"What's the matter?" Ding Ding's tone is particularly bad, knowing that it was his elder brother who called! But what about that? Don't say it's your big brother now! Even father and mother, also need to consider carefully!

"You have a big temper!" Ding Yu walked into his office, sat down, there are so some funny said, typical hard mouth! No one else! "It's not like throwing your two children into the well! As for being so angry? Yes? I am an uncle. Can I hurt them? "

"Is there anything wrong! If there's nothing wrong, I'll hang up! "

"Come on, how old they are! The mother of the child! In ten or twenty years, you can be a grandmother! Don't be so petty! I have seen the two living treasures of your family! The root bone is also good, I don't expect this to show off, but at least we have to know the basic common sense! You motherfucker should be supportive. What? Are you going to make them motherfuckers? Isn't it? "

"Hum!" Ding Ding also understood that the elder brother did this for his own good, but he still felt that some of them could not accept it. After all, she let her two children leave home, and even refused to let her parents go with her. Some of her feelings could not be accepted!

"Don't hum, it's still a child! Get ready! In fact, there is nothing to prepare. There is everything on the farm. Neither you nor Cao Zhen are allowed to go with us. Neither can send us! I'll have someone pick it up! "

"You can't give it away, brother. Are you still reasonable?" Ding Ding Ding's voice is also so some big up!

"What's unreasonable? My mother is a teacher. You didn't see it at the beginning. Take the initiative to pick up the children and send them to school. Which one is more acceptable to the children? It must be the one at the back! You should have met the leader! We'll give you real-time monitoring! "

"Don't be dissatisfied! This has already set a precedent! Other children in the family are able to get the monitoring video data after the event, you! This one belongs to a small stove

"I see!" Although Ding Shan is not aware of his own place, it's not easy for Ding Shan to get information about himself! How many dignitaries, in order to fight for the quota, can be said to be beating their heads!

But the elder brother quietly arranged two places for himself. If other people knew about this situation, I'm afraid the threshold of his home would be broken? If from this point of view, big brother is really not said!

After a look at Cao Zhen, Ding Ding Ding was also direct and handed over the phone, "brother's phone, you say it! I'm going to go and see what's going on with the kids? The army is also a careless thing

Cao Zhen felt so funny, but in front of the face really can't mention, otherwise I'm afraid he can only sleep on the sofa with his pillow at night! "Hello, brother. I'm Cao Zhen."

"Don't you and me, Ding Ding Ding! Sometimes a little bit impatient, but it's not to say that they are unreasonable. Sometimes they are a little stronger. What about you? A man's husband, more tolerance! Mom and Dad were in a hurry! Think something's wrong, Ding Ding Ding! I don't know if I can change my character! "

"Big brother, you worry too much! Ding Ding sometimes has some impatience, but she is very good. She has nothing to say about her parents and children. What about her temper? That's human personality! That is to say, sometimes big brother will have some worries, which we will certainly correct! "

"If you don't correct, it's your husband and wife's business. If you don't have any problems, then there will be no problems with the rest. Ding Ding Ding's temper is a little hot with my mother. However, there is a saying that her temper is a little problematic, but there are no problems in her conduct. What about me? I don't really hope that the temper of the two children will be similar to her in the future. It's better to be like you a little bit! "

"Big brother, I understand!"

"I won't say much about family affairs! There is one more thing. What about uncle and aunt? Now it's on the other side of the capital! I can't go back either, so you and Ding Ding should be more concerned! "

"Don't worry, brother! Sometimes we don't let the army interfere! " Cao Zhen also said with a smile! Things are like this, they really do not have any exaggeration, uncle and aunt came, almost all of the package!

"Well! I won't say more! Is uncle in? Let him listen to the phone, I have to congratulate you

Cao Zhen also quickly went over, "uncle, brother's phone, to congratulate you!"

Second uncle is also the first time to take the phone over, "boss, this call is a little late, then this wine can give you to make up." Can hear out, he is still very happy, the voice is also very loud!

Next to the aunt is also a push, so loud, this is not intentional? The daughter-in-law is still resting there!"Ding Ding's got a little bit of a temper. I've just heard about it. I'll make it up to my second uncle when I get there. Ha ha! The little girl hasn't opened long now, but she must be a beautiful girl then

"If you have anything, just tell Ding Ding Ding! You're welcome. If you have any trouble, let her go to the housekeeper. "

"So many things! You can rest assured that everything is fine here. "

After putting down the phone, Ding Yu also received a picture taken by Ding Ding Ding. Of course, he also saw a red envelope hint. Ding Yu was really helpless. If it was a large army, it might be better. But if you do this, it is not a little bit too much!

The housekeeper came by himself, holding a small basket in his hand. There was no one else to follow! There is no need to make a big noise at this time! The small basket is also covered with red cloth. It is really hard to see what is inside!

The parents and sons of the Lin family are all there, but now, apart from the agreeable smile, it's really hard to say anything? Where's the daughter? My mother and I take care of them! Although said to have a daughter, but the Zhao family here is not only no dissatisfaction, on the contrary are all happy!

All the people have been given to Baoyuan! I feel better than my own daughter! Although we all have a considerable contradiction, but their own side is their own parents, OK? Do you need that?

Because of her health, Lin Qian didn't mention anything. In some aspects, her own affairs can't be mentioned in front of her father-in-law and mother-in-law?! Although father-in-law and mother-in-law say that they are in the countryside, they really have nothing to say about their daughter-in-law. Moreover, the Zhao family treats themselves with nothing to say!

And in the hospital side, after the father-in-law and mother-in-law came, all the expenses? They are both father-in-law and mother-in-law. Of course, there are also elder sister Ding Ding. However, there is nothing out there from her parents. How do you think of this? Lin Qian also really don't know what to say! What can be done?

Ding Ding took advantage of not paying attention, but also opened the red cloth of the small basket! Looking at the things in the basket, he also slightly nodded his head, "OK, it seems that big brother's intention is enough!"

"You! This heart is also a little big! " Second uncle is also dissatisfied with a hum!

Zhao Jun also scratched his head, big brother sent these things over, not to say that he was aiming at himself, to a certain extent, he did not really have much to do with himself! Mainly because of my father and mother!

Grandma is the father and mother to take care of, is not a fake hand of that kind, although the grandmother has a little prejudice against the eldest brother, but the elder brother has never been any care! Because the father and mother take care of grandma's reason, so big brother just to oneself and Lin Qian two person's attention! Otherwise, which one is he?

"That's what it means! It's the bottom of the box for children! army! You keep your things away! Anyway, it's not bad for big brother. It's a good moral for children Ding Ding is also a big hand, directly put things on the edge of Lin Qian's bed position! "Lin Qian, you have to watch! We can't let the army bring disaster! "

Lin Qian's mother had such a hot eye. She said it was a small basket, but it was about the size of a fruit basket. Besides the gold, there were other things in it. Of course, many of them were in boxes, but the yellow and gold one was quite shocking enough!

After the excitement, looking at her aunt to take care of Lin Qian, Ding Ding Ding also pulled Cao Zhen to one side of the position, "big brother told you?"

"Yes! There's nothing to worry about. The elder brother doesn't like his two nephews in general, and our two sons also like their uncles very much. Every time they come, they are embracing and gnawing! How can other children get such treatment, don't you? As parents, we must be worried. This is a matter of course, but we also need to consider the feelings of the eldest brother. This kind of quota is not to be taken as soon as possible! "

"I see! At that time, I didn't think about it from the big brother's point of view, but he didn't care about it. It's OK. It's all right. It's OK to talk about it! "

"Big brother, there is no problem there!" Cao Zhen also shook his head and said, "it's not good to let dad and mom follow you blindly and worry about it! Although the elder brother mentioned a sentence earlier, it was our mistake after all, didn't you say? "

"I see!" Ding Ding deeply took a breath, but then also reached Cao Zhen's armpit and twisted it fiercely. Cao Zhen's face changed! Immediately also does not live in the spot jump! There are so many too painful!

"Did you hear that?"

When Wang Changlin came back, he didn't wait for his seat to settle down. Su Yuan said it abruptly!

"The eldest brother gave Ding Ding Ding two children's places. They went to the summer camp!""I haven't heard of it!" Wang Changlin shook his head, "but it's not a bad thing. I'll take part in it! Ding Ding's position is there. Do other people dare to talk

Su Yuan was very dissatisfied with a glance, "Xiaogang there don't say! But what about the other kids in the family? Ding Ding alone occupied two places. We should know that the scale of the whole summer camp is not very large, and many people are looking forward to it! "

"What can I do with this?" Wang Changlin also spread out his hands, "what's more, the boss has given a considerable quota? If we can allocate a considerable number of places, the boss has already opened a considerable gap! "

"There are quite a few murmurs about this at home. What about my quota? I can't give all of them to my family, and as far as I know, there are only three levels, starting from age! But on the whole, there are not so many people! No one knows when the next one will start! "

Wang Changlin knocked on the table with his hand, "did the people from the faction find you?"

"No, it's obvious. Even if it's not good this time, what about the next time? Everyone knows what the nature of this summer camp is, and it is a kind of long-term training. It does not mean that one-time guidance is over! I heard that the first batch of children have been guided and cultivated in other aspects now! "

"You are very well informed! Where did you learn that? "

"You! Although these people never know, they are not always in the control range! There are also a group of children in the United States. This time, with the first batch of children, including those from Japan, we are all integrated together! It's just a small scale! "

"It's a good thing to communicate with each other."

"It's a good thing! Everyone knows this is a good thing, but the scope is so small! We should know that we are not short of money, at least in the treatment of children's education, we are not very short of money, what we lack is such resources and channels, this kind of enlightenment and guidance, especially for children's help! "

"I don't care if I say it, and you don't count if you say it. The boss has his own criteria in his heart." In this regard, Wang Changlin also had some scratching his head, "he said yes! There is no way for anyone. He said that he would not agree. If the emperor Laozi came, there would be no use for him. This is the case at present! "

Looking at some wives who couldn't stop their anger, Wang Changlin sighed again, "it's like the echelon side! We all know the situation of the first and second echelons, but what about after the third echelon? Did you see any attention from him? Not at all

"This is the reason why people are so anxious. The children in the first phase have been determined. What about the children in the second phase? Although the scale is a little bigger, it is just a little bigger! But who knows if there will be a third phase? This is an unknown number! Under such circumstances, how can you sit still? "

"Looking for the boss?" Wang Changlin is really feeling that there are some headaches, other things to deal with, but how to deal with this matter? And find their own boss, can really play what so-called role? It's impossible, OK? The character of the boss! Oh!

"Looking for the eldest brother has not been able to play any role, and this matter also has some indescribable, after all, he also gave the family quota, now gives Ding Ding Ding two places, if anyone dares to use this to find trouble, it is not a general trouble, but there is no way to say this, but the matter needs to be dealt with."

Wang Changlin tilted his body, his arm was on the sofa, and his fist was padded with his chin! "It's hard to find anyone to do this! Although the eldest is our son, he is such a temper, and if things are really too noisy, then we will not have any good fruit to eat! "

"I think so. Do you want to tell the boss that whether it's summer camp or winter camp, it can't be so perfunctory, do you think?" Su Yuan said tentatively!

Yeah? Wang Changlin looked at his wife and thought, "let him open several so-called summer camps in the future? It's a good thing, but I'm afraid it's not so much involved. It involves considerable resources. It's really not about the amount of money. There's no other channel. "

"There are other channels, but which channel can be compared with the boss's farm? Now, winter and summer camps, including exchange students, are emerging in endlessly, but they are not so comprehensive. What's important is that we can't integrate so much resources! "

"You and I are not so suitable to mention this matter. If we mention this matter, I'm afraid the boss is in his heart! There will be other ideas, this thing? Let Wang Li talk when she has time

Wang Li? Su Yuan felt that her head was not enough, but she quickly responded, "do you mean Wang Li's two children?""I think that's what I think. After all, he and the eldest brother and sister, and the relationship with Wang Li is also very good. What about this kind of feeling? It's the same as Ding Ding Ding! It's just that the nature of each other is slightly different! But the essence is the same, and it is a better reason! "

"Will this work? You don't know Lily's temper! "

"Shangnan can't let Shangnan talk about it. If he says it, it will be another thing. Although the boss is very optimistic about Shangnan, it's a one-time thing to be optimistic about Shangnan. Moreover, the merchants have not been willing to do such a thing. I'm afraid it will hurt their little couple. So let Wang Li do it!"

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