The return of his brother and sister is a great comfort to Wang Xiaogang. Although he has friends here, the strange environment really makes him a little worried and afraid! Even some of them can't do it by themselves. Although it's a shame to have a runny nose and tears, I can't think about so much now!

The stuffy pot of beef or eat, eat that call a rare, the living conditions of these two days let Wang Xiaogang all kinds of unwilling, eat is some of what ah! But looking at the arrangement of funds, Wang Xiaogang seems to understand! But understanding comes to understand, this heart is not as happy as imagined!

But with the arrival of his brother and sister, Wang Xiaogang felt that he was much happier. Although he was still working the same way and had no time to play, he did not feel too much bitterness, that is, blisters appeared on his little hands! Really is very painful! Wang Xiaogang felt that her tears were out of control again!

It's not that you don't want to control, but you really can't control it! Uncle is too bad! Yeah! It's bad! I must take a diary to write down, when I have a chance, I must complain to my grandfather and grandma! Let them spank uncle!

The exercise time here is a little longer, but it is not more than two weeks, because of the long-term work! It's getting darker! However, Wang Xiaogang still insisted, and did not feel that there were too many inappropriate.

But Xiaobao looked back at the three children and took a few breaths of air conditioning. My God! If my aunt saw this! I really will be quite skeptical, Auntie will do what amazing move!

Look at Xiaogang's hands, they are already cocooned! How old is he! And how many days is this? How can such a situation arise? There are two small bodies, it seems to be the same, but their spirit is really good! Not decadent at all!

"If your grandmother saw this! My God! What can we do then? " Xiao Bao can't live beside him. Although he has learned some information through Zhan Zhao, he can have a look at it face to face! The feeling is different!

"Hee hee, after I go back, I can use my father's secret recipe, which can be eliminated in two days, not to mention this is a man's medal? Even if it is kept, it will take the initiative to eliminate it in a few days

Talk like a little adult! You are welcome at all!

Looking at this little niece, Xiaobao doesn't know what to say! "What about this kid? He's with you, too? " Xiaobao didn't neglect the children who followed him, although he seemed to have some restraint!

"His name is Yibo. He is our friend. This time we went to see Tian'anmen Square with us, and we never saw it! Just the chance! In this case, it's our iron! "

"Go away with me! Do you know what iron means Xiao Bao's face is black!

Three little guys are jumping too! "Uncle Xiaobao, we just came here and haven't eaten yet! Or

"Come to the door and tell me about this?" Xiaobao also took a breath, "is it the canteen? It's still outside, but if it's outside, it's really general! Northern cities because of the geographical environment, oil and salt is too heavy, it is really not suitable for you children! As for the string? It's not your age! "

"Just cushion it! We have already reserved the tickets! In the evening, I went back to Beijing, and I have been back for quite a long time! I haven't been able to see my great grandfather, my great grandmother, and my grandparents! We all miss them! "

Regardless of whether it is true or not, this attitude is there!

Xiaobao also extended his thumb to show his appreciation!

"All right! I'll do it! Your uncle Tianren is here too! And Jackson, they're all here

"No! We have other things to do! " The little girl blinked her big eyes, "Uncle treasure, we have to go back first! Do you have anything to bring? If not, we'll go! " It is not nostalgic at all!

"You! It's really smart to a certain extent! " Rub their heads and let them go! I have already reported the situation! It's just a little bit far away from the distance, so some things can't be understood by themselves! When the time comes, Auntie will not blame themselves!

"Uncle Bao, let's go first!"

"Yes! let's go! When I go back to see your grandmother, I will tell you that everything is fine here. Don't worry about it! "

The return of three small schools made Su Yuan happy! But it's also heartache! Especially when they touch their small hands, the direct tears burst! Along with Wang Yang and Lin Qiuyan, there are also some uncontrollable!

It's not the first time that the three children didn't mean to put it in their heart! What's more, the cocoons on their hands will be eliminated within a few days. They are not working every day, or just practicing for a period of time! I'm afraid the cocoon on his hand can't be eliminated for a moment and a half!When Wang Changlin came back, he looked at his wife. His eyes were red and swollen. He thought that something was wrong! However, after knowing the cause of the matter, it is also slightly withdraw their own corners of the mouth, things are a little too exaggerated!

Wang Changlin's eyes are not really placed on his grandson and granddaughter's body, but asked the little boy next to him. He felt that he was still a little stiff! Ask about the situation at home, and then ask about his study and so on! These are the things you should care about. As for your grandchildren and grandchildren? They really don't need to worry too much!

Don't say it's grinding some cocoons. Even if it's broken, it's no big deal. Of course, I'm also distressed, but the heartache comes back to the heartache. All these are what they should experience! Otherwise, what kind of difference do they have with rice worms? They are not diligent in their bodies, and they are not divided into any kind of grain. On this point, I agree with the eldest son!

Just a few words? It's not easy to say it directly. Take a look at Yibo. This child and the three primary schools in his family should be of the same age. What he hopes most is to come and see the national flag. Such a simple wish should be realized!

Not long ago, Wang Yang and Lin Qiuyan took four children to rest! They have been working hard for a day, and now it's not easy for them to keep up their spirits! If it was an adult, maybe it would have fallen down by now! And never such a spirit!

"It's no big deal. You can see that they are all vigorous and vigorous, especially Xiao Gang. They really feel different flavor! It's the seed of Lao Wang's family! I heard that

"You hear, what can you hear?" Su Yuan said indignantly, and immediately pulled out the tablet computer, and directly threw it on the sofa beside Wang Changlin, "look, this is what they sent, I doubt it! Is he a father or not? Who has such a father? Has his heart got maggots

"What are you talking about?" Wang Changlin is also a well, but looking at the video introduction inside, Wang Changlin also can't help biting his teeth, playing potion, feeding cattle! Cutting grass, even cleaning cattle pens! Looking at the flying flies and the accumulated dunghill! Wang Changlin couldn't help sighing that ordinary children are really hard to bear!

Especially in the beginning, Wang Xiaogang cried that called a rare, even can't eat rice! Originally is the family's little prince, the little emperor, suddenly experienced these, can not only be the difference between heaven and earth so simple!

"Good performance, especially under the leadership of his brother and sister, he has made remarkable progress. Besides, Yibo children, although young, can take good care of Xiaogang and have a very good relationship with Xiaogang. This is not easy! It's hard for him

"It doesn't need to be like this at home! What does he want? If you want to raise a wolf, you don't need to be cruel? What's Xiaogang's age? I haven't touched anything. Do you see Xiaogang's hands and face, or a child? Even if you jump into a well with a child in your arms, isn't it? "

Wang Changlin thought for a while, "Yibo and Xiaogang are about the same age. He grew up in such an environment. What about his origin? It can be said that there is no choice, I think the boss! The way to do things is a little tough, but the starting point is that there is no problem. You don't see his teaching, which is to let future children change things like this again! And the boss has set a good example for them

"Wang Changlin!" Su Yuan called out loud!

And the attendant across, also as what did not hear! After a peek, it is also busy with their own things!

Wang Changlin took out his ears and didn't pay attention to the eyes of the steward, so he sat there quietly! Su Yuan is very angry, this thing is understandable, but it does not mean that he wants to support her, this is completely two things, OK? Can't be put together!

The next morning, Wang Xiaogang went to see the flag raising with his friends! As for the two children, they went to see uncle Liu! Have their own things to be busy, because their father does not have those time, so they can only be reluctant to help!

"I wanted to go to the palace museum with Yibo! But he said he wanted to go back! It's enough to see the flag raising in Tiananmen Square! " Wang Xiaogang tooted his mouth, obviously there are so some not very happy! "And roast duck and other things are not late yet? He went back

Two children are also comforting their younger brother, some things? They can't do it yet, but they can change some things through their own efforts! Not now doesn't mean it won't work in the future, does it?

What about this kind of education? And critical education is two things!

No one wants to live a poor life! It's not that if you don't work hard, you will certainly become that kind of person, but to set up an idea in the children's heart. Through your own efforts, let others also follow suit and become better! This is transmitted to them by Ding Yu, and the children are also aware of this!Three hours at noon did not eat out, even if they want, Su Yuan will never agree! But Su Yuan's heart is also clear, want to leave three small to stay too long, there are so some are not likely! At most, Xiao Gang is left at home alone!

But looking at the elder brother and the elder sister to go out, to leave Xiaogang a person at home, seems to be not very suitable! So if you can stay for one day, you can stay one day! As for my eldest son? Now Su Yuan really does not want to have any mention, mention up, feel his heart and liver ache! Is a kind of maggot in the heart!

However, these days, there are so many problems on the farm, which involve more internal problems, but there are more drums. There are so many intentional noises! But the external problems began to emerge slowly!

There have even been resignation of some personnel. It may not be a big deal just to leave, but when other forces come in, we can't help but ignore the situation. It involves quite a lot of malicious competition! How the eldest son will operate this matter is still unknown!

We should know that the people who dare to reach out so much in China are not as many as we imagine. Why? Although Ding Yu, the eldest son, said that he was so angry, and sometimes even looked down upon some of them, in fact, what about the eldest son in China? Apart from the farm, there is really not much industry!

There were some in the hands before, but they were all given to Ding Ding Ding, and they have never interfered since then. As for Wang Yang and Xiao Bao, are they two? There is no relationship with the boss, so on this point, the boss does not have too many conflicts with many forces, after all, there is no so-called interest entanglement!

This is to avoid quite a problem, plus now everyone is quite hot for the boss, why? The first echelon, the second echelon including song Tianren, their performance, let everyone too much heart! This is not one sentence, two sentences can be clear!

No one is blind and can see the situation clearly. Under such circumstances, no one will take the initiative to find the boss's trouble, but now there are such problems and conditions. The problems revealed in this are by no means ordinary! The hole is really torn more and more big! I don't know what the boss will do next?

"Mom Wang Yang called out, and then put the things on the table! It's all Xiaogang. They like it!

"Coming? What about Qiuyan

"There's something wrong with her school. Go and deal with it. I'll be able to come back later. What's for dinner?"

"Xiaogang said he would like to eat light food. When he came back, it was fish and meat! Xiaogang feel that there are so some not used to it! So change some vegetables! What's in the house! All of them have been cleaned up just now! "

"I think they eat a little bit too much!" How can Wang Yang not understand that his mother is really afraid! So every time we eat, we give them three bowls full of sharp! After watching it, I felt that I couldn't stand it, let alone their two children!

"You don't have to come here. Go away!"

"Mom, you are a little angry these two days!" Wang Yang made a face and said, "yes! I heard a little bit of news earlier. Several provinces and cities also put forward considerable investigation on the farm side! "

"I heard about it! Some people can't sit still! So now you want to reach out, but start somewhere else? It's true that there is no way to do it. If there is no way, we can only take other ways! These guys! The mind is not used to serve the people, it is sharpening their own head

"Mom, sharpening your head means two things, one is climbing up, the other is? Driven by interests! "

"These guys are tearing this hole, they really don't know what the consequences will be if they fall down? Not at all? " On Su Yuan's face, a trace of anger appeared again, "has the operation of the whole farm gone wrong since things happened on the farm? No, that is to say, the bottom is completely controlled. They are on the side of the farm. How can they not understand! Do you want to make a lot of noise? "

"I think there are some opportunities. Elder brother has never meant to enter the arena. He is totally indulgent in the development of the whole thing. Anyone who has a little brain can now see clearly the problems and conditions in it! But the problem is that a lot of people's minds have been flushed out! It feels like an opportunity! The so-called man is rich without a windfall

Su Yuan snorted, "do you think your elder brother? Can't you lift the knife inside? Or do you think that the leaders of several provinces and cities over there will watch this development? Think too much of the beautiful! To know how many ordinary people are involved in the farm, it can be said that they have made considerable contributions to the economic development of the whole country. Under such circumstances, it is absolutely impossible for the farm to fall down. What's more, there are not too many problems in the main body of the farm! ""Yes! What about the main body of the farm? There are several aspects, the bottom of the labor workers, including a bit more, but they always stand on the side of the farm, part of the school forces, even the official! They are all on the side of the farm. They have not even counted the power behind the big brother. They have no words at all now! Those guys want to bite off a piece of meat. How can I feel that there is something out of the blue about this? "

"Is it impossible? This is not what I said, nor you! What is involved in this? ha-ha! Everyone sees the benefits! But I don't know that this is a decoy placed on purpose! Even if you can eat it, what can you do? To be caught in the end! Who knows what's going on? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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