What's more, there are quite a lot of forces now, and they have begun to prepare for the existing shares of the farm!

Ding Yu didn't mean to pinch these shares in his hands at all! In the face of such a situation, how can we not be interested! The influential ones are not only from the capital, but also from other aspects. Everyone knows that this meat will not be easily bitten off, but also, as we all know, this meat is not generally fragrant or attractive!

Just Luo Xuan? Still really have so some can't suppress the feeling! So orange apricot is also transferred over, she has now begun to take charge of some affairs in Asia, it can be said that she is very fast!

Judging from the situation above, Li Fu Zhen should be the most suitable candidate. However, her situation is not suitable, and Ding Yu will not let her show up! Otherwise, the impact will be greater! So orange and apricot are also reluctant!

Fortunately, before coming, orange apricot has already made quite a communication with Ding Yu! And she was very good at the beginning! Otherwise, Tanaka will not follow her! Just because of other reasons, was given up! But she was invited by Ding Yu! So she is in this position now, can be said to be like a fish in water!

Buy back shares have only one direction, that is, domestic! For the outside world do not do other considerations, at least at this stage will not do other aspects of consideration! As long as we grasp this premise! The rest of the matter is better to solve!

Of course, if possible, it's better to pull in a better e-commerce platform!

Farms do not mean that they have no ability to develop their own platforms, but judging from the current situation, there is no such need at all! It's a waste of resources! In this case, pull in a platform, is a very good choice! But which one of the platforms is better, it needs to be discussed!

But when the news was released, all the e-commerce platforms had some hot blooded leaders. They naturally knew about the farm! And understanding can also be said to be more profound! After all, big data on farms is no joke!

But for a long time, the farm has no intention of going to the e-commerce platform. Why? Because the supply is in short supply, under such circumstances, how to access the e-commerce platform? Everyone knows that the farm has been in a state of shortage for a long time!

But now that the farm has released the news, it shows that they are ready for this aspect! I'll go and get the news, everyone's eyes are almost red! To a certain extent, the farm does not need too much resources from the e-commerce platform, on the contrary, it can drain the e-commerce platform!

Can it be done? It's not as much as you can imagine!

What's more, there are unimaginable resources on the farm side. For e-commerce, it's also enviable. There's so much drooling. But who chooses which platform? Is this the problem? Now it is really not good to make this aspect of judgment!

You should know that the farm has excluded a lot of e-commerce! Why? The reason for the condition is not that you only have one store or several stores! This is absolutely not allowed, farms have begun to increase the opening of the domestic market, under such circumstances, we must require the domestic fresh supermarket has a considerable scale!

More than that! Even for the inspection of fresh supermarket, the farm has done a lot of preparatory work. It does not mean that if you have power and scale, we must cooperate. This is impossible, because we still need to meet some conditions of the farm. Under such circumstances, we can reach cooperation and come together!

"Brother, you are my brother and my ancestor." After entering the door, PI Luan was sent to Luo Xuan to kneel down! I really can't carry it! The phone is about to burst! Know, do not know, there is a way, there is no way, are all a brain to find the door!

"In those days, you had nothing to do, but now you have something to do, and it seems that you have nothing to say about your salary. Under such circumstances, are you still picky?" Luo Xuan know PI Luan is intentional, so also did not give him what so-called good face, this guy! If he didn't take the whip, he would not go!

"I'm not so careless." PI Luan is also shouting!

Since came to the farm side, PI Luan has really changed a lot of problems, there is no way, at the beginning of his own but saw this feather less, even his two legs were broken! Now in retrospect, two legs still have so some faint pain, but there is no way, who let themselves find it?

But it's not that there's no benefit at all. I'm a blessing in disguise. Now I'm with Luo Xuan. I can say that I don't have to worry about food and clothing. I even have a pretty cool life! Anyway, as long as you do not die, this life is not too many problems!

There is also a very important problem, that is, they are not afraid of investigation! Now who will investigate, you can sit in front of him, you check! Do whatever you want to do. You can do whatever you like. If you say a word of advice, you are your grandson!I'm really not afraid, because everything is transparent. If it's like the past, I'm really worried about it, but now I'm worried about Mao! Who is thicker than the legs with less feathers? Although this remark has the smell of some jokes, because this is the case of something wrong, but the question is: will such a thing come out on your side?

"If you've been careless or not, it's your own business. It has nothing to do with me."

"Brother, brother! My brother PI Luan changed a tone, and Luo Xuan is goose bumps to get up! He even shivered, "my dear..."

"you give me less! Don't be so sultry. If you have something to say, I'm as busy as my third grandson. You haven't seen it. There are oranges and apricots coming! She is in charge of Asian affairs. I can't push everything to her! How can I account to my husband then

PI Luan also really did not, because orange apricot is a girl, should underestimate the meaning, also did not because she is a Japanese woman, on the other hand! Because of Luo Xuan's reason, for feather less consortia, PI Luan still has quite understanding!

"Oranges and apricots can hold up the sky, but the following things still need you to do! After all, tangerine and apricot don't know so much about the farm, and tangerine and apricot should know your identity! "

There are chairman, director and general manager of the farm. Relatively speaking, Luo Xuan is a minister, and he is just a public relations minister. But he really doesn't dare to underestimate Luo Xuan.

However, Luo Xuan is also a very good person. Although he has a stake in the farm, he doesn't have to be domineering or offend other people! After all, the farm is good! You can get more!

This also leads to Luo Xuan's popularity on the farm side, which can be said to be quite good. Whether it's Luo Xuan's life or Luo Xuan's wrist is relatively high, it may be both of them!

"You haven't told me what you want from me? Everything about the farm is under discussion. You are from the public relations department. Did someone come to you for public relations? Or do you want to make a bridge? " Because it is their own with PI Luan, so the relationship of PI Luan is also hanging in the public relations department here! At least with him, or more at ease!

What's more, when PI Luan was a fool, would you like to talk about knowledge? It's really not as much as I imagined, but in public relations, it's really like a fish in the water. Otherwise, I dare not give him such a salary!

"You've come to the door! It's as if the wolf saw the meat, and his eyes were shining green! " PI Luan stretched out his index finger and middle finger, pointed to his eyes, and then pointed to the outside! "I even have some doubts that if I stand out at this time, they will eat me alive!"

"Eaten alive?" Looking at PI Luan, Luo Xuan laughed, "you! I know about it! But about e-commerce, I don't have much right to suggest. Relatively speaking, this right should be in the hands of orange and apricot! I'll make some suggestions to the oranges and apricots at most! "

"I see!" PI Luan is to Luo Xuan erect his thumb, "now I have an idea, hurry to run! There are a little more sharks coming. They are all just looking for the door! Not to mention the power of the family, it is originally a small fish and shrimp, such things can not be mixed in at all, but these big sharks that come here are all roundabout! "

"I said," Why are you running to me? Did you come with bad water? "

"No! If the general thing, I can really solve, but now these big sharks come to the door, don't say to start! Even if the tooth is exposed, I feel that the leg has been unable to move! Is really unable to move, how to do? Who knows if I'm right or wrong to take a step? "

Luo Xuan can understand the difficulty of PI Luan, this is also the main reason why he did not embarrass him!

"OK, push it to me first, and then orange and apricot will come! This thing should come to an end! There won't be any problems and troubles for the time being! These! It looks like a big shark, but what about that? They! That is, they dare to show their so-called teeth, and they still smile! "

"Brother! When will Yu Shao come back? "

"What? Are you interested? " Luo Xuan deliberately looked at two eyelids Luan's legs, "don't tell me your legs itch! At that time, my husband let you go, but you must not make yourself uncomfortable. At that time, I can't really protect your legs. After all, Mr. Zhang is not the same as other people! "

"Brother, it's been a long time. Don't untie the scar. What's more, I've changed my face now." PI Luan deliberately pointed to himself, "but it is really very grateful to feather less, adults do not remember villains, I ah! I can see it clearly! If you have the ability to go there, you will not be afraid. Even if you have nothing, you will never have any problems after eating. Therefore, you still need to have your own efforts"Don't talk to me Luo Xuan scolded a word!

"All right! I have made it clear! I have to go back to deal with the masters

When I left, PI Luan also brought the door! But looking at the head surging outside, PI Luan couldn't help beating a shiver, from the truth above, the weather has already been warming! Is it difficult for someone to talk about their own success? It's a little scary!

The farm side is very smooth, but some people are not so smooth as expected! After those old experts and scholars went back, they also lost their temper! The noise is a little bit big!

However, this matter still did not come out of Luo Xuan's expectation. These old experts and scholars expressed quite a few opinions and ideas, but in some people's eyes, it is not worth mentioning at all, even there is no noise!

For the older generation, this is the limit of their tolerance! What do they give all their lives? With the money is really not too much relationship, how much money has no meaning! They prefer this cause to help China, a big agricultural country! Let the country be more powerful, and I can do my best!

But some black sheep in the school don't understand this truth at all! They just saw this thing in front of them, and have to say, this is a kind of sadness! So some of the old experts and some old scholars are so cool down!

Schools and research institutes naturally know that this thing is not very authentic! It's totally a time gap, and even the use of these old experts, but the role of these old people is quite obvious! I've given a stick earlier! If you don't give a sweet date now, how can it work?

Therefore, the school also decided to take back some of the money approved for the research of new topics, the school side absolutely does not interfere! At the same time to give these old experts a certain guarantee of life! Wait! Can be said to be considered particularly delicate!

But for these old experts, these things are just fur, OK? So the people discussed for a while, but there was no direct abandonment, but there was no other action. Anyway, they were silent and had a so-called non violent and uncooperative attitude! How can you give me!

When Luo Xuan knew this, he also called out one of his subordinates, "Xiong Tian, it's your turn to do it now! I've already reported to orange and apricot! We want to set up a scientific research institution, a pure scientific research institution. In the past, we attached ourselves to schools and other aspects, but now there are quite a few drawbacks in this aspect! "

"Head, dig?"

"Yes! Dig people! Orange and apricot have reported quite a lot to you. You are in charge of domestic affairs, while other parties are cooperating with each other. This is a pure scientific research and research institution, and it is an independent institution. I hope you can get involved in it! "

"Head, that's it?" At least look at the bottom line, you should have a home for yourself? I can tell what kind of conditions it is to dig people. If it's easy, let the headhunter attack. If it's not easy, I'll use emotion and reason! "

"No bottom line. What about our bottom line? Under the conditions permitted by the farm, people can invest in scientific research, and the benefits can be roughly divided into two directions. One is the continuous investment in scientific research, accounting for about 40%. The adjustment is up and down. 20% is used for people's life, 20% for other investment in scientific research, and 10% for farm, And ten percent of it is used to reserve funds! "

"I'll go! Such a large proportion? " Xiong Tian also called softly!

"These old experts and scholars are treasures. What about them? Maybe I don't care about personal conditions, but what about others? We can't just let them contribute and not talk about other things! This is really a hooligan! "

"I see! I'll arrange it now! I'm sure quite a few people will be interested in it! "

When Xiong Tian set out the conditions, quite a number of people were moved! In the past, we had a good cooperation with the farm. The farm really didn't treat you badly! Now the school actively cut off this connection, this matter no matter who is right or wrong, anyway, we choose by ourselves!

Looking at the old experts and scholars who came to sign up, Luo Xuan was also very moved. He invited all the people who came here to the office! To orange apricot mentioned a sentence, originally thought she could come to preside over, but orange apricot simply did not have this time, so it is also let Luo Xuan for the host!

"Gentlemen! teacher! I'm here to thank you for your trust in the farm and for your dedication

Finish the words, Luo Xuan is also a bow to the end, there is no any courtesy!

It took more than five seconds for Luo Xuan to stand up straight. "Sir, you are all priceless, but due to other circumstances, we can't have too many actions, so we were wronged a lot earlier. Mr. Luo said he apologized to everyone! I hope you can understand! "Who is the so-called sir, the people who come are basically aware of it! Ding Yu often appeared in the early days, but if there was anything, at least it would be right to look for him. After the farm stepped into the formal stage, Ding Yu began to slowly break away!

But now this time Ding Yu made this sound, which really moved these old experts!

I didn't talk about personal treatment or other guarantees. I just talked about the expectation and development of the farm and made a considerable prospect. It is so simple, but we believe it!

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