"Sir, tangerine and apricot have gone to Korea!"

"There is no need to report this matter! She sits in that position and can arrange her own work Ding Yu really didn't mean to be forced! All things, everything care, too much effort! But also has the quite disadvantageous to the subordinate! This is Ding Yu's consistent principle!

Therefore, in addition to the direction, Ding Yu rarely intervenes in specific things, trying to play the initiative of the director below! This has considerable benefits for each other! It is also conducive to the development of the consortium! At least for the time being!

"Sir, it's obvious that she doesn't have much experience in this field, especially in such things. I believe she will get used to it in the future." Kim stood up on his shoulder. "And Sir, there's more surveillance outside!"

"Whatever they want! It's all for a bite! It's not a big deal. " Ding Yu does not have any domineering performance, even now it seems like a salted fish! Let's clap! As long as you are happy! I don't care!

"Do you need to seduce them, sir? Give them some color to see? " Kim seems to have some bad ideas!

"Set them up for a supper! It's too hard to follow me! Don't be too harsh. Being able to come here is basically the lowest level, just for a bite of rice! "

Kim rubbed his nose, thought about it, and arranged to go down. He didn't know if the guys on the other side dared to eat it? There should be no problem! If you really want to do something, I'm afraid these guys have already gone to see the king of hell! Will you wait until this time? "

All the people who watch Ding Yu look at the night snack they send over. Look at me, I look at you! For a while, I really don't know what to say! Is it to eat or not to eat? If you don't eat, it seems that there are so many too wasteful, but if you eat, are there some too oppressive?

"Head, is it poisonous?"

Just finished the speech, almost got a fist, although there are some joking elements, but the meaning of the expression can still explain a considerable problem! "You may choke, but there's no possibility of being poisoned! What's more, if you want to kill you, it's very simple. You don't need to waste these things! "

"Head, you say that, I'm hurt!"

Then also opened the box of supper, looking at the things inside, it is really a bit reserved, there is no way! People are iron, rice is steel, not to mention such a good thing, after all, with pizza, hamburger and coke has a very obvious difference! No one forces you to eat. If you want to eat, you can't eat if you don't want to!

"Eat less!" Looking at the distant apartment, the leader is also very helpless, no one is willing to come to such a place, not to say how dangerous, but not too much practical significance! Both sides know each other's existence, everyone maintains limited contact, but that's it!

I can't and dare not to do in-depth investigation here. The reason is very simple. This person's identity is too special. Even the high-level officials are also taboo against Mr. Ding Yuding, but dare not? It's better to understand, maybe you just walked out of the door, then the next moment will be bombarded in!

As for what was blown in, it's hard to say! It may be a rocket launcher or a shotgun. It depends on people's mood. If they are in a good mood, they may leave a so-called whole corpse. If they are not in a good mood, I'm afraid even the dregs can't be found!

Of course, in the case of not fighting Ding Yu, although the job is a little boring, it is still very relaxed and even very safe. No one is willing to challenge Ding Yu and see how terrible death is!

"Head, although we can't see the situation inside, there are still records on time! This doctor Ding Yuding is very attentive. He goes to bed so late every day and gets up so early in the morning. Even if he is a robot, he is not so rigid! "

Bite things, came to the window position, through the huge monitoring, also see the apartment outside is very clear picture! But that is to see the outside picture, as for the inside situation, then don't think about it!

"This is not a stereotype, but a manifestation of self-discipline. We are also a disciplined team. But look at these guys below, how many people can maintain self-discipline?" This is also no way of things, mainly because a lot of elites have been out of their posts!

In such a position, the salary earned is so small, even there is no way to support the family. Under such circumstances, you still need to work hard. What's more, you may have nothing when you die. Don't mention any pension. It's better to say than sing, but in fact? Can fall on their own hands, less pitiful!

In addition, because of special reasons in recent years, the number of people who have left the company is a little bit more. In this case, the quality problems are particularly serious! This is not a short time to solve, the same, is not a penny and two cents can solve! The investment needed is quite large!But is funding really so easy to fight for? Which department dares to say it doesn't need funds? But the overall funding is so much!

It seems that some people look at themselves and say that it is not appropriate to waste equipment and funds here, but what can they do? If anyone doesn't want to, come and have a try! You'll fart and grind your teeth!

"Dad, this thing looks good!"

In the video, the little girl is showing Ding Yu what she just bought back! "To your aunt? Or the housekeeper, just the three of you? Can you still have such a vision? Or do I look down on us? "

The little girl also spat out her tongue, "when I went to see Taizu, my aunt was there, so I also asked my aunt to help, but my aunt was too bad! He even paid for it. He robbed a pair of big walnuts and a string of string of hands from here. The angry housekeeper almost ran away

"It must have taken the housekeeper's Walnut!"

According to Ding Yu's own understanding, the housekeeper also has a lot of good things to collect. When he is free, he brushes walnuts and makes a plate of hand strings, which is also a very quiet thing. Ding Yu also has quite a hobby about it! But Wang Li! Sometimes too much toss! Now it's beginning to harm the housekeeper!

Really speaking, things are not as valuable as they are imagined, but the meaning they represent is different! What if you haven't touched? It may not be a problem, but once you get started, Ding Yu will not be very satisfied no matter who it is! It should be the same with the Butler!

"The housekeeper has a good temper. It seems that your aunt has really provoked him this time, but I haven't heard that she has a special hobby in this respect. It can't be your bad idea."

"Dad, how can it be?" Little girl is also argumentative! "It's the aunt who did the wrong thing. Can it be counted on our heads?" After all, this is not made by yourself!

"Well, I see! Good performance, worthy of praise, but not too proud

"Dad The little girl also giggled with a smile, "look at our good performance, discuss some things!"

"You can tell me about it."

"Dad! You help us write a pair of words! I went to my third grandfather's house and the gift was not so suitable, so we are going to write an article, but... "

"What a thing it's like for me to be involved in the gift you've prepared Ding Yu also said in a funny way, "there is nothing wrong with writing a piece of writing, but the question is what kind of return are you going to give me? You know, I have a lot of things to do. I don't have to have so much free time! "

"Dad, we have collected two seals. My aunt said they are very good things! Hee hee

"Just two seals want to buy me off! Isn't it a little too worthless? " Ding Yu joked, "what are you going to write? You can send it to me! Don't jump around after you go home

"Yes, Dad!" The little girl is also holding the big head of small four eyes, said with a laugh!

"You three! Pay more attention to safety. As for Bruno and Emma, there is no need to be too polite. Especially Bruno, let him not go to the courtyard to have a look! Just say it's me

"Dad, uncle Bruno says you're too mean! Ha ha The little guy also came together, and Wang Xiaogang took the snacks in his hand, and ate happily. Small four eyes seems to be quite interested!

"This old man is not taboo at all. When he has time, he will visit his great grandfather and his grandfather more often."

After hanging up the video, not long ago, Ding Yu was left blank by the children! The handwriting is not much. Ding Yu didn't start writing immediately. Instead, he thought about it for a long time. He didn't need too much preparation, but how to arrange it is a considerable problem!

In this regard, Ding Yu still adheres to the habits of some literati. It is not to say that when he becomes a doctor, he must use a pen. In fact, Ding Yu's brush writing is still quite accomplished. Of course, everyone's ideas and opinions are different, so there is no need to have too many demands!

Soon Ding Yu finished writing! After writing it, I didn't immediately deal with it. Instead, it was placed on the table, which needed a period of time to be quiet. But I didn't want to be found by Sasha in the morning! Looking at the things on the table, I was also interested in it for a while! Pulling small nine is also in the side, whispering something!

Xiao Jiu looks at this pair of calligraphy on the desktop. The paper is not very big, it is a piece of small regular script, but the handwriting is delicate and vigorous. It has a special charm. It makes people feel comfortable and intoxicated at the same time! I really didn't notice when I used to! I didn't expect you to have such attainments!

"Sir Seeing Ding Yu come over, Xiao Jiu is standing on one side with both hands hanging up!

"You are still interested in this. Yesterday, the children asked me to write a word for them!" Ding Yu took a look at the paper on the table, and it was all dry! "I practiced a lot, but I always felt worse. I was in a good mood yesterday, and I could barely take out the things I wrote out!""My Lord, it's enough for exhibition!" Sasha has quite a move!

Looking at the two of them, Ding Yu knew that today's event could not be good enough. If Xiao Jiu was said to be better, she might be a little better, but she has this personality! I'm afraid ordinary people really can't serve! If you don't want to have any waves in the future, you'd better try your best!

So after a look at them, Ding Yu also took up the brush on the shelf and spread out the paper again. However, the writing was not so much! She wrote four lines of poetry for Shasha, adding the title and the signature, more than 30 words, as for Xiao Jiu? It was a little bit of killing, but it was just a few words missing. Then Ding Yu also put his own mark and logo on it!

After finishing writing, Ding Yu's eyes turned white, but Sasha had already forgotten herself at this time! Even directly pushed Ding Yu to one side of the position, small nine is a little bit scared, after all, under the system of South Korea, no woman dares to treat men like this!

But Ding Yu didn't care about it at all! He waved his arm and left immediately!

When she waited for dinner, Sasha came to her senses. "New York is over! But both our side and Boston side are not so satisfied with this matter. There are so many things in New York that are too much! Under such circumstances, it is such a performance

"What if not?" Ding Yu didn't mean to be angry at all. His eyes were focused on the food on the table! "Is it possible to do something about New York at this time? It's not feasible at all. The New York side has seen this, so they are willing to cooperate with the government! And it seems that they will not make a fuss because of such a small matter! "

"Too much power. I like it very much, but I hate it at the same time!"

"You! This time, the British action has been slightly inflated! " It is said that, but Ding Yu really does not have much to criticize. "In the capital market, interests represent some. Everyone knows this truth. In front of interests, other problems are not problems."

"Hum!" Sasha also glared, then picked up a piece of beef, covered with a lot of sauce, so placed on the plate in front of Ding Yu! Even looking at Ding Yu!

"A little too much salt!" Ding Yu took some ingredients and ate it like this, but he didn't have any dislike. Xiao Jiu was also dizzy. He ate a lot. He knew this, but he was so casual that he could not understand it!

I have also been in contact with quite rich people. How do you feel about the real rich? You may be very particular about food and clothing, but what about this kind of attention? It's more about humanity and quality than about what you eat and what you wear!

When I was over there in the small county, I didn't see that my husband had too many requirements for food and clothing. Most of the time, I just ate and dressed warmly! At this point, I feel like a normal person! But can ordinary people be as high as they are now? It's impossible!

Usually, it's a small shop that people patronize. My husband will sit down for a long time. Basically, I haven't seen other rich people do it. As far as I know, it's rare!

"My work has been basically completed! Let Xiao Jiu accompany you! By the way, the emperor needs to go to Russia first Finish the words, but also gently patted his stomach, it is obvious that there is an obvious implication!

More attention! You are not too young! "

Sasha is proud to shake her head, "Li Jianxi will definitely go back to Russia when the time comes, but this matter will certainly not be announced to the public, and orange apricot has gone to South Korea, but it is also very low-key. Now, the consortium there will strictly control the news!"

The superficial relations between South Korea and Japan are not as friendly as imagined. They are all Asian countries, and they are all relatively advanced countries in Asia. Not to mention the development of each country, even if they are fighting for the so-called resources, they are fighting each other. That is called a head breaking blood flow!

But what's going on in the dark? It's another time, these things will never appear in the daily news, and reporting on the above, will never reveal a trace!

"Li Dong is also quite old! Arrange for more care from above After thinking about it, Ding Yu also said, "give me a call over there! Since I went to South Korea, I always need to visit my old friends. Merits and demerits are another matter. I should take care of my life! "

"Sir, are you not afraid of the misunderstanding of the trusted President?"

"Just mention it to him!" Although this speech is very insipid, but domineering full!"OK, I don't think there will be too many problems. The new president should give considerable face to the consortia, and there are not too many contradictions between them. Moreover, we do not mean to break the cage, that is, to give some care to life."

"On the surface, the new president will agree, but what is the actual situation? It may backfire! "

"It's already in there! What else do you want? " Ding Yu said casually! "What we need now may not be the comfort of life, but the comfort of spirit. In the past, I was still a friend! Don't be too harsh

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