"Sir, Elizabeth called! It's settled! There's nothing wrong with it! "

"Is it still very fast? I thought it would take a little time! " Ding Yu didn't mean to stay in the hospital at night! There are quite a lot of people here in the hospital! You don't have to!

What's the effect of sitting in the hospital? One more is not much! A lot less than yourself! The operation is done! Only the follow-up problem processing, no problem!

But Ding Yu's return time is really so late! Two hours have already gone to sleep! Looking at their trip today, Ding Yu sipped his mouth a little bit! Two children! It's really lively!

I believe they can see them when they get up tomorrow morning! I would like to accompany them, but there was quite a change! This is a small apology!

After tiding up and tiding up, Ding Yu has dealt with some documents on the bed before taking a rest!

But when I got up in the morning, I looked at the gift placed by my pillow! There are so many small touched! Also have a little impulse! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Fortunately, this is not in the building of the community, otherwise there will be someone scolding my mother!

"Dad, were you busy yesterday? How late I came back! We're all asleep

"Well! A little busy! So I came back a little late! You're all asleep

"The cup is lovely!" Ding Yun carries his hands on his back and kicks small stones on the road. He is very proud and charming!

Ding Yu grabs her head and rubs it! It's early in the day! But it's not hot yet, even keep a little cool! And the sun is not so strong, the end is a good weather!

"Dad! It's really sunny! You can't see a cloud! "

Ding Yu looks up at the sky. It's blue and quiet! The environment of the capital has been quite improved, but after a year, we can't see too many such scenes. However, in this small county in my hometown, we can't say that we can see such scenes every day! But for all of us, we are used to it!

"Yes! The sky is clear and cloudless! It's totally different to bring you spiritual purification! Bring people a completely different mood! But for the children in Beijing, such a time is not as many as you can imagine! "

Breakfast is very rich, looking at the vase on the table, Ding Yu is quite interested! It's obvious that the flowers on it have been quite devastated. Who can do it? Except Ding Yun, there will be no one else! Ding Chang, this child will never do this!

I don't know where the little girl came from? On this point, Ding Chang is quite different from Ding Yun! Sometimes he is not willing to help even the soy sauce bottle is poured! I'd rather watch the soy sauce pouring nearby, which is just like Ding Yu's imagination!

"Dad! Grandfather said that we have so many too much trouble! What can I do? "

Ha ha! Ding Yu was laughing, "your grandfather is already how old! The previous time is able to accompany you down the river to catch fish, shop birds on the mountain! There is a strong spiritual support, but after the excitement is too much, the fatigue on the body will be unbearable! "

"Did we do something wrong, dad?" Little girl is also a face of worry!

"This is nothing! I showed your grandfather and grandmother the body, they really have no big problem! The maintenance is very good! But it's like driving a car! Long time fast driving, easy to burst cylinder! After all, there are so many different architectures between them! "

"Oh Ding Yun is looking at Ding Chang! "I'm going to apologize to my grandparents! It's just that some of us are so ridiculous these days! But there is so much fun here! Better than the capital! It's also more free and carefree than the capital, and it's much better than the previous foreign environment! "

"I've arranged quite a lot of homework for you! This cannot be avoided! But for you, I believe these are not enough to cause you any so-called trouble! You may not need to explore the one plus one global mathematical problem, but you need to know some of the truth! After all, the imposed architecture? These simple and ordinary little things

The two primary schools are really interested in school work, which is totally different from the school work! School work, for the two primary schools, is basically a pediatrics thing! Even some are not worth mentioning!

This is not two small proud psychology in the mischief! But because of the education that the two primary schools are now bearing, they are far more than these! Ding Yu does not want the children to be buried in these things, so from more angles to send out their energy! Let them learn at the same time, while maintaining a happy state!

He said hello to his parents and specially told them to drink the medicated food prepared by himself! What's more, after drinking medicated food today, there will be special security personnel to guide them! Otherwise, the whole medicated diet will be wasted!Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying both feel so funny, but still listen to the eldest son's advice! The taste of medicated food is more general, to be exact, there are some too light! This point is more people criticized!

Small county city belongs to the city in the north. It may be because of geography or habits. Therefore, the salt is a little heavy. It is really not one sentence, two sentences, or even one day or two days!

Fortunately, now Ding Yun and Ding Chang are coming! Even if Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying are not satisfied! Can't let two children follow them! Although the first few meals are very tasteless! But they also feel that it doesn't matter!

"Dr. Ding! Good morning

Came to the hospital side, just out of the parking lot, someone kept saying hello to Ding Yu, good morning! Previously, Ding Yu's name was very loud in the hospital. We all know what happened yesterday!

It can be said that Vice Mayor Zhang was pulled back from the ghost gate by Dr. Ding Yuding! If it wasn't Dr. Ding! At this time, I'm afraid I'm already in the palace of Yama to count how many beards the king of hell has!

"Good morning Ding Yu did not show too much cold and raw! But the same, also did not have too much enthusiasm, this is Ding Yu consistent style! Fortunately, we are quite used to this!

Came to the office this side, Ding Yu changed clothes, took a look at the shelf next to it! Yang Bo didn't go back last night! It doesn't matter if Yang Bo wants to take advantage of himself!

This office is about to be called my own office! But Yang Bo has no opinion about this! Even the mood of taking care of Ding Yu to the greatest extent is due to the deep interaction between them. Of course, on the other hand, it is also because Yang Bo is very good at being a man!

"No rest last night?" Looking at Yang Bo coming in, Ding Yu asked casually! "I feel black under my eyes! If this sister-in-law knew that! Is it hard to die of heartache? "

"Just left! I also brought breakfast, although sometimes it's like a tigress! But it's only a very rare time, that's it Obviously, Yang Bo sprinkles dog food in front of Ding Yu's face! "Yes! Have you eaten yet? What else do I have? "

"Forget it! This dog food! You'd better find someone else! I'm not going to do it! "

"What about Vice Mayor Zhang?"

"It's OK. I've sobered up. There were some fevers in the early morning of this morning. The problem is not very big! There is no problem in consciousness! But I still need to stay in the intensive care unit for two days. After all, the operation is so big. Compared with people of his age, there are so many sufferings! "

"Just wake up! Basically, it won't cause any big problems! "

"Last night, some experts from the province also arrived, and they checked again! I didn't hear what they said Yang Bo said with such a bad smile!

"It doesn't matter! Under the conditions at that time, we could only do such a response. In addition to these, what else would we like to do? We've all done our best! Don't imagine us as a hospital in the province or in the capital. We can't meet that standard, OK

"The premier didn't go back last night! I spent the whole night in the hospital, that is to say, I squinted for a while in the morning! There is no way. Who can make this person so big? "

Ding Yu really didn't add any more judgment on this, and there was nothing to judge! Something? I may not put it in my heart, but for the hospital, I really dare not not to put it in my heart. It is totally to treat it as a top priority!

"Uncle Lao!" Coming out of the office, Ding Yu also has a look at his father's old brother! "Is there nothing wrong with the patient? Will you be on the operating table today? We are all ready here! "

"No problem, just a little nervous! Everything else is relatively normal! "

"Yes! Just wait for the notice then! " Ding Yu took a look at the inspection report and also signed his name on it! "The operation will be performed at about nine o'clock! The operation time will not be too long, the family members can wait outside! After all, the follow-up still needs the help of family members! "

"Dr. Ding! To you and brother Ding added trouble! Thank you

"You are welcome! When a doctor, treat the disease and save people, this should be! It's not polite to say that! That's right! "

Chat time is not very long, Ding Yu this just again turn back to come back, entered the ward over there, have a look at the situation! "President Zhao, the patient's condition has been stabilized! There's no need to stay in the intensive care unit any more! Just let him out for a breath of fresh air! Push the bed in a moment

"Thank you, Dr. Ding!" My father had a very smooth night last night! It's not like Vice Mayor Zhang! It's not like crying, but it's really shocking to see it!I'm on this side of the hospital! Naturally, we also know quite well. If it wasn't for Dr. Ding, Vice Mayor Zhang! Hard to say! But I heard that the doctor from the provincial capital said that the operation was very good! Basically no problem!

It's really amazing! It's important to be young! The future? unimaginable!

But after thinking about it for a long time, president Zhao shook his head again. This is not true at all! What is the future? It's hard to imagine, even now, that someone can keep up with him? In my opinion, no!

To leave the intensive care unit, it needs the signature of the doctor in charge. It does not mean that you can go out if you want to go out. If there is any problem, the attending doctor should be responsible for it!

"How about it? Are you in a good mood? "

The old man lying there should have had a good rest last night! After all, he was not in the same intensive care unit with Vice Mayor Zhang, so he did not affect the so-called rest. Yesterday, he may be out of spirits because of surgery, but today is different! Obviously can see, the mental state is much better!

"Good, good! That's it? " Obviously, there are still some old people who don't believe it!

"Nothing more! What are you doing in there? Isn't it boring? " Ding Yu also said something funny. "If you think there is no place to spend your money and the environment is not stuffy, I don't care. Anyway, there are still empty beds in the intensive care room!"

"I'm not going, it's creepy!" The old man also hastily shook his head, indicating the most serious disagreement!

"That's it! Surgery is not a big deal! Have a good rest for two days! If there is no problem, then you can be discharged! Another hero! Although not to run horses on the arm, but jumping should still be OK! Just pay attention to it a little bit! "

"Really?" The old man is obviously so some do not believe!

"Why not?" Ding Yu said encouragingly, "but I'm talking! Don't play with pirate ships when you go home? Bungee jumping, this is too much for you! Don't say you can't carry it. Even president Zhao can't carry it! "

After saying that, we also burst into laughter, but we can obviously feel it. After being transferred to the ward, the patient's mood obviously improved! President Zhao is also holding Ding Yu's hand, a strong expression of thanks! In my opinion, Dr. Ding Yuding is really doing his best!

Every aspect is to let oneself impeccable! You know, Vice Mayor Zhang is upstairs? How many people are around? But Dr. Ding still came down and personally asked about his own affairs! Do you want to be grateful? What else? To use the old saying here, this is obviously to give oneself a face! You need to carry it!

When going upstairs, Ding Yu didn't take the elevator! There are so many people who smoke in the corridor! Ding Yu also just said a little less smoke! After all, this is a hospital, there are not too many expressions!

Family members are really on the reputation, think of encountered the doctor will be so kind to talk to themselves! You know, if the nurse saw it! Don't yell loudly, feel sorry for their voice!

"Ah! You're in trouble

Ding Yu also nods! "The air requirements of the hospital are slightly higher! And patients are very sensitive to the smell of smoke! Can you smoke less or less! For the patient! At the same time, for yourself

I'm not a high cold Whore! Be strict with others and relax yourself! Two things! I also smoke! But in public! I will never do this, and in front of children, I will not do so! After all, this will have a considerable collateral effect!

Come to this side of the floor, there are still a few people in the corridor! Especially outside the intensive care unit, it's almost impossible to get in! But when Zhang Rui saw Ding Yu, his eyes lit up! Almost a trot came to Ding Yu's position in front of him!

"Dr. Ding! Here you are

This attitude can be said to respect, how much respect, in the early hours of this morning, their own experts have come! Not only in the city, but also in the province, they attach great importance to this situation. These experts have not taken care of the tiredness of the journey. They are very attentive, and they are quite surprised at the result!

What kind of medical conditions are there in the small county!

But I didn't think about it. I'll go! It's really a little bit of a groundbreaking feeling! Vice Mayor Zhang got the best treatment, even the one beyond imagination! I can't believe that such a big operation was completed by the hospital in the small county! Even if it is placed in the provincial capital there, it is such an effect!

However, when Ding Yu's information was brought out, everyone was dumbfounded! Don't you know Ding Yu? Can't you understand? What's more, after seeing Liao Hai, everyone seems to have guessed something!

"Hello!" Ding Yu's attitude is the same as before, without any change! "There is no change in the patient's condition.""No, everything was as expected. It hurt a little when I woke up earlier! A few shouts! Then some fever! But it's all gone now

When Ding Yu came in, he said hello to the doctors and medical staff inside. There were many problems in the mutual understanding! But people are watching Ding Yu attentively! It's all in one system! Want to know a little bit of the situation, this is really not difficult!

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