After dinner, Ouyang returned to the room with Connor! I feel that the teacher's eating habits have quite a problem, but from the teacher's performance, his health can carry a cow!

"Not to mention, the layout of the room is very good, very suitable for rest, but the teacher seems to be very good to your senses!" Ouyang looks at Connor suspiciously! "Is there anything in this I don't know?"

Yeah? Connor hesitated for a moment, "OK! I admit it! I went to see Dr. Ding earlier. Some people said that I made friends with you just to keep up with Mr. Ding. In fact, I didn't really mean that, so I went to see Mr. Ding to explain it. " After that, I scratched my hair! "What's more, I explained some things in my family, which is what it looks like?"

"Ha?" Ouyang looked at Connor dully, then pulled his cheek with his hand. It was true. There was no question, "are you so brave? However, it seems that I found you. Is this relationship wrong? What do they think? Why do you say it the other way? "

"It doesn't matter. No one knows what happened. The outside world may be jealous of this matter, or other meanings, but there may be a little more things we need to face. Under such circumstances, it's very troublesome!"

Ouyang also had some tires that looked like they were flat and sat on the bed! "Well! In fact, this time with you back, although my father will not take out the shotgun directly on your forehead, but what kind of results, in fact, I do not know! You need to be psychologically prepared! "

"I am quite prepared for this! However, although my father knows about me, you know, the national conditions of China and the United States are quite different. I like you very much and love you very much! This is what I can be sure of! "

When we got off the plane, there were not too many people at the airport!

For Ouyang and Connor, Ding Yu didn't pay any attention to him at all. He went back to the courtyard by car. This time, Ding Yu came back quietly, and there were not many people who knew the news!

However, when he entered the hall of the house and looked at the people sitting there, Ding Yu also frowned. "Third uncle, is this a little too much? I haven't even got home yet! You're already here! There's no such thing, you know? You're my third uncle. You don't know. You think I've done something! "

"No more bullshit! Who knows what will happen if I don't advance a little bit? Maybe the people who block the gate will be able to line up to the Di'an gate at this time! " Su Quan didn't have a good look. "I asked steward Deng just now. I didn't expect that you still have some conscience!"

Sitting on the chair, Ding Yu also slightly hummed, "previously, I was so busy with my work, and I focused on so many eyes. My identity is very inconvenient. This time, the situation is not the same. Now I have time to come over! It seems that there is no filial piety, so to speak

"In this case, things in the UK are quite certain!" Su Quan said thoughtfully, "now most of the world's eyes are placed on the body of Britain, and you still have leisure at this time. Is it too presumptuous, or do you believe in the people under your hand?"

"The specific deployment has been completed, and I will not mix in with the rest of the work! I'm not a professional in this field. If a layman leads an expert, who knows what kind of result it will be. Half of the people who have done a hundred miles will bear too much pressure. Even I can't bear it! "

"That's what you said! That is to fool the so-called foreign devils! "

Su Quan did not give his nephew any good face at all, "the United States seems to be calm, but in fact what? Everyone knows what happened? I don't believe you don't know anything about it! "

"So? What do you want to say, uncle? I don't quite understand! "

"Let's be clear. The intelligence and governance departments in the UK are in a mess recently. I know some news, but the news is very unequal. If other people may not know the specific information, but I don't believe you don't know anything, and you still have quite a partner!"

Ding Yu looked at his third uncle and said, "third uncle, is this what you want to know, or do you want to know about the information management department? This is totally two things. Third uncle, you'd better be prepared before answering!"

"How to listen to your boy, I feel that the smell of threat is very strong!" Su Quan is also "malicious" looking at his nephew, small sample, even dare to really speak!

"It will interfere with a considerable layout. I still say that. I can trust you, uncle, but it does not mean that I believe in the whole intelligence and governance department. Compared with the situation in Britain, the domestic situation is much better. But if there is a problem, I am not the only one who will be affected! So! " Ding Yu also forward to explore their own body, "third uncle, you'd better prepare?""It's really not. But I'm in charge of the European division. Things in the UK are making a lot of noise. I'm really interested in it. There are still a lot of things to face. In the end, I need to find a breakthrough. I heard that there are even other problems and situations in their intelligence department! It's kind of incredible! "

"I can explain it, but it's no big deal! There is a lot of action in the capital market, so the intelligence department is also very sensitive. Some people think that people from the UK are involved in it. Such behavior can't be forgiven, while some people can't have civil strife at this time, and they have to keep going out all the time. This is basically the case! "

"As far as I know, Jensen had a car accident and broke her arm! He had been to Boston before, and his age was still an action man! It's hard to understand that there was a car accident on the British mainland! "

"Nothing can't be understood. He's too radical! So I was warned! It's normal! "

"They!" Su Quan pointed to the sky, "have you been so unscrupulous? I have learned some information about the capital market, but I don't know much about the detailed information! What about the internal strife in Britain? Even less and less! "

Ding Yu is very alert to take a look at his uncle! "Uncle, this is not a common problem! Even a little too much! It involves quite a lot of problems! Are you sure you want to know? "

As for his nephew's words, Su Quan also couldn't help laughing. "We know little about the situation in Britain in China. We need to be careful about the relevant aspects, and you are the most direct party!

"This is no excuse!" Ding Yu spread out his hand, "I still said the sentence just now. Is it the third uncle who wants to know, or the intelligence department behind me wants to know. If it's the third uncle you want to know, I can say it now. But if it's what other people want to know, then this matter needs another way!"

"Your boy's demand is so high! It's very difficult to operate! "

"It has nothing to do with me!" Ding Yu looked meaningless about this, "and my third uncle, where am I coming back? That's seven for my grandfather! There is no other meaning, and I just got off the plane, you don't intend to let me rest, I may go to see my father and mother later! "

Su Quan rubs his brow, this matter still really has so some embarrassment, own this nephew! Sometimes it's just this kind of headache! If you can, I really want to kick him two feet, let him know how powerful, but how, I really can't fight with him!

"All right! I know about it! " Su Quan didn't stop at all and left directly! It's just that when you leave, it's quite inappropriate to let other people know about it at this time. Fortunately, there are not many people who know the news of Ding Yu's return!

When Ding Yu appeared at home in the evening, Wang Changlin and Su Yuan were really overjoyed. No one thought that the eldest brother suddenly came back! Too abrupt! Also too much surprise!

"You're not busy with your work?" Wang Changlin also subconsciously asked!

"I've been at the hospital these days! I'm still very busy with my work. This time I came back to burn seven for my grandfather. I didn't have so much time and leisure before. It's quite inappropriate! This time, since we have this time! I still need to come back and have a look! "

Su Yuan is also carrying a fruit plate, personally to the eldest son skin! "Have you eaten yet?"

"Yes Ding Yu also nodded to his mother, "after coming back, he dealt with some things, so it was so late to come over! I ate some simple things at home! They are also prepared! "

Su Yuan is not so concerned about things outside. During this period of time, his father's death still makes him have some care, but now this time has slowed down! Plus a few children with their own time of more than a week, now the eldest son is back! Do you have any other requirements?

"How many children? Is it Boston? "

"Tai hee went to New York. There were some things. Some children were taken to sea to fish! An old guy and other people follow me. Because of the hospital work, I didn't follow the past. I heard that they had a good time. As long as they were happy, they didn't need to ask for anything too much! "

This strong family atmosphere has been waiting for Wang Li to come! To be exact, Wang Changlin and Su Yuan both have forgotten their daughter! Although she has been living at home these days! But the eldest son is back! The daughter was directly thrown to one side of the position!

"Mother! You are absolutely my mother Wang Li bit her lips and said fiercely that she had a ready-made meal when she came back. However, seeing the meaning now, there is nothing. She can only let the service personnel do it now. More importantly, she also has a share with her elder brother. What's the reason?"Big brother, when you come back, you don't say hello. When you have time, you can go to the hospital and sit down. Everyone is waiting for you to come. Do you want to find an eight lift sedan chair for you?"

"Hey, what are you talking about? The voice is strange Su Yuan also slapped his daughter while serving the dishes! "The beef I sent to you earlier was from the farm. Your father and I have tasted it, and the taste is very good! It is said that the farming industry of the farm is very developed now

"I'm really not so clear about the specific situation!" Ding Yu is also an apologetic smile, he is really not clear!

"Mom, if you ask big brother this, it's like asking the blind for directions! How could he know that! " Wang Li is very disdainful to say, "if you let big brother eat, there may be no problem, absolutely can say one, two or three of them!"

"You are everywhere! You can't be honest! "

The service staff also brought the cooked noodles. Ding Yu accompanied Wang Li to eat some, which was really quite a lot. Wang Li was so angry that she felt her teeth itching. Big brother came back! Their treatment appeared cliff like decline!

"Big brother, you just came back! Save me a call! I need your help on my side! I've looked for others, but the problem is that I can't help at all! If you have time. "

"What's the matter? And you don't know? " Before Ding Yu spoke, Su Yuan blocked the topic directly!

"Mom Wang Li also cried out, "big brother, in fact, it's no big deal. I heard that the farm is over there? There are quite rich forestry resources! We need something here. It can't be farmed. It needs to be wild! It's too dangerous to go anywhere else

"What is bred is not necessarily bad! What is wild is good Ding Yu said a defense! "What's cultivated comes after multi-level selection and consideration, and even how many times of crossbreeding, but what about the wild? Strong vitality, but sometimes too single! "

"Brother, I know you study medicine, so you don't have to popularize medical knowledge with me! Just say yes or no! If I can't, I'll find another way. It's not the only way to go. It's amazing that I'll go up the mountain in person. It's impossible! "

"I'll say hello to you, but I'll make a point in advance. Strictly abide by the rules and regulations of the farm. The farm is not my own. There are many things involved in it!"

Wang Li also gave her elder brother a salute gesture, "big brother, you can rest assured! What's more, can you call us one helicopter, preferably two, and the number of people may be a little more, because we still need some equipment! "

"How about a rocket for you?" Su Yuan is really dissatisfied! It's OK to provide convenience for you! But we can't be so aggressive, can we? "I see you! I really want to go to heaven

"There are helicopters on the farm. If you need them, I'll tell them!" For such things, Ding Yu really does not have too many problems, and it is not a great event!

"Thank you, brother. I know you are the best Finish saying a word is also for own mother provocative look at! "All right! I'm going to have a rest first! I'm really tired today

Oh! Su Yuan was not satisfied, but it was hard to say, "boss, you should be used to her! It's not the same now! If it goes on like this, I don't know what will happen! "

"Just do it! It's not a big deal! Seeing that you and my father have nothing to do with them, I feel relieved! You have a rest! I'll go back first! " Ding Yu just came to have a look. He felt that his father and mother had nothing to do. Ding Yu just calmed down!

"Pay more attention when you go back. If you're OK tomorrow, come home and have dinner."

"Yes Ding Yu also promised very happily, "there should be nothing wrong!"

Looking at the boss leaving, Su Yuan is also outlining the arrangements for tomorrow! "You said that our eldest son came back after the last time. Is this really different! The last time I came back, I could feel that he was under a lot of pressure, even some of his worries were heavy, but this time it was different! "

"Well!" Wang Changlin nodded slightly, "it's true. Last time it may be because of dad's affairs, but I can also feel the pressure of his work!"

"What are your plans for work tomorrow? Come back earlier, if nothing else? "

"No, I'm going to meet the foreign guests tomorrow. I don't know if I can come back!" Although Wang Changlin also wants to, but his work is no way to refuse! "But I think mom and dad can invite me if they don't have anything to do. They haven't been out for a while."

Su Yuan realized it immediately! Nod your head gently! "Yes! I'll call tomorrow morning. It's a little late now. It's really not so suitable! "Let the eldest brother go to his grandfather and grandmother's quadrangle there, certainly is not quite suitable! He has never been there since he said that! I don't know what it is? I'm not very old, but I'm not so careful!

At this point, I don't know who this bastard looks like! indescribable! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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