About the transfer of Vice Mayor Zhang, Ding Yu didn't pay special attention to it, but before that, Ding Yu really needed to open this certificate. After all, he saved the people! Now to leave the hospital, the reasons may be various, but if Ding Yu does not sign, there are really some troubles!

Don't look, it's in the upper City, or in the province! So what? If Ding Yu doesn't give this face, they really need to suffer! After all, this is a little bit too big for us to hold back!

Fortunately, Ding Yu doesn't have much interest in it! Holding the president and Yang Bo two people, together signed the text! The president of the University signed this is a kind of emotion! But Yang Bo was also pulled over! What is the meaning of it! Don't you know it in your heart? It's obviously about Yang Bo!

"Dr. Ding! Thank you Zhang Rui expressed his most sincere thanks!

Father's situation has stabilized, there are really not too many problems! I have also found quite an expert! They also praised the operation, but unfortunately they couldn't have much communication with Ding Yu!

I found a lot of opportunities, but there was no use at all. In some ways, I also found the residence of Dr. Ding Yuding! But that place can't get in at all! It's the one that won't let you in! The guard and security guard at the door, looking at himself, felt that his scalp was a little numb!

You should know that your father is also a semi senior leader! But my father didn't have such a posture! Of course, there should be another reason, that is, Ding Yu doesn't want to fight with himself! To be sure, some of the personal relations between each other are too weak!

They are interested, does not mean that others are also interested! If it's your father, the situation may be different! But myself! The level is still a lot worse! In other words, under the protection of his father, he may have made some achievements, but left his father, nothing!

For a while, Zhang Rui didn't know how to express it! Because it is always someone else to please themselves! It is really rare to encounter their own to please others! Of course, such things have also been encountered, but how can they want to please this, for their own some of the blind! It's hard!

The blow in my heart is still a little bit big! The big ones are so hard to accept!

It shouldn't be like this! And why? Do you really have some annoying? No In this case, what is the reason why Dr. Ding does not want to see him?

"What's a doctor's job! Go back and have a good rest

Ding Yu did not say any so-called polite words! As for Vice Mayor Zhang? Now is still in the process of deep sleep, even if wake up, Ding Yu will not have any disturbing meaning!

"Dr. Ding!" Vice Mayor Zhang's wife also came to Ding Yu's side position, "if you come to the city, you must make a call to your home! Even a casual meal is our wish

"If you have a chance, do visit!"

Standing beside Zhang Rui, you can feel it! What Dr. Ding said was polite! If you have a chance, you must visit! It is a kind of shirking completely! Even if it's your invitation! And no success! It depends on my father, what kind of choice will he make in the future!

But one thing is certain! Even if the relationship between each other is absolutely flat! Anyway? Dr. Ding is the Savior of his own family. If there is no doctor Ding, his family? It's really amazing! It's going to look like this?

Yang Bo didn't stay in the hospital! His personal escort, although it is a simple process, but the meaning is not the same! He represents the whole hospital now! Not him! On Yang Bo's resume, this is definitely a heavy ink! It's worth his careful sketch!

In the morning, I had two surgeries. One was done by myself, and the other was directed by him. Liao Hai participated in both operations, but they were not the main one! Can only be regarded as an assistant!

"Teacher! What do you think of archery

In his spare time, Liao Hai asked abruptly!

Yeah? Ding Yu crooked his head! Look at Liao Hai suspiciously! "Why did you suddenly have this idea? Not to mention, there are really some small special! At least not many people mentioned it

"Yesterday, when I chatted with my classmates, I found that everyone had their own hobbies! Can not be said to be a hobby, should say that everyone has their own ideas! Some like fishing! Some like raising birds! There are even people who like to play games! There are even horse hanging teams. They are really diverse! "

"All kinds of things show that amateur life is very rich, there is no need to pursue any common ground!"

"Then I'll choose this one first! I'm a little interested in archery, but I think the manufacturing process will be quite interesting! " Liao Haixin said with an oath!"I can introduce it to you!" Ding Yu said thoughtfully, "the two rabbits in the family have this kind of exercise! If you compare with them, you really can't catch up with them! The bows of both of them were specially made by the same person! You can get in touch

"This one needs to be made specially?" Liao Hai obviously doesn't understand this!

"Then you can contact by yourself! And now the network is more developed! There are many on the forum Ding Yu didn't have much objection! "Just say it! Are you playing? In order to relax, you need to stop and not forget your main business. That would be putting the cart before the horse! "

"Yes! teacher! I'll keep it in mind

Ding Yu left the hospital and went back to catch fish with the children! When they came back, the children had already had lunch in the canteen. No matter whether they were cooking or washing, someone would instruct them, but no one would help them! Because do it yourself, do it with others, this is two times!

"Well equipped Ding Yu also feels funny about this! But look at their own side, it seems that there is no difference! Shorts! T-shirt, it's not like a doctor at all!

Although Ding Yu is the leader of the team, there is no rigid requirement. If you are willing to play together, you can play together. If you don't want to, you can find your own children! However, it is obvious that Ding Yu's plan has fallen through! Because we are all together! Frolic and boisterous!

What? You robbed my wreath and I moved your ice cream? The tears on this side have not been dried, and then they are reconciled! Hate such things for them, there is no concept! They think it's good to play with everyone!

"Dad, this loach is a little annoying! Not at all! "

Watch them catch fish! It's basically willow root fish! Loach these species, some tributaries of the river is able to catch some gourd fish! Under the sunlight, the body is colorful! It's very beautiful, very liked by the children, but the fish is a little too small! It's delicious!

Look at these? Ding Yu is really there are so some think of small, at the beginning he was one of them! When I was young, it was common to use these fish to stew soup! At that time, there was no so-called seasoning, that is, salt, and even monosodium glutamate were very few! But the taste is different!

It's not like now, do a thing, the seasoning inside can be said to be multifarious! Sometimes I don't know what the taste is! Ding Yu has no preference for those things!

"Dad Ding Chang is carrying the can bottle that does not know from where to find, inside placed two pieces of gourd! "Can you take it back and raise it? It's beautiful! "

"You can't live! In the fish tank, it is basically stagnant water! So you raise these two fish, it's better to feed the soil and water. When you come back, you can see such small fish. If you want to like it, go down and catch two! Only in this way can we really like it

"Dad, didn't they all have it before?"

"After I went to junior high school, it's hard to see these gourd movies! Even if there are fish in the water! It's also a kind of sporadic visible. It's not like when I was a child, I could step on a few small fish if I stepped on it casually! "

"There are a lot of small fish now?"

"At that time, we didn't pay attention to environmental protection. For example, pesticides were usually used to draw water from the river. This is not the most important thing. After finishing the pesticide, we would come to the river to wash and wash! The consequences of this are serious! In addition, we don't pay so much attention to closing hillsides for afforestation, which leads to very serious consequences! "

"So terrible?" Some children also stand up their ears and listen to the story!

"Yes! It's too late for us to realize the problem! After more than a decade of time, trees were seriously cut down! Such as roe deer and other animals, basically can not see! Even at the most miserable time, the hare and the pheasant could not see it! As for the inside of the river, it is almost a pool of stagnant water! There was even a break in the flow! "

"Dad! Are you all right now? "

"Look at these little fish in the river! The environment has been restored to the highest degree! So the river inside the small fish is also more up, even sometimes can see some Squilla! It's like crayfish! But there's no big claws like crayfish! But it's delicious

"I know Squilla. I caught one just now!"

One of the children was proud to show it! It's very arrogant!

Ding Yu took a look and nodded his head. "There are many similarities between Squilla and crayfish outside, but in addition to the north, other places are very rare. It is also called freshwater lobster. However, it has very high requirements for the water quality of its growth. If there is a little problem, they will die!""Wow! So, Dad, the conditions here have improved, haven't they? "

"We still need to continue our efforts. We can't be complacent because of the achievements we have made now." Ding Yu stood in the middle of the river, patiently teaching the children around! "Like you! Usually come to catch fish, no problem, is a kind of fun in your childhood! But don't go to the electric fish! Or take medicine fish way! That would destroy the whole biological chain! Life chain may collapse because of one problem! "

They may not listen to the so-called great truth, but they can understand some of them! And Ding Yu is not blindly preaching, and soon is to move stones with the children next to him, chase and intercept them! Even in a short time, Ding Yu's trousers and clothes were all covered with mud spots ~!

Even Ding Yu is like this! These children around, it is more conceivable!

Fortunately, the climate has turned warm now! So the river is not cool at all! There is even a trace of fresh! When Zhao Shuying and Ding Lin come to see their son, they also bite their teeth! If it had been placed 20 years ago, it would have been a big slap on the bus! Don't leave a trace of affection!

But now? It seems that there are some really not suitable! After all, this age is already old! But you have fun! But what about these children? They are also very happy, but also need to pay attention to their body, do not play, and make out what other things come out! Like catching a cold!

When you see your parents, Ding Yu knows! I have so many forgotten time! It's so fun to have so much fun! That's why we have such a situation! So Ding Yu slapped himself twice!

"All right! Look at the time. In a little while, you will have dinner! There are still some time when you need to go back to take a bath and use hot water to prevent colds to the greatest extent! And I know that some people are going to the kitchen to help! If it's too late, you'll have no dinner! "

Many children are also a burst of exclamation! Obviously there are some small disappointments! I had a good time today! Everyone is very good to play together! But I didn't think time passed so fast! There are so many unwilling!

"Well! If you don't have anything to do tomorrow, I'll invite you to the cinema! "

WOW! They all stretched out their arms and started to make fun of themselves! Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying are looking at their eldest brother. He has become the head of a child now. Such behavior really makes them feel puzzled, at least as far as they know! It seems that the eldest son is not such a person!

But think about it! It seems to be very good! Play with the kids! It's also a good thing, isn't it?

After the boss retired from the army, although he said that the conditions of his family improved day by day, he was rarely seen like this! So happy! This is not easy!

So make fun of it! It's not a big deal anyway! Is it just as happy not to see those children? In fact, for them, catching fish and touching shrimp must have been done! But it will never be as happy as today!

Back to the farm, everyone to take a bath, a hot bath, the first time to eliminate the body's fatigue, but also can drive away the cold! Although the physical fitness of these little guys is very good, but since there are such conditions, there is no need for them to deliberately feel these! There's no need!

When Ding Yu comes out, a group of little guys are all alive and kicking! Some people go to wash their clothes, others go to the canteen to help! Each has its own division of labor! But again, there is no time to be too honest! They all look like skin monkeys!

In the evening, not only Ding Yu and Liang Xiao, but also Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying are eating in the dining hall! It's no different from a child's diet! However, many children are staring at Ding Yu's diet! So terrible!

But Ding Yu has no scruples about it! Can eat is to be able to eat, is not a bad thing!

"Sister Yun Yun, your father is so terrible!"

A little girl with a twinkling ponytail also said with surprise on her face!

If you are in your own house, even the whole family can't eat so much! After breaking off my fingers, I can't even figure out how many days I have to eat before I can eat so much!

"Dad digests faster! And the nutrition is basically digested! "

Compared with other children, Ding Yun and Ding Chang are actually big bellied men! However, they can understand because they have received considerable education, which does not mean that other children are also understandable! But also, they did not show much other than some surprise!

Such things can't even become their talk material. Soon, everyone gathered together to clean up the dishes and chopsticks, and then went to clean and disinfect them! These are the things we are used to! What did you do after dinner? Certainly will not be to study, at least from the medical point of view, this is extremely inappropriate behavior!Of course, it is not appropriate to put them out to run like crazy now! So it is also gathered together! I told them a little story and watched a cartoon! As for later? If you are willing to go to your parents, you can go to your parents, not to your parents! I went to play in a group!

"Dad, I had a good time today." Ding Chang is holding his father's thigh and not talking with the children. Even his father has joined in. It's really great! Mom will come tomorrow too! It will be perfect then!

I haven't seen mom for a while! Although the video can be imagined, but the video is a video after all, it is better to watch it in person!

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