Ding Yu can rush to China as soon as possible, but if Jin wants to leave, he will have some troubles! Obviously, the United States has received the news, but how does it work? You need to think about it!

Always need to find a so-called by the head, otherwise there is no reason to deduct the deposit, after the event will certainly be abnormal trouble! Whether it is Ding Yu, or Jin, are not free goods, take up also need to let a person weigh carefully!

"Ding Yu should have made a sudden intention to go back to China. At least according to the previous information, he only wanted to meet Li Jianxi when he went to Russia, mainly to discuss some problems of Samsung. But now he has to go back suddenly, even with Jin. There are problems in this! Too much turning point

There are not many people in the office, but the atmosphere is very dull. Jin can't leave at this time. Ding Yu has decided to go back to China now! Obviously, what should have happened? But what is involved, there is really no news spread out! The comparison makes people irritable!

It's not a good time to offend Ding Yu at this time, especially under the specific circumstances.

Freddy's story has shocked us so much! The US side also uses this reason to "detain" the gold. The term "seizure" is really not appropriate. It can only be used to assist in the investigation temporarily. For this reason, Freddie has even been brought in. There is no other way to do things that can't be done in other ways!

As for Freddie? He's a little more safe, and he won't cause too much trouble. Even if Ding Yu or Jin find fault, he won't make a big fight! What does Freddy think? It doesn't matter!

The major general knocked on the table, which attracted everyone's attention. "From what we know, Ding Yu met with Russian President and Samsung's Li Jianxi in Russia. Besides, there was no other big move, but there was one thing, I don't know if you still have an impression."

Looking at the photos highlighted on the screen, it is Luo Xuan, not to mention, the effect of shooting is very good! Let Luo Xuan whole person highlight some small handsome, no middle-aged people's greasy! But also more than a few small students do not have the bearing!

"His name is Luo Xuan. He is a public relations representative of the farm in China. Ding Yu personally dug it out. In order to excavate him, Ding Yu also used some means. His ability is very outstanding. He has an outstanding performance in public relations. However, he has been working in China all the time. Apart from the farm, he has not much to do with other aspects! But to speak of Luo Xuan, he should be regarded as grandfather Ding Yu, that is, the relationship between Su Boshen and general Su! "

"That is to say, he and gold belong to different natures?"

The major general nodded, "at least from what we know so far, and the purpose of his going to Russia has been investigated clearly! Send a batch of vodka! That's basically the case, and a large part of the vodka goes into the Kremlin

"I haven't heard that vodka is still abundant in China!" Some people also raised an objection to this, "if you take it from the United States or Europe, how much is understandable, but is there something wrong with Chinese vodka?"

China is rich in liquor, which we all know, but liquor and vodka are not the same at all, they can not be confused! However, if Ding Yu can be sent to the Kremlin as a gift, it is said that there is a bonus for Ding Yu's identity, but the thing must not be too bad. Otherwise, it will be a shame to lose my hair!

With Ding Yu's identity, will you use such things to make fun of? Stop talking!

"What kind of judgment does the analysis team give?"

The person who was asked also brought out a document, "the report mentioned some problems. Ding Yu's farm is developing rapidly in China. Whether it's fruits, vegetables or grains, the quality has been greatly improved, especially in import and export."

Pointing to the screen, it says that the farm imports and exports of some things, the price can be said to be particularly expensive, no one forced, but everyone for the farm produce things, the selectivity is particularly strong, in this issue, China's network played a very important role! You can check it at any time, which is impossible in the United States!

Because in the United States to lay such a large signal facilities, it is not necessary! After all, not every country can achieve the level of China, even in the marginal mountain areas can achieve smooth signal! How crazy! In America, it's just incredible! Sometimes in a bigger Park, your mobile phone may not have a signal!

Not to mention other aspects! But what about China? Investment in this area can be said to be particularly large!

Ding Yu's farm is also very good use of this, can show all aspects of his farm, you want to start from the seeds, there is no problem, and the whole process is not any cover up, too complete, too transparent, so the price has been high!Of course, the United States is also a big and powerful agricultural country, but it is impossible for them to achieve this. There are not so many people, and most of them are industrialized ones. Therefore, the difference is very obvious!

A large part of Ding Yu's farm is purely handmade, which is not to say that it is not contaminated with industrialization. Ding Yu's power can do this, but it is rarely used by others. In terms of quantity, Ding Yu's farm has been upgraded to the level of quality!

To be more practical, the fruit produced in the United States is $5 a pound, but Ding Yu's fruit will cost you $30, or even more than $50, and he still likes to have it or not! If you don't want it, there are many people who want it! That's how rude it is!

"So?" The major general is very impatient!

"The quality of the products produced on the farm is very high. Under such circumstances, it is natural to brew some wine. Moreover, these drinks may be different from other drinks, or even inspired by Ding Yu. Although Ding Yu doesn't like drinking, it seems that there are a lot of his collections!"

"If you just want to send the drinks to the Kremlin, you'd better ask Luo Xuan to go there. It's a little incomprehensible?"

Some people raised their hands, "is it because Ding Yu wants to lay the groundwork for Luo Xuan! What about Russia? Although it is under the control of Europe, Russia's farms are developing rapidly, and they have introduced considerable technology, including Israel and other countries! Luo Xuan went there! Is there any reason for this? "

When we are together, we don't mean to make a decision right now. We need to do something to do a lot of analysis and find clues from it. Instead of making a decision by patting your head, things can't be done like this!

"Throw down Luo Xuan's line and pick up Jin's line. He has stayed in the United States all the time. Except for his own affairs, he didn't follow him to Russia, mainly because there were some difficulties between him and Sasha. But why rush to China now? Is there more danger in China than in the United States? "

This also doesn't make sense. Jin is Ding Yu's safety supervisor, but even Russia has not passed. Now is it time to rush to China? Why? Is there any danger for Ding Yu?

"Sasha didn't mean to stay in Russia. She went to France, which can be confirmed! What is the content of the conversation between Ding Yu and Li Jianxi in South Korea is unknown. However, from the perspective of understanding, they should have reached a so-called agreement. Otherwise, Li Jianxi would not leave so soon!

Although Li Jianxi went back, he went to the hospital, but the information from the hospital showed that he was in a good mood, and there were some hints in the conversation with Li Zairong! "

This is a pretty obvious signal already! Ding Yu has transferred considerable funds to Asia. It is obvious that there is considerable action. Samsung can not worry about this. Therefore, it is necessary to reach an agreement with Ding Yu at the first time. Obviously, Ding Yu still gives Li Jianxi the face!

Although Li zaireng's performance has lost some points this time, the impact on Li Jianxi is not so great! What's more, there is a Li Fuzhen among them. As for the relationship between Li Fuzhen and Ding Yu, although it has not been published, we all know what happened in them!

All sorts of reasons have been eliminated! Then only the domestic affairs of China are left! But the problem is that Ding Yu is not in China anymore! And from the information collected, it seems that there is no problem on the farm side! If there was any news, it would have been spread! It won't take so long!

"There is still too little information! So even if we have enough people, we can't analyze what happened? What on earth caused Ding Yu to go back to China, and even transferred back with Jin! There are so many things that don't make sense! "

There are really not many good ways to deal with this. Ding Yu's consortium is very large, but the inside of the consortium is clear about Ding Yu's affairs, but it is only limited to the inside of the consortium! What's more, Ding Yu doesn't need to explain anything to other parties. He doesn't need to be responsible for other aspects! There are so many free will!

But this kind of arbitrary and controllable space is too big! So we want to explore Ding Yu's secret. This is really difficult. Ding Yu doesn't need to explain to anyone, as long as he is happy! But what about Ding Yu's opponents? Everything needs to be recorded and even reported in detail!

It's quite leaking! What else do you want? What else?

"I have an idea!"

The woman sitting in the middle also knocked on the table with her hand. After attracting the attention of the public, she also raised her eyes. "According to the information available at present, there is nothing in the outside world, and under the current situation, Ding Yu will try to avoid conflicts with the outside world. But now Ding Yu still rushes back to China. Is it internal Is there a problem? "After hearing this, they all looked at each other, "from this point of view, there are internal problems, but what kind of problems should Ding Yu rush back in person? You know, Ding Yu never takes the initiative to deal with internal affairs. However, if you follow this line of thought, it can be a good explanation. Luo Xuan went to Russia! "

Major general also took part in it, "that is to say, Luo Xuan and Ding Yu reported quite a lot of things, and this matter attracted the attention of Ding Yu, and even achieved the purpose of temporarily changing his own itinerary! But what kind of things would it be that made Ding Yu so touched? "

People are also a head of fog, although the direction of speculation is not wrong, but with the direction is not enough, and still far from enough! Another problem is that Ding Yu wants to return to China. Although Jin said that he could "detain" for a period of time, the detention could only be temporary, and it still had no effect!

Even though they are holding this meeting now, they say that the deposit has been boarded on the plane. To know that they are not the absolute party, whether the so-called order is easy to use or not is very clear in their hearts!

"If something happened in China, to be exact, if something happened on the farm and Ding Yu had to act, what kind of response should we take?"

This question is really baffling people! Yeah! If there are problems and problems on the farm, what kind of response should be made? Is to ignore, pretend to know nothing, or to see in the eyes, remember in the heart? Or does it mean that you don't do anything, but you're still crazy about doing things in private?

Under the current situation, there are not many people who dare to guarantee this, because the farm is big or small? What aspects are involved, and what kind of response and response will Ding Yu make in the follow-up? wait!

"All of a sudden, I thought that Ding Yu had deliberately let Jin go to China? He is giving us a hint

As soon as this statement comes out, the public is also in an uproar, there is really this possibility! Ding Yu didn't need to make a fuss about it. Jin quietly left! We can only follow, and now? Because of the news that came, we detained the gold! It's just a little trial, but Ding Yu's hand is really that the card's people have so much pain. Do you want to continue or give up?

The major general blinked his eyes. "Judging from my personal understanding and judgment of Ding Yu, there will certainly be something quite different, and it is a very important kind. Otherwise, Ding Yu will not even do such exploratory actions. This is a trap in itself! Ding Yu has already made clear his attitude! "

Things are very easy to analyze. Ding Yu has told the United States clearly that this incident happened in China, even on the farm side. It is very serious! Now the problem is, I have to deal with this matter! Would you like to join us? It will be very interesting! Why don't you try?

I'm not afraid to tell you that if you are involved, be careful to fall into the trap! Don't say that I didn't tell you. If you really fall into the trap, then I may not be as simple as watching a joke! It's not even as light as two punches!

Although the major general's words are very reasonable, but the question is the follow-up extension? Who is going to deal with this? The trap set by Ding Yu! And it's still in China! Really, if you fall into it, then it will not be so simple as to die without a whole body!

Freddie's affairs have had a very bad impact internally. Apart from Freddie, there are no other people left, and what about the high-level involved? It's basically all unhurt! The people below are not fools, are they? Always let us carry the pot, we quit, the head office!

"We have quite a few people in China, don't we?"

I said it, but I didn't get any response! The speaker looked around, and it was obvious that this matter had not been recognized internally, let alone what kind of response would be received after the order was sent out!

"If there is no way for China to transfer a considerable number of personnel, how about selecting some personnel from the internal side?"

"Quite a few people can be selected, but it will take time. If these people can return safely, everything will be OK. If they have problems, the follow-up will be too troublesome, and it will not be easy for the top and bottom to explain! This involves more than just diplomacy! Especially at such a delicate moment

This task has not been formulated, but we suddenly found that there is no executive staff! Now everyone is quite resistant to their senior management, which can not be eliminated in a short period of time! The joint reaction is too prominent! Everyone has obviously resisted!

But we can't let these old guys fight in person, right? They face Ding Yu? I'm afraid Ding Yu can solve all the problems with one hand, which is absolutely impossible!That's a little embarrassing for NIMA! Although it seems to be a trap, Ding Yu can do it in person, which shows that there will be quite a number of problems behind this matter, and no one knows whether it will become an opportunity!

But I think it's one time, how to do it is another! Now the problem is that the above opinions can be unified, but the following opinions can not be unified at all. This is something that has never happened before! It is true that people are not the general head big! When did the people below dare to rebel?

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