In the evening, two people went to roll strings! Not many people with it! To be exact, it is Zhan Zhao!

However, although Zhan Zhao said that he was a real Land Rover, he did not know so much about the market! But fortunately, we are not so concerned about this! It's just string rolling! It's not a delicacy, but a forthright one!

"Tianren? I've heard that you brought him out by yourself

Put down the beer bottle in your hand, it's just ordinary snowflakes! Northern city is very common that kind! Come to such a place Zhuchuang, there is nothing else to pay attention to! It's not that if you can't make it to the hall of elegance, it's two times!

"Brother Bao, don't try to dig my corner. Other things are easy to discuss. This matter is absolutely not discussed! Brother cat's help to me can be said to be particularly big, I! A raw melon and egg! When I just came here, I was just a fool. My boy, I don't know anything! "

Xiaobao waved his hand, "you don't have to complain. I don't have this idea! Really, if you've been robbed! What kind of a thing, the so-called gentleman does not win people's favor! And go deep to say, if I really pry away cat brother! What's the end of trouble? I'm not going to leave you such a pigtail! "

Yeah? I guess it's wrong! But if so, what does it mean? Song Tianren has so many don't understand!

Take a look around Zhan Zhao, he is also a head of fog! "Brother Bao, I don't quite understand some of them!"

"And me? Something needs to be investigated! " After thinking about it, Xiaobao also took out a piece of paper from his arms and handed it to song Tianren. Song Tianren was very puzzled. However, after seeing the above content, he was also a little lost in his mind, and then handed the paper to Zhan Zhao!

"No! It's a little bit of a treasure

"A fuss? Isn't it? " Xiaobao's appearance was somewhat disagreed with, "in fact, what's the situation? It's not as bad as you think, but by other means? There are really some things that are not appropriate. In any case, it's just a word. Do you want to help or not? "

"I have no problem!" Then he nodded to Zhan Zhao. Things were really not difficult, even some of them were not worth mentioning! And what about this thing? Other people to do it seems to be true, there are so some not suitable! "But brother Bao, as for it?"

"No way! This time! There's nothing in the dark, just with eyes and ears! Just look and listen! But what about the things above the surface? Tianren, what do you say? One side is big brother, the other side is aunt! This is not a question of who to offend or whom not to offend! I can't afford to offend anyone! "

Looking around, "you know, big brother's two children are back! Aunt for this matter can be said to be particularly angry, the whole person's mood is not so good as imagined! So what about Xiao Gang? Especially sensitive! "

"OK, I'll ask brother cat to investigate! But Baoge, I can also go to investigate, I believe this point will not have too many problems, but other I can not intervene! This has nothing to do with not doing business! "

Director's family affairs, their own or less involved in it! Some things can be done, but some things must not be explored, even the idea of this aspect can not have! otherwise! ha-ha!

Don't think that you are the Secretary of the director, and there is a considerable force behind him. You can not empty everything and joke. If you really step into it, you will not know how you will die in the future!

"Don't say it's you! Even if it's me, I dare not! In the future, I hope my son can be stained with light! I don't know if there is such a chance! Big brother is already quite busy! And what about kids? There are more people staring at the 49 cities, those eyes! It's like a knife! "

"I've seen some things about summer camp, but I don't know much about others!"

"Don't mention it! There are not so many children in the family who can make the eldest brother look at them. Xiaogang has a good chance. Is there another one? It's Tong Tong. I've met that little guy. He's not so smart. In popular words, it's just a little bit of a demon! "

"I think that the two children of the director's family are already very good. I have a considerable contact with Xiao Gang, including Xiao Gang. I want to talk about their study! It's really colorful. Sometimes I have a headache. It's hard for them to get into it! Anyway, I feel very big after watching it! "

"Anyway, what about the education mode like big brother? I agree with you very much, but it's useless to agree. Sometimes! Auntie, they think this way is really so cruel

In fact, no matter Xiaobao or song Tianren, they all understand how the problem is! What about Ding Yu at home? It's really not too restrictive. When Ding Yu is in a good mood, he may listen to two more sentences, but if he is in a bad mood, whatever you say! It has nothing to do with me!What about song Tianren? After all, he is an assistant. He is not involved in this aspect, but Xiaobao is different! His identity and song Tianren's identity can be said to be fundamentally different!

"Brother Bao, originally I envied you very much. Now it seems that your life is also a bit" bitter "!"

"Bullshit! I think it's good! " Xiaobao raised the glass in his hand and took a small drink. There are a lot of people here, such as Xiaobao drinking? It's really not much. It doesn't look like a northerner at all! "But Tianren, to say a digression, elder brother's request is very strict, I believe I also know some!"

"Yes, I learned a lot from the director's side!"

"Zhan Zhao, you are here! So I'd like to say a few more words. What about big brother? The requirements for the people around you can be said to be particularly strict, eat, drink and even some nonsense, in the allowed range of nothing! But never get out of the circle! Tianren, what about you? The future development can be expected. Don't let such things happen to you

Song Tianren can't help but be a Leng, this matter is really no one said to himself!

However, before waiting to speak, Xiao Bao continued to say, "everyone is equal, what about this? I respect that no matter what singer or movie star, or ordinary people, everyone has the right to freedom. But what about people? The character is all three six nine, Utopia is beautiful, but impossible! "

"Baoge, you mean things on this side of the farm?"

"No, but in an extended sense, it's OK." Xiaobao didn't restrain himself. "The farm was founded by big brother. It combined various forces and gave us a lot of respect. I really don't think that other people can do this. Who would give up such a big fat? Don't underestimate the greed of some people! "

"Yes, some of them! Just too greedy

"So what about people? It is also divided into three, six and nine grades! I don't mean to look down on anyone. It doesn't matter how to make a fuss within the scope allowed by the rules. Even if I'm a bit bold, I can't get out of the circle! Out of the circle, it is not appropriate! Some people on the farm! It's just too much of a circle! "

Words have been said here, song Tianren can be said to be particularly clear! To a certain extent, the farm is the director's example in China, but even so, the director said he would do it without any hesitation!

Not that the director is really heartless, but some people are too extravagant! Even for those who ignore the law and discipline, it's a thing to have credit, but it doesn't mean that you can sit on the merit book and show off! Even fish and meat! This is completely two properties!

Since the emergence of the farm, the director has never been in debt in terms of interests. Most of the people have earned a lot. However, under such circumstances, some people have expressed their dissatisfaction. What's the matter? Think the farm is big, even if you take a little, it's no big deal? Right?

If one person thinks like this, then a group of people think about it like this. In the end, the whole farm is toppled down. These guys are fat! But what about the people below? What about their lives? What about the local economy?

Bao Ge's meaning is very simple and clear. What about the director? To do so, what they see should not be the simple problems and conditions inside, but also need to attract their own attention! This will play a considerable role in the future!

"In the past, I didn't really take it as a thing, but also because I didn't have much contact!"

"Cheat the ghost, you!" Xiaobao did not hesitate to poke his balloon, "what about other people? For example, brother cat, I also believe that you don't have much contact with. It's possible, but if you say you don't know, it's a joke! They are all monsters who have practiced for many years. Don't play tricks. I don't want to eat this set of tricks! "

"Brother Bao, I'm so small, you've been overturned!"

"What about big brother? It has never been a true color, but the eyes you can get into are really so unexpected for everyone. What about the last one? It should be Hou daybreak! I think you've got a lot of contact, this guy! In terms of personality, I don't say, but I'm very slippery and I don't want to keep my hands. It's almost like you

Song Tianren is also a smile, he and Hou secretary had a considerable contact, and even maintained a considerable contact, but now the contact is not so much! After all, both of them have their own jobs and are not busy in general!

I learned a lot from Hou Tianliang, but do two people want to say it's greasy? There may be some, but this nature is really quite different. What about your origin? Decided to see a lot of things, so in life? It's very oily, but Hou Tianliang? It is reflected in doing things!

And the director? Severe to severe, but very tolerant, so song Tianren really does not have much to change the meaning, and a person's character? It is really not a day or two days can change over! It's nothing more than being wild or convergent!

"I haven't been in touch with Secretary Hou for quite some time! Secretary Hou has taught me a lot of things"Hou Tianliang, I have not seen so many times! But now it's a baby pimple, but his situation is different from you! Your starting point is not low, and the director is looking at you differently. Don't let everyone down! "

Xiaobao said this to song Tianren with the identity of a past person. What about others? One is that there is no such opportunity. What's more? It's not convenient! And Xiaobao is different!

Of course, Xiaobao has other ideas to do. Selling song Tianren well now is definitely a very good investment. Hou Tianliang couldn't get involved in it, and he had no way to intervene. After all, he was from the military! Those guys are all "brutes", and they are the ones that can't be provoked at all! But song Tianren's situation is different! I believe there is a big brother in this! Although big brother didn't say it clearly!

But from the conversation between each other can clearly feel that song Tianren this guy! It's really smart. What about this kind of shrewdness? Reflected in his wilful act of muddleheaded, to know everyone's origin? In fact, they are almost the same! Who does not know who, but even so, this guy is still tight lipped!

From this point alone, it is already very not simple!

"Brother Bao, I know what happened! For others, I dare not make any guarantee, but I will certainly restrain myself

"Yes, but what about this meal? I think you still need to please, after all, you are a Land Rover. When you go back to Beijing, you need me to invite! I just don't know if it will be convenient. Sometimes I think it's a beautiful thing to sit here and drink beer! How nice to be carefree? "

Song Tianren took a look at it. There were a lot of people, but there was no smoke burning in the shop. The exhaust and suction were very good! "In the canteen of the farm? It's delicious. It's authentic. It's home cooked. Everyone treats them equally. But what about eating out? It's just a bustle

"It's quite lively!"

"I had a conversation with Jackson's jerk. When he was here, the local economic situation could only be said to be average. This is because this is the provincial capital. The economic development of the whole north is still a little slow, but now look at the street, the situation has changed a lot!"

"Let the common people make money! This is really good! What a pity! We all know about the farm, but we don't really know big brother! If you know! Is it possible for all families to become Buddhas? "

"Absolutely, what about the people? In fact, there is no extravagant hope. Is the work good? In fact, it doesn't matter. As long as you can earn money and support your family, it's enough! Farms have led to considerable development, which can be said to be a boost to the economy of the whole North! Just look at these diners

"Brother Mao is an example. He was bullied at the beginning! But now the life at home is getting better. The director has a lot of credit in it, although it's a bit humiliating to say so! "

"Brother cat, it's sweet after all the hardships!"

"Treasure little!" After seeing Xiao Bao waving his hand, he also called out "general Bao"! But due to their own reasons, there is really no meaning to speak more! "Brother cat, see what else is good, and add more!"

Cat brother also left immediately! Xiaobao looked at the cat brother who left, and then looked at Song Tianren, "Tianren, what about brother Mao? I've heard something about it, and there are many opinions from the capital! "

"Isn't it?" Song Tianren's eyebrows also stood up, "so fast?"

"It's not a matter of whether you are fast or not. After all, you will stay with the elder brother for a long time. Now Brother cat is not a problem to stay with you. Anyway, you are an assistant. You can find other people to help you. No one can say why. But if you have said something, what should we do?"

"There are so many troubles!" But song Tianren also looked at Xiaobao suspiciously!

"Don't look at me like that, I said before! I won't dig your corner. Although brother cat is very good, I don't think that offending you or even those uncles and uncles behind you will have a good result. Is it lighter? Beat a meal, buttocks blossom, and then take the cat brother, heavier, I dare not think of it! "

Song Tianren also laughs. It's really possible. What about the uncle behind him? Absolutely can do such a thing! It seems that brother Mao's affairs really need to be arranged early, otherwise, if you think about the arrangement in the future, it may be too late! There are so many things that are not appropriate!

"I see!"

"You know an egg!" Xiaobao took a look. "Before you came here? Some people have a good understanding with me. What about Zhan Zhao's work? Although it's a resignation! But the relationship between the organization has always been there! Anyway, your family said so, how to arrange it, this is not my business! You can do it yourself! "

"Brother Bao, do you think if the director knows about this, will he cut you off?"

"It should not be!" Xiaobao sneered, "big brother, let me come here? On the one hand, it's about the farm. We'll talk about it later. On the other hand! I really like you. I'm afraid you have other problems, so let me talk about itWhen talking, Xiaobao also looked at Song Tianren with admiration. At least he didn't see big brother's heart in other people's body! What about song Tianren? It's really the unique one! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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