"Heavenly saint?" Su Quan responded quickly!

"Yes! It's the saint of heaven Ding Yu didn't hide it! It's very direct to say it! "No matter what the reason is, there is a considerable amount of capital involved in the establishment of Tiansheng, but in this process, no matter domestic or my side, there is nothing to do, because this is a normal business process!"

Su Quan took out his ear! "That is to say, within the scope allowed by the rules, no one will deliberately make problems! If you don't, it's another thing! " With a smile, Su Quan shook his head, "it seems that I am so backward! Even such things still need you to remind! It's really an old man! "

For this matter, Su Quan immediately had the most clear understanding, to know in the past, has always been the role of being bullied! Those foreign guys, when it's reasonable, follow the domestic ones! be unreasonable! And when there is no reason, talk about the so-called truth with China! A rascal!

But now? It seems that their positions have been changed, Ding Yu! My nephew, when he is reasonable, will reason with you! When there's no reason, I still reason with you! Are you listening or not? If you listen, we can talk and discuss, but if you don't listen, you will be embarrassed!

I am this way, you are willing to be like this, not willing to be the same way! Whatever!

What kind of lethality does Ding Yu have? We are quite clear about this! Because too many people have tried it out! And this result can be said to let everyone deeply fear, this kind of fear has penetrated into everyone's bones!

"No wonder you arranged for Elizabeth Su Quan breathed a sigh of relief! "I can make this decision! And relatively speaking, this way may be more simple! But there is a saying, Xiaoyu! The state's money is not in vain, can save a little or need to save a little! "

"I'll go, uncle. Are you kidding me? Why don't you let me tell Elizabeth you'll save me a little! This is not a shame! But there are quite a few problems in it, OK? "

Looking at his third uncle, Ding Yu waved his hand, "forget it! To say this to you, it's just a chicken with a duck. I can't understand it! I'll give you a report when it's over! It can also be regarded as allowing you to hand over! But third uncle, there will be such a thing in the future, please! Don't look for me, will you

"What?" Su Quan pretended that he didn't know! "You seem to be quite free recently. Isn't this something I can do for you? People? You can't be idle. If you're idle, it's easy to have problems! What's more, how old are you now? There is also a very good future and future! "

I believe you ghost!

Ding Yu didn't say this directly. If he did, some would be too shameless! But looking at his third uncle's appearance, Ding Yu really wants to give a slap! There are so many hateful!

"I'm going to have a look at the children. I'm going to take Xiaogang and them to leave today! Xiaogang there also need quite a time to adapt, this for him, is a test! I don't know if he can adapt to it! "

It is obvious that Ding Yu is making an order to leave. It is already this time! What should be done has been done! Third uncle, you don't have to stay here, do you? What's more, your work is still so busy? Right?

But did not think, his third uncle did not give himself this face! Even as if nothing had happened! There are even so many more! "I feel very comfortable after drinking the soup just now. I know you can't be too alone with good things in your hands? Isn't it? "

Ding Yu looks at his uncle! Slightly narrowed their own eyes! "The question of cost is needless to say! At least you can't afford it! Another problem is that everyone's physique is different. If you drink it once, you will not have any problems for two or three months, but the medicine is toxic to you. This is quite a few! "

"So this drug has quite a side effect? Is that so? "

"Do you have any side effects? Another thing is that song Tianren and his colleagues have used these things! Do you know what they paid for it? It can be said that the kind of pain, fortunately, their physical quality has been greatly improved, and even if they can absorb how much? It really needs to be discussed! Too much waste

"In those days, you provided quite a lot of things to those guys, and even achieved very good results. That's all?" Suquan is also interested! After all, there are not many such good things! Right?

"My third uncle, I take it for granted! It's not a good thing! "

"Give it a try." Since the hard can not go, then come to the soft! "I noticed some of that boy's performance earlier, which was excellent! And I know that you have given him quite a subsidy. Otherwise, that guy will not be able to hold on to this time. He is staring at all aspects now"Hou Tianliang's performance is very good, which is beyond doubt! But how much does it have to do with me? This is really a matter for discussion. I don't want to block this on my own body! "

Ding Yu denied it at the first time, just like a joke!

"Hou Tianliang is now under considerable protection, which means that he is out of sight! But what he has done is better for everyone! You've played a considerable role! "

Yeah? This is not the third uncle that he knows, so Ding Yu looks at his third uncle suspiciously. How do you mean?

"You don't have anyone around you? The so-called first brother, I have seen it, stupid big thick one! Basically won't play too much role! In the future, being a drillmaster will be the best! " Obviously, Su Quan's words mean something!

"Ha ha! Uncle, it's a nice day today. I'd better go to my mother's side to have a look! By the way, pick up the baby and eat there at noon! I don't know when I can come back! Let alone go home! After all, I still need to bring some things. I can't go home empty handed! This is extremely inappropriate! "

"Don't change the subject for me. I'll ask you to do me a favor, bring me two people and treat them by the way." Ding Yu is quite puzzled, but Ding Yu's nephew is really a little puzzled, even though Ding Yu's nephew is a little confused!

"Treating two people? Just throw them in the hospital! Now the medical conditions are more developed, treatment is not a great event! It's just spending more! " Ding Yu looked at his third uncle with a look of disdain. He would not even have to save this little money! This is really not appropriate!

"Come on!" Su Quan is also planning to give his nephew a solid bottom, "if the hospital can solve the problem, I don't have to look for you! There's a lot of trouble here! It's really not a hospital can solve the problem! Their injuries are more serious! Even some of them are unsustainable? "

"That's not likely!" But then Ding Yu also thought of something, "no! And they joined in? As far as my treatment is concerned, we have always been relatively calm and have not heard of any movement from them! And most of them are close to the military! As for those fancy things, it's another thing

Yeah? It was su Quan's turn to be suspicious! When looking at his nephew, the eyes are also so some bad, why his nephew will be so sure? It's not right!

"Where do you matter?" Nodding, Su Quan continued to say, "yes, your relationship with Wudang is very good! Even went to the mountains! To be exact, you are Taoism, which occupies a considerable weight, although you have never paid attention to Taoism! But no one can ignore you

"Uncle, your association is really rich! But I really don't have much time, song Tianren and they are already quite busy! I take care of the three of them. I'm a father and a mother! And I have so many things to do. You are going to kill me! "

"People have already brought you!"

He saw Su Quan shouting, and saw two people standing in front of Ding Yu and Su Quan! And salute, a captain! A major, two people are slightly young, Ding Yu paid attention to take a look at their faces, their faces are so pale! Not so good-looking!

"Third uncle? That's a little too much! Isn't it hard for you Ding Yu is very dissatisfied with a hum!

But for Su Quan, it's nothing at all! "I've brought it to you! You cured them, described them as meritorious officials of the country, there are so many! But they have made considerable contributions to the country. I can't watch them wither like this, so I can only ask you to solve the problem! "

After saying this, Su Quan stood up and said, "OK! I have other things on my side. As for the two of them, you can just watch and deal with them! You used to be trained by the army. Maybe without the army, you would have achieved the same result today. But it can't be denied that the Army played a crucial role in your way forward! "

Su Quan pats his ass and walks away! But there were two people left. Ding Yu felt that his nose could smoke! Just kidding! What is it to throw two rags to your side like this?

The two officers standing there did not make any action. Naturally, they knew what kind of identity director Ding Yuding was. Naturally, they knew that if they wanted to recover, they had to stay here. They tried countless ways to make them recover. Now they only managed to complete this road!

"Director!" Seeing Ding Yu stand up, they salute together!

Ding Yu didn't give them the so-called good face at all, "Jin, let a brother come here. What's the matter with TM?"Looking at director Ding Yuding who left, the two officers both looked at each other, and some of them did not know. So, Jin came and patted them on the shoulder! "Since you are here! Then change your casual clothes first! It's really inconvenient for you to wear regular clothes! Just be simple! "

Some of the simple meaning of gold is not deliberately provocative! After the first brother came, he looked at the two officers standing in front of him. He nodded his head. He really did not have any words. He was not so clear about what the two men came from and why they came here! I feel a little confused!

Let the housekeeper prepare some things. Ding Yu drove to his mother!

Not only mother, but also grandfather and grandmother! Ding Yu doesn't know why! After saying hello, I also found my own position to do it down! "What? There's something wrong? You look a little embarrassed! "

"Good! Nothing Ding Yu replied calmly!

Wang Pu didn't have any tough words. He took a look at his grandson and said, "I heard that Suquan's son of a bitch has gone to find you! I've thrown two people to you! There are so many things that have gone too far! "

From this point of view, the news spread quickly!

"Well! Deal with something! And then you threw me two patients! I don't know what I think! The situation of two patients may be so serious! " This is not a shady matter! So Ding Yu didn't mean to put it in his heart at all! Just say what you want!

Wang Pu looked at the old lady! "I didn't expect that you would have a civilized day. It's not easy!"

"No interest!" Ding Yu said, "I don't think so."! "Although my third uncle has sent people here, I am only responsible for doing some treatment for them, that's all! As for other things! It has nothing to do with me! "

Come up to show their attitude, other things do not want to think, simply impossible things!

Wang Pu and the old lady looked at each other with a smile. This grandson! Really is not ordinary people, come up on their own side to block up! There is no possibility at all! At the same time, it is also very decisive!

"Boss! Some things you don't want to get involved in, it doesn't matter! What about your grandmother and me? It's not unreasonable! What's more, we are all at this age! Early in that position, you have to do something, not to do, means too much! You are sitting in such a position now, I believe you can understand it! "

"So?" Ding Yu found a more comfortable position, holding his chin in his hand, looking at his grandfather calmly! "I'm sure it won't be so simple to talk about it!"

"Your grandmother and I are old! Everything inside and outside has been handed over to your father. What's important now? It's not your father. What's the matter? What we value more is Xiaoyun! Xiao Chang and Xiao Gang's! After all, it's their world when they come here! "

Ding Yu was stunned for a moment. "Ding Yun and Ding Chang's situation may be a little bit special. As for what to do in the future, I don't mean to interfere too much! If they are willing to accept the consortium, they will take over. If they are not willing to take over, they will do what they are willing to do! "

"Do you have such confidence and control over the consortium?" Wang Pu closely followed a question!

"It doesn't matter. The structure of the consortium is relatively healthy. As for Ding Yun and Ding Chang, are they two people? It's still a little early to mention it now! I'm not willing to let them enter the official career, but no one knows what kind of development they will have in the future. It's too early to mention some of them now! "

"What about Xiao Gang?" The old lady is also unwilling to lag behind!

"Xiaogang!" Ding Yu, take a little breath! "This bastard is so active! Character has not been completely reversed! If according to his present situation, he will enter the official career in the future! The road will be more narrow, police! Discipline Inspection Commission and other aspects are more appropriate! In this way, although the direction is so narrow, but there is no problem in the future, if the personality can converge, it is not easy to say! It could be better, it could be worse! No one can tell! "

Ding Yu didn't really hide much, but how much he kept, I'm afraid, is only Ding Yu's own most clear! Such a thing? Talking about too much, there are always some inappropriate!

"Are you so attentive to Xiaogang? There are some things I didn't think of! "

Wang Pu and the old lady really didn't think of it. Although the great grandson attached great importance to Xiaogang and personally cultivated him, this kind of cultivation even made a considerable estimation even after several decades. This is definitely not something that can be imagined in a moment and a half!

"There are a lot of people around. They are willing to make analysis and judgment in some aspects when they are free. I have done some understanding. Xiaogang's temperament is still so active now! Being active is not a problem! But how to guide, this is a problem! Politics is a process that needs to be done slowly, but can not be achieved overnight! "The words really moved Wang Pu and the old lady. Both of them came from them. Naturally, they could understand the weight of the great grandson's words!

"Xiaoyu! In terms of truth, what about the two of us? I really don't have much right to judge this matter, but we always think that you are too strict with Xiaoyun and Xiaochang! In the future, you still need to soften your tactics! "

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