"Sir, they are all here! And Mr. Bruno is here

The security guard never showed up. When the plane was about to land, she came over and mentioned that Suya also looked at the holster under the security armpit and felt that there was some exaggeration! Have you been so blatant? Is that really good? In other words, is it a little too arrogant!

"What? Are there more people at the airport? " Ding Yu asked casually!

"Night flight, so there are not many people, but I heard that Mr. Bruno is here! Yanu is here too! There are other people who may show considerable gaze! " The security response was very cautious.

"I see!" Ding Yu nodded slightly, not too much reaction!

After the plane landed, looking at the vehicles on the runway, Suya sat closely with the assistant, and their hands were clasped together. Obviously, there was a little fear, because the flashing of the police car light still made people feel guilty. Who knows what kind of situation is outside?

"Sister Yaya, it's not right! Look out there

Then two people also look out through the window!

Three children all the way to jump to run Ding Yu rushed over! Then it was hung on Ding Yu's body, and then two people came forward and hugged Ding Yu. Su Ya also looked very carefully, especially the person walking in front. Suya felt that her head was not enough!

I believe there is absolutely no problem with my eyes. It's Bruno. As for the people wearing white suits, I don't know them. They are too avant-garde. But that's Bruno! Is Ding Yu, the fashion magnate, acting so casually? Is he dreaming, or is something happening that I don't quite understand?

"Ding, I'm here to meet you Bruno also expressed his intention directly, without any euphemism at all, "and I have taken care of the children for such a long time, you have to show a little bit about this, don't you? Otherwise, I will go on strike! A little tired! "

"Bruno, you know what? When I came to my home, I asked someone to take a person with me. It seems that I was a member of your circle. I mentioned you when I chatted! You're absolutely not serious

"Ding, you are absolutely filthy and innocent. I feel my heart aches! It's really heartache! "

"Bruno, do you think I'll believe you?" Ding Yu also has some bad smile to say!

"All right." Bruno also made a joke, "I'm going to take them to the castle, and you're back! So I came here to meet you. I can see that I'm still very friendly, isn't it? But can you bring the kids back? It's really unexpected, girl

"Do you have so much gossip Ding Yu feels a little sad and laughing!

"It's not about gossip, it's about how few kids you have! Just the two of them? Don't you feel so lonely? I think so! " Bruno also changed his face. "Speaking of it, I am very lucky to be able to guide them. This is absolutely God's care for me."

"Ah! When you say that, I feel a little creepy! "

While talking, two people also get on the bus together! Several children are also with the business car! As for the Suya on the plane, they did not have such treatment, but the flight attendants still helped them enter the customs! After a simple check, it's released! There's no need for that kind of trouble!

"Sister Yaya, I feel a little bit like a dream, or do you slap me?"

"Don't dream!" Yaya also took a small pat on the assistant's face. Originally, he was a fool, but he didn't expect that he was a real ox. obviously, what did he do on the plane? It's just a normal performance, but for myself, it seems that there are so many silly hats! The contrast is a little big!

Think about it, Su Ya also took out his mobile phone, reported a safe home, and then dialled the phone number which was not stored on the phone! It took a while for the phone to get through!

"Brother, what are you doing?"

Kong Xiaoling on the other side of the phone also had some doubts. How could his silly sister call? "Nothing, but is your telephone signal bad? How can you talk

"I'm in America! Just got off the plane! Come and deal with some business, but you can't imagine whose plane I'm on Suya also bought a good girl! I want to see my brother's reaction!

"Whose plane! Shouldn't it be an airliner? " Kong Xiaoling said casually!

"Brother, do you know Ding Yu? I came by his plane! " Su Ya said casually, "I talked about some things with him on the plane, and talked about you, but brother Yu seems to have some disdain for elder brother! Is this the first time I've met such a person? I feel a little angry! ""I wipe it!" Kong Xiaoling couldn't help but be clever. "Are you on the same plane with director Ding? You're not kidding Kong Xiaoling felt that he was really nervous at this time. Who is the director! Where's your sister? Who is it? I feel that the circle of the two is not in tune!

"It's arranged at home. I'm not so clear about the specific situation! It happened that director Ding's plane was about to take off, so I was very anxious, so I took it after I found someone! The plane is really very comfortable, it seems to be private! Brother, who is brother Yu! I saw Bruno when I got off the plane

"Who?" Kong Xiaoling asked a question!

"Bruno!" Then I explained Bruno's identity in detail!

"I know this person, but these are not important. I didn't expect that you would get along with the director! If it wasn't for the director who has a family, I really want to introduce you to the director. I think the family should agree! I don't know if the director will like you. I feel a little difficult! "

"No! It's such a children's play, but I don't know that there is such a figure in our country if it's not for the arrangement at home

"There are many people in 49 cities who know director Ding, but they are strictly controlled within a certain range. You don't know that these are all very normal! It's a good thing that you have such an opportunity! "

"Director Ding?" Su Ya seems to feel something, "brother, how do you feel as if you heard the name of brother feather, just like the mouse saw the cat, don't you say you have nothing? After all these years, I don't know about you yet? Even in the face of your father, you will not be so respectful

"You girl Kong Xiaoling sighed, "I really don't know about this situation. If I know this situation, I really need to ask you two words. However, it's nothing. The director will not have a common understanding with you. In the director's serious situation, you! At most, it's just a little girl! "

"Brother, do you believe it or not? I'll talk to my father and mother Su Ya's voice is so angry! At least he is his brother. How can he talk like this?

"It's the same thing," he said Kong Xiaoling didn't have too much fear, "but this thing is not afraid of people. Really, director Ding is my teacher!"

"Teacher? Big brother, are you kidding! How old is he! How old are you? He is a teacher for you. Is it that I didn't wake up or you didn't wake up? One of us was talking in his sleep

"The phone bill is still very expensive. I don't have so much interest in talking to you in my sleep. Director Ding is my teacher. This matter is just what I think, but director Ding has never admitted it. There are many people in our period!"

Kong Xiaoling's voice is so low. Obviously, this mood is not so good. Everyone wants to be the director of the students, but no one has been recognized by the director. In this regard, we are quite different from Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng!

They are serious students of the director, and they have been approved by the director! In particular, we all know about Guo Li, and there have been quite a lot of discussions behind it. However, the discussion belongs to discussion. If it is really placed on their bodies, it seems that not many people dare to make this package ticket, because some of them are too exaggerated!

But Guo Li finished it very well! So he became the director of the student, is also of course!

"Yes! Song Tianren is also in the United States! "

"Are you a rascal?" When Su Ya heard song Tianren's name, she also snorted, "brother, you don't mean you don't know about that rascal. You don't say you're a jerk, but sometimes it's very annoying!" Obviously, Su Ya seems to have a lot of resentment towards song Tianren!

"I'd like to change with him, but he was selected by director Ding. I didn't get such a chance. Director Ding was so different from ordinary people. At the beginning, he punished us to go to the square for three days. When he gave us shovels and stools, he told us to clean up chewing gum and other garbage, and we did the same!"

"Wow, it's really the first time I've heard about it, but elder brother, it's the first time I've heard that you respect other people so much. In other words, the family knows about this situation! No wonder I'll be on this flight, but they won't pay attention to anything else? "

"Ha ha!" Kong Xiaoling also laughed, "you! Think too much! And think of some too good! You think you're good, but for the director, you really don't see it! "

"Brother Su Ya also cried out, and this voice also let the assistant and bodyguard nearby all have so many side-by-side look at each other, the movement is really so some too big! Can't something happen?

"The director's children are very old! What's more! Even if you want to make a good director, you won't use such a way. There are some things that people don't despise. You will not be able to use you as a bargaining chip at home. What's more, doing so can only arouse the resentment of the director! Don't think too much! Don't think too much about it"Said a chase, I know that Yu brother seems to be your teacher, in addition to this basically do not have too much news!"

"You don't need to know too much about the director. It's not good for you to know too much about the director. Moreover, ya ya, I need to tell you that although you know about the director, what about the director? It's all in your stomach. Don't mention it to anyone else! "

"Brother, is it so serious?" Can let elder brother mention so, Su Ya still felt the seriousness of the problem behind! After all, born in such a family, it is impossible to know nothing!

"It's not a serious problem, it involves too many situations! There are some things that you can't even imagine. However, whenever there is a bit of news that comes out from your side, I can only bring it back to you by myself, and then send it to you by myself. Besides, I have no other way, even if it's from home, it's the same! "

Soya quickly dragged her chin! Then he said cautiously, "brother, how do you feel a little bit infiltrated?"

"There's no big problem. Director Ding is relatively easy to get in touch with. However, you should visit when you are free. After all, the director has helped you a lot! As for whether you can enter the door, I don't know! That's it for the moment! I still have work to do! There was no rest last night

After hanging up the phone, Su Ya was slightly "out of his wits". What and what was it! Not only the elder brother, even at home have considerable scruples, but he is also his elder brother's teacher. No wonder when talking about his elder brother, he would have such a tone! At that time, I felt a little loud, but now, it's not like this at all!

"Sister Yaya?"

"Don't ask, I'm a little fidgety now!" Su Ya is not very happy. Since she came to Boston, and now she knows more or less about Ding Yu, she has been helped by others. If she really thinks that nothing has happened, she seems to have some inappropriate things in her heart!

"Hello, Miss Su. Welcome to Boston!"

The Boston consortia can't be unaware of Suya. Although she just came by Mr. Ding's plane, no matter what! He is Mr. Ding's guest! Therefore, it means a great deal of courtesy. This is a very proper thing!

This time, Boston's profit is too big! Not only the normal income, but also other aspects of income, and even some other consortia at this time also expressed quite good! In the past, it was really hard to see, but now it has happened!

"Hello?" Su Ya felt a little puzzled! However, after arriving at the room for a short time, the assistant also heard a knock on the door, and then saw the waiter bring in a flower basket and other things!

"Miss Su, this is a gift from Song Tianren and assistant song. Welcome! He's down here. I don't know if you have time! " The waiter was very polite, just like a joke! You know, Jackson came with song Tianren!

After asking for permission, song Tianren goes upstairs and looks at Su Ya standing in front of him. Song Tianren also suddenly smiles, "Oh, isn't this a little girl? Is it still so frustrated? "

Su Ya's eyes also stood up, "rascal, do you think your skin is so itchy?" When he spoke, he also showed his little tiger teeth. This guy dared to show off in front of himself!

"Just a joke! Why take it so seriously? I didn't expect to meet my old friend in another country! It is really a very happy thing, the time is a little bit late, otherwise we will come together and be happy

"And others?" Su Ya looks at Song Tianren suspiciously!

"This is Boston. It's not a tiger's den. I'm so happy to see you!" Looking at the layout of the room, it is not bad! "I asked the third to decorate it for you! I haven't introduced it to you yet! Third, Jackson! Jackson, this beautiful lady is soya

"Hello! Suya, I've seen your film. The thief is beautiful

I'll go! Su Ya didn't say anything, but the assistant nearby felt that he had begun to doubt life! Where on earth did this foreigner come from? What's more, it's very nice to say something about this northeast!

"Hello!" Su Ya is also the first to extend his hand! "It's my first visit to guidi, which has caused us a lot of trouble."

"There's no trouble. If you don't know, it's all right! But since you are here! If you don't take good care of me, you can't blow me when I go back? I still want to live a few days

"It seems that you are not moisturized in general, but you feel a little thin!"

"The work is a little busy, but it's not a big deal!"

Song Tianren didn't regard himself as an outsider, so he sat down directly. Instead, Jack Sun left with a charge. What seems to be the matter? But when he left, he also gave song Tianren a look that could only be understood. Song Tianren also felt that he was so funny!Looking at Suya, she also gave a dry smile, "Jackson was in China at the time of the original! We have quite a sense of the country. After coming to Boston, we are quite taken care of! People are good, but sometimes I like to play some harmless little jokes

Su ya, who was sitting opposite song Tianren, also snorted, "I'm talking about friends and friends. Isn't it appropriate?"

"It doesn't matter. I listen to everything you say, that is, some of them were too young in those years, but now that you are here today, I am willing to fight and punish. Is this enough?"

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