Ding Yu doesn't mean to take over everything, but he is really very convenient now. There are some things in Britain that are not difficult for him. However, brother Kun's daughter doesn't seem to believe in herself. As for what, Ding Yu doesn't mean to ask. Everyone has his own choice, right?

He has given enough affection, but the problem is that Huang junran doesn't appreciate it. This problem is not in his own body. He has an explanation for brother Kun himself, isn't it?

But what about Huang junran? She really felt the power of Ding Yu. The housekeeper listed the British schools, of course, all of them were girls' schools. This was slightly different from the domestic situation. Since Huang junran chose to let her daughter go to school here, he was also prepared, and could not really be a black eye.

There are several schools in my plan, but the problem is that after seeing the list given to him by the housekeeper, Huang junran really has such a silly feeling. He gives himself the feeling that all schools are in front of him. He allows himself to choose the school instead of the school to choose his own daughter.

This is different from my original plan and idea, but it seems that there is no intention of cheating at all when I look at the housekeeper's appearance. Moreover, I also followed by visiting two schools. The school introduced the specific situation in detail. There was no shirking, no refusal or even a little flattery in the whole process.

On the way back, Huang junran felt that he really underestimated his father's friend. It seems that he is much younger than himself. It seems that no one can do this in England! In the past, I heard my daughter talk about it, but the reality is very different from what I imagined.

Even some of them are exaggerating. Even if they are in Yangcheng, they don't seem to dare to make such a guarantee. If they want to enter that school, they will go to that school. Although they say that their husband's status is extraordinary, they also dare not make this guarantee. But what about Ding Yu? But dare to give oneself this assurance, a bit frightening.

This is not the most important one. It is mainly the reality we encounter? Let oneself realize that Ding Yu's words did not mix any moisture, this is where the horror lies.

My daughter is a little younger. What about some things? You still need to worry about it. At this time, Huang junran only knows the role of the housekeeper. As long as he raises doubts about this aspect, he will have to deal with the rest of the things for himself, which is nothing more than paying some money.

Xi Mei's problem in going to school is very simple, but obviously, what about her English? Or are there some other performances that are not good enough? It can be described as excellent, that is, language problems. It is not enough to become a gate column, but because of the relationship between the semester? I may have to delay about half a year.

"Hello, Mr. Ding." Looking at the visiting Huang junran, Ding Yu also reached out to take off his glasses, and immediately made an invitation to clean up, "I can't stay in the UK for other reasons!"

Ding Yu responded quickly and nodded, "I once lived with Xi Mei for a few days, and it's not a bad thing to train her independent ability. As long as I'm in England, I can guarantee that she won't have any problems!" Ding Yu seldom gives a guarantee in this respect, but it can be seen that Ding Yu treats his younger sister? Still pretty good.

Huang junran contacted his father earlier. What about this decision? It's hard for him, but the problem is that his daughter seems to be very willing to do this. Does Huang junran want to be rude, or his own daughter, or his intimate little cotton padded jacket? What's more, what about my father? It is also a positive attitude towards this matter.

I can't get away from her, and my husband has a lot of things to do. But I can't bear to leave her alone in England. But what about letting her go back? It is also quite inappropriate, after all, the family conditions are not very allowed, two rights harm each other, take the light! I can only leave my daughter alone in England.

Although Ding Yu takes care of him, the problem is that he and Ding Yu are not very familiar with him. What's more, Ding Yu is still a friend of his father. What about his father? Huang junran is not a bit of idea have no, to be exact, this situation of daughter now, it is because of him.

What about the relationship? It's also complicated. It's really hard to say for a moment and a half. When Huang junran left, he also exhorted his daughter. After all, it was the meat that fell from his body! If there is a trace of possibility, I will never leave my daughter alone here.

When getting on the plane, Huang junran was also tearful, and the little sister was just as bad as the same situation. But the problem was that when she got out of the airport, she seemed to have changed a person suddenly. She had no previous state at all. William over there unconsciously twitched her mouth and was also a little witch.

What about Ding Yu's little sister who suddenly breaks into the house? I don't feel much about it, but for the housekeeper, the arrival of Xi Mei adds a lot of life to the apartment. It was a bit dull at the time. There are only two people in the family, Ding Yu and I. there will be two guests sporadically. That's all.And what happened after Xi Mei came? Although sometimes it seems to be a little fidgety, it is very good for the adjustment of life. For Ding Yu, life seems to have no influence. In his spare time, he will take her to the United States for a visit. Taixi has begun to show his mind. He does not have so much time to accompany her. He can only spare time to see her.

Sometimes Ding Yu will take her sister to the medical college to see the scenery and cultural environment in the University. By the way, she also corrects her language. Her English is not very standard, with a strong accent, and Mandarin is not very standard. All of these are within the scope of correction.

Anyway, she is still a little girl. She can still correct it. If she is a little bit later, it will not be very good to correct it.

"You take care of children, but this thing is a little bit strange!" For the arrival of the younger sister, the British side also has some interest. After all, they are the people around Ding Yu, but after a survey, they also give up. The child has no threat. At most, he is boarding here.

Although there are some relationships behind the girl, there are still some forces that the British side can't look up to. At least they haven't put it into their eyes. What about what Lily said to Ding Yu? It seems that there is a bit of fun. Ding Yu is not married yet.

"My friend's little granddaughter, there's something wrong with my family, so she sent it to me. But William likes it very much. After all, it also makes us angry. Otherwise, just the two of us seem to be so monotonous." Ding Yu immediately also looked at not far away, the little girl's hilarious some fierce.

"I said you seem to be a little active these days, and you seem to be in a good mood!" In the past, although Lily said that she had a good relationship with herself, she didn't have much contact with each other at that time. Unlike now, when she was free, she would ask Ding Yu for tea.

"I have solved my troubles, and I don't need to stand in the background now. After changing my role, I will naturally come out to have a look at the sunshine and adapt to life, but my friends are not as many as I think about!"

The so-called friends are not many, which means that Ding Yu's friends are not as many as expected. What's more, it's not a simple thing to want to make friends with Lily's identity. There are too many things involved, not to mention that she is still a woman.

"Be able to feel your change clearly!" Ding Yu also raised the coffee in her hand, and said with a little congratulation, can lily have such a change? As a friend, it is a happy thing, "I can see, now everyone's eyes on you have begun to change!"

"Almost! At least my situation is not the same as before. This has brought some problems, but this change is also obvious. The so-called black and white is clear. Such a thing can't happen to me, and I won't allow it to happen to me! "

A little domineering! It is obvious that Lily has made a decision in this respect. Lily who should be removed will never be stingy. However, for the same core, Lily will never let go. Lily now has the capital in this respect. It is not only Ding Yu who supports her, but also the faction behind Charlie.

This time, she stood up on the surface. Her attitude can be said to be very clear and completely cut off the mind there. Lily is already one of us. Although she used to be one of you, she is now completely ours. Under our permission, we can cooperate and accommodate each other, but our people don't need other people to help discipline them.

Now that her attitude has been revealed, she has to give her face. What about Lily? It is also necessary to have a good attitude. This is also the reason why Lily can boldly find Ding Yu. There is no more suitable candidate than Ding Yu. He is a shield there.

Ding Yu doesn't think much about it. Lily's current situation is the most favorable for her. She has begun to wash her identity. What's more, what about this identity? There is a background of the government. The government needs lily to clean up some of her identity, which is somewhat mandatory.

Because only part of Lily's identity has been washed away, then some things can be explained. In a more popular way, it's too much trouble to take off her pants and fart. But the problem is that British people are famous for their stereotype and face saving. What they care about is a matter of face, which can't make them too inferior.

They just drink tea simply. Xi Mei has a little interest in this aunt. In her own opinion, the feeling of this aunt is very classical and elegant, even with a little bit of nobility. I don't know why. When Ding Yu heard this comment, she felt that her head was not enough.

How should I explain this with my sister? Do you really want to explain Lily's identity to Xi Mei? Let's forget it! It will not have too much educational significance for Ximei, on the contrary, it will easily cause her a bad psychological condition, which is absolutely certain, because the change is slightly obvious.After less than two weeks, Huang junran ran ran over again. Of course, he was not sure about his daughter, but what happened after seeing his daughter's condition? Also feel that there are so some toothache, daughter did not appear to worry about the situation, on the contrary, it seems that life is quite moist.

Huang junran also scolded him because of the big change. He was so worried at home that he even called to say hello every day. Otherwise, he felt that his daughter was so superior. How could he not feel the atmosphere?

"Mr. Ding, my father asked me to greet you and have tea when you have time." "And my husband and I are also very grateful for your care. I hope you can be a guest when you have time."

"I haven't seen brother Kun for years. I'll go when I have time!" That's all. It's obvious that Ding Yu looks at Huang Kun's face and has nothing to do with Huang junran or her husband.

Does Ding Yu know or don't know where her husband is? What about this problem? Huang junran also felt that there were some doubts, and then quietly discussed this issue with his daughter, but it is obvious that his daughter did not mention this issue at all.

What's more, in the whole process? Ding Yu's attitude towards himself seems to be a little cold. He doesn't pay attention to who he is, his treatment and attitude? Huang junran felt a little uncomfortable, but the problem was that her daughter could only "swallow her guts" under the eaves of others.

Huang junran did not review his own problems, and put the main fault on Ding Yu. Of course, there are some complaints in it. Why does his daughter get so close to him? On the contrary, when his mother is a little distant, women are jealous, which is particularly serious.

But the problem is that Ding Yu doesn't seem to have any feelings about this. You come and come. I don't have any other ideas and opinions. Just take your sister to the apartment over there. I don't mean to disturb you. Then don't disturb me. Everyone's in peace.

For Huang junran, when he came to England, he needed his daughter to take shopping and other things. This thing made him feel a little depressed. However, without other people's interference, she and her daughter stayed together, and there was no need to have other worries. Huang junran's mood was relieved a lot.

Since the thin sister left, the father's side of the situation is quite stable, their own side? It seems that there is no constraint, the situation also began to gradually change, father side seems to have gradually started to have the action, his side? Although there is not much movement, but after all, it is father and daughter!

It seems that there are not too many connections, but the blood relationship is placed there. Some things can't be avoided, so we still need to face them. What's more, now that the daughter is abroad, she doesn't need to worry about other aspects, so what's left? It's very simple and easy.

How about this time? Huang junran also brought two gifts, one for his father and the other for himself and her husband. Comparatively speaking, his father's gift seems a little light, just some tea. I don't know this very well. Did he give it to her husband? It's a watch.

But it is obvious that Ding Yu is very interested in his father's gift, and even handed it to the housekeeper in person. As for his own gift? Ding Yu just took a look at it. It seems that he didn't mean to put it in his heart. This also makes Huang junran feel itchy. Is this guy intentional?

As for the gift, Ding Yu didn't want to care about it, but what about brother Kun's gift? Ding Yu made a special remark. After all, the tea he gave himself was extraordinary. He didn't know much about this aspect. But William spoke highly of it. Ding Yu also showed that he had some local buns.

What can't be done is that Ding Yu is not an aristocrat or an ordinary working-class family. There is not much research on this aspect. Although it is said that after coming to England, he has undergone some edification, but what about this influence? It is not for nothing that a nobleman is born in three generations.

When he went back, Huang junran had so many things, mainly the gifts that Ding Yu gave back. He was just alone. What about going through the customs? It is a little bit of fear, but let Huang Jun ran did not think of is that things seem to have a God turn again.

After arriving at the airport, someone directly came forward to pick up their belongings. They simply checked them to see if there were any dangerous goods. As for whether they had brought other things, no one seemed to care. During the whole process, the manager was extremely proud.

Huang junran originally thought Ding Yu? Although Ding Yu is more interested in his own country, it seems that he is not interested in his own country?www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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