Such a thing is voluntary, of course, during this process, Ding Yu also conducted a certain induction, but the result is to let Ding Yu and the children are satisfied! There is no dissatisfaction and unwillingness in the middle!

"Dad, my aunt said yes!" The little girl, full of gas, yelled at Ding Yu! She's not tired at all. She's been crazy all day! Too much energy is not a good thing! At least some of them are too noisy. Taixi always wanted to transform her into a lady, but she never succeeded!

Can you change it in the future? I haven't seen it!

Ding Yu looks at his son and Wang Xiaogang. They seem to be a bit dull against the background of the little girl. However, his son knows something about him. His temperament is a little bit with him. He doesn't like to say anything. He puts it in his heart. In other words, he is always a fan lover!

"Dad, when Brother Guo Li asked us to have time, we would like to go back to see what to do there."

"I've read your homework! In the same age children can be said to be independent crane group, even in those over age children can also be described as excellent performance! I am very glad that you have not indulged in your freedom in the process of growing up. Your life should be free, but at the same time, you also need to restrain yourself

Ding Yu didn't indulge the children because of their demands. When it was time to educate them, he still went back to educate them, but in a different way, he didn't take any so-called stick education!

"Dad, we'll do better!"

Next to Wang Xiaogang is also holding his hand! It's happy to be with uncle, brother and sister. Although we study every day, this kind of study is not compulsive. However, there is something beautiful waiting for us every day. It is this process that needs to be explored by ourselves!

"I know you're doing well. What do I expect from you? It's not a simple process. It's not a simple process. It's not something you can do with two words. It needs a long time of persistence, just like your morning exercise! Step by step! Maybe it will be a little bitter today, but in the future, the result will give you a special aftertaste

"Uncle!" Wang Xiaogang called out, "uncle, why can't my father insist?"

"Your father! There are also exercises in the morning, but his exercise is just to keep fit, and your exercise here is to lay a solid foundation. When your father was your age, he didn't have such conditions at home, and he didn't like it! "

"Mom said," Dad is lazy! It's a big slob

"What a normal thing! Anyone here? You need to be strict with yourself, but you also need to learn to relax yourself. The so-called strict requirement on yourself is to keep good habits and positive attitude towards life. The so-called relaxation of yourself means that you can't strain yourself too much, because you may break yourself at any time! But the balance between the two is how to balance them! "

"Dad, what's the difference?"

"I'm a doctor. There were a lot of students who studied medicine in those years. Some were limited by talent, some were limited by their own efforts. More importantly, they didn't persevere in this direction, so many of them were eliminated! And a lot of people? It's just a certain condition. "

Ding Yu did not say too deep, because these are the needs of their own to understand, after all Bruno with them to see the scene, Ding Yu also has a certain understanding! Ding Yu believes in his children!

"Well, to say a little more, you have a lot of pocket money in the past two years, and at the same time, you have a little capital yourself! I remember that I took you to see some poor places. You also left some considerable impression. In this society, the greater the ability? The more you need to help someone who should! One person's brilliance is not as good as a group of people's common bloom

"Dad, we'll do what we can! But at the same time, we will never give up halfway! "

Ding Yu stretched out his hand, and then the three children also stretched out their hands! It's fun!

When seeing these, Wei Hou and song Tianren came in and envied each other. The director's tutoring is really good. If there are children in the future, even if they can't be like the director's children, at least half of them will be! If this is true, this life is not in vain!

After the three children said hello to Wei Hou and song Tianren, they also ran away! Ding Yu nodded to Wei Hou and song Tianren, "have you eaten?" A simple word! It's like a greeting from ordinary people!

"Director, this is from the previous supervisor! What's more, this is the documents and documents we just summarized, but there are many things we don't understand! "

To know that Ding Yu is in charge of a consortium, there are too many documents to be approved! Although Ding Yu is always in the apartment, the main body is not in the apartment. The documents and documents that can be sent to the apartment are very important!Ding Yu reached for it, and pointed to his position in front of him!

"Jin went to the manor below, and recently the consortium will have a celebration meeting, and the consortium will appear!"

"Director, what can we do?"

"Big and small people will come! It's not a bad thing to touch! Maybe useful, maybe not useful. "Ding Yu said casually! "But there may be more other people who want to come in at that time!"

After reading the document, Dingyu replied for the first time, but he put it in front of him, and did not mean to return, "Tianren, and Wei Hou. You have been here for a while! What kind of feeling is there? I'm talking about the feeling of coming to the United States! "

"Director, Americans have been in contact with a lot, but there are many people who have other intentions compared to such a working environment, but also have good friends. Generally speaking, these guys are a little interesting!"

"It is very normal to have friends and rivals. We are fighting each other and developing each other. However, it is a very normal thing that hinders the differences of national conditions and social systems between them, so there will be quite a gap. This is a very normal thing. I have always had so many worries, and I am worried that you can't make some normal friends!"

"Director, it's just that the work is too busy! If only there was free time! Sometimes we think, if we can give us 48 hours a day, how good it should be! There may be some spare time in that case! "

"Then the world will be in a mess! It is still difficult to adapt to the life and way here. Of course, it will be better to make a few friends! What about the vast majority of people after all? They are ordinary people, not so terrible as they imagine. It is OK to seek common ground and save differences and master good standards! "

"Director, will you encounter this situation in your normal time?"

"How normal! I have many patients who will send me flowers or cards now. It is a small heart. It is very normal in the United States. It is like sending you a short message at the festival in China. This sense of achievement is unbearable to other things! "

"There are many people greeting, but there are so many other meanings in it, which is not so pure!"

"Life always needs friends. It is a society. However, I don't need to discuss this situation with you. You have your own outlook on life. I just asked you to say something. Wei Hou, you call them both!"

Soon the other two secretaries came to the room! In Dingyu's greeting, also sat down next to songtianren!

"I have a good time to come here! I won't say what I'm doing! The next job may not be as busy as you might imagine, so find something to do! "

"Director!" Song Tianren, who showed a little excitement, felt some pressure on their bodies, why? Because the work is really so busy, usually, they are not enough 24 hours, let alone other aspects of things! Even when you go to the toilet, you dare not put your cell phone down! And it's a run all the way!

"I believe you should go to the places where professional secretaries work!"

"No, it's just the one that's drowned!"

This is not really a joke. Good guy, when we went to the office, we found that almost all the rooms were filled with paper boxes. A secretary even needed a considerable assistant to handle the work. Otherwise, there was no way to finish his own work.

The general process is that the assistant has sorted out the documents! Hand it to the Secretary, and the Secretary will summarize and sort it out again and then get it to his side. He will give it to the director. But even if so, the workload will make songtianren eat it hard. Indeed, the reward is quite high!

"It's good to familiarize you with such processes! If you really want to do this, there are so many too big and small uses. And you are familiar with the process, which is quite clear as the whole context! I don't think I have such ability to teach you how to do it in the future. I just give you some experience, mainly in yourself, how to learn! This is not forced by others! "

"Director, stay here, we have learned a lot!"

"Not enough! It's not enough. You are different from the light. His work is quite special. In addition, I used to do this job. So I know how to guide, but you? I don't know, so I can only think about other ways, a little wild! "

"Director! Go ahead, please. We will do it! "

"It's not your question. What about the first and second tier? There is a process of experience, but their process is slightly rough, even some jokes, but they have a considerable outlook on life, values and consciousness, so a little guidance is good, but you three! Too naive! "Slightly sighed, "I give each of you four places, and at the same time give each of you 30 million dollars, go and toss it! It doesn't matter whether you earn or lose. You can even hold it in your hand! "

"Director! ... "

looking at Song Tianren who was going to speak, Ding Yu slightly waved his hand," you can have a try and see what kind of feeling it is. If you put 30 million dollars in front of you, you can't withstand such temptation, let alone you, even a normal person can't bear such temptation! Don't you believe it? "

"Believe it, we've all tried it!"

"And the money? It can be said that it is a good thing, it can also be said that it is the first of all evils, but we need to see how to look at it, eat, drink and have fun. From your point of view, these are all past tense! To prove your worth? We need to abide by some rules, 30 million dollars, enough for your financial freedom! You can do whatever you want to do! Life is hard work, or regret, everything is in your own hands

Then Ding Yu also asked people to push over several boxes! "And the money? It's all here! How and what do you want to do? I don't care about these things. Life is your own choice. What kind of road to take is also your own choice! "

"Director, what if you pay?" Song Tianren also asked carefully!

"When it's all spent, it's gone! Just go back to work! I have promised you a considerable amount of time, which I really will not destroy. In other words, I have given you considerable opportunities. The question is how do you take advantage of such opportunities! What's more, if you make money, I will give you 20%, which is far more than the price of professional managers. If you lose money, it doesn't matter! As a lesson to you

"A hint of friendship, don't be too arrogant!"

When the three men returned to their own office, they were all reluctant to go. Wei Hou didn't have any feelings. After all, this matter had nothing to do with him. By then, Zhan Zhao felt that his eyes were green and the boxes had been opened! The green dollar is so placed there!

30 million dollars per person, not 30 million dollars for everyone! Oh, my God! Nearly 100 million dollars is placed in front of their own position, although every time I look at the feeling is different, but this heart is really difficult to calm down!

"What do you mean, chief? I feel my head is about to be called paste! It can't turn at all

"Don't look at me. I don't know. If I knew, I might not be here now, but in the first or second echelon! Also, Tianren, you don't have to think about calling the old man! If it doesn't work, it will be scolded. Why bother? "

"I also know that this matter needs to be decided by ourselves! But I do think it's a good scolding! " Then song Tianren also explained that "the old men will not interfere with what we are going to do, but just tell us to go straight and go straight. As for other things, they will not interfere."

"And I think! If the old man doesn't see it, he won't be happy, even he will be very happy! "

The people in the room looked at each other. Everyone was silent. Obviously, they were thinking about the things in this room, "Tianren, what kind of choice do you make? I mean, what do you do with that money? "

"I haven't eaten pork, haven't you seen a pig run? It's money to say that it's money to spend. It's just waste paper to put it here, even to write a word on it! " Song Tianren was indifferent to this, "30 million dollars! A little RMB 200 million, the director just took it out, feeling a little pressure! "

"Is this a little pressure? Tianren, that's not the way to joke There are also some questions nearby!

Song Tianren didn't mention what he was going to do, and the other two didn't mean to mention it either. However, soon, the three people were separated. Song Tianren looked at Zhan Zhao next to him, "brother cat, can you feel that your heart still doesn't mean to stop now?"

"I feel that if I measure my blood pressure now, there is no 200 or at least 180. This is still going to be light. If such money is placed here, the whole person will be thrilled!"

"What about money, brother cat? It's really useful to say it's useful, but it's really useless to say that it's useless! "

"Ren Shao, if you want to say that I am not moved, this is a lie. But after the blood pressure is a little higher, you will know that some of them are so illusory! Mr. Ding said that it's very easy to keep the heart and say it, but it's hard to do it! "

"Yes! It's hard! " Song Tianren breathed a breath, "30 million dollars, brother cat, I can't guarantee you anything about this matter. There are four places left. I can't give you any guarantee either!"

"Ren Shao, I know my position and my ability. Let me be a security guard. Let me get involved in other things. If I can't catch my strength, please forgive me!""If a family doesn't speak two words, it's not necessary to say so hypocritical!" After that, song Tianren also stood up and hammered Zhan Zhao! "I don't want to say any more! There's no point in saying it! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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