The plane has landed! However, it still takes a long time to slide. Ding Yu's car also stops at the parking apron. On the contrary, the Russian military sent special personnel to take umbrellas for Ding Yu. It should not be to block his eyes! Some things are all made by heart, and there is no meaning in saying them!

Looking at Li Jianxi coming out of the plane slowly, Ding Yu didn't make any action. After waiting for Li Jianxi to get off the plane, Ding Yu stepped forward and took the lead in extending his hand. His identity may be slightly different, but what about that? And this one? But the elder among the elders! At least in business, it is! Therefore, Ding Yu shows great respect. This is a matter of course. It has nothing to do with other things!

What about chairman Li of Samsung? Although there are quite dissatisfied with some things, any people and affairs need to be divided into two to look at! After all, not all people are like themselves! Right?

"Chairman Li, hard work!"

Li Jianxi looks at Ding Yu. Ding Yu can come to the airport to meet him personally. He can think of it, but he gives him such a courtesy, which really makes him have some unexpected! From each other's position, Ding Yu does not need to be polite to himself at this time!

At most, Samsung's name is louder than Ding Yu's consortia, but the direction between them is fundamentally different! Ding Yu now has the confidence to challenge Samsung. Even if they really compete with each other, how can Samsung be better than Ding Yu? In addition, ha ha!

But Ding Yu didn't show any high spirited expression here, and he didn't have any attitude of scolding at will! The whole person is still extremely modest. Of course, there are real reasons for being rich, but is this really the main reason? Don't make such a joke! Everyone knows that this is impossible!

Li Jianxi holds Ding Yu's hand, and the whole person's expression is slightly excited. Ding Yu shakes up and down twice, and the strength is slightly heavier. "Dong Li, old and strong, is as good as ever!"

"Ah! It's just flattery Patting Ding Yu's arm, Li Jianxi is really not a general sigh, Ding Yu said that he can still glow, but this is just a compliment! This kind of compliment is better not to take it seriously. What's more, Ding Yu said it!

Ding Yu may have no other meaning, but it doesn't mean that he can really open his mouth in front of Ding Yu. Now the status and position between each other has been changed dramatically! In recent years, Ding Yu's consortia have developed very fast. It is true that it is relatively low-key and unknown to all. However, I still feel that there are so many sorrows here!

If Li Zai Rong and Li Fu Zhen were replaced, what would be the situation at this time? Perhaps Samsung has broken through its own bottleneck at this time? But why is there no hypothesis?

What's more, Fu Zhen's acceptance of Ding Yu does not mean that Li Zai Rong can also accept Ding Yu. Moreover, under the background of Ding Yu, what kind of situation Li zaireng will be like? Li Jianxi can't think about it at all!

The reason why I came here personally this time is that I have to accept Ding Yu's intention. If Ding Yu makes a move to Samsung at this time, the reason will not be said! Weak is the original sin, there is no other reason to say, as for whether they are allies, does it matter?

And Samsung now? The new president of South Korea is not very lenient towards the major consortia. Of course, this is a matter of common sense. After all, the liquidation of the previous president can be understood to some extent. However, Lee Jae Jung is involved in it, which is somewhat irritating!

It is not a big deal for Samsung to stabilize its internal affairs. Li zaireng has been caught in the fire. Samsung has shown considerable sincerity to the new government. Don't think that Samsung is not annoyed at all. We have already given considerable face. Under such circumstances, we have to liquidate the Samsung consortium. This is another thing?

You want this face when you take office as the new president. Yes, there is no problem. We will give you this face, and we will talk about it in the future! We also think about the overall situation, don't we? In such a situation, no one can use Samsung to prevaricate. What else do you want? Is it hard to put yourself in this old guy?

And now Samsung has been bullied how miserable, then in the future, Samsung will retaliate how cruel, this is mutual! No beginning, no end!

Internal affairs are easy to solve, but how to solve external problems? Especially in the face of Ding Yu?

This time, Samsung did not fully support Ding Yu, and even stood on the opposite side of Ding Yu to a certain extent. Li zaireng also had considerable actions. Admittedly, he supported Ding Yu, but the whole Samsung still stood on the opposite side of Ding Yu under the leadership of Li Zai Rong!

This matter still needs to give Ding Yu an account all the time? If you don't explain to Ding Yu clearly, maybe when he was alive, Ding Yu would not do it to Samsung or Li Zai Rong, but if he really belched his fart, what kind of attitude would Ding Yu be at that time!Moreover, judging from the current situation, Li zaireng will never be Ding Yu's opponent. To be more exaggerated, Ding Yu will not be needed to stand up at that time. Even if Li Fuzhen comes forward, I'm afraid it will be enough for Li zaireng to eat a pot in Rongrong!

Li Fuzhen is not as easy to handle as imagined. After all, the relationship between their brothers and sisters has quite a problem, but if we can deal with Ding Yu, then Li Fuzhen will never be imagined to have problems! After all, there are not so many people who can appease Li Fu Zhen in this world! But Ding Yu is definitely one of the best!

They didn't really mean to greet each other at the airport. They both got on the bus. Ding Yu's car was in front of him and Li Jianxi's car was in the back! As for the car of the interior army, it means to follow closely around!

"Chairman, it seems to be the Russian interior force!"

Li Jianxi slightly nodded his head. When he was here at the airport, he had already noticed it! At that time, they didn't mean to rely on the front. However, judging from the current situation, Ding Yu's energy in Russia can't be underestimated. After all, it is not everyone who can let the internal forces stand guard for him!

It is said that Ding Yu has a very good relationship with the great emperor of Russia, but we have all heard of it. Moreover, from the perspective of Ding Yu's situation, he has hardly done anything in Russia. Generally speaking, the above things are basically handled by Sasha. But now, the situation is completely different from what you imagined!

"Chairman, will it be aimed at you?"

Li Jianxi shook his head, "that would really underestimate Ding Yu! Ding Yu will not use such tricks, and you should notice that the interior forces are quite far away from us! "

Some things, Li Jianxi did not explain too clearly, internal forces come? One is to protect Ding Yu, on the other hand? How much also has so some to give South Korea facial expression to see meaning, just because of Ding Yu's face, not easy to do too direct, so point to stop!

There is nothing good or bad. At this time, don't talk about the so-called friendship and friendship. There is no such problem at all. You can talk about friendship and friendship with Ding Yu, but what kind of friendship and friendship do you talk about with Russia? Do you know who you are?

Some things can work in the United States, but it doesn't mean it works in Russia! Two things!

When he arrived at the place where he stayed, Ding Yu did not stay for a long time and left soon! Fortunately, the distance between each other is relatively close, but it will not have too much influence, even if you walk over, it will not take too long! This is also Ding Yu taking care of Li Jianxi, there is no need to make any other tricks!

They are not children, and there is no so-called spirit struggle between each other. Now that two people can sit down and have a good talk at this time, it is quite good for both sides, so there is no need to make a fuss all over the city!

If it is really noisy, then we will not choose the meeting place in Russia. There must be other suitable examples, such as the United States, such as China and so on! Because we all don't want to make a mess of it!

Back at his residence, Ding Yu changed himself into a relatively light clothes. Li Jianxi, who had a rest for a while, also changed himself into a remote suit. Neither of them meant to be formal. It was obvious that the two did not want to face each other positively!

Therefore, the two people who met also looked at each other and laughed at each other. "Ding, I didn't expect that there would be such a scenery here. Russia is really very large, spanning Asia and Europe, and has its own characteristics."

Standing beside Li Jianxi, Ding Yu is holding the wooden railing! Looking at the scenery in the distance, I nodded happily! "Russia is really big, and its territory is very broad. Living in such a place has a special taste!"

Li Jianxi carried his hand on his back, but his body was not too straight. "Korea is too small! The so-called Republic of Korea is more like a kind of self mockery, an expression of inferiority in the heart. Everyone is in this cage, and not many people can break free of this cage. This is actually a very sad thing! "

"It's really difficult to survive in the cracks! But it is also such an environment, will have long been firm and resolute character! " Ding Yu is also looking at the distant position, "Li Dong, what do you say?"

"Samsung looks big, but it's too small! At least its environment is not as good as you think! At this point, I really envy your consortia for being able to take root in China and get sufficient nutrient absorption, which is incomparable to any other consortium! "

"The foundation of the consortia is too weak. Now it is blooming. But who knows what will happen next?" This is like asking yourself and asking questions!

Li Jianxi sighed, "Ding, from your personal point of view, do you think things will come to an end?"

"Storm Ding Yu snorted, "what do you say? Is the wind moving, the flag moving, or the people moving? People! I'm afraid it's also one of the driving forces of social development. But social development is a process of self, not artificial. What do you think, Li Dong? ""Samsung has a lot of cooperation with China. What about this time? Samsung has also been criticized for its attitude towards Samsung, whether it is the former president or the current president

"Samsung's development in China seems to be weakening! But in fact, we can only see one side of it. On this point, Li's performance in Rongrong is very excellent. If we look at the development of the enterprise, his performance should be praiseworthy! "

Ding Yu didn't want to completely deny Li Zairong's meaning, but what about this discourse? It is also quite biased, I believe that Li Jianxi also heard the taste of it!

"I didn't expect you to give him such a comment?" Li Jianxi is really quite surprised that there are so many accidents, relatively speaking, he should not stand in Li Fuzhen there? Why can say so, paralyze oneself intentionally? But judging from his situation, it seems that this is not the case!

"From my point of view, he has already performed very well in business! Both Li Zai Rong and Li Fu Zhen are excellent enough, but Li Zai Rong's performance in some aspects is slightly defective! "

Ding Yu pointed out the problem without mercy. He didn't mean to save face for him. In the past, maybe it was a little worse. But now Ding Yu has such capital, which has nothing to do with age!

Li Zai Rong is older than Ding Yu, but what about that? Li zaireng just inherited Samsung, but Ding Yu is the land that he fought with his bare hands. Moreover, it is not much more than that of Samsung. From such a comparison, it is reasonable for Ding Yu to judge Li Jae Rong like this, so Li Jianxi is in front of him!

"I thought you would have other comments on Zhechong!" Li Jianxi's speech seems unintentional, but more like an inquiry, but it is not to the point of making a difficult decision! "I didn't expect that you would evaluate him like this, and I don't know how he would feel when he knew it?"

"Business belongs to business, and friendship to friendship. These are two things. From any standpoint and angle, he considers it by himself. In other words, it is an embodiment of the goals and interests of the whole consortium, and it is not a matter of personal will. What do you think, Mr. Li?"

"Yes! So people think Samsung belongs to the Li family, but what about the actual situation? The Li family is just a representative of the interests, is a manifestation of the whole will! But how many people can see that? "

Li Jianxi takes a deep look at Ding Yu. How old is this guy? It's no wonder that his consortium can get such development. It's hard to stop his own pace with such a leader!

Although it was not a long time to talk with each other, both himself and Ding Yu understood one thing. Ding Yu didn't mean to start with Samsung now, and even in the future, he would not do it to Samsung. The road between them is fundamentally different!

Even Ding Yu's annexation of Samsung is not only unable to expand his own power, on the contrary, it may be dragged down by Samsung, because the direction of the two consortia is not the same at all. Under such circumstances, what kind of results will be achieved if the two consortia are forced to merge together? This is an obvious thing!

If you don't meet Ding Yu to discuss some problems, it's really hard to make a proper judgment. But what about these two years? Their time for Samsung has basically let go! In addition, Ding Yu doesn't come to Korea very much and his body is limited, so there is less communication between them!

What's more? The former president didn't know if his head was really in the water! Even made such a choice, it can be said that there is no threat to China, not to say, but also to the entire South Korea pit! This can really be a big pit! I'm afraid it's hard to jump out for a moment and a half! Don't you want face in China? What's more, China is still a superpower!

Give you face is a thing, you do not want to face again is another thing!

The so-called politician in South Korea! It's really death! It is true that most of them are representatives of consortia, but what about this representative? It's just one aspect of it. It doesn't represent the whole subject!

The meeting between Ding Yu and Li Jianxi is relatively quiet. Although it is said that they are meeting in Russia, the whole outside world is not aware of this situation. Neither Ding Yu nor Li Jianxi will release relevant information to the outside world! Low key is only one aspect, mainly because the current situation is not allowed to do so!

After the negotiation, each other also went to have a rest! Li Jianxi was sitting on the chair, closed his eyes and recuperated. Even when his son called to greet him, Li Jianxi didn't say much, that is to say, two tones. Relatively speaking, Li Zairong's performance was good, but it depends on the comparison!

Really, if compared with Ding Yu, there are still some big differences between them! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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