"Miss Ding!" Liao Hai or follow Ding Yu's side, the teacher gives his own guidance is really too big! I even gave myself a special instruction lesson! There is no so-called harshness in the process. I can't feel it at all!

This is a good solution to some of their own tension! But after finishing the operation, I still felt all the sweat behind me! Say you are totally relaxed! This is impossible at all!

The temperature in the operating room is constant, but even so! I still feel my back is completely wet!

"Well! The performance is still good! Can see, you are still very attentive in the past two years! However, some flaws can still be seen in some techniques! It needs to be corrected! " Then he handed some of his own brief to Liao Hai! Just finished!

"Thank you, Miss Ding!"

Next to Yang Bo, is Zizi two! "I said Dr. Ding! Isn't this too much! We are good brothers for so many years. You don't want to take care of your brother! I'm quite dissatisfied

"You! They are all old cucumber seedlings Ding Yu is not polite to accept a word! "All the techniques have been set! Want to correct, the whole person is a half useless state completely! And the conditions here are extremely inappropriate, if you have this aspect of mind, I can arrange some hospitals for you to study! Maybe there's a chance! "

"Give me a break." Yang Bo immediately began to beg for mercy!

Of course, I understand how this is a thing! It's not that Ding Yu doesn't help himself! But on their own side, there are too many things entangled! It can't be like Liao Hai! He's not stereotyped at all! It's like white paper! Can sketch at will! What about yourself? There is no way to write on this paper!

"It's not a matter of whether or not to go around! You inherit my father's craft! He was your teacher back then! I've cooperated with Dad! The way he does surgery belongs to the old school way! Have considerable attainments! But such attainments need a long time to hone! " Ding Yu is in a good mood today! So this sentence is also one more!

"What about Liao Hai? Is this one new? "

"He just graduated a few years ago, there is no stereotype at all! So now we need to absorb more nutrition! This is why he didn't go to the so-called big hospitals. Finding a suitable teacher is not so easy! It's not so easy to train a student! "

Yang Bo stands up his thumb! "Yes! You're great Then he turned his head and looked at Liao Hai! "What are you waiting for? Order the meal quickly! Don't eat and drink too much! But the fried fork certainly needs to have! Your teacher! For this mouth or more like! It's the one we usually eat! "

Looking at Liao Hai's trot, Ding Yu comes out and jokingly talks to Yang Bo! "What? You look good at him? "

"Not bad! I have some eyesight! Although compared with me, there is a little gap, but under your training, you can still see some elegant demeanor! His grandfather has been to the hospital before, too! Obviously, it is also for the sake of Liao Hai! Absolute old expert, you can see one or two of them from that speech! Convincing! "

"Has he ever been here?" Ding Yu has so many small surprises!

"That is! Our hospital is now a little bit famous! Originally, don't say it's a so-called expert! Even if it's a flying knife? There are still some people who are not willing to do so! The traffic is not convenient! From the upper level of the city, even if the high-speed, also need at least two hours of time! But now it's all right! The hospital is well-known, and after the opening of high-speed rail, the speed is called fast! "

"After the traffic is convenient, it's really convenient to do something!"

"It's still the foundation you laid down!" After a look around, Yang Bo also said in a low voice, "now we are going to try to win you over! Some people even gave me a guarantee that in the future, at least one vice president will make the final decision! "

"No! Is it a little low? "

"You can pull it down! This has already stimulated me to be furious Point to the corner of your mouth! Ding Yu also feels so ridiculous! "My promise is very vague, this is your business! I couldn't pay back the old director's kindness to me at that time! Not to mention yours

Can hear out, Yang Bo's words or very sincere!

"Yes! I know about it! Come back to the leisure, I still come back to the hospital to have a look! If there is any good seedling, you can help me to have a look! Although this kind of probability is less, but it is not to say that there is no Liao Hai? Is a special case true, but still saw the considerable effect! Isn't it? "

"That's right. Now the hospital has opened a good reputation, and there are more exchanges between them! However, if you want to seize any good resources, this is more difficult! Anyway? We are just a small county! This is not comparable to those big cities! But the change is going on, and that's great! "Chatting with Yang Bo is an interesting thing! There are not too many heavy topics in the conversation between two people, at least not as serious as imagined! Soon Liao Hai will be back! Obviously, it's here! Three people also found a suitable place to start eating. Ding Yu is no different from the past!

Food is to eat, but eat is still relatively small!

Yang Bo has been used to it for a long time! And Liao Hai seems to feel it! A doctor? It's basically like this! Although it is said to be in a small county! But not much easier than big cities! Busy as a dog in the morning! What about the afternoon? Like a normal cow! At most, it's like a person at night! this is it!

But Ding Yu's side? I don't need to go to town, so it's a little relaxed!

After lunch, Ding Yu also went to the ward! "How is the patient?"

"No adverse reactions! All indicators are normal! " Responsible guard looks at Ding Yu with all his heart! There is no way, who let this doctor Ding have a considerable attraction to come! What a pity! When Dr. Ding was here, she had not come to the hospital! Otherwise, we can't let the doctor run! Their own strength and charm, or some grasp!

"Hard work!" Ding Yu nodded and expressed his thanks!

I can't go too far when people treat them well! Don't need any so-called high cold! No need at all!

On the other hand, after hearing the news, the dean of Zhao rushed to come here in a hurry! "Dr. Ding!"

"Nothing! I just came to have a look! How about seeing the patient? From the present situation, good! If there are no other problems, we can go to the ward tomorrow! Today, we still need to take care of one more day here, which is of great benefit to the safety of patients! " Ding Yu explained two sentences!

In fact, president Zhao also looked for the leaders in the hospital and learned some information from other channels. His father's operation was very successful! The effect is expected to be good!

You should know that the father of an old classmate has the same problem, but the operation time is nearly three hours! I don't know if it is because the operation time is too long, or there are problems with the operation, or personal physical problems. Anyway, the person has left quite a lot of problems till now!

Dr. Ding! As expected, it is beyond imagination! Strength! It's never said in the mouth! It's made! Fortunately, I have a good relationship with the hospital! Of course, I also exerted some pressure! No way out! For my father! Not so much!

"Dr. Ding, would you like to stay two more days?" President Zhao also has some worries about it!

"No! It's not a waste of money! If it's not for special needs, you don't need to live in the intensive care unit! After all, it's not a good place to stay in? For patients, it is also a kind of pressure! Moreover, after coming out of the intensive care unit, the patient will be in a good mood, the body will get the greatest relief, and the family will also reduce the pressure! As long as there is no problem with follow-up care, it should be recovered as soon as possible! "

Ding Yu's explanation is very clear, president Zhao also had some not quite understood before! I always feel that in the intensive care unit, all the medical equipment is complete, and that condition is the best! Really did not consider the patient's feelings!

"It's my problem! I didn't think of it! "

"It doesn't matter. It's common sense. I always want to provide the best conditions for patients! But for the doctor's point of view, treatment is not only symptoms so simple, but also includes the patient's psychology, and follow-up care and so on! Sometimes relatives are not allowed to participate, because the starting point of relatives is good! However, there will be quite a lack of understanding in the process, so it is easy to cause problems in other aspects. In the first two days, try not to let patients contact too many visiting families! "

"I know that! I'll give you a fair explanation! "

"Mutual understanding!" Now that you understand, Ding Yu doesn't need to be wordy! On the contrary, it will leave a bad impression on others! That would be quite inappropriate!

Then Ding Yu went to see another patient with Liao Hai! It's also the relationship of the hospital! There are not too many problems! Can let Liao Hai personally on the operation, thus visible! Ding Yu didn't mean to do it himself! Is to give considerable guidance! It's not that Ding Yu is irresponsible! This is another thing!

After the inspection, even without returning to the office, they went back to the operating room again and cleaned it again. This is no way. The operating room is such a requirement, and no one can be an exception!

"Dr. Ding!" This side of the washing has not been completed, see the dean of a stream of trot over! Sweat all over the forehead! Even when he ran to Ding Yu's side, he was out of breath! "I've just been informed! There was an accident on the freeway! People are on the way! It's Vice Mayor Zhang! "Vice Mayor Zhang? I haven't heard of it! So Ding Yu also has some Lengshen!

"The municipal Party committee said that they came to inspect the work! I am not so clear about what is involved! But I heard the situation is more serious! Let's get ready for the city hospital! Because it is very close to us, so let's get ready first! If there is any situation, we will mobilize all the strength of the hospital to support it! "

"I see!" For such a sudden situation! Ding Yu doesn't mean that he didn't encounter it!

So he also called Liao hai to his side, "Liao Hai, you go to find out the details, communicate with them in detail, and ask them for the physical examination report of Vice Mayor Zhang! At the same time, take a look at the situation of his secretary. If the situation is good, ask him about the specific situation, and then contact the municipal Party committee to see if he needs to inform his family members, because the family members have the most intuitive understanding of his personal situation! "

"Yes, Miss Ding! I'll go at once

Liao Hai has no hesitation! The president also nodded to Ding Yu! "Dr. Ding! Although we have considerable experience in this kind of thing! But such a big thing, really did not encounter how! There are also some chaos in my heart. If something goes wrong, it will have a great impact on the hospital side! "

"I understand! Do what we can Ding Yu did not give any guarantee! But this talk, or let the new dean, feel that there is so much confidence in the heart! After all, I still have a good understanding of Ding Yu!

"Then I can rest assured! I'll send you people to do the follow-up support! "

Liao Hai has had a good communication with the municipal Party committee! With the approval of the municipal Party committee, I had a good communication with the Secretary of Vice Mayor Zhang! At the same time, he also communicated with his family! Looking at the report transmitted from the mobile phone, Liao Hai also let people print it out at the first time!

Then even the elevator did not care, so ran to the operating room this side! Give Ding Yu to do quite elaborate! Can let Ding Yu do the most detailed understanding!

"Mr. Ding, I have made a good understanding of the situation on the scene. Vice Mayor Zhang and the driver were severely injured at the same time! I've seen both of them! Here are all the reports about the patient's experience! "

Liao Hai shows them in front of Ding Yu one by one, instead of letting Ding Yu do it in person. After all, surgery is about to be performed! At this time, let Ding Yu start, but also need to clean up again, this is extremely inappropriate! It is also a manifestation of dereliction of duty!

"The patient's heart has considerable problems?"

"Yes! This is provided by family members! Although the problem is not so serious in ordinary times! But considering the patient's work is quite heavy! Plus his age is not small! So we can explain that! "

"Well!" Ding Yu nodded his head! This is really a rather troublesome thing! "Is there anything else to pay attention to?"

"The experience report mentioned it! He had an operation. It was intestinal! After that, they got quite a lot of treatment, but I haven't found out the relevant reports. The family members there have not kept the relevant information well! "

When the two people were talking, the ambulance had come downstairs to the hospital! The vehicles were pushed in all the way! Everyone is running! Looking at the bloodstain on the clothes, it's not really shocking. At least, ordinary people will feel a little scared when they see this scene!

For doctors, some people also can't see such scenes, basin after basin of blood sent to the outside, that scene will definitely make timid people have nightmares! Especially nurses! Their feelings on this can be said to be particularly profound! Not everyone is as thick as Ding Yu!

Into the operating room! There are so many people in the room! Ding Yu is the first time to observe, others are the first time to start cleaning the clothes on Vice Mayor Zhang, and at the same time, they start to clean up the stains on his body!

"It's OK!"

Yeah? Liao Hai is stunned for a moment, and then looks at Ding Yu! "Mr. Ding, what do you say?"

"Go back and ask your grandfather! I'll see! But you haven't reached that level yet, so what you know is not so clear. What about traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine? It's quite different! But traditional Chinese medicine for people's intuitive observation, more direct and effective than western medicine sometimes come! It doesn't need to be like western medicine. Although it is effective, there is a considerable delay in time! "

Traditional Chinese medicine? There is a lot of thinking in Liao Hai's head!

"Mr. Ding, aren't you from western medicine?"

"I come from western medicine, which is true, but I am also interested in traditional Chinese medicine! It's not so much profound. It's just an introduction at most! But knowing something is not bad at all! Chinese medicine has its own unique way! And what about these ways? It's the essence. Sometimes it works wonders! "

While speaking, the staff here have already cleaned up the Vice Mayor Zhang! Ding Yu is ready to lead the next step! Fix it for Vice Mayor Zhang! After all, it is a major operation. If it is not fixed, who knows if there will be other problems and conditions!"Ready!" Ding Yu called out. After raising everyone's attention, he called out again! "Start!"

All people are also in succession on their own position! Under the leadership of Ding Yu, he began to work in an orderly manner!

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