This matter needs to be solved in the end. Now the problem is to find someone to dredge the relationship among them?

Can you persuade Ding Yu? It won't do much! It's mainly Shasha. After all, it's her who offends this time. Of course, if Ding Yu comes forward, it may be better. But will Ding Yu give this face? Some of them are so funny! Why do people give you this face? How much face does South Korea have in front of others?

South Korea's intelligence department is very clear, this time Samsung's Lee Dong personally arrived in Russia for what? People don't know, don't they? The purpose is very simple, is to meet Ding Yu!

Although there are many South Korean people around Ding Yu, it is not appropriate for any one who has a little bit of sense to go to the people around Ding Yu and waste all their feelings once and for all! For such a small matter, it is not worth using such a relationship!

As for those who have offended Sasha, at most, they will be punished, and then they will lose some face. That's it! The reason why South Korea wants to find people to dredge up is that Ding Yu can understand and Sasha can calm down. As for the punishment of the people below, no one has paid special attention to such a thing!

When the subordinates do not carry the pot, it is difficult to let the boss carry the pot. In that case, what is the use of these subordinates?

However, the U.S. headquarters in South Korea soon got the corresponding instructions. You know, Ding Yu's relationship with the U.S. military is very bad, but what about such a small matter? Some people are willing to do it! Even the U.S. military will not have too much to say, just sit on the sidelines!

There are also many military factions. Hawks and doves are just two representative factions! In addition, there are other small groups, can be said to emerge in endlessly! Even those who have received the hint don't know the context of this matter. For them, they just need to do something! And the treatment is also quite good! what is there against it?

"It's done!" Sasha is very comfortable sitting beside Ding Yu!

"So soon?" Ding Yu took a glance at the rest of his eye, "is there such a good time there?"

"Those people in South Korea are going back very fast, almost as long as chairman Li Jianxi and chairman Li. It seems that they also know what the situation is. If they continue to stay in Russia, they will not even have ashes left! But it's just a lesson! How about not giving them! Let them know the power of it! There's no need to make it too bloody. It's not a street fight! "

Looking at the tablet computer in Sasha's hand, Ding Yu also has some feeling of toothache, as for such a look? This is not just a slap in the face! It's exaggerative enough to beat people up and take pictures as a souvenir. At this point, Sasha's performance is so crazy and extreme!

The mouth says is a thing, but how to do, is another time matter!

"That is to offend you, is such a result, the so-called adults don't remember villains too much, not as!"

"I have read books, I know a word, the so-called only women and villains are difficult to raise!"

Ding Yu knocked her head with her hand. Shasha heard from where she heard about it. However, things have already happened. It's not easy for her to investigate anything. There is no need to investigate. South Korea has already softened up before waiting for her own hands! "That's all for it!"

In fact, Ding Yu's heart is very clear, Sasa why to make a fuss, this is to challenge the position of Tai Xi! Or want to challenge the position of Tai Xi and Fu Zhen, this is really a little bit more difficult!

On this issue, Ding Yu really does not want to show too biased! Now Sasha has so many too restless, after this agitator, everything will be stable, this point holds Ding Yu still has!

"Going out for a walk?" Ding Yu made the invitation abruptly.

When she heard Ding Yu's invitation, she was also a little lost in her mind. She really didn't expect to hear such words from Ding Yu's mouth. You know, it's Russia, not the United States. Even in the United States, except for the art gallery, it seems that she has never been to any other place. The main reason is that Ding Yu is so boring!

"Is it convenient?"

Ding Yu raised his hand, made an invitation gesture, and then patted his clothes, "I am very free, but whether you are free, I don't know!" Having said that, Ding Yu also deliberately took a look at his watch.

After a voice, Sasha is also the first time to clean up herself! Ding Yu said hello to the security guard, but he was forbidden to refuse! Although she came to Russia with her husband, Sasha is here after all! This is Sasha's home, you know, the director is not the opponent of this!

Who knows what will happen to this crazy woman? They are the security of security, the overall scheduling can be! Really don't follow in the side of the position, after all, their supervisor and Sasha two people mutual can't see! If you say you are too eager, who knows what the supervisor thinks?Since the security didn't mean to follow, Ding Yu did not bring other people, that is, Sasha and Xiaojiu, and a part-time translator! As for the Ministry of the interior? They have also sent quite a number of personnel, but obviously will not walk with Ding Yu and them! They are responsible for the external situation, not too many people disturb!

A group of people came out after a long walk! In fact, there is not too much directionality. Although Sasha is open and close in Russia, she is confused when she is walking on the street!

"With the two of us? Although it's not the first time, it's the first time for a big girl to get on the sedan chair

In the face of Ding Yu's teasing, Shasha also twisted Ding Yu, but then she also took Xiaojiu and walked casually! I really don't have any other ideas! "Take the subway! I heard that Russia's subway is very famous. Although I've been back and forth many times, I've never sat on it. It's a deep understanding! "

A few people are light dress up that kind, the body does not have too much thing, slightly show so a few idle!

"If I said I had everything on my back, wouldn't it look a little bad?" Walking on the road, Ding Yu has some complaints about it! "What's more, give me some of what you eat! Can't let me just work, and then can only look at, this is really bad

I don't know where Ding Yu came from, but she was able to soothe her mood! Now she doesn't have so many elder sister's style. When she walks with Xiao Jiu, she is also docile. Previously, Xiao Jiu was so nervous that she asked Ding Yu for help from time to time. Now it's much better!

"I have to say that this building in Russia is really outstanding! It feels like a building block

Ding Yu shook his head. "I don't know much about it. It's fun to watch it. I've been to the ice city, which is the ice city in China. I'm more influenced by Russia, so I'm not surprised."

"There's nothing to see from the outside, but I feel shocked when I walk into the interior, especially the dome, which is magnificent and full of style!" Sasha should have the most say in this, because she often goes to and from Russia, which naturally has a judgment!

A group of people into the subway station, people are not as many as imagined, but the decoration of the subway station gives people a feeling of a little too grandiose! Whether it is Britain, the United States or China, Ding Yu has done subway!

What is the subway like? Ding Yu hasn't sat on it yet, so he doesn't have much say. But to say the best, it should be domestic! It's clean and comfortable, but it's a bit crowded, which is really out of the question! But what about the decoration of the subway station? Russia may be really unique! At the first sight, Ding Yu was really shocked!

Because it's not a special ride, so we all stroll around the subway station and appreciate it. Instead of going to other places, we come to the subway station specially. It's boring! But it can also be seen that Ding Yu and they still have a considerable interest and interest in here!

But although the subway station is very good, but the subway? Compared with the poor, at least with the domestic not too much comparability, everyone has their own strengths, it is really not good to compare vertically and horizontally!

"I don't feel it. It's quite quiet in fact."

"Yes! My impression is that it is very quiet. I didn't think how big it was when I went to the ice city! At that time, Ding Ding didn't go with her. Later, when she mentioned this matter, she cried from time to time, which gave me the feeling that they were very generous! What's more, the bread is really big

Poop! Xiao Jiu felt that he didn't hold back. Who could have thought that his husband had come to such a sentence? What is the big Leba? He knows it! But the gentleman should behave so much, is it really good? It's out of image! After all, knowing is one time thing, but speaking out, it is another time!

"I doubt what you looked like when you were a child."

"Quite normal!" Ding Yu said disapprovingly, "except for eating, children are playing. Not many people can read books for the rise of China like our prime minister. To tell you the truth, when I was a child? There's no ideal at all. It's just that after more things have happened, the brain will have some enlightenment. "

"Why do you give people the feeling that there are so many intentional elements in your words? It's like a deliberate display of yourself Shasha didn't mean to save face for Ding Yu at all! "Just like you! If you bring shoes to Premier Zhou, people will dislike you! Be a bodyguard at most! At least it's useful! "

"If it's really possible, it's a beautiful thing."

Xiao Jiu thinks it's better not to get involved in it. He doesn't know much about Chinese culture. Premier Zhou knows it himself, but his understanding is limited to some materials! There is no way to be as transparent as Sasha!

"You're fat, but you're still breathing!" Sasha took a picture of Ding Yu with her mobile phone, but it was only limited to her appreciation! Even if you don't need the P-map, it really makes people feel itchy. As for other people who want to shoot Ding Yu, they don't want to think about it. They really think that all the people around are eating dry food, right?"I've never been fat when I was a child. This generation should have no relationship with fat people!" Ding Yu looked at Sasha for a moment. "Your way of losing weight personally feels a little bit problematic. At least the diet is not as healthy as you imagined. It's not difficult to get up earlier in the morning! Don't use sleep to excuse me

"It's not hard to get up early. It's just for you!" After saying that, he turned his head directly. Obviously, he didn't want to continue talking with Ding Yu. This guy is really a straight man of steel. If everyone had the same self-discipline as him, the world would have been peaceful for a long time. Would you wait until now?

Xiao Jiu is also holding Sasha's arm. She feels a little funny. The more you contact your husband, the more you will find that he has some defects in his life. Obviously, he is not the perfect man in his imagination, but this also makes Xiao Jiu feel so calm!

If the gentleman is really perfect, it is really too terrible! It is absolutely not a human being, but a high-ranking deity. What kind of consequences would it be if a prisoner like himself were with a deity? Do you need to explain more?

Although Ding Yu didn't have too many words, he still handed two bottles of water in the past, and even poked Shasha a little. Sasha snorted with her nose. Although she was very dissatisfied with the water, she was reluctant to take it over. But then she handed the bottle to Ding Yu. Xiao Jiu was still puzzled, and then gave it back What do you mean? But when he saw the bottle cap opened, Xiao Jiu understood everything!

Not only did Sasha twist the cap off the bottle, but also helped Xiao Jiu twist the cap. It didn't take any trouble. What about some things? Care about a so-called balance! What is the purpose and result? Maybe women don't care, but what about the process? They are absolutely the most concerned!

When getting off the subway, a group of people strolled in the subway station for a period of time, and then they came out!

"It doesn't feel as big as you think!" Ding Yu glanced, "at least there is no way to compare Tiananmen Square. I feel that Tiananmen Square is at least four or five big!"

"It's not a big place, but it's famous!" Shasha also argued with Ding Yu and said, "but today's people seem to be a little bit more, but it's quite lively!"

"It's quite red. The buildings around are basically red! I'm afraid there are not many such red structures in the world! Maybe it's not much to do with the places I've been through, which has a lot to do with it! " Say this, Ding Yu has so some self mockery flavor!

"Bronze statue is very good, very powerful! It's my first time, too

Ding Yu stood in the distance and looked at the statue of Marshal Zhukov. The statue is not very vivid, but it is free! But for Sasha and Xiaojiu, it's just a kind of loveless one, just passing by in a hurry!

However, the unknown martyrs there, the procedures of changing Posts caused them to stop a little. Ding Yu looked at the tomb of the unknown martyr and stood there to salute. Unknown martyr! This should be a general term. There are too many people who offer silently, and even there are quite a lot of people who don't leave any traces in the end! Their salute is respect for them!

This is not just a person, not just Russia, but all the unsung heroes in my mind! I am also a soldier, but I left the army for other reasons. Now I think of it as an aftertaste. At least I have been transformed in the military environment!

By the time Ding Yu came back, Sasha and Xiao Jiu had already run to the next department store. From the outside, the top ten department stores in the world felt that they were worthy of the name, typical European classicism!

In other words, it's a century old house! It's exaggeration to be able to keep it so well and become one of the top ten department stores in the world! It's really speechless!

However, after coming in, you will find that inside and outside are completely two worlds, and the difference is really so big! Ding Yu looked at the people in the Ministry of internal affairs and twisted his mouth, "OK! Are you familiar with this place? If you can, find a place to rest, no one knows how long it will be?! We'd better not try to be too hard! "

The people of the Ministry of internal affairs did not expect that Ding Yu's words would be so harmonious, and there were some differences between Ding Yu and other people he came into contact with! Although facial expression has so some indifference, but the speech does not have so-called high above!

The only thing that makes me feel uncomfortable is that he speaks English, not Russian! It's a bit awkward, but it really can't be mentioned in front of Ding Yu. People don't speak Russian. It's someone else's business. It has nothing to do with myself!

The place is so big! Ding Yu is one of the top ten in the world. Ding Yu bought two books and a newspaper in a stationery store. There was a stationery store in such a department store. It was really a little admired by people!

From the details, we can see that one of the top ten department stores in the world actually has special sales of books and stationery. Moreover, judging from this meaning, there is really a lot of staff turnover! What else can people say besides admiration?Ding Yu bought several cups of coffee. In addition to himself and the security guard in front of him, there were other people's! It's just a way to get along with each other. There's no other difference! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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