After reporting the work of the municipal Party committee, Gao Jie left by car! Did not do any stay! On the way back, Gao Jie didn't show his eyebrows. Obviously, the work report of the municipal Party committee is not so easy!

It's so late! Still reporting? There is no problem in this? Even Gao Jie can't convince himself! And Mayor Chen seems to be the same? It seems that both of them are passive!

"High game!" The person sitting in the co pilot's seat also looked back! Gao Jie narrowed his eyes slightly! Shaking his head, he obviously doesn't want to talk. However, Gao Jie's attention is obviously not in the car. It seems that he has something on his mind. But if you really know Gao Jie's people, you will know that he is very nervous at this time!

After a period of time, after returning to the Bureau, Gao Jie is really relieved that the matter has been achieved! Even left your phone number? The car with the advertisement is parked next to my car. I don't know the other signs, but I don't know the feathers on it?

Ding Yu this guy, is really not the general smart, such a way even let the outside people see! There will not be any vigilance, or even any doubt! How to doubt? People are just a very ordinary advertising car!

Is it difficult for someone to study these things? Even if it's research? How to prove that this matter has something to do with Ding Yu! alike? How to verify that it has something to do with yourself?

But Gao Jie came back to the Bureau and didn't wait to sit down! I heard a burst of very urgent footstep sound, the comer didn't even have time to knock on the door, "high Bureau, something's wrong! The man is gone! "

Gao Jie, who was hanging in the air, suddenly stood up, "is the man missing?" When he saw his subordinates nodding, Gao jiepa suddenly. The glass on the table broke without any sign. The people who came in also had some numbness on their scalp! It is said that the high Bureau has real Kung Fu, which is definitely not a fake!

This is also lucky to clap on the table, if really patted in the person above, do not vomit blood, are some difficult!

"Sui Yang, what do you eat? I've mobilized two teams for you. That's how you protected the suspects? I've been eating rice for so many years for nothing Gao Jie grabs his subordinates and gives them a good meal! There is no love at all!

I don't want to do it in my heart, but some things can't be exposed on the surface. The two suspects can be said to be important witnesses. Under the current situation, I need to ensure the safety of the two of them. As for my side, it's no big deal to be blamed and wronged!

"High game!" Hesitated for a moment, Sui Yang made a salute, "when we feel wrong, people have disappeared! There are no signs of struggle or fighting in the room! You know, they live on the tenth floor! There's a team of us in the suite outside! There's a monitor at the door! "

"What do you want to say?" The expression on Gao Jie's face is so black!

"High Bureau, this is not what regular personnel can do! Although there are no findings in the investigation, according to my personal judgment, they went down the rope, opened the window from the outside, and took away the two suspects inside without disturbing the outside personnel. Moreover, this is not a place for two people to sit on! "

"This is a field raid!" Gao Jie murmured to himself, "go to the scene! Also, this matter should not be disclosed for the time being, and it needs to be kept secret, so that they can not know the specific situation! Do you understand? "

Sui Yang trance between what heard, but not so dry sure! "High game?"

Yeah? Gao Jie responded and waved his hand slightly! "Block the news. Block the news as much as possible! I need to go to the scene to have a look. If the situation is what you said, it is absolutely impossible for one person to do it. Is there nothing happening on the scene? I know that the whole community has a close surveillance video! "

"No, we haven't heard from you yet!"

Go! Gao Jie picked up his hat again. After getting on the car, there was no one else on the car. Even Sui Yang was driving, and the speed was a little bit faster! "High Bureau, do you think I'm going in the right direction?"

"Or you all have problems!" Gao Jie didn't like to reply! Then there was no other words. He waited until he came to the scene. Gao Jie didn't go to the scene immediately. Instead, he walked around the whole building of the community, especially the position downstairs. Gao Jie carefully observed it!

"Is there a problem with the image data of the elevator?" While walking, Gao Jie asked in a low voice!

"No! The elevators have run twice, but they are all well-documented ones. If they are not the users of the community, they can not even run the elevators, and the same is true for the entrance door! "

"If you don't take the elevator, you'll take the stairs! Have you checked? What's more, if you follow your train of thought, they will be able to find traces above the building! " Gao Jie took the elevator to the 10th floor, but he didn't go into the scene. Instead, he walked up the stairs to the top floor!But when taking the stairs, Gaojie used a flashlight to check every floor and walked one floor! Gao Jie shook his head, "this is not right! Sui Yang, there are no footprints in the stairs! Your men have never come up? "

I'm very doubtful about it!

"High Bureau, I've got people blocking the scene! At the same time, let's not have any action! What's more, it was just my guess. I feel that this thing is really too strange

Soon Gao Jie came to the top floor and looked at the protective ladder above! Still high above, there is no meaning to pull down at all! Ordinary people obviously can't go up! Gao Jie takes the strong light flashlight to illuminate carefully!

"No! Not here. Is there any other passage? "

"Yes!" Sui Yang is also suddenly wake up! They didn't mean to go upstairs at all! But took the elevator downstairs, "high Bureau, this is four connected together, a total of four elevators! You can go up to the top floor! I just remembered that the property of the community is worried about other things. There are protective nets above the buildings! You may not be able to see clearly at night, but you can still see clearly during the day! "

"Don't you have any images of the four elevators?"

"No! Everything can be found, and it's already this time! They didn't go out at all. They came back! "

Gao Jie's four stairs are all inquired once, and really found some traces! One of the footprints leading to the rooftop stairs is a little messy. The footprints are too complicated!

Looking at the footprints, Sui Yang also had a big head. There was no way to investigate the footprints. The footprints were too messy and could not see too many things! Gao Jie squatted down and watched his body carefully! Because there is a little more dust on the roof, we can see some traces clearly!

"The mark is not right!" Gao Jie used a strong flashlight to irradiate it. "Look, the traces are not obvious at all, and some dust can be seen on these traces. If it's a fresh trace, it won't fall down at all. They don't go here!"

"High Bureau, I suspect it was done by professionals!"

"Professionals?" When Gao Jie stood up, he snorted, "it's so simple for professionals. Go to the rooftop to have a look!" In Gao Jie's heart, there are some doubts about where the feather came from! It's so neat! And there's no clue left behind!

When will more people like this come out of the city? Didn't you hear any wind? Even if they are Ding Yu's people! But what does Ding Yu want?

Come to the rooftop, Gao Jie looked around, the roof is surrounded by high protective nets!

"If it's a suspension, then it's necessary to find a proper direction. It must be close to the window position of the two suspects. Moreover, it must be fixed! Two suspects, if it is two people hanging down the rope, it is absolutely difficult to handle! At least three or even four! At the same time, the roof needs one or two people! "

"Close up?"

Looking around the protective net, Gao Jie basically has a few in mind! "Your conjecture should be true! They are hanging down from these two directions

"Two directions? High bureau? I'm getting confused! How on earth did they get down? They couldn't go under the protective net, which could not support the weight of a person! " Sui Yang widened his eyes, but still did not find too much!

"As far as my guess is concerned, it should be three people hanging down the rope, two people entering the room, and the other one waiting outside! At the same time, there are at least two people on the roof. They are responsible for the follow-up cleaning, including ropes and traces! At the same time, there should be a team of two people responsible for receiving! There should be a commander in charge of operations and a liaison officer on the periphery! "

"Mom!" Sui Yang also exclaimed, "high Bureau, you mean this is a small team! Is it? "

"Sui Yang, who do you think can do such a thing?"

"I'll go, high game. Do they dare to play like this? For private use Sui Yang obviously also thought of some possibilities! If it is, there will be twists and turns.

"This is not a matter of public use or private use." Gao Jie hummed, "even if they are crazy! No, I dare not! To mobilize such a special unit, our country has a written regulation on this! To mobilize such a special unit, we need to report to the CMC and the State Council! Who has the courage? This is even more exaggerated than mobilizing a company or even a battalion! "

"The SWAT team can't do that! High Bureau, according to what you mean, it's not from the military. What's it about? When did we have such people in our city? What's more, it's why they fought so much this time to kill people! But it's a shocking way to do it? "

"It won't be the extermination. If it is, I'm afraid you don't know it yet."Sui Yang was stunned for a moment, but heavily nodded his head. If it was to kill the mouth, they would be covered in the drum now! They just took people away! It's just the way to take away, so that I really feel humiliated, there are people watching inside, there are people waiting for support outside!

Under such circumstances, it is the kind of quiet, even after their own hindsight, but even now, still did not find any clues, even to find the direction, do not know how to find!

"Head! I don't know what to say? But I admit that there are some problems with my protection. I didn't expect that they would take such an irresponsible way! It doesn't matter what you expect

Gao Jie looked out of the window. "I received a call earlier, and the municipal Party committee asked me to report my work. The city attaches great importance to this matter. Sui Yang, do you think this matter is related to each other?"

"Hard to say!" Sui Yang slightly shook his head!

"At least there are not many people at this safe point!" Gao Jie snorted, "Sui Yang, protect yourself in this period of time. Although I can make the problem clear, it's a matter of time, and it will take quite some time! For us, this is the most critical moment! The joint investigation team has already said hello to me! "

"High Bureau, isn't this intentional?" Sui Yang couldn't think of it. "We first found clues, and even other aspects began to make progress. But when it came to a conclusion, you were reported and our important witness left now! They haven't explained it yet

Sui Yang is really so excited, back and forth how long! It's almost a year! But the case has always been dominated by invisible black hands. It is obvious that there are problems in this, but some leaders even turn a blind eye to this and hear nothing about it! Now this is happening again. What do you want?

"Calm down, don't lose judgment! This is a bad thing Gao Jie hummed! "This time, we lost our initiative, but for some people, it is not necessarily a good thing! We lost the initiative. What about them? Do you really have the initiative? Not necessarily! "

"High game!" Sui Yang took a deep breath! "Don't you know what's going on in your home? Someone else reported it? The investigation is OK, but can't the investigation be postponed a little bit? Is it difficult? "

"What do you think?" Gao Jie hummed a little discontented, "believe in the organization, don't deny that there are so-called black sheep coming in! There is no denying that some people can't stand the temptation! But the harm that such a person brings to the whole organization is serious! But the same, we must firmly beat them, but this is not a joke, understand? "

"But high?"

Waving his hand, Gao Jie didn't let Sui Yang continue to say it! "Protect all the clues now, and remember to protect them well. We can't waste all our efforts! As for other things, let it go for the time being! Do you understand? "

Sui Yang doesn't speak, but looks at Gao Jie. Some things can't be asked, at least under such circumstances, it can't be asked! "High Bureau, even if this matter is confidential, there will be problems! I'm afraid it will spread in the morning! "

"It's your problem!" Gao Jie said with a stern warning. After watching for a period of time, Gao Jie turned his head and looked out of the window. Only when the phone rang did he wake up! After a look at the caller ID, Gao Jie goes out! I haven't been back for a long time!

"Gao Jie, I'll go back first! Leave a team here! Withdraw to another team, mainly responsible for the investigation! People are so robbed! There must be the next step! What's more, such a group of people will never come to our city without any reason. When did they come? What is the purpose? Sui Yang, these all need you to investigate, and a little, about this aspect of the matter! You need strict confidentiality! Do you understand? "

"Yes! High Bureau, I will start the investigation immediately! "

After the high Bureau left, Sui Yang also had some headache! These guys have come and gone without trace. It is not so easy to investigate them! Just kidding! Their own side with people outside guard, just across a door! They can take people away! Even after treatment!

How brave are these guys? How high is the psychological quality?

If these guys don't commit crimes, there's no problem. If they do, I'm afraid it's a big problem! It's like it's now! And I don't have any clue!

The whole team? It's not so easy to find out! The important thing is that I don't have much direction now! What direction should we start from? What's the implication before the high game?

Say high bureau collects black money? This NIMA has so much fun! Do people need to collect money? You don't need it at all, OK? My sister is a senior executive in Beijing! We all know that!Of course, this can not become a basis, do anything is need to talk about evidence! Especially the police, but the question is? Isn't this evidence too much of a joke?

These guys are really no wonder! But the more like this, the more we need to find out the problem and dig out those guys! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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