I didn't come with my children. I think I have some regrets. But I think that they are all old guys. And some children seem to be not as interested in going to sea as they think. So it is not really anything!

"They were taken to sea fishing before. There were no fish, but fishing rods were many disasters!"

"I saw the video they shot, more times like playing, but you old family really have this childlike, even have time to accompany them! It's not easy! "

Ding Yu expressed a little thanks for this, although this thank you is spoken above!

"Hi, only when you are with them, you don't have to worry about whether someone will calculate yourself, whether someone will open a cold gun behind them, or even worry about the issues not involving interests in the process, but the joy and play they bring! It's really hard to find such an opportunity! " Sanchez is very sorry about it!

"And the children in the family need to worry about it? Can't you? "

"Ding, the way you control the financial group is very different from us. Of course, this may be the difference between the cultures. I appreciate your way very much, but I can't do it, and I believe other financial groups can't do it! Ability is one thing, how to decide is another one! "

The cruise ship is very large, and there are many people on board, but they are all controlled within a certain range. To know that Dingyu, Sanchez, Bruno and dongfangjing, any one can take it out of the alligator level!

Some people have expressed concern about this, but that is to say, there is no other action. It is really impossible to offend. This consequence will be extremely serious, especially in such a situation now!

They have seized too much of the benefits in the capital market, so huge benefits? It may bring considerable changes to the United States. As for the funds behind Ding Yu used in China, a large amount of funds have been transferred. There is no so-called mention on the US side, because it is here!

Otherwise, Ding Yu wants to mobilize such funds to try? Make sure you're in trouble! And it is still the endless kind!

If Ding Yu continues to expand his power, it is rather that he has some worries and fears. He has not taken advantage of the situation to expand his power, and it has been a very satisfactory result! Now, anyone who stands out and stops in front of us is the mantis arm in the car! I'm afraid I don't know how to die at last!

"It's a nice day. You two sit here like this, and there are many people below?"

Ding Yu looked at the bottom, but did not really show too much interest, Sanchez is the same, such things as the scene, can be avoided, and even more has already passed that age! Now it's really powerless!

"Bruno, your body shape is very good, but it seems that the girls below are particularly interested in you, but you are not serious, and now there is no such news, really it doesn't matter?"

Seems to be admonishing, in fact, is fun! Bruno also deliberately put a shape for himself, and then made it on the chair next to it! "It's all flesh and skin. There is no spiritual rest. It's really hard to find a good girl now! Sometimes my cover doesn't know how to shoot! "

"Come on, run to your girl and focus on it! Among the four of us, I'm afraid that Yu brother can be compared with you. Unfortunately, Yu brother has no interest in this aspect at all! Otherwise, there is absolutely polarization! "

After a while, everyone appeared in a small room. Before entering the room, everyone's security was thoroughly checked the whole room, including the upstairs and downstairs, and there were many devices arranged in the room! Obviously four people have quite a thing to talk about!

"Ding, we need 8% of your consortium!" Bruno's first opening! "You know, if we keep the opposite, there are still quite a lot of problems for integrating into the United States. Similarly, we will take out the equity of our respective consortiums and exchange them in a cross cutting way!"

"Everyone wants to enter the industry?"

"One is rich, the other is bankruptcy!" Elder martial brother Oriental is very grateful! "Although we are all playing, we all play in a proper way. Don't look at the surface of the control of things are more, but in fact, we value the development of industry!"

"How much more?" Dingyu asked one more question!

"It's better not better than 6% better. I believe that through this event in the UK, we still have considerable interest in accepting you. There will be people looking for the door in succession. Of course, with the continuous investigation of other aspects, we will even get angry with you, the American government! Sometimes it's very faceless! "

"That is to say, not more than 15 percent!" Ding Yu muttered to himself, "yes, but this matter needs sun Yingnan to deal with it, because she is responsible for some operation within the consortium, as for the following issues? I don't think it's going to be big, but it may take a little longer! "As a matter of fact, we all know how it happened. Ding Yu's share right represents that Ding Yu has joined the circle, and even occupies a very important position in the circle! In this case, we need to have a considerable relationship with you, and even need to have a considerable restriction!

What is the way of restriction? Cross shareholding and holding, bond mortgage and so on, but it is too difficult for Ding Yu to deal with these things alone, and it is really not what Ding Yu can do! Even if Bruno and any of them come over, it's impossible to do the same!

After the discussion, the four people left the room. The security guards came in at the same time and began to destroy the appliances and appliances in the room. They were all under close monitoring, and there would be absolutely no left behind!

Ding Yu and elder martial brother Dongfang are fishing. However, Ding Yu obviously lags behind in technology. He doesn't even know what kind of fishing rod and bait he always looks like. At most, he just makes a look there!

"Feel you are very calm, Yu elder brother son, this thing is a necessary process to come out!"

"No, I had quite a feeling for this matter at a very early time, and I didn't feel how abrupt or even understandable it would be! What I'm thinking now is how much trouble Yingnan and Sasha will have after they come back. It's not about the consortium's equity! You know, this time they've been working hard! "

"Ha ha!" Dongfang Jing also laughed, "Ding, this thing depends on your own! I don't have a good way, but when I have time, I can come to the farm to relax and relax. Although I can only give you so-called support, when you come to the manor, I don't believe it. Some people dare to do it! "

"And I am going to seek refuge?"

"I can't say that. Didn't you deliberately bury me? We can sign the cross exchange of shares in person, but in the process, we will still invite you, at least to express an attitude and a concern to the outside world. I hope you will accept the invitation then! "

"There are so many ways! Is this necessary? "

"For outsiders to see, in fact, birds are useless. If you have this idea, you can go and sit together. The atmosphere and climate on the manor side are very good, and they are in the hospital every day! Although it is said that it is to cure the sick and save people, we should explain with our five element culture that the hospital is not a good place, you should bear more sunshine! "

"As long as I'm still in the sun, if I'm really standing in the sun, do you know what kind of eyes some people in America will look at me?" Ding Yu also said a self mockery, "I believe they will directly help the explosive bag rush over!"

"Just give them a solution on the road! It's all about chicken feather and duck blood! " The eastern general expressed his disdain for this, "there is no problem in catching the so-called dregs, but it is impossible to say which one is the biggest and who is the biggest one in a bad word!"

Ding Yu also echoed with a smile. Dongfang Jing quickly picked up the fishing rod in his hand, and then transferred his experience to Ding Yu nearby. Ding Yu didn't know what to say, but he still tried his best to help, but he really didn't love it!

After all, fishing is one thing, but helping others is another!

"Ding, are these enough to eat?" Looking at the placement bucket beside Ding Yu, Bruno also laughs and says that the woman in his arms smiles slightly, but does not mean to agree. Bruno has no problem talking because each other is friends, but if he pretends to be a tiger, then the unfortunate person must be himself!

"If I do it myself, you must give face. For your appetite, I think it's better to forget it!"

Bruno thought carefully, "forget it! I believe in your hands-on skills, but I always feel a little creepy! " After all, Ding Yu is a doctor, he does not have any discrimination, but there are psychological obstacles!

"I hope one day you won't fall on my hand!" Ding Yu threatened!

"Ding, this is not good!" Bruno is really hesitant about this. Why? Ding Yu's medical skill level is not really said, but recognized by everyone. Moreover, the genetic disease of the old Peyton family is basically solved by Ding Yu!

Such industry magnates will be respected when they go there! Jokes are also limited! "But Ding, speaking of it, maybe I'm going to introduce someone to you. It's my old friend! There are quite a few physical problems, but they haven't been particularly effective! "

"Bruno, you really think of me as a fairy."

Bruno patted the woman's buttocks in his arms, told her to leave first, and then sat down on the fishing box beside him. "I once showed the East, and the East was not helpless about this, but it was very difficult to solve this problem with the ability of the East. This is the chance! So I thought of you"Yes! Let's have a look! However, as you know, I never make any guarantee. Without contacting patients, it is difficult for me to make other judgments. Moreover, my research on traditional Chinese medicine is not as profound as I imagined! I need to be particularly clear about that! "

"It's not easy to ask you to help. I've known about it a long time ago." Bruno also took the bait from Dongfang Jing with a fishing rod beside him. I don't know whether it was due to luck or other reasons. Anyway, he just threw it into the water facade, and the fish float began to move!

"Shit luck!" Ding Yu also scolded a word, really is after the luck came, the immortal can't stop! No one can do it!

The fish he caught was really not small. Bruno was jumping like a child. Obviously, he didn't expect such luck. He just came to sit down. But he didn't expect that his behavior could bring about such a result!

"Ding, do you see that the two girls over there are looking at you all the time!"

"Am I that attractive?" Ding Yu took a look, there was no movement and expression at all! "Since you're interested in them, you can wave! I don't have that much interest! "

"I always think it's good to be romantic, but don't be vulgar. They are the ornaments on the cake. If they are really damaged, the whole cake will lose its charm! I don't mean to destroy it

Fishing, enjoy the sea view, give everyone a chance to relax, take advantage of this time to talk about some things, everything seems to be over here! Even the four soon left the yacht without any intention of staying on it!

It's obviously disappointing for some of the people involved in the yacht party, but what about disappointment? It's hard to say that history can be repeated again, but a careful analysis shows that except Bruno, the other three people have no obvious interest in this aspect!

Back to my apartment, three kids are back! "What are you going to eat in the evening? I haven't eaten noodles for a long time? Why don't you do it? Let's have a taste of it, too? "

Don't mention, Ding Yu's words really let the three children have inexplicable feelings, and then a meal of operation, although the time may be a little long, and in the process of Xiaogang also helped a lot, but the effect is very good!

"Director, I really didn't expect that there would be such authentic beef noodles in foreign countries!"

"I didn't think of it." Ding Yu was very proud. "In those days, I let them feel the life in the countryside. What they learned was that it was very hard for them to learn from their masters. But now it seems that opening a noodle shop in the future will not die of hunger!"

"There are many noodle shops in America! But the taste is not so suitable! But if you really open a noodle shop, it should be a very profitable thing

Ding Yu also took the beef dish, "because they haven't done this before? I really did it like this! I heard that they have bought two noodle shops. They say they are two. However, most of the states in the United States have their own branches. However, I have heard that Taixi mentioned this matter, but I have not inquired about it in detail! "

"I'll go!" Song Tianren and his colleagues also looked at the three little girls who were cooking noodles and putting dishes on one side. Because they were cooking at the party today, everyone gave face. But because of this, they didn't have their seats. They came to serve today, and they couldn't give up halfway!

For the director's tutor, song Tianren can be said to have a deep feeling, because they live in the apartment side, although the children are not very much in this period of time, they still have a considerable contact!

From the point of view, the director's children and nephews, regardless of what the situation, we will understand, but the three children in addition to a little noisy, really did not find any problems!

"Director, we sit here and enjoy ourselves, just watching them so busy, will it be a little bad?"

"Today they invite you to dinner. It's a matter of course! Of course, there are some of my problems in this, I am greedy! But that's just an excuse! Although they have just returned, this is their home after all. Everyone is here to guard this home. As a part of here, they need to express our heartfelt thanks! "

"Director, if it had been placed in China, I'm afraid that I would have been sitting on the sofa, playing with mobile phones and tablets, waiting for the food to be served actively. There are some less common education methods like this!"

"I don't know whether it's right or wrong, but judging from the current performance, they are very willing and brave to perform, and we are very satisfied with their performance. In this case, I think it is OK! What about the so-called right and wrong, good and bad? "

"Don't worry, director. Even if one tenth of the families adopt your way of education, I think the child will be quite wonderful when he grows up.""A little bit! It's like you guys! With the so-called ability, is to change, to make the country better, at the same time affect the people around you, we work together! It's not about being strict with others and being lenient to yourself! "

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