let alone their own affairs at the headquarters! referendum! Internal investigation, as well as their own work and so on, these are enough to make them have no way to get rid of!

"On us? Is it enough for Ding Yu to slap? We're going to be meat sauce! "

Jensen feels a deep despair. For Ding Yu, she is not even an ant, OK? If it's not because people feel that they have a little bit of use, maybe they are now? Already watching in heaven!"Just you and me, the people below have considerable ability to move, but if you let them get involved in this matter, do you think they have any other role besides being able to act as cannon fodder?"

Cannon fodder? Jensen looked at Wesley rather bitterly, which was a little ungrateful! It seems that he is also a cannon fodder, but this cannon fodder may be a little more advanced! But do you need to be so direct?

But Wesley, through his dialogue with Jensen, and seeing his movements and expressions, realized that Jensen was almost half useless now! Mr. Ding Yuding hasn't made a move yet! Jensen's psychology has been hit by all kinds of holes. If Mr. Ding makes a move, I'm afraid it will not be so simple!

"I think this matter needs to be reported to the headquarters."

"Yes!" Wesley also nodded. He didn't need too many forces now. With so many people here, he was already moving. Now he needs a good reputation. He can't be too outstanding, too excellent and easy to show up. At that time, no one will protect himself, and the wind will destroy it!

The old man behind his back, his present situation can be said to be extremely bad, expect him? Will not have any effect, even with their own also have so some doubts, this time the storm! He didn't see how much he could hide! Even if it is to hide, I am afraid there will be quite a problem!

If it is the investigation conducted by the headquarters, I believe that there should be no problem with his power. At least so far, although there are some clues, these so-called clues are not enough to become lethal evidence.

But if Mr. Ding Yuding gets involved, things can't be treated so simply! Is it true that he really wants to wash away his grievances? Don't think too simple! Do you want to say that the stain on Mr. Ding's body is still small? A lot! But why did Mr. Ding have such an interest this time?

Now the contact between Wesley and the headquarters is more frequent! To be sure, there are not many ways to deal with Ding Yu from the headquarters. Although Wesley doesn't have many good methods, at least he can barely maintain or even maintain considerable stability in the process of competition with Ding Yu. This is really important!

"Wesley, you mean Ding Yu wants us to mess ourselves up?"

Looking at the people on the screen, Wesley also nodded, "I think so. Maybe Mr. Ding's layout has been completed! At least it should be basically completed! So he's quite free now! I can't think of any other possibility except for this reason! "

"With a dead Lucas, it doesn't seem to work that much?"

Just after finishing the words, someone on the screen expressed serious dissatisfaction, but they didn't speak, but their eyes were really not good! And Lucas is not one of you, so this talk is so light?

"The following is only my personal analysis, which does not represent universality!" Before speaking, Wesley also took the initiative to plug his loophole! "Lucas's death? It was an earlier thing, but who did it? Is he Mr. Ding's collaborator? What's more? Is Lucas dead because of Mr. Ding's plot? "

Finally, Wesley can't be too straightforward. Like a joke, can't he directly say that Lucas died of factional strife? If I really said that! But it's not far from death! I don't want to have such a result! At that time, no one can bear to put on a hat that destroys internal unity!

But the people sitting in the office are all millennial old foxes. Naturally, they understand what the hidden meaning of Wesley's words is? Think about it, it seems that this is really the case!

What about the man who killed Lucas? Either Ding Yu's collaborators or factional strife.

But no matter which one it is, it is a very troublesome thing! However, an old man sitting in the office was quite satisfied with Wesley's statement. Now it is equivalent to forcing the intelligence department to make a choice. Do you want to continue to review Lucas's affairs?

What about the ongoing review? The problem may be diversified. If it is Ding Yu's collaborator, such a big mine! It's going to blow up the entire intelligence department! But if it's factional strife, it's not as simple as you think! The star of the future will be eliminated directly! Will there be any other means in the future?

At that time, we should not only guard against external pressure, but also be careful of our peers? Under such circumstances, how can we unite with each other? Impossible thing to do! But we all fight for each other, only a piece of loose sand!

And the other people in the office, this time is also the heart inside murmur, this Ding Yu! Damn it, you have to play with your financial leverage! Just investigate Lucas! Are you really free now?

Now we are faced with a choice! Should we temporarily close the so-called investigation?Although all the people in the office are the leaders of the intelligence department, no one dares to jump on this topic. Even Wesley on the screen has no intention to print this topic! I haven't done that on the table yet. If I say this, I can only keep myself away from that position!

If you want to deal with Ding Yu and the royal family in the future, it is very important for you to sit on that chair!

"Wesley, to put it another way, if Ding Yu investigates anything? What would Ding Yu know about him? "

Yeah? Wesley thought for a while, "it's hard to guess Mr. Ding's mind. I haven't seen Mr. Ding until now, so it's hard to make this calculation. However, Mr. Ding will never give up such an opportunity easily, or even deliberately hide it. For Mr. Ding, burying a mine is more effective than detonating a mine!"

Yeah! Bury a mine? It is more effective than placing 100 mines on the surface, because the deterrent effect is completely different! Because we don't know when the mine will be detonated and how it will be detonated!

"Wesley, you have a rest!"

The video was shut down the first time! Then several old guys in the room also looked at each other, "everybody! After so many cleaning, I do not believe so much that you will be Ding Yu's eye liner. But I also believe that this matter is definitely more than internal strife

"That is to say, whatever the outcome of the survey? We're all going to fall into a passive situation! "

"Not bad!" The people sitting in the middle also knocked on the table with their hands, which attracted everyone's attention. "Ding Yu is definitely not a person who aims at nothing. What is the purpose of his doing this? It's not as simple as getting us into trouble and confusion! He just wants to make us confused. He can win in chaos

"Sealed investigation is not a simple matter!"

The person sitting in the middle also snorted, "if this guy is Ding Yu's collaborator, what do you think is the reason why he killed Lucas in such a way? Because what evidence does Lucas have against Ding Yu? Or did you grasp the handle of Ding Yu? Or did he know who was Ding Yu's agent? "

What a joke! No possibility of any kind! What about Lucas' death? There must be quite a reason, but whatever it is? It will never be because there is Ding Yu's internal agent!

Of course, there must be Ding Yu's agent in the whole information management department, but this one will never go to a position. They may also exist at the bottom or middle level, and there is no need to go up again!

Why is it unnecessary? There is quite a misunderstanding in this, because the investment is not directly proportional to the payment. Ding Yu is not in line with the emotion management department, but there is no need to infiltrate the whole information management department. What about the same intelligence management department? It is impossible to deal with Ding Yu with all his strength!

What can Ding Yu do even if he controls the British intelligence department? At most, it's just to avoid several so-called attacks, and Ding Yu has no idea of dominating the country!

From this point of view, even if Ding Yu has his own internal affairs at the top, he does not have much effect at all, but on the contrary? But we have to pay a considerable price! And the price is not even meaningful!

"Set a pattern for Lucas?"

's previous investigation of Lucas's affairs has really consumed the energy of the Department. Even if what was investigated last, it basically didn't have much meaning and made certain things clear. But what about these things? It is likely that Ding Yu has no connection with it!

So at the first time, people also agreed! There is no way to choose, they want to find out the reason, but planning and change have always played a considerable role!

For the old man behind Wesley, of course, this is good news, but everything has two sides. From the perspective of the investigation, it is good news of course, but it is just a temporary escape!

Because his side is still affected by Ding Yu, so that he could have sat down, but now he has to move! What about this so-called moving? Maybe it's the royal family!

Wesley is his own successor, and he has a very high standard of performance. Even the next step may be to walk into this office and sit with everyone! But can you make him fight? impossible! So only oneself take the lead to go up! Only myself! Only then may resolve certain crisis!

It's not good news, but it's not bad news either. Ding Yu just moved his mouth, but let the information management department lower his so-called noble head willingly. Such a thing is really not a general one!

And in Ding Yu's study, Jin is the first time to get the information to Ding Yu!

"Sir, their reaction is a little more than you can imagine!""There's nothing beyond imagination. It's just that the two powers are harming each other and taking the lighter one." Ding Yu's answer is very confident!

"Are they aware of the danger? It's just an investigation into Lucas However, king also slightly nodded his head, which was obviously in agreement with Mr. Wang. He said, "I didn't expect that they suddenly became so alert now. Are they really some unexpected people behind Lucas? I should be very happy

"Ha ha! I haven't seen it Ding Yu touched the tip of his nose, "his heart is not happy now. From my personal judgment, there should be some panic!"

After hearing what he said, Kim also considered it, and then he tentatively said, "Sir, do you mean that he needs to automatically come up to the front desk and confront the royal family?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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