"I had a look at your situation before. How was your performance? I'll make do with it. " Ding Yu came up, but also gave a not particularly high evaluation, of course, this is also Ding Yu has always been attitude! The requirements are very strict!

"Teacher!" Guo Li is also a dogleg, yes, looking at his teacher, "we are all very hard!"

"Hard work or not, this is your own business! I don't care, but you boy! The noise is a little big! What's the matter? Now it's all over the place? Not yet? Love between men and women? I shouldn't be in charge of this. It's your own business, but you need to be careful! "

"Teacher, rabbits don't eat grass by the nest!" Guo Li is still the same as before, smiling and smiling! Although there are some helplessness on this matter, but some things are not really hard hand, can be solved! And for Guo Li, it really can't go down this hand!

"I said when you can be more stable. Although it's hard for the resident doctors, you and Mingzheng are not like this." Ding Yu has a good understanding of the internal situation of the hospital!

"Teacher, we have passed the internship, and now we are just hanging around the residents. However, if we want to become the attending doctors, we all think it is too early. We don't want to fall into that narrow environment now, at least not yet!"

"Not bad!" Ding Yu nodded with satisfaction, "it's not impossible for you to enter the attending doctor too early, but it's too early for you! What's more, it's not a good thing to be too sharp, especially you, Guo Li, you! It's quite dazzling already

"Teacher, I have been very low-key!" Guo Li is also very helpless to scratch his hair, "I also want to be low-key, but this is like the light in the night! Too attractive

"Let's talk about your problem! But this time I come here, it's mainly about your problem! "

"My question?" Shen Ming is Leng for a moment, "teacher, is my work not done well?"

"With you? How to put it? There is considerable consideration Let two people sit down, Ding Yu also explained, "you should know, my work is relatively busy, not only in the hospital, but also some other work, some things can not be done by others, Guo Li should have a considerable feeling!"

"Well!" Guo Li nods heavily!

Teachers basically put the funds into their own hands, they also have their own processing team! But they can't solve all the problems. Some things still need to be decided by themselves! To a certain extent, it also takes up a considerable amount of time!

Like on TV or on the movie, idle every day? How could it be? Sometimes I think, with so much money, are there so many digging holes for myself?

"Teacher!" Guo Li suddenly is an understanding! "Teacher, you didn't sell us, did you?"

"Smart?" Ding Yu took a look at Guo Li and said, "it's impossible to sell you. You're not worth much money! Just now I met with the head of the courtyard. He is my elder martial brother. We are all taught by the old Dean. In fact, I got a lot of money! The president of the university has taken a fancy to you and Mingzheng! Say what you two think

"Teacher, you brought us all by yourself, didn't you? Is it clear? "

His own strength is absolutely limited, so Shen Mingzheng is also pulled to the car! Still feel a little bit unbearable!

"Teacher, isn't this a little inappropriate?"

Ding Yu waved his hand, "I think you are wrong! The chief courtyard wants to dig you two. It's mainly the attitude of the two of you. The working attitude determines everything! I don't have much time to guide you, but the president is different! So during your time in the hospital, you are basically taken by the president of the hospital. However, if I am free, I can take you with me. This is the situation above! "

Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng two people Leng for a moment, if so, to really can consider well! The chief Dean's medical skills are definitely the tip of the pyramid in the hospital! If you can follow him, you will never learn anything. Your teacher has opened some back doors for them, but these back doors are not used much for the time being!

"But for the time being, you all need to learn. This can not be achieved in a day. The requirements of the president are very strict. I think you should also know this! If you lose face at that time, don't blame me for not reminding me, I always don't recognize people! "

"Teacher! We will never disgrace you! " Two people are straight their chest, for them, is really a good thing! It's even a good thing that no one else can do!

"Are you free in the evening? If you have time, come to eat at home?"

For the teacher's invitation, both of them were embarrassed! "Teacher, I'd like to, but my operation is scheduled for tomorrow morning." Guo Li is very depressed to say!As for Shen Ming, the same is true of Shen Ming: "teacher, I am in the emergency department now, and I have no free time at all. I may have time in the evening, but it is definitely longer than in the morning!"

This is really not a deliberate evasion! It's the reality! Ding Yu is a doctor. He has the most say!

Ding Yu nodded slightly, "I know! Come and eat at home if you have time! I haven't been home for some time! And Guo Li, don't always give them two buyers. There are so many stumbling blocks in the house! "

Is very discontented to stare at Guo Li! It's not that I don't like it, but there are so many things in the family. Good guy, from small to big, Lin Lin has all kinds of things. Looking at Ding Yu, I feel like I have some headache!

"Hey, teacher, is this a hobby? Right? What's more, it's also an investment to a certain extent! Some of my hands-on, now the market is simply not seeking! It's hard to ask for a ten fold increase! "

Teacher face-to-face, it is not a serious thing, Guo Li also has nothing to worry about, and even joked with his teacher, because Guo Li is very clear, the teacher is very indifferent to this!

"It's serious to find a wife in your spare time. Don't wait for so many people outside the operating room every day! No words! And Shen Mingzheng, you are the same. Do you hear me? Although I'm not your parents, I think we need to pay attention to this problem! "

"Headache Guo Li yelled, but the problem is that Ding Yu has left! I want to say hello to the president of the hospital. However, when the chief executive entered the operating room, he had no time at all. Ding Yu did not stay too much.

However, just walked to the elevator entrance, before waiting to take the elevator, someone had already walked to Ding Yu's side position, "director Ding, I didn't expect to meet you here!"

Eh? Ding Yu's face didn't change much, and the security didn't follow the above meaning! Just a look at the people down! "What's the matter? What's wrong with you? "

"Director Ding, don't make fun of me! Old age, problems have been found in the door! Today is the next visit! After all, I left home a little bit. There is a tumor on my back, but it has been removed! Sure! It's benign! "

Ding Yu opened the distance of two steps and looked up and down! Slightly nodded his head, "the situation is not bad! Pay attention to keep it in the future! Don't eat too much pickled food. It's not good for your health! "

Standing on the opposite side of Ding Yu, the man was stunned for a moment. His face showed a rather surprised expression. He and director Ding were not so close. Today, he did not deliberately block director Ding. He really came to review. He did not expect to encounter director Ding in the hospital!

However, director Ding is to look at himself, can find out his illness, and even mentioned his own living habits, which makes him so confused! Will director Ding explore himself behind his back? It should not be necessary! But how can he know his living habits if he doesn't make a deliberate exploration?

On second thought, it is widely said that director Ding has immortal means. Mr. Wang and Mrs. Wang are still alive and well. Even the next generation of Mr. Su has been supporting him for quite a long time. However, although everyone has passed on this story, no one has ever seen it! Is this the reason? A little curious!

"Director Ding, there should be no big problem with my problem? The doctor has checked it before! "

"There are not too many problems now, but your personal eating habits are very bad!" Ding Yu's words are not salty and light, "from some of the facial expressions, you eat a little more salt and oil! The damage to your body is a little big. Now it has not broken through the dam, but cracks have begun to appear. If the cracks expand, the dam will be broken! What will happen is not known! "

It's time for the elevator to open! The person next to him also hastily made a gesture of invitation to Ding Yu, "director Ding, has my problem been improved and there will be no problem?" Director Ding's words are so frightening! Although director Ding said there are some mysterious, but I can't care enough!

Everyone knows that director Ding's medical skills are still very superb. What's more, director Ding has never said so casually for so many years. Although his performance is very ruthless and indifferent, his words are quite convincing!

Walking into the elevator, the people inside are quickly packed! Ding Yu didn't take the doctor's elevator. It was for doctors only. When he came here, he didn't have any other things. In fact, Ding Yu could take the stairs, but there was no need! So we can't help but take the elevator!

In the elevator, Ding Yu's voice is relatively low. Fortunately, although there are many people in the elevator, it is still a little more relaxed compared with the ascending elevator! "Pay attention to your diet after you go back, but don't try to solve the problem once and for all! Compared with the previous time, the dosage is reduced to eight points, about a month, and then six points. When can we achieve the current three points, there is no problem. Salt and oil are the guarantee of the body. If you eat less, you will easily have problems, but if you eat it, the problem will be even greater! This is roughly the case! "Almost every floor of the elevator has to stop. There are so many people coming in and going out! Ding Yu didn't have any impatience, but in front of Ding Yu, he nodded from time to time, and even recorded what with his mobile phone from time to time?

It's true that some doctors have warned myself before, but I didn't mean to put it in my heart. But after chatting with director Ding, I found that even if my body is better, I can't bear it!

"Director Ding, I often exercise, I feel that my body is very good, and there are not too many problems in experience!"

"Exercise can only strengthen the resistance of some parts of your body. It doesn't mean that if you exercise, there will be no other problems in your body. What about your exercise? It shouldn't be systematic. Your running is a little bit too much! Now may not feel what, but your knee will be excessively damaged, if you have time, find a better Chinese medicine to have a look

"Knee? Is it because of wear and tear? "

"Yes! Running for a long time is not advocated. Especially at your age, don't try to keep up with the athletes. They have scientific training methods and can even get adequate nutrition guarantee. There are other ways to deal with it. But what about their bodies? Sometimes it's like adhesive tape! "

"I see!" The people standing by Ding Yu's side have also understood some things. It seems that they will be in the future? Really can't too much arbitrary! Exercise is good, but also need way and method! Can not blindly to support, after all, the body is their own! There is a problem, there is no time to regret!

"By the way, those two idiots, haven't written back yet?"

Hmm?! Ah! "No, they have been learning from director Ding. There is really no news. In the past, we can still pay attention to it, but recently we don't know why, and we can't even see it!"

Looking at Ding Yu's eyes, there are some grudges. He is not a senior member of the faction, but he is about to take up his position. Therefore, he knows something about the situation of the two secretaries! But that is to know, there is really no other aspect of understanding! But director Ding suddenly mentioned the two of them, but aroused their own interest!

"I didn't calm down before. I told them to calm down! The scenery in Russia is very good, plus the climate there, I think there should not be too many problems for them to calm down, so it's OK to let them go for two weeks! It's not as bad as you can imagine! It can be regarded as a little understanding! "

"Director Ding, the two of them are still so immature, which bothers director Ding!"

"That's a little false!" Ding Yu is merciless! "But it will take a long time for the two of them. Next, I will transfer them back to China. I need a guarantee! I have already talked about song Tianren! He didn't have any problems. He wanted to go and look for you, but he didn't expect to meet you

"Director Ding, I have no right to deal with this matter, but I will reply you as soon as possible!"

After the elevator was opened, Ding Yu also joined the security guard and left without any stop. As for the one who had talked with him, he informed the factional leader immediately. He met director Ding Yuding in the hospital. He came to the hospital for review and ran into director Ding!

But director Ding mentioned the two secretaries to himself. Besides, Ding Yu had already talked with the forces behind song Tianren! This is quite a big thing. It can't be treated as a joke! What happened after director Ding let them come back? We don't need to worry about this!

Of course, the faction behind the two secretaries knows that Ding Yu is back! Although the news is a little late, the future situation of the two factions is really concerned, which really means that we are not prepared enough!

However, Ding Yu didn't explain them clearly because of their situation. It's not that Ding Yu deliberately oppressed them, even deliberately cultivated them and transferred them to Russia for two weeks. Why? There must be some reason for this!

But director Ding wants the so-called guarantee? What is the guarantee? It's really not clear. At least we don't have any feelings about it, but it's not that there is no way. Director Ding has already talked with the forces behind song Tianren! Now it's time to talk to the power behind director Ding!

This is not a difficult thing. Although song Tianren and his three rivals compete with each other, this kind of competition is a kind of benign competition, and the factions behind them communicate with each other. This is a very natural thing!

It was soon clear to all that what kind of guarantee did director Ding Yuding want? In terms of two aspects, during their stay in China, the three of them did not need to intervene in any way, no matter what happened? If the three of them need considerable resources, the three families need to put down their contradictions!

Just two points, but director Ding's style has always been like this, you say strong! It's not really that there are too many strong, but you have to say not strong! Ding Yu's requirements, there are so many beyond doubt!But anyway? These two requirements are not so excessive as imagined, even so cheap!

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