Looking at the information sent over, the major general can't help wrinkling his brow. What's the matter with Ding Yu? It does matter, and it does matter a lot. But the question is, can you point this out? It's impossible!

What's wrong with Ding Yu? Why not cherish such a good opportunity? You know, those who can stay are elites! You used to like to collect rags. Why not this time?

The major general couldn't help but pull his head. He had been waiting for the hair in his hand to wake up suddenly. His head seemed to have become the Mediterranean. If it went on like this, it would really shine!

How to deal with this time, three people returned to the United States, they are not the same kind of peers, each has its own way! It is impossible to start from this point! What's more, if you do the so-called response on your side, are you telling Ding Yu that there are weasels among those people who are left behind!

Now there is something wrong with the action, but nothing to do, watching things happen, seems to be quite inappropriate!

Freddie has changed his job, and now he has started the preparatory work. Once he is involved, he will certainly be affected. This is an undoubted thing!

Ding Yu is such an asshole! He really makes people speechless, angry, angry, but still some helpless!

The Department has been disbanded! Even those who need to be cleared are almost cleared! Under such circumstances, you Ding Yu is still so reluctant, is there so some not so good?! But on second thought, Ding Yu is always a vindictive guy. If he doesn't look like this, he won't be Ding Yu!

It is true that now he can not have any so-called big action, but play a little fancy little action, or no problem! In the face of such small moves, whether it is the military, the government or the intelligence department will not have too much attention!

After all, it's not a big move, and if every thing needs a big show, then you will be really tired to death! As for Freddie? Since he has made a choice earlier, there is no room for turning back!

Now there is really no way to tell Freddie. How? If you tell me now, how do you make sure Freddy doesn't have surveillance? Don't you tell Ding Yu clearly that there is something wrong with it?

When Freddie came back to his home in the evening, he took a look at the mat at the door. Subconsciously, he reached out and touched his armpit, but he didn't touch anything for half a day. Until then, Freddy suddenly remembered that he had changed his career!

But the first time he opened the door, Freddy took a gun out of the locker when he put the key. There was no way. This has become his normal! After all, such habits are hard to change!

To my surprise, the light was suddenly turned on when I put the gun out! But there was no attack in the imagination. Freddy had opened the insurance and was ready to pull the trigger at any time!

After getting used to the light, Freddy looked cautiously at the position of the sofa. Then he slowly stood up and put down the gun in his hand! There is no need for any more! If Luther wanted to be himself, he would have fallen to the ground the first time the light came on!

"Luther, I thought you were gone! Didn't expect you to come back? "

"I hear people are almost dead!" Luther did not put down the gun in his hand and pointed to the sofa in front of him. "Sit down and say it! I don't know how long it will be. Although I haven't seen it, I think you should also activate the alarm system. Maybe in a few minutes, there will be a crowd around here! "

"Luther, why come back now that you've gone?"

"What if you're gone? Will you let us go? A little clue, even if we pay a huge price, will destroy our humanitarianism. There is no way to get rid of it! So it's better to take a look at the initiative to see what kind of situation you are! I didn't expect you to live so well

"What do I need to do?" After sitting down, Freddy looks at Luther, but the expression on his face is not so good! "I should be able to do something within my ability!"

"What can you do? I already know about the hangar! Although I have not seen the image data, but still have a considerable understanding! Who could have thought of such a situation? There are quite a few accidents! "

Freddy blinked his eyes. "Mr. Ding? I don't think the possibility is so great! "

"No one is an idiot. It's no use talking about it. But I know one thing. At least in the circumstances, you didn't make any choice, did you?"

"So you came here today?""Which one of us is the most stupid! In fact, it's not a big deal. It would have been a glorious thing to sacrifice for our country. But unfortunately, we finally made a springboard. Some of our emotions were unacceptable, and we couldn't say why? "

Luther hit himself on the head with the gun in his hand. "I thought we could work together, but I didn't think it would end like this. Now I think it's so sad! okay! Don't say the extra words! It doesn't have much effect. When you see you, you should understand how it happened

"So, are you going to kill me?"

"Kill you, what can I do if I kill you? Can it solve the problem? " Luther looked at Freddy sitting in front of him. "Suddenly, I found that I was a little stupid. Why did I follow you? Now I think it's really not ridiculous in general,!

After saying that, he also used the gun to hold his chin, "don't waste your time! I can't bear the torture inside, and I don't want to, so this is the right time! Freddy, you're really a little looked down on! But I'm afraid that's why you can live and live well! "

At the sound of a gun, Luther's whole head exploded! White, red, rising from the sky, into the whole fan!

A little too bloody, Freddie did not expect such an end! Luther came here and chose to commit suicide. What is it that he committed suicide without any worries?

Give yourself some warning? But what does this warning mean!

Listening to the sound outside, Freddy didn't do much. The people who came in looked at the situation in the room, took the lead to check it, and then took Freddy to a car. As for the finishing work in the room, naturally someone will finish it. There is no need to worry about this!

"What is the situation?" Looking at the major general sitting there, Freddie is also very puzzled to ask, but Freddie also noticed that the major general is dressed in casual clothes! It is not wearing a formal dress, such a situation is actually quite rare!

"It's just common sense! It's not that exaggerated, is it? "

Looking at the major general's attitude, Freddie also frowned, "so to speak, is deliberately aimed at me! Why? What's the point of this? " Murmured to himself, Freddy seemed to think of something, "no, there are some of us among them?"

The major general didn't pay any attention to Freddy's eyes, but looked at the busy people outside the window! "As soon as possible, we should put the remaining two people on top of you, which should have no effect on the other three people."

"Let them die in front of me, just to make me feel guilty! Is it stupid to do this? "

"It's not stupid. It can be said that it's killing with one arrow. On the one hand, it's to focus all the pressure on you, that is to say, to pour dirty water on your body intentionally. Things are arranged. You are not the executor, but Ding Yu won't let such opportunities go. What's more? To the outside world, although not a big trouble, but enough annoying! Your future situation can be said to be particularly bad! "

"So cruel?" Freddie narrowed his eyes, and it was obvious that he was thinking of something. "This is a sign to block my future journey. I've just been prepared, and I'm going to turn the front of the car now?"

"We are not fully prepared for this, but one thing is certain. You can't turn the car around, at least in this business, because your reputation has been damaged."

When saying this, the major general also felt very anxious. You can be cruel, cruel and even ruthless, but you can never betray. Now Freddie has such a reputation! Betrayed all the subordinates and exchanged their lives for their own freedom!

Such behavior is despised by all people. In such a situation, who dares to follow your side in the future? The results, you lead, there are problems and black pot, the people to the top in the front of the position? You don't touch your body?

Just because you're from a great family, you deserve our bad luck? In that case, we will be finished if we don't follow you! Far away from you, the so-called can not be provoked, is it difficult to hide? I'm far away from you!

In the absence of staff support, and no subordinates close to the situation, how to be the boss? Alone? I have to say, Ding Yu's soft knife! It's really painful to poke people up!

But it's not proper to abandon Freddy. On the one hand, it's because of his different background. On the other hand, Freddy carries the pot for everyone! And this pot can't be picked off!

Ding Yu, the bastard, is not so insidious as to think of such a way! Previously, he only exposed his itinerary for a while. It's not a big deal. Is it difficult for us to deal with him? Do you come back with such revenge? Is it a little too small?"They'll come in droves? Or in what different way? "

"I don't know. It's not so clear, but all three people should fall in front of you. This is a fact! We will not let such things continue to happen, but at most it is prevention! And can play a very limited effect, Ding Yu did not want to expand the impact of meaning! So there shouldn't be anything particularly terrifying! "

"I see! I will continue to work tomorrow Although Freddie said it was understandable, but such a thing will happen, for himself, there are still some influence!

Back at the house, looking at the clean sofa, Freddy sighed slightly! I'm a butcher. I don't know how many people died in my hands, and even there are many people who turn themselves down in front of them. But what happened today still makes me feel uncomfortable!

Sitting on the sofa, Freddie also thought about what would happen if he had stopped himself. Their fate is absolutely the same as before, but what about himself? Should be carrying a good reputation! However, I didn't do it at that time. What's more, Kim pushed him in the dark!

My reaction at that time was too slow. To be more exact, I had too many ideas at that time! If I said that my reaction at that time was a little faster and I was not misled by Jin, I would never be so passive now! A wrong move is hard to turn over!

It's a good thing to mention the power behind him! So now we can still get considerable protection, plus some background, otherwise I'm afraid I will go with them!

There is no regret, there is really no, at most is a little bit of sentimental just! If they die, they die! It's just that these guys have so many uncivilized heads. They have reached such a point that they still have empty thoughts. It's really not that people are speechless in general!

Confused, Freddie also fell on his sofa, do not know what happened! Freddy suddenly woke up with a sharp start. There was a figure sitting on the sofa opposite, looking at himself! I don't know why I can see so clearly. I turned off the light very early!

"Why is it so quiet?"

"Luther is dead! I was at the scene at that time. There were three people in our group. Now one of us is dead. I also came to die, and there is another one! Luther will not be one of us, and I think I am not, so I seriously doubt that the last one left is the one you planted in us

"I'm not so impressed with you!"

"Just call me Chandler. The name is just a code name, and it has no practical significance! I had a lot of doubts about this matter. I even suspect that the people left behind may be your people! But it doesn't matter. It will disappear in the end! We're dead! They'll be useless if they keep it! "

This makes Freddie not know how to say it. It's hard not to say that everyone's colleagues are involved in a fight, so as not to make such a scene? Other people can say this, but how to say it? And so-called other people? How many other people are left in this?

"Everything you don't know is your personal imagination! Even some of them can't be explained! "

"Can you explain it? I don't need to go to the bottom of the matter, I can come here now is the best proof, you have some high expectations! After seeing you once, I found that you were a straw bag

"If it's to hit me, I don't think it's necessary. Luther has already done this before!"

"We can guess that there is no need for us to exist, but we still have a lot of consideration before. After that, you and the forces behind you drink our blood, and you don't know what it's like! But it doesn't matter! Freddie, I'm very optimistic about you

"What do you mean?" Freddie did not understand a question!

"Since I am here! Then there will be no one left! At that time, in order to protect you, all the people will be cleared. I don't know whether the three fools will understand this truth. However, I think there should be not much possibility. Even after knowing that I have come, maybe these three guys will report to hell earlier than me! If this is the case, it is really a very happy thing! "

"Congratulations! You don't have much sorrow at last

"Should I be happy?" Freddie whispered, but it was more like asking himself!

"I should be happy. I can't think of any reason to be unhappy! Don't think that if several people have run away, how can they run? Even if it is hiding in the rat hole, it will be found out. Everyone knows this truth! "

Chandler tore open his clothes. "See! I made it by myself, and I don't know how powerful it will be. But if I want to give this house a point, there should be no too many problems. Maybe that guy will come, maybe that guy won't come, but I tend to think this guy can't come! Goodbye, FreddieWithout waiting for Freddie to make any movement, Chandler had already pressed the start-up device in his hand and walked to the kitchen! Freddie scolded, and then ran out with his head in his arms!

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