"Sister in law!" Ding Yu and Deng Rong came to the shop, time is still early, there are really not too many people!

Deng Rongxian also did not inform before, because this point, also let his wife good complain, but the environment here is still good! Although the place is small, it is extremely clean! Anyway, there is no hope that there are too many shops to make money at home now. It's just as a promise to exercise your body!

"You haven't been here for some days, sir?"

Wipe the tables, chairs and benches again with white towel. I'm afraid there will be a little dust. It's one time that you care about it, but it's another thing if you don't care about it!

"I'm a little busy. I'm not going to eat at home today! Give me a spoon, sister-in-law? "

"Sit down first and make sure you're satisfied, sir."

In addition to some special dishes and home dishes, other things are also OK! But because Ding Yu often comes, so here is also attracted quite a person to come over, even is the network above the small well-known net red shop! But this net red shop some small temper, to a certain extent, is not for the main purpose of profit!

At this point, it completely distinguishes most of the red spots on the net. Ding Yu also looked at the layout of the four times, "not bad! Are they all handmade? It looks very textured! "

"I don't know where the old lady came from, but it's also very good. The children in the family don't need to worry too much. They go to school here! We can find teachers for homework guidance. We really can't help us. Sometimes we can talk about history and ask them to help us! "

"In Beijing, how about learning? It's one of them. It's more because you can have a good contact and have a correct understanding of the world. This is the most important thing. If you have time, you can take it to Siheyuan or the Forbidden City. Don't stay at home all the time! "

"You don't know, sir! It's going crazy! Don't be arrogant! Really, if you let them know, you're done! It's no use saying anything then

"The child may still be a little young, but his understanding of the world is still quite poor. He needs to be guided by his parents! But to a certain extent, we should also believe that children are the future. We! It's all old ladybones

Soon the food was brought up. It may be that Ding Yu's food intake was known, so it was directly put into the basin instead of the so-called small plate. As for the staple food, it is also pasta, so it may be more hungry! It's all your own stuff. You don't need to be so fancy. At least it's delicious!

"It's good, and the taste is right."

"Big little, you are too much praise! The things in the house are OK! I can guarantee that, but to say that the taste is really praiseworthy, this is really too much! At best, it's just a homely flavor! "

"Home flavor is the most difficult thing to do!" Ding Yu didn't mean to put down the chopsticks in his hand. "You've eaten all kinds of delicacies from all over the world, and I've also eaten them. But it's clear to all of us what's going on. If you let a top chef go home for dinner, you still feel that his wife's cooking is the best, because it has the flavor of home! And this is absolutely not felt in the hotel! "

"I'm afraid that's all I can do for you! There is nothing else to do at home. What about money? How much is more, how much is less, to earn their own share! No matter how much is a disaster, that is, not many people can understand this truth. This is one of the reasons why many stores have not been able to open up! "

Ding Yu sighed, "it's not a very difficult thing to copy a store. But if you want to keep a store for a long time, you need a good way to do it! After all, hype is only temporary. What about Kung Fu? It takes a long time to train! "

"Anyway, there is nothing wrong with eating now. The old lady doesn't care so much now. If she has a better attitude, everything else will be better! There is not so much care, but also not so much irritability

"It's very open! But not too many people have such a heart, this is actually quite helpless thing, after all, the social change is too fast, let us these old guys are hard to adapt, it shows that we should be eliminated! Or is there no place for what we insist on? "

"Sir, the problem is very simple, that is, life is so good! In other words, they are used to it! So they don't know how to cherish it. When everything is lost, they will know that life is not a simple thing! "

Ding Yu snorted, "there are so many meanings! It's too easy to get! So they don't cherish it too much! You know, I always boast that I am not a good person, so I should be a bad man? What do you say? "

"Sir, give me a personal feeling, you! That is to pretend to be a villain, not to mention that sometimes it is very similar! There is still no way to change some essential things! "ha-ha! Ding Yu is also difficult to do a smile, "was you this guy to see through?! I can't. I'll punish everything I say today. I'll treat you to this meal! Otherwise, there are some difficulties to be solved! "

"I welcome you every day, sir. I'm afraid you won't come."

A joke, Ding Yu also slowly put down the chopsticks in his hand, "say to my sister-in-law, the things are almost on line! If more, there will be some waste! Come here to eat, not to show off! After a while, I don't know how many people will come here. Let's eat and drink! "

Ding Yu eats a lot, but the speed is not slow. After eating, someone clears the table. Ding Yu is also holding walnuts in his hand, and Deng Rong beside him is holding a string of hands and slowly sliding on his hands. There is not much sound. He even looks at the posture and wants to leave from time to time!


Deng Rong saw the visitors, but also the first time to stand up, did not do any stay, but Wang Yang and Xiaobao two people? May also be expected to say hello to the housekeeper Deng Rong. "Have you eaten all of them? I'll see what else

"Don't bother, housekeeper Deng! If there is water, just a glass of water! " Wang Yang politely said hello!

"Come on! Wait a minute

Ding Yu lifted up the corner of his eyes and took a look, that is to say, he leaned his body to one side, and his walnut was still moving in his hand! Walnut rotation speed is not so fast, but do not know why, give people the feeling, walnut is very mellow!

From the truth above, the elder brother is not very old, like this thing really makes people feel very strange, if it is the fashion, there is nothing, but big brother is already how old! If it is precipitation, there seems to be some bullshit. After all, big brother is not yet that old! So it gives people the feeling of contradiction!

"If you don't take it at home, run out and have tea? This is not a teahouse

"Big brother! This is going to be a mess out there! You're still here! The two of us have turned off the phone, but even if it is, it is not very useful. Now there are ants on the hot pot, but there are not so many people who dare to come here! " Wang Yang didn't hide too much!

Why? Because he is very familiar with the situation of elder brother. He doesn't like to talk with the curtain. If you have anything to say, let's talk about it! If you don't want to say it face-to-face, say it behind your back, don't guess what I guess, then it really doesn't have much meaning!

"You're not involved in it. What are you doing

As for the snacks, Deng Rong didn't leave for a few times. It seems that the reason for the guests to leave is not only a few pieces of tea, but also a few pieces of water!

"Big brother, it's not that we're fooling around, but this thing? How to put it? You know, what about the farm? Big brother, you do it all by yourself. In fact, the family is concerned, and there is no other meaning! It's too noisy! It's not so good. It's easy to make sandwich rice! "

Ding Yu looked at the teacup in front of him and snorted. Although Wang Yang said something, Ding Yu didn't pay much attention to it, so he said, I know, that's all! And sitting next to the small treasure is with the foot gently kick Wang Yang, how much has seen some of the situation, big brother for one of the problems? There are so many other ideas!

How can Wang Yang not feel it? But this is the opinions and ideas of the family. He has to say it. It's a matter of being stuck here, isn't it? I also know that it is a very happy thing to say, but what about the happy back? How to deal with big brother is also a trouble!

"Is there anything else to say?"

"No more!" Wang Yang shook his head vigorously. The tone of elder brother was very insipid, but the more so, the more chilly he was. At least Wang Yang felt that he was not comfortable all over!

"It's easy at school?"

Wang Yang's face slightly has so some distortion, got! The words just finished, this found! I knew it would be such a result! Xiao Bao beside me also feels that there are so many toothache!

The fund has made some progress, but from the current situation, the promotion effect is obvious, and the workload is huge, but it can only be said that it is good. To really say that there is no problem at all, this seems to be so unrealistic! At this point, there is no way to hide the big brother's eyes!

But if you want to say that this is the reason why big brother does not support it, there are so many bullshit! Big brother can be said to be particularly supportive of this matter. The funds have been in place for a long time, and even the school has provided them with considerable resources. Under such circumstances, it is their own responsibility that the work has not been done well!"The workload is a little bit too big, and our promotion has not been able to go on completely. We have straightened out the context on the whole! The current work is here! But the next step of promotion is also in the process of carrying out in succession! "

After listening to Wang Yang's words, Ding Yu looked at him again. Although he didn't speak, his meaning was clearly revealed. Since you have something to do, what are you talking about here! Just do your own thing!

For his big brother, Wang Yang can say that there is no way, because he does not know how to deal with it!

"Brother, in addition to reporting to you, we also hope to get some advice from you! What's more, elder brother, you just returned to Beijing. If there's any inconvenience, Wang Yang and I can do it for you. After all, we are small local snakes! "

It's not that Xiaobao can talk, but Wang Yang is stupid. He is not like this at all. Xiaobao is very clear that Wang Yang is born with a sense of fear when facing his elder brother. What about himself? In fact, it's not as good as that, but to some extent, it's not as good as that! So the performance is not so strong!

If the big brother directly put the target on his body, he is definitely a grass chicken, there will be no exception! How many times has proved this! Think about it is tears!

"That is to say, I still need to thank you for your concern. Does that mean?" Ding Yu stopped turning the walnut in his hand, "it's hard for you to say such a thing, I know! But no! Just do your own thing! As for my business, you don't have to care about it! "

"Big brother!" Wang Yang called out, "mom is very concerned about this matter, even a little angry! She said that once this gap is torn open, it will be very difficult to be able to restrain! What's more, the family can't play an absolute role in this matter, but it's OK to help! "

"I see! I'll take care of the farm by myself! I'll say it if I need to! "

Xiaobao also secretly pulled Wang Yang, big brother has said this point above! Stop the fire! If we go on, I'm afraid the elder brother will really turn his face! At that time, there is really no way to end!

"Anything else?"

"Nothing more!" Wang Yang subconsciously said a sentence, and then also realized that things seem to have so some not quite right! The first time to stand up is the same!

However, Deng Rong looked at the two people who stood up. "Here is the beef brisket that has just been stewed. Sir, it's still very good. Why don't you bring some back to the chief executive! It's all your own stuff, absolutely right! "

Looking at the two people are still at a loss, Deng Rong also pushed with his hand, "go get the jar, this must be installed with the jar, otherwise it will not be the taste! And we must hurry back! If it's cold, it's not the taste! Did you hear that? "

"No, housekeeper!"

"Let you take it, take it and leave quickly, and stay honest after you go home! Don't run around Have you made it so clear? Why don't you understand? I have to express myself so frankly. I feel that they are very clever at ordinary times. What's wrong with this today?

"What's more, I don't have so many guys here, but I don't need it for the time being." Admonished a, Deng Rongcai even pushed two people to the car, it is really some trouble, they two people! Or too naive!


"Yes, sir, you are a little too strict with them! Even in front of you, there are some who can't be themselves

"People are fishing. What am I to feed the fish? I don't know if there is water in this head! "

Deng Rong also felt a little funny, "Sir, your requirements are too strict! When they are in front of you, they don't even dare to breathe in the atmosphere. What's more, they are also involved in such important things. It's hard to understand them for a moment. If you understand them, you will know what the situation is! "

"Is it hard to feed everything into their mouths?" Ding Yu shook his head, "and today's profit multiplied by ten, let them report! Head melon seeds! It's really flooding! I can't even get a message across! "

Ding Yu is also a face of disgust! This Deng Rong also is smile, did not mention too much!

Both Wang Yang and Xiao Bao are Mr. Wang's younger brother. Mr. Wang has much expectation for them. If there is no expectation, he will never be disappointed like this. Therefore, the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment, which is the same truth!

Today, two people's performance is quite a loss of points, but this is also understandable, do not interfere in them! To be able to do their own essential work is enough! As for other aspects? Free if you can!"Xiaobao, do you think there is something wrong with it?"

Wang Yang also asked Xiao Bao, who was holding the jar in the co pilot's seat! "I haven't felt it before, but now if I pretend I don't know it, I'm really a fool! Obviously, there are some bad times for us to come. Run back quickly! Otherwise, big brother will eat us! "

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