When Wang Changlin came back in the evening, the house was already quite noisy. Looking at the children gathered together, Wang Changlin was in a good mood immediately. He was really worried about it before!

But from the current situation, three small performance is good, is very good, of course, this word is not to say out of the mouth! Why do three children behave so well? In addition to their own reasons, the essence should be the education of the boss!

At this point, the most obvious example is Su Chen and Su Yu!

The performance is too intuitive! Su Yu is back in the capital now! But what about his performance? But I can't say that I'm out of sight and out of mind, but I can't make it. I think it's very appropriate for me to say that the daughter-in-law he's looking for doesn't have too many problems! That's it!

As for Suchen? He still knows something about his situation. He is very low-key, but this low-key doesn't mean that he doesn't do anything. On the contrary, Su Chen does a lot of things, but everything is very quiet!

Perhaps from now on, the gap between two people is not so obvious, but with the change of time, the distance between each other will be more and more open, even to the end, nothing can be seen! I don't know if the Su family has seen this now, or the elder brother-in-law has deliberately "turned a blind eye" to it!

This is the difference brought about by the two kinds of education, so if we really put the children in the home, we should eat and wear warm, and even take care of other aspects, which is definitely the most delicate one! But it is definitely the flowers in the greenhouse, looking beautiful, but can not withstand any wind and sun!

But if we put it in the boss's place, we can see the ordinary, even the often windy and drizzle, and sometimes it will be stormy. For them, the pressure is quite big, even if they can't support it a little, they will die. But if they really grow up, their foundation is really too stable! Good seedlings of towering trees!

From the perspective of a faction, it's not appropriate to confine the children at home. Even if the children's qualifications are good, they can't do it. In that case, it's easy to cultivate Jia Baoyu for them! From the heart or more agree with the boss's education way! Sometimes, I can't bear to look at myself!

What's more, the boss's education method is too strict, but it's very low-key, and it's not as loud as you can imagine. In addition, every aspect has the heart to care for this! After all, the children admitted to the farm are all the treasures of every family! Naturally, there is a considerable measure in their hearts!

I am the father of the eldest, but even so, I don't know as much about the education on the farm as I imagined. Of course, this has something to do with my lack of in-depth investigation!

On the one hand, this is not the scope of their work, on the other hand, if they are in the past, they will certainly step on the psychological defense line of the boss! He attaches great importance to this point!

No matter oneself, or the members of the family, have no intention of stepping on the line! Although the boss didn't see how he was angry, but if he really pulled this face down, no one was willing to bear it, and no one wanted to see such a thing happen. Of course, the lesson behind it? It also makes many people miserable!

Is it really difficult to deal with the boss? This problem is really open to discussion. To some extent, the boss is very easy to deal with and can talk to anyone. But to say that he is not easy to deal with, it is really not very easy to deal with, because not many people can find him, because of his time! At least free time, very limited!

Wang Changlin thought for a while, but his two grandsons were obviously tired! Although their spirit is a little excited, but this kind of excitement? It is not enough to support their bodies. If it goes on like this, it will be a bad thing for their physical growth!

For this point, the three children's nanny is the most voice, Wang Li is also very patient to listen to this aspect of the teaching! Such a nanny, oneself can't afford, even Wang Yang also can't afford, mainly because elder brother's burden! But I'm not saying that I didn't take advantage of it!

However, some words do not need to be too straightforward, so words really have no meaning!

Su Yuan did not immediately go to rest, although today's mood is good, but after great sorrow and joy, if immediately go to rest, this is not appropriate! So there is also a special master of traditional Chinese medicine to mediate for Su Yuan!

As for the three small did not want to leave the meaning, they are in the courtyard, or here, there is no difference!

Wang Xiaogang went to accompany his grandmother! As for Ding Yun and Ding Chang, they were pulled to their study by Wang Changlin! Ding Yun poured a glass of water for his grandfather, and then he also achieved his grandfather's side position!

"I almost know what you're doing in the drug market! Oh! The noise is a little big! The so-called news is not about the drug market. It's that you are so young to deal with such a thing. The impact on you must be considerable. This is the most headache! Do you understand me? "Wang Changlin asked subconsciously! I know that the two children are smart, but such things need to be broken to explain to them clearly, and can not be ignored!

"I can understand it!" Ding Yun also played the role of being reprimanded, because she knew that Ding Chang had a problem like this? Understanding ability is different! It's just that he is not used to expressing. This time he is forced by his father, otherwise he will never show up!

But even if it is like this, after showing up, he shrinks back and plays the role of a badminton fan. If it is my own, I don't like this style! But I didn't think there was anything wrong with it! Everyone's personality is different, Ding Chang more inherited his father's style! More like a mother!

On this point, it is different from the common sense, because more often, sons are like mothers, while daughters are more like fathers. However, the situation in our own family is just the opposite, I am like a mother, and Ding Chang is like a father! But there's not too much strange! Or it's subversive!

"You two are too young! Children like you, not to mention the vast majority, at least 99% or even 99.99% of them are in school. If they are too sharp, they will have an indescribable impact on you. What about the impact? It will be throughout your life. "

"Well! Dad told me about it! " Don't return, Ding Yun immediately turned his head, looked at Ding Changjiang beside him and kicked him fiercely, "Ding Chang, don't pretend to be a dead squid! This is what you did, OK? "

"I see! I see! " Ding Chang was a little impatient and said, "grandfather, dad said that your and grandma's life experience and experience are completely detached from us. When we were young, we should do more than accumulate, not practice, because what we know is too shallow, like walking on thin ice! Although they are young, if they are careless, they will fall under the ice

"It's very reasonable! What is difficult is that you can still say it! "

"Hee hee, grandfather, it's just a simple way to learn! The teacher once told us that if we want to learn well, there is one thing that is very important, that is to tell what we have learned, which is easy to understand. This is the most basic. With our own understanding, we have made a further step. If we can break through the innovation, we will take a step forward. However, the requirements for us are so high! We can't do it! "

For the expression of grandson and granddaughter, Wang Changlin is really a little different! This is absolutely not what they should express at their age. It is true that they may understand this truth in their hearts, but they should not tell it so clearly!

"Have you all learned so far? It's not easy! "

"No!" Two people shake their heads at the same time! "It's still a far cry from it! Many times, we can only recite, or through the literal understanding of it! If you really want to understand the essence, you can't do it! Sometimes they don't understand it very well. Fortunately, the teachers are patient with detailed lists! "

"Who are your teachers? I really haven't heard much about it! "

Wang Changlin can be said to be particularly curious about this. The children are surrounded by nannies, security and so on, which he knows, but the children's teachers, they really have not seen, or even heard of! But I can be sure that it is definitely not the teacher above the children's classroom!

Those teachers are too universal to be special! The education they give to their children is more instructive, and these so-called guidance for their grandsons and granddaughters is quite out of date!

"There are a lot of teachers, but the things they tell are very interesting, that is, sometimes there will be some old-fashioned!" Ding Yun is also showing a little annoyed mood! "And it's still in ancient Chinese! The pronunciation of the ancient times is better, but the pronunciation of the middle, ancient and ancient times is really too awkward! But the good thing is that reading some ancient books and understanding history is quite beneficial. It's fun to imagine it out of thin air! "

Wang Changlin considered more things! So I can't help asking, "I understand the significance of learning these things, which can help you better understand the history and culture of ancient times, and make you realize the development of the whole world. But are you interested in this? Or do you know what it means? "

"My understanding is not so profound, but Ding Chang is very interested! My father also said that interest is the best teacher, but I admire them very much. They have done a lot of research on it, and they are all compiled into books. But now there are a few people who interpret it! "

Such a teacher? In China as a whole, it won't be as much as you can imagine. However, in my own opinion, the boss is definitely not for the purpose of increasing children's knowledge or making them understand history!

If you want to understand history, it's better to use Putonghua! Through historical events and time to slowly interpret, this is the most appropriate! But what is involved? Wang Changlin really did not know!However, it's not a bad thing. One can know the whole picture through one hole. Through this point, we can learn more. The eldest one asked the teachers for the children, but the children never mentioned such a thing. It's very interesting!

"How do you usually have classes? Through video? "

"Well! Most of the time it is like this. Sometimes we will come to ask for advice. My father said that they are preaching and learning to solve puzzles, but we are asking for advice. Since we are asking for help, we should have an attitude of asking for help! Money doesn't mean everything! "

"It's good to understand that." Wang Changlin sighed heavily, "but I hope you can calm down at this time, this is the most appropriate!"

Looking at the appearance of the two children, Wang Changlin took out his mobile phone. Under normal circumstances, Wang Changlin would not call the boss, but today through the conversation with the two children, he realized quite a lot of things! If the children go on like this, it is absolutely inappropriate! It's not appropriate!

I don't deny that I do it like this, I have some impulse! But now Wang Changlin is really so hot blood up, the heart is also quite excited! It's a miracle that my grandson and granddaughter can perform like this! In the face of such a miracle, I must live calmly!

So now I want to know the attitude of my eldest son. Only when we communicate with each other, can we be at ease. Otherwise, we will really have to make rigid arrangements! Even if you are very clear, such a practice will make yourself and the eldest son appear more serious conflict!

The time is really just right. When Ding Yu finished his exercise, he wiped it when he received his mobile phone. No matter whether it was on his forehead or on his body, he couldn't see any sweat stains. The whole person also looked very fresh and fresh. Don't you know? Do you think Ding Yu has already dressed up?

"Dad, it's already evening over there!"

"Yes! Have you finished your exercise? " Wang Changlin subconsciously asked, "OK! Don't say anything polite! Let me ask you something. What's the next arrangement for the three children? I have just talked to them about a few words. Although I don't have a profound understanding, I still have quite a feeling! "

"The previous performance was impulsive, but it was good! There should be nothing next! Let them play for a while! As far as the distance is concerned, there is no need to give them a long time to start school. " Ding Yu said it truthfully!

But Wang Changlin expressed the most serious dissatisfaction with this statement of the eldest son! "All right! That's what you said! That is to fool the foreign devils! It's not what I want to hear. I think the situation of three children is a little bit dangerous! It's not a good thing to be too sharp! You don't feel at all in your heart. Don't give me those stupid ones

Listening to his father's words, Ding Yu also laughed, but the laughter was very light. It was not a kind of ridicule, it was just that there was so much fun. How could he feel that his father was a little anxious and angry?

"It's about some ideas, but it depends on their situation!"

"It depends on the hell. Can you stop talking about it?"

Ding Yun and Ding Chang, sitting on one side, both made faces to each other to let their grandfather say such words. Obviously, his father's calmness made him impatient! Such a thing is really rare! It's really fun!

"I still need to have a look. I didn't see them with my own eyes, but understood them superficially. If they are in good condition, it is a kind of treatment. If their situation is not so good, they need to come back! Their performance is not so good now, which is roughly the case! "

"So what do you mean by good performance?" Wang Changlin is impatient!

"So called good performance?" Ding Yu blinked his eyes. "The so-called good performance is that they are completely unaffected by things, and can still maintain their own psychology and not be moved by foreign objects! I know it's very difficult, but this is what I ask of them, only to achieve and not to achieve these two situations! "

"I said you shouldn't go too far!" Hearing his eldest son's words like this, Wang Changlin really has such a feeling that he doesn't fight at all. What is this all about? How do you judge such a thing? Are you a fairyland? Even if it's a fairyland, it can't be like this?

"It really has nothing to do with whether it is too much or not!" Ding Yu's attitude can be said to be the same as before! "I need to make a comprehensive judgment. I know that you care about their growth. I am a father. The same is true of me. However, the role we play in such growth is guidance and external conditions."

Wang Changlin took a deep breath! "I don't agree with that, but I hope to learn about it as soon as possible! If you can't, you can come back first! It won't take too long. For the moment, I don't agree with the children to go back! ""I can't go back for the time being. I'll talk about it in two days! What's more, they have returned to the capital. Let them adjust themselves first! "

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