In the morning, Ding Yu received a phone call. In the evening, he had already arrived in London. This speed is a little bit faster! And grasp this time, when the morning calls Ding Yu just got up, when the evening came, Ding Yu just came back, everything is just right, William has made arrangements for Ding Yu in this respect.

Wang Jianguo is really the first time he saw William. He did the most appropriate treatment when he was at the airport. He even had to follow him. Other things were handled by the foreigner. Ding Yu is still very good at enjoying it. Is this the so-called British housekeeper? I little interesting.

Seeing Ding Yu back, William simply reported something, and then he became invisible, because he was very clear that at this time, he did not need him to continue to stay here. Ding Yu looked at the gift brought by Wang Jianguo, and said in a funny way, "third brother, as for such exaggeration? It's kind of incredible! "

The gift gives people a feeling of being so miserable. Then Ding Yu took the gift in his hand. After watching it for a period of time, he also put it down. Then he opened the dry red of the Great Wall in front of Wang Jianguo. However, Ding Yu tasted it slightly, because Ding Yu didn't have much interest in it.

Wang Jianguo also knows that there must be something wrong with the red wine, but he has no idea what the problem is. "I came here for the last time. There are more people involved in it. Now it's quite stiff. Even the elders behind me also stand up. Children fight and drag their parents out. It's a shame!"

"I say you are so disdainful?" Ding Yu also said jokingly, "really, I seem to have been implicated by you. Now I always need to give me some explanation in this respect."

"Didn't I step into an official career?" Wang Jianguo also explained the reason for this: "at the beginning, I didn't have much interest in this aspect, and my family didn't have too many ideas about it. But now that I have stepped into the official career, what is the result is still unknown, but I need to feel the pressure!"

"That is to say, it has nothing to do with Mao, I am just a bad luck guy!"

Ding Yu's words are somewhat straightforward, but what about the whole thing? It has been pointed out that this matter had nothing to do with Ding Yu. It was just a contest of official career. However, no one thought that there was such a great energy behind Ding Yu's back, so there was a deviation in this contest.

Even the military has been involved, which also makes some people feel stern, especially Zhong Yun. Even now, they have not understood who Ding Yu is. For them, the defeat this time is a little bit big. In retrospect, it seems that they were caught in a trap from the beginning.

However, it was a little late to wake up, and on this issue, Ding Yu's evacuation was relatively fast, and after Ding Yu left, what about the military about this issue? Also expressed silence, it is clear that the Wang family also felt that the problem here is more serious, so after solving some problems, Wang Jianguo also personally ran over.

Wang Jianguo is obviously under pressure from some aspects. Although Wang Jianguo has been prepared for this aspect, what about the pressure? Wang Jianguo also felt that he couldn't bear it. He could fight with Zhong Yun and Xia Yang behind him. But it was a serious mistake to bring Ding Yu in.

Wang Jianguo can't withstand the pressure, so he can only find Ding Yu, an old friend. What about Ding Yu's situation? It's not as concerned about domestic affairs as I imagined? I am more cautious, because some things are not clear and unclear, and will never appear on the surface of the water.

Ding Yu tried his best not to get involved in this matter. Even before the military came forward, Ding Yu took the initiative to leave. This also made the military feel a little bit of a problem. Ding Yu was trained by the military, and the power in his hand is needed by the military, which can not be ignored.

"I see!" Ding Yu already knows what Wang Jianguo means. What about the red wine he brought? He also consumed most of them. Even Ding Yu even took two bottles of red wine. Although Ding Yu didn't drink, he still had this kind of storage at home. Finally, Wang Jianguo seemed to be drunk.

Anyway, Ding Yu has a spare room here, and he doesn't mean to let Wang Jianguo leave. However, Wang Jianguo doesn't come alone. Of course, William also helps a lot in the process. The housekeeper does this. What about Ding Yu? I went back to the building to read a book and sort out the pathology. It seems that there is no difference with the previous life.

In fact, there is no problem with red wine, but the above can be interpreted in a unique way. This way is the way of contact in the army at the beginning. Even in the original team, there were few people who would meet. Ding Yu had to take on more posts, so he made an exception.

I didn't expect that this time it would be used on this. This is the message sent by the military to Wang Jianguo. To a certain extent, Wang Jianguo can cover up many problems. The wine is not afraid of any inspection. Even if it is drunk, there is no need to hide the empty bottle.From the perspective of Wang Xuyu's visit to the United Kingdom, it seems that Wang's visit to the United Kingdom is very personal? This should be the main purpose of Wang Jianguo's coming here.

However, at this slightly special time, the British side still needs to carefully consider some problems. There are so many coincidences that Wang Jianguo came to. Especially at this time, is it possible that China has conveyed something to Ding Yu? This issue still needs the British side to pay attention to.

If the investigation fails to come out, it does not mean that there are no problems. There are many ways of communication, only those you can't think of. There is nothing you can't do without being hungry. The information management department is very clear about this. Now you just need to stare at Ding Yu. Other aspects don't need so much attention. It's also a test for Ding Yu!

What about this problem? It's really that I feel that there are some thorny problems. First of all, the news is passed on by the military. To a certain extent, it's also a kind of test for myself. Whether he agrees or not is a problem. In terms of reason, Ding Yu was trained by the military. From the emotional point of view, he is really reluctant to give up.

So although there are some difficulties, Ding Yu still hopes to work hard. What's more, there are other things related to it. As for Wang Jianguo? He still doesn't know what's going on here. To some extent, he is just a shield placed in front of him.

When thinking of this, Ding Yu also gave a bitter smile. Although the third brother said that he was not the top red second generation, his identity was absolutely extraordinary, but what about that? In the face of absolute national interests, he has no choice but to passively bear some problems. Even now he is still in the drum.

When Wang Jianguo woke up in the morning, Ding Yu had already left. Wang Jianguo did not regard himself as an outsider. At the same time, he also declined William's arrangement. He had a hard time coming. There was no need to be so rigid. Last night, we had a very happy chat with Ding Yu.

There are some contradictions between each other. Although it seems that they have not been completely resolved, at least they have not fallen into the freezing period. This is a good thing for Wang Jianguo. The only thing that makes me feel a little bit sad is that Ding Yu's temperament is a little bit stuffy. To be exact, this guy is a little too calm.

In the afternoon, Ding Yu accidentally received a text message, which seemed to be a spam message. Ding Yu took a look at it, and then turned off his mobile phone. At night, Wang Jianguo didn't come back, but Ding Yu didn't care. After all, it's rare to come here once. It's not easy to go out and play. It's not a great thing.

However, Ding Yu didn't stay in the villa for a long time. However, the place where Ding Yu went seems not to be so permanent. Just downstairs, two people answered the code. Then Ding Yu also saw the two people lying on the bed, "is this a safe room? This is a good place to be

They even put the safety room downstairs. What do they think? The two people on the bed are now in a coma. Ding Yu has a look at the injuries and they are all shot wounds. Ding Yu didn't want to ask about the specific situation. He was all from the military. He knew the rules.

The operation time was not very long. Ding Yu almost completed it by himself. After the operation was finished, Ding Yu looked at the man guarding the door for a period of time. That's all. He could not say that he was familiar with him, but he still had some impression. When Sun Jun was not a captain in his early years, he followed him.

I haven't seen each other for so many years. I didn't expect that the meeting place would be such a situation. However, Ding Yu didn't mean to exchange greetings or say hello. After finishing the operation, Ding Yu simply explained two sentences and then sneaked back to his residence. It was not a very troublesome thing.

Hu Zhi looked at the two people on the bed and took a deep breath. At last, he didn't give up the two guys. The lives of the two boys were still very big. Fortunately, the safety room was placed at the bottom of Ding Yu's building. Otherwise, where can I find a doctor at this time?

Simple surgery and dressing wounds can be, but now this kind of operation is not difficult for me, so simple, it is simply to take their own lives.

He really recognized who Ding Yu was. Although he left after a short time in the team, he was really impressed by Ding Yu. After all, he was able to break into that special unit at such a young age, which still made him look so impressive.

He did not expect that the person he met would be Ding Yu. Obviously, Ding Yu also recognized who he was, but the problem is that both of them did not mean to communicate with each other. This is the rule. Although there are some rigid rules, the rules are rules that can't be broken. If broken, the consequences will be very serious.

Then Hu Zhi also reported the process of his mission failure to China. It is not to say that failure can not be accepted and impossible. Especially after entering this profession, it is necessary to understand that you can fail, but you can never lose your reason because of failure. The cost is beyond your affordability.What about the reporting process? Also mentioned the doctor's problem, but did not name Ding Yu, but this report? It also made the military realize some conditions, that is, Ding Yu still has a good feeling for the military. What about each other? Also quite tacit understanding.

Obviously, what happened in the capital did not affect the relationship between Ding Yu and the military. Now, the question is how to locate the relationship between Ding Yu and the military, and whether it is to pull Ding Yu into the arms of the military again? Or is it a cooperative attitude? I really feel a little egg ache about this.

Want to pull Ding Yu back into the arms of the military, this problem? It's not that simple. What's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what '.

But what about cooperation? For the military, it seems that some things are difficult to accept. Cooperation means that some things are uncontrollable, which is difficult for the military to accept. However, there are some feelings of embarrassment.

But what about the first stage? It seems that it can only be like this, a little rash, can only make the relationship between each other immediately estrange, and even lead to the final rupture, this is not what the military wants to see! But let Ding Yu be a so-called doctor, it seems that there are so many overqualified.

But the problem is that Ding Yu does not seem to have any meaning in this respect, and there is not a bit of news about this aspect in China. It seems that the British side is very interested in Ding Yu, but what is Ding Yu's attitude towards it? There are so many rejections. Judging from the performance, I don't even want to participate in it. For the military, I feel like ants on a hot pot.

Although Ding Yu may not enter the core position, but Ding Yu will definitely occupy a very favorable position, and this favorable position, for the national interest, is really unintentional to estimate, but the question is what about Ding Yu? His attitude towards this matter is too cautious and careful. Does this guy not consider the so-called national interests at all?

But it seems to be a problem to talk to Ding Yu at this time! So we still need to be careful and cautious. But the next day, Ding Yu accompanied his tutor and went to the United States. The tutor accepted the invitation of the United States to give lectures. What about Ding Yu? It's a byproduct. After all, Ding Yu's position in the whole team is different.

What about the so-called lecture? It's not the same level. Wilson doesn't need Ding Yu to do too many things. However, because the location is not New York, Ding Yu is not so convenient to see Kim Tae hee. However, she still calls her. At this time, the two people basically talk every day. It seems that they don't speak for a while, as if they are missing something.

At noon, Ding Yu went to a cafe to drink coffee alone, but soon someone was sitting behind him. Ding Yu's subconscious body was tight because he had already felt something. Then he could see clearly the person sitting behind him through the reflection of sunglasses.

"Long time no see!" Ding Yu is sitting in a very hidden position. There are many cameras on the street. But do you want to catch his figure? It is still more difficult, and Sun Jun in the position behind Ding Yu is the same, not to mention his back support, so Sun Jun can sit behind Ding Yu without fear.

"Long time no see!" Ding Yu was not so frightened as he imagined, and even did not show any attitude. He was just drinking coffee there, "when can you be so free? Is it hard to get promoted? "

Yeah! Hearing the captain's voice, Ding Yu also laughed, "then I should congratulate you!" How about the congratulations? There is not too much festive flavor, because Ding Yu's expression is really a little peaceful, it sounds like some perfunctory meaning, but Sun Jun is really not so concerned about this.

"I have something to discuss with you. I think you should know something about it!"

Ding Yu pondered for a period of time, and then slowly said, "this is my personal matter. How can I handle it? I don't need other people's attention. It's too long for me to see what's good. Captain, you once warned us so!"

"You're changing concepts. You're trained by the army!"

Ding Yu also took a breath. "I came out of the army. In those years, if it was not for the cultivation of the army, I would not have been my present day. But in the army, I did my duty as a soldier. Now I have retired and started to enter the society. The society is different from the army!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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